dev.110416.munkres.Munkres.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dev.i10416.munkres
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExportTopLevel
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
import scala.collection.mutable.{ Set => MSet }
import java.util.LinkedList
/** Munkres Algorithm (also known as Hungarian algorithm or the Kuhn-Munkres algorithm)
* implementation for Scala
* For more detail, visit
* -
* -
object Munkres:
import math.Numeric.Implicits.infixNumericOps
import math.Ordering.Implicits.infixOrderingOps
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait FiniteRange[T]:
def maxValue: T
def minValue: T
given FiniteRange[Float] with
def maxValue = Float.MaxValue
def minValue = Float.MinValue
given FiniteRange[Int] with
def maxValue = Int.MaxValue
def minValue = Int.MinValue
given FiniteRange[Double] with
def maxValue = Double.MaxValue
def minValue = Double.MinValue
type Matrix[T] = Array[Array[T]]
def cost[T : Numeric : FiniteRange : ClassTag](matrix: Matrix[T]): T =
minimize(matrix).foldLeft(Numeric[T].zero) { case (acc, (x, y)) =>
acc + matrix(x)(y)
/** returns the combination that minimizes total cost */
def minimize[T : FiniteRange : ClassTag : Numeric](matrix: Matrix[T]): Seq[(Int, Int)] =
val normalized = padRectangle(matrix)
val n = normalized.length
val m = subtractMinsFromMatrix(normalized)
val zeros = selectZerosFromMatrix(m)
collectZerosFromMatrixRec(m, zeros, n, n)
// / return minimum values of each row as an array
private def selectMinsFromRow[T : Numeric : ClassTag](matrix: Matrix[T]): Array[T] =
val prealloc = Array.fill[T](matrix.length)(Numeric[T].zero)
var i = 0
while i < matrix.length do
prealloc(i) = matrix(i).min
i += 1
// / return minimum values of each column as an Array
private def selectMinsFromCol[T : Numeric : FiniteRange : ClassTag](
matrix: Matrix[T]
): Array[T] =
matrix.foldLeft(Array.fill[T](matrix.length)(summon[FiniteRange[T]].maxValue)) {
(mins, row) => { (value, maybeMin) =>
if value < maybeMin then value else maybeMin
// find all locations of zero as (row index,column index): (Int,Int)
// note that this function expect unitary matrix
// 0 a b
// d 0 f
// g h 0
// => Set((0,0),(1,1),(2,2))
private[munkres] def selectZerosFromMatrix[T: Numeric](matrix: Matrix[T]): Set[(Int, Int)] =
val size = matrix.length
def loopOverRowRec(rowIdx: Int, acc: MSet[(Int, Int)] = MSet.empty): MSet[(Int, Int)] =
rowIdx match
case outOfBounds if outOfBounds >= size => acc
case rowIdx =>
def loopOverColRec(colIdx: Int, acc: MSet[(Int, Int)]): Unit =
colIdx match
case oob if oob >= size => ()
case colIdx =>
val elem = matrix(rowIdx)(colIdx)
if Numeric[T].zero == elem
acc.add((rowIdx, colIdx))
loopOverColRec(colIdx + 1, acc)
else loopOverColRec(colIdx + 1, acc)
loopOverColRec(0, acc)
loopOverRowRec(rowIdx + 1, acc)
// / find the locations where horizontal lines are crossed with vertical ones.
private def getIntersections(
rowLines: Seq[Int],
colLines: Seq[Int]
): Set[(Int, Int)] =
rowLines.foldLeft(Set(): Set[(Int, Int)]) { case (acc, rowIdx) =>
colLines.foldLeft(acc) { case (set, colIdx) =>
set + ((rowIdx, colIdx))
private def getRemains[T: Numeric](
mat: Array[Array[T]],
rowLines: Seq[Int],
colLines: Seq[Int]
): Map[(Int, Int), T] =
mat.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Map(): Map[(Int, Int), T]) { case (acc, (row, rowIdx)) =>
row.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(acc) { case (m, (value, colIdx)) =>
if (rowLines.contains(rowIdx) || colLines.contains(colIdx))
m.updated((rowIdx, colIdx), value)
// First, subtract the smallest value in a row from the each element of the row. Then, subtract
// the smallest value in a column from each element of the column.
private def subtractMinsFromMatrix[T : Numeric : FiniteRange : ClassTag](
matrix: Matrix[T]
): Matrix[T] =
val minsFromRow = selectMinsFromRow(matrix)
val tmpMatrix = matrix
.map { (row, min) => - min) }
val minsFromCol = selectMinsFromCol(tmpMatrix) =>, colIdx) => value - minsFromCol(colIdx)))
private def hideZerosByLines(
n: Int,
zeros: Set[(Int, Int)],
result: (Seq[Int], Seq[Int]) = (Seq(), Seq())
): (Seq[Int], Seq[Int]) =
if (zeros.isEmpty) return result
getTheLineToHide(zeros) match
case (Some((rowIdx, locationsInRow)), Some((colIdx, locationsInCol))) =>
result match
case (Nil, seq) => (rowIdx +: Nil, seq)
case (seq, Nil) => (seq, colIdx +: Nil)
case _ => (rowIdx +: result._1, result._2)
case (Some((rowIdx, locations)), None) =>
hideZerosByLines(n - 1, zeros.diff(locations), (rowIdx +: result._1, result._2))
case (None, Some((colIdx, locations))) =>
hideZerosByLines(n - 1, zeros.diff(locations), (result._1, colIdx +: result._2))
case _ => result
private def sortZeros(
zeros: Set[(Int, Int)]
): (Seq[(Int, Set[(Int, Int)])], Seq[(Int, Set[(Int, Int)])]) =
private def shouldHideRow(
zeros: Set[(Int, Int)],
horizontal: Set[(Int, Int)],
vertical: Set[(Int, Int)]
) =
val remainingIndependentZeroWhenHideRow =
zeros.diff(horizontal).groupBy(_._1).filter(_._2.size == 1).size
val remainingIndependentZeroWhenHideCol =
zeros.diff(vertical).groupBy(_._1).filter(_._2.size == 1).size
remainingIndependentZeroWhenHideRow <= remainingIndependentZeroWhenHideCol
// / find the line which hides the largest amount of zeros.
private def getTheLineToHide(
zeros: Set[(Int, Int)]
): (Option[(Int, Set[(Int, Int)])], Option[(Int, Set[(Int, Int)])]) =
sortZeros(zeros) match
case ((rowIdx, horizontal) +: tail1, Nil) =>
(Some(rowIdx, horizontal), None)
case (Nil, (colIdx, vertical) +: tail2) => (None, Some(colIdx, vertical))
case ((rowIdx, horizontal) +: tail1, (colIdx, vertical) +: tail2)
if horizontal.size == vertical.size && zeros.size == 1 =>
(Some((rowIdx, horizontal)), Some(colIdx, vertical))
case ((rowIdx, horizontal) +: tail1, (colIdx, vertical) +: tail2)
if shouldHideRow(zeros, horizontal, vertical) =>
(Some((rowIdx, horizontal)), None)
case ((rowIdx, horizontal) +: tail1, (colIdx, vertical) +: tail2) =>
(None, Some(colIdx, vertical))
case (Nil, Nil) => (None, None)
private def collectZerosFromMatrixRec[T: Numeric](
m: Matrix[T],
zeros: Set[(Int, Int)],
rowCount: Int,
colCount: Int
): Seq[(Int, Int)] = {
tryCollectZerosFromMatrix(zeros, rowCount, colCount) match
case Right(result) => result
case Left(lines) =>
val (hidedRows, hidedCols) = hideZerosByLines(lines, zeros)
val intersection = getIntersections(hidedRows, hidedCols)
val remains = getRemains(m, hidedRows, hidedCols)
val minFromRemains =
if (remains.values.isEmpty) Numeric[T].zero else remains.values.min
val tmpMatrix = remains.keys.foldLeft(m) { case (mat, (row, col)) =>
mat(row)(col) = mat(row)(col) - minFromRemains
val next = intersection.foldLeft(tmpMatrix) { case (mat, (row, col)) =>
mat(row)(col) = mat(row)(col) + minFromRemains
val nextZoros = selectZerosFromMatrix(next)
collectZerosFromMatrixRec(next, nextZoros, rowCount, colCount)
// / select zeros from identical (row,col), without using the same row or col more than once.
// / when right, return the locations where valid zeros exist. otherwise,returns the max line number available to hide zeros.
private def tryCollectZerosFromMatrix(
zeros: Set[(Int, Int)],
rowCount: Int,
colCount: Int
): Either[Int, Seq[(Int, Int)]] =
val collect = zeros.foldLeft((Seq(), Seq()): (Seq[Int], Seq[Int])) {
case ((row, col), (x, y)) =>
if !row.contains(x) && !col.contains(y) then (row appended x, col appended y)
else (row, col)
collect match
case (row, col) if row.length >= rowCount && col.length >= colCount =>
Right( { case (r, c) => (r, c) })
case (row, col) => Left(row.length)
// / transform N x M Matrix into N' x N' Matrix (where N' = max(N,M)) by padding with zeros
private[munkres] def padRectangle[T : FiniteRange : Numeric : ClassTag](
matrix: Matrix[T]
): Matrix[T] =
val rowCount = matrix.length
val colCount = matrix.foldLeft(0) { (maybeMaxCol, row) =>
math.max(row.length, maybeMaxCol)
val n = math.max(rowCount, colCount)
val tmp = { row =>
row.appendedAll(Array.fill[T](n - row.length)(Numeric[T].zero))
(0 to n - rowCount - 1).foldLeft(tmp) { (acc, _) =>
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