org.gradle.performance.fixture.YourKitProfiler.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.gradle.performance.fixture
import groovy.transform.CompileDynamic
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.gradle.internal.os.OperatingSystem
* Helper class for adding Yourkit Java Profiler (YJP) agent start up arguments for builds launched in performance tests.
* Currently, YJP_HOME environment variable or YJP_AGENT_PATH environment variable is used to locate the agent library file. This is not needed if you install YJP in /opt/yjp on Linux
* or rename the application as "yjp" on Mac OS X (directory: /Applications/ These locations are searched by default.
* Examples of specifying YJP_HOME
* export YJP_HOME="/opt/yjp" # on linux
* export YJP_HOME="/Applications/" # on Mac OS X
* Examples of specifying YJP_AGENT_PATH directly
* export YJP_AGENT_PATH="/opt/yjp/bin/linux-x86-64/" # on linux
* export YJP_AGENT_PATH="/Applications/" # on Mac OS X
* If you profile on Windows, you will have to add YJP_AGENT_PATH environment variable pointing to the yjpagent.dll file (YJP installation directory\bin\win64\yjpagent.dll).
* Performance tests extending {@link org.gradle.performance.AbstractCrossBuildPerformanceTest} or {@link org.gradle.performance.AbstractCrossVersionPerformanceTest} will add
* YJP agent parameters to the Gradle build process when you add {@code -Porg.gradle.performance.use_yourkit } parameter to the command line. You can also enable the YourKit
* profiler by adding -Dorg.gradle.performance.use_yourkit=1 to the VM options from IntelliJ.
* Example of running a single performance test with YJP agent options:
* ./gradlew performance:performanceTest -Porg.gradle.performance.use_yourkit -D:performance:performanceTest.single=NativePreCompiledHeaderPerformanceTest
* By default, YJP will create a snapshot in ~/Snapshots when the profiled process terminates. The file name contains the test project name and display name from the performance test.
* This integration reads YourKit agent options from {@code ~/.gradle/} file. YourKit startup options
* Example settings for tracing profiling
* tracing=true
* disablealloc=true
* monitors=true
* probe_disable=*
* delay=0
* Tweak tracing settings in {@code ~/.yjp/tracing.txt}, tracing.txt reference
* useful setting is "adaptive=false" to trace all method calls.
* Example settings for sampling profiling
* sampling=true
* disablealloc=true
* monitors=true
* probe_disable=*
* delay=0
* Tweak sampling settings in {@code ~/.yjp/sampling.txt}, sampling.txt reference
* useful setting is "sampling_period_ms", which is 20 ms by default.
* Example settings for call counting profiling
* call_counting=true
* disablealloc=true
* monitors=true
* probe_disable=*
* delay=0
* Defaults are currently:
* sampling=true
* disablealloc=true
* monitors=true
* probe_disable=*
* delay=0
class YourKitProfiler implements Profiler {
private static final String USE_YOURKIT = "org.gradle.performance.use_yourkit"
private static final Set NO_ARGS_OPTIONS =
['onlylocal', 'united_log', 'sampling', 'tracing', 'call_counting', 'allocsampled', 'monitors', 'disablestacktelemetry', 'disableexceptiontelemetry', 'disableoomedumper', 'disablealloc', 'disabletracing', 'disableall'] as Set
private static final File DEFAULT_YOURKIT_PROPERTIES_FILE = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".gradle/")
private String yjpAgentPath
private String yjpHome
private OperatingSystem operatingSystem
public YourKitProfiler() {
this(System.getenv("YJP_AGENT_PATH"), System.getenv("YJP_HOME"), OperatingSystem.current())
public YourKitProfiler(String yjpAgentPath, String yjpHome, OperatingSystem operatingSystem) {
this.yjpAgentPath = yjpAgentPath
this.yjpHome = yjpHome
this.operatingSystem = operatingSystem
public static Map loadProperties(File yourkitPropertiesFile) {
Map yourkitOptions
if (yourkitPropertiesFile.exists()) {
Properties yourkitProperties = new Properties()
yourkitPropertiesFile.withInputStream {
yourkitOptions = [:] + yourkitProperties
} else {
yourkitOptions = [sampling : true,
disablealloc : true,
monitors : true,
probe_disable: '*']
void addProfilerDefaults(GradleInvocationSpec.InvocationBuilder invocation) {
if (System.getProperty(USE_YOURKIT)) {
List profilerArguments(Map yourkitOptions) {
String resolvedYjpAgentPath = locateYjpAgent()
String yjpAgentOptions = buildYjpAgentOptionsString(yourkitOptions)
return [ "-agentpath:$resolvedYjpAgentPath=$yjpAgentOptions".toString() ]
public Map loadProperties() {
private String buildYjpAgentOptionsString(Map yourkitOptions) {
def yjpOptionsStringBuilder = new StringBuilder()
if (yourkitOptions) {
yourkitOptions.each { k, v ->
String optionName = k.toString()
String optionValue = v?.toString()
if (yjpOptionsStringBuilder.length() > 0) {
if (!NO_ARGS_OPTIONS.contains(optionName)) {
if (yjpOptionsStringBuilder.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must specify some YourKit agent options.")
private String locateYjpAgent() {
String resolvedYjpAgentPath = yjpAgentPath
if (!resolvedYjpAgentPath) {
def resolvedYjpHome = yjpHome
if (!resolvedYjpHome) {
if (operatingSystem.isMacOsX()) {
resolvedYjpHome = "/Applications/"
} else {
resolvedYjpHome = "/opt/yjp"
if (operatingSystem.isMacOsX()) {
resolvedYjpAgentPath = "$resolvedYjpHome/bin/mac/libyjpagent.jnilib"
} else {
resolvedYjpAgentPath = "$resolvedYjpHome/bin/linux-x86-64/"
if (!resolvedYjpAgentPath || !new File(resolvedYjpAgentPath).isFile()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find YourKit agent library ($resolvedYjpAgentPath). Add YJP_AGENT_PATH environment variable that points to Yourkit JVM agent library or add YJP_HOME environment variable that points to Yourkit installation directory.")