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 * Copyright 2014 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import org.gradle.test.fixtures.archive.JarTestFixture
import org.gradle.util.VersionNumber
import spock.lang.Unroll

import static
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString

class TwirlCompileIntegrationTest extends PlayMultiVersionIntegrationTest {

    def destinationDir = file("build/src/play/binary/twirlTemplatesScalaSources/views")

    def setup() {
        settingsFile << """ = 'twirl-play-app' """
        buildFile << """
            plugins {
                id 'play-application'


            model {
                components {
                    play {
                        targetPlatform "play-${version}"

    def "can run TwirlCompile with #format template"() {
        twirlTemplate("test.scala.${format}") << template
        def generatedFile = destinationDir.file("${format}/test.template.scala")
        generatedFile.assertContents(containsString("import views.${format}._"))

        format | templateFormat     | template
        "js"   | 'JavaScriptFormat' | '@(username: String) alert(@helper.json(username));'
        "xml"  | 'XmlFormat'        | '@(username: String)   @username '
        "txt"  | 'TxtFormat'        | '@(username: String) @username'
        "html" | 'HtmlFormat'       | '@(username: String)   

Hello @username

' } def "can compile custom Twirl templates"() { given: twirlTemplate("test.scala.csv") << """ @(username: String)(content: Csv) # generated by @username @content """ addCsvFormat() when: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryScala") then: def generatedFile = destinationDir.file("csv/test.template.scala") generatedFile.assertIsFile() generatedFile.assertContents(containsString("import views.formats.csv._")) generatedFile.assertContents(containsString("CsvFormat")) // Modifying user templates causes TwirlCompile to be out-of-date when: buildFile << """ model { components { play { sources { withType(TwirlSourceSet) { addUserTemplateFormat("unused", "views.formats.unused.UnusedFormat") } } } } } """ and: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryScala") then: result.assertTasksNotSkipped(":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates", ":compilePlayBinaryScala") } def "can specify additional imports for a Twirl template"() { given: withTwirlTemplate() buildFile << """ model { components { play { sources { twirlTemplates { additionalImports = [ 'my.pkg._' ] } } } } } """ file("app/my/pkg/MyClass.scala") << """ package my.pkg object MyClass; """ when: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryScala") then: def generatedFile = destinationDir.file("html/index.template.scala") generatedFile.assertIsFile() generatedFile.assertContents(containsString("import my.pkg._")) // Changing the imports causes TwirlCompile to be out-of-date when: buildFile << """ model { components { play { sources { twirlTemplates { additionalImports = [ 'my.pkg._', 'my.pkg.MyClass' ] } } } } } """ and: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryScala") then: result.assertTasksNotSkipped(":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates", ":compilePlayBinaryScala") generatedFile.assertContents(containsString("import my.pkg._")) generatedFile.assertContents(containsString("import my.pkg.MyClass")) } def "runs compiler incrementally"() { when: withTwirlTemplate("input1.scala.html") then: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates") and: destinationDir.assertHasDescendants("html/input1.template.scala") def input1FirstCompileSnapshot = destinationDir.file("html/input1.template.scala").snapshot() when: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates") then: skipped(":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates") when: withTwirlTemplate("input2.scala.html") and: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates") then: destinationDir.assertHasDescendants("html/input1.template.scala", "html/input2.template.scala") and: destinationDir.file("html/input1.template.scala").assertHasNotChangedSince(input1FirstCompileSnapshot) when: file("app/views/input2.scala.html").delete() then: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates") and: destinationDir.assertHasDescendants("html/input1.template.scala") } def "removes stale output files in incremental compile"(){ given: withTwirlTemplate("input1.scala.html") withTwirlTemplate("input2.scala.html") succeeds("compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates") and: destinationDir.assertHasDescendants("html/input1.template.scala", "html/input2.template.scala") def input1FirstCompileSnapshot = destinationDir.file("html/input1.template.scala").snapshot() when: file("app/views/input2.scala.html").delete() then: succeeds("compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates") and: destinationDir.assertHasDescendants("html/input1.template.scala") destinationDir.file("html/input1.template.scala").assertHasNotChangedSince(input1FirstCompileSnapshot) destinationDir.file("html/input2.template.scala").assertDoesNotExist() } def "builds multiple twirl source sets as part of play build" () { withExtraSourceSets() withTemplateSource(file("app", "views", "index.scala.html")) withTemplateSource(file("otherSources", "templates", "other.scala.html")) withTemplateSource(file("extraSources", "extra.scala.html")) when: succeeds "assemble" then: executedAndNotSkipped( ":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates", ":compilePlayBinaryPlayExtraTwirl", ":compilePlayBinaryPlayOtherTwirl" ) and: destinationDir.assertHasDescendants("html/index.template.scala") file("build/src/play/binary/otherTwirlScalaSources").assertHasDescendants("templates/html/other.template.scala") file("build/src/play/binary/extraTwirlScalaSources").assertHasDescendants("html/extra.template.scala") and: jar("build/playBinary/lib/twirl-play-app.jar") .containsDescendants("views/html/index.class", "templates/html/other.class", "html/extra.class") } def "can build twirl source set with default Java imports" () { withTwirlJavaSourceSets() withTemplateSourceExpectingJavaImports(file("twirlJava", "javaTemplate.scala.html")) validateThatPlayJavaDependencyIsAdded() when: succeeds "assemble" then: executedAndNotSkipped ":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlJava" and: jar("build/playBinary/lib/twirl-play-app.jar") .containsDescendants("html/javaTemplate.class") } def "can build twirl source sets both with and without default Java imports" () { withTwirlJavaSourceSets() withTemplateSource(file("app", "views", "index.scala.html")) withTemplateSourceExpectingJavaImports(file("twirlJava", "javaTemplate.scala.html")) when: succeeds "assemble" then: executedAndNotSkipped( ":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates", ":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlJava" ) and: jar("build/playBinary/lib/twirl-play-app.jar") .containsDescendants("html/javaTemplate.class", "views/html/index.class") } def "twirl source sets default to Scala imports" () { withTemplateSource(file("app", "views", "index.scala.html")) validateThatPlayJavaDependencyIsNotAdded() validateThatSourceSetsDefaultToScalaImports() when: succeeds "assemble" then: executedAndNotSkipped ":compilePlayBinaryPlayTwirlTemplates" } def "extra sources appear in the component report"() { withExtraSourceSets() when: succeeds "components" then: output.contains """ Play Application 'play' ----------------------- Source sets Java source 'play:java' srcDir: app includes: **/*.java JVM resources 'play:resources' srcDir: conf Routes source 'play:routes' srcDir: conf includes: routes, *.routes Scala source 'play:scala' srcDir: app includes: **/*.scala Twirl template source 'play:extraTwirl' srcDir: extraSources Twirl template source 'play:otherTwirl' srcDir: otherSources Twirl template source 'play:twirlTemplates' srcDir: app includes: **/*.scala.* Binaries """ } @Unroll def "has reasonable error if Twirl template is configured incorrectly with (#template)"() { given: executer.noDeprecationChecks() buildFile << """ model { components { play { sources { withType(TwirlSourceSet) { addUserTemplateFormat($template) } } } } } """ when: result = executer.withTasks('components').runWithFailure() then: result.assertHasCause(errorMessage) where: template | errorMessage "null, 'CustomFormat'" | "Custom template extension cannot be null." "'.ext', 'CustomFormat'" | "Custom template extension should not start with a dot." "'ext', null" | "Custom template format type cannot be null." } def "has reasonable error if Twirl template cannot be found"() { twirlTemplate("test.scala.custom") << "@(username: String) Custom template, @username!" when: fails("compilePlayBinaryScala") then: failure.assertHasCause("Twirl compiler could not find a matching template for 'test.scala.custom'.") } def withTemplateSource(File templateFile) { templateFile << """@(message: String)


""" } def twirlTemplate(String fileName) { file("app", "views", fileName) } def withTwirlTemplate(String fileName = "index.scala.html") { def templateFile = file("app", "views", fileName) templateFile.createFile() withTemplateSource(templateFile) } def withTemplateSourceExpectingJavaImports(File templateFile) { templateFile << """


""" } def withExtraSourceSets() { buildFile << """ model { components { play { sources { extraTwirl(TwirlSourceSet) { source.srcDir "extraSources" } otherTwirl(TwirlSourceSet) { source.srcDir "otherSources" } } } } } """ } def withTwirlJavaSourceSets() { buildFile << """ model { components { play { sources { twirlJava(TwirlSourceSet) { defaultImports = TwirlImports.JAVA source.srcDir "twirlJava" } } } } } """ } def validateThatPlayJavaDependencyIsAdded() { validateThatPlayJavaDependency(true) } def validateThatPlayJavaDependencyIsNotAdded() { validateThatPlayJavaDependency(false) } def validateThatPlayJavaDependency(boolean shouldBePresent) { buildFile << """ model { components { play { binaries.all { binary -> tasks.withType(TwirlCompile) { doFirst { assert ${shouldBePresent ? "" : "!"} { == "" && == "play-java_\${binary.targetPlatform.scalaPlatform.scalaCompatibilityVersion}" && it.version == binary.targetPlatform.playVersion } } } } } } } """ } def validateThatSourceSetsDefaultToScalaImports() { buildFile << """ model { components { play { binaries.all { binary -> tasks.withType(TwirlCompile) { doFirst { assert defaultImports == TwirlImports.SCALA assert binary.inputs.withType(TwirlSourceSet).every { it.defaultImports == TwirlImports.SCALA } } } } } } } """ } JarTestFixture jar(String fileName) { new JarTestFixture(file(fileName)) } private void addCsvFormat() { buildFile << """ model { components { play { sources { withType(TwirlSourceSet) { addUserTemplateFormat("csv", "views.formats.csv.CsvFormat", "views.formats.csv._") } } } } } """ if (versionNumber < VersionNumber.parse("2.3.0")) { file("app/views/formats/csv/Csv.scala") << """ package views.formats.csv import play.api.http.ContentTypeOf import play.api.mvc.Codec import play.api.templates.BufferedContent import play.templates.Format class Csv(buffer: StringBuilder) extends BufferedContent[Csv](buffer) { val contentType = Csv.contentType } object Csv { val contentType = "text/csv" implicit def contentTypeCsv(implicit codec: Codec): ContentTypeOf[Csv] = ContentTypeOf[Csv](Some(Csv.contentType)) def apply(text: String): Csv = new Csv(new StringBuilder(text)) def empty: Csv = new Csv(new StringBuilder) } object CsvFormat extends Format[Csv] { def raw(text: String): Csv = Csv(text) def escape(text: String): Csv = Csv(text) } """ } else { file("app/views/formats/csv/Csv.scala") << """ package views.formats.csv import scala.collection.immutable import play.twirl.api.BufferedContent import play.twirl.api.Format class Csv private (elements: immutable.Seq[Csv], text: String) extends BufferedContent[Csv](elements, text) { def this(text: String) = this(Nil, if (text eq null) "" else text) def this(elements: immutable.Seq[Csv]) = this(elements, "") /** * Content type of CSV. */ def contentType = "text/csv" } /** * Helper for CSV utility methods. */ object Csv { /** * Creates an CSV fragment with initial content specified. */ def apply(text: String): Csv = { new Csv(text) } } /** * Formatter for CSV content. */ object CsvFormat extends Format[Csv] { /** * Creates a CSV fragment. */ def raw(text: String) = Csv(text) /** * Creates an escaped CSV fragment. */ def escape(text: String) = Csv(text) /** * Generate an empty CSV fragment */ val empty: Csv = new Csv("") /** * Create a CSV Fragment that holds other fragments. */ def fill(elements: immutable.Seq[Csv]): Csv = new Csv(elements) } """ } } }

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