dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2014-2024 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.jeka.core.tool;
import dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet;
import dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver;
import dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence;
import dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable;
import dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator;
import dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog;
import dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties;
import dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsAssert;
import dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath;
import dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect;
import dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString;
import dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean;
import dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
* Execution context associated with a base directory.
* Each runBase has :
* - A base directory from which JeKa resolves file paths. This base directory might contains a jeka-src subdirectory and/or a file at its root.
* - A KBean registry for holding KBeans involved in the run context.
* There can be only one KBean instance per class within a runBase.
* - A set of properties defined in [baseDir]/ file
* - A set of imported runBase
* Typically, there is one runbase per project to build, sharing the same base dir.
public final class JkRunbase {
// Experiment for invoking 'KBean#init()' method lately, once all KBean has been instantiated
// Note : Calling all KBeans init() methods in a later stage then inside 'load' methods
// leads in difficult problems as the order the KBeans should be initialized.
///private static final boolean LATE_INIT = false;
private static final String PROP_KBEAN_PREFIX = "@";
private static final ThreadLocal BASE_DIR_CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<>();
private static final Map SUB_RUNTIMES = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private static Path masterBaseDir;
private static Engine.KBeanResolution kbeanResolution;
private final Path baseDir; // Relative Path
private JkDependencyResolver dependencyResolver;
private JkPathSequence classpath;
private JkPathSequence exportedClasspath;
private JkDependencySet exportedDependencies;
private JkDependencySet fullDependencies;
private final JkPathSequence importedBaseDirs = JkPathSequence.of();
// Note: An empty container has to be present at instantiation time for sub-runBases, as
// they are not initialized with any KbeanActions.
private KBeanAction.Container cmdLineActions = new KBeanAction.Container();
private List> kbeanInitDeclaredInProps = new LinkedList<>();
private final KBeanAction.Container effectiveActions = new KBeanAction.Container();
private final JkProperties properties;
private final Map, KBean> beans = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private JkRunbase(Path baseDir) {
this.baseDir = baseDir; = constructProperties(baseDir);
* Returns the JkRunbase instance associated with the specified project base directory.
public static JkRunbase get(Path baseDir) {
return SUB_RUNTIMES.computeIfAbsent(baseDir, path -> new JkRunbase(path));
* Returns the dependency resolver used to fetch 3rd party build dependencies.
public JkDependencyResolver getDependencyResolver() {
return dependencyResolver;
* Returns the classpath used to compile jeka-src.
public JkPathSequence getClasspath() {
return classpath;
* Returns the exported classpath used by the JkRunbase instance.
* The exported classpath is the classpath minus 'private' dependencies. Private dependencies
* are declared using @JkDep
in a class that is in package with root
* folder name stating with _
public JkPathSequence getExportedClasspath() {
return this.exportedClasspath;
* Returns the exported dependencies of the JkRunbase instance.
* The exported dependencies is the dependencies minus 'private' dependencies. Private dependencies
* are declared using @JkDep
in a class that is in package with root
* folder name stating with _
public JkDependencySet getExportedDependencies() {
return this.exportedDependencies;
* Returns the complete dependencies of the JkRunbase instance. This values to exported + private dependencies.
public JkDependencySet getFullDependencies() {
return this.fullDependencies;
* Returns root path of imported projects.
public JkPathSequence getImportBaseDirs() {
return importedBaseDirs;
* Instantiates the specified KBean into the current runbase, if it is not already present.
* Since KBeans are singletons within a runbase, calling this method has no effect if the bean is already loaded.
* @param beanClass The class of the KBean to load.
* @return This object for call chaining.
* @see JkRunbase#load(Class)
public T load(Class beanClass) {
JkUtilsAssert.argument(beanClass != null, "KBean class cannot be null.");
T result = (T) beans.get(beanClass);
if (result == null) {
String relBaseDir = relBaseDir().toString();
String subBaseLabel = relBaseDir.isEmpty() ? "" : "[" + relBaseDir + "]";
JkLog.debugStartTask("Instantiate KBean %s %s", beanClass.getName(), subBaseLabel);
Path previousBaseDir = BASE_DIR_CONTEXT.get();
BASE_DIR_CONTEXT.set(baseDir); // without this, projects nested with more than 1 level failed to get proper base dir
result = this.instantiateKBean(beanClass);
return result;
* Returns the KBean of the exact specified class, present in this runbase.
public Optional find(Class beanClass) {
if (cmdLineActions.findInvolvedKBeanClasses().contains(beanClass) ||
this.kbeanInitDeclaredInProps.contains(beanClass)) {
return Optional.of(load(beanClass));
return (Optional) Optional.ofNullable(beans.get(beanClass));
* Returns the list of registered KBeans. A KBean is registered when it has been identified as the default KBean or
* when {@link #load(Class)} is invoked.
public List getBeans() {
return new LinkedList<>(beans.values());
* Returns the JkProperties object associated with the current instance of JkRunBase.
* JkProperties is a class that holds key-value pairs of properties relevant to the execution of Jeka build tasks.
public JkProperties getProperties() {
public Path getBaseDir() {
return baseDir;
* Finds either a ProjectKBean or a BaseKBean present in this runbase.
* The result is returned as a JkBuildable abstraction or null
* if no such structure is discovered in this runbase.
public JkBuildable findBuildable() {
Optional optionalProjectKBean = this.find(ProjectKBean.class);
if (optionalProjectKBean.isPresent()) {
return optionalProjectKBean.get().project.asBuildable();
if (this.find(BaseKBean.class).isPresent()) {
return this.find(BaseKBean.class).get().asBuildable();
if (Files.isDirectory(this.getBaseDir().resolve("src"))) {
return this.load(ProjectKBean.class).project.asBuildable();
return null;
* @see #findBuildable()
public JkBuildable getBuildable() {
return Optional.ofNullable(findBuildable()).orElseThrow(
() -> new JkException("Cannot find project or base KBean in this runbase " + this.getBaseDir())
void setDependencyResolver(JkDependencyResolver resolverArg) {
dependencyResolver = resolverArg;
void setClasspath(JkPathSequence pathSequence) {
this.classpath = pathSequence;
void setExportedClassPath(JkPathSequence exportedClassPath) {
this.exportedClasspath = exportedClassPath;
void setExportedDependencies(JkDependencySet exportedDependencies) {
this.exportedDependencies = exportedDependencies;
void setFullDependencies(JkDependencySet fullDependencies) {
this.fullDependencies = fullDependencies;
KBeanAction.Container getEffectiveActions() {
return effectiveActions;
void init(KBeanAction.Container cmdLineActionContainer) {
if (JkLog.isDebug()) {
JkLog.debug("Initialize JkRunbase with \n" + cmdLineActionContainer.toColumnText());
this.cmdLineActions = cmdLineActionContainer;
JkLog.debugStartTask("Register KBeans");
// KBeans init from cmdline
List> kbeansToInit = cmdLineActionContainer.toList().stream()
.map(kbeanAction -> kbeanAction.beanClass)
this.kbeanInitDeclaredInProps = kbeansToInitFromProps();
// KBeans init from props
kbeansToInit.addAll(this.kbeanInitDeclaredInProps);; // register kbeans
// Once KBeans has been initialised, #postInit is invoked on each,
// so they can act upon final settings of other KBeans.
void assertValid() {
JkUtilsAssert.state(dependencyResolver != null, "Dependency resolver can't be null.");
void run(KBeanAction.Container actionContainer) {
for (KBeanAction kBeanAction : actionContainer.findInvokes()) {
KBean bean = load(kBeanAction.beanClass);
JkUtilsReflect.invoke(bean, kBeanAction.method());
// inject values in fields from command-line and properties.
List injectValuesFromCmdLine(KBean bean) {
List actions = this.cmdLineActions.findSetValues(bean.getClass());
actions.forEach(action -> setValue(bean, action.member, action.value));
return actions;
static JkRunbase getCurrentContextBaseDir() {
return get(getBaseDirContext());
static void setBaseDirContext(Path baseDir) {
JkUtilsAssert.argument(baseDir == null || Files.exists(baseDir),"Base dir " + baseDir + " not found.");
static void setMasterBaseDir(Path baseDir) {
masterBaseDir = baseDir;
static void setKBeanResolution(Engine.KBeanResolution kbeanResolution) {
JkRunbase.kbeanResolution = kbeanResolution;
static JkProperties constructProperties(Path baseDir) {
JkProperties result = JkProperties.ofSysPropsThenEnv()
Path globalPropertiesFile = JkLocator.getGlobalPropertiesFile();
if (Files.exists(globalPropertiesFile)) {
result = result.withFallback(JkProperties.ofFile(globalPropertiesFile));
return result;
* Reads the properties from the baseDir/ and its ancestors.
* Takes also in account properties defined in parent project dirs if any.
* this doesn't take in account System and global props.
static JkProperties readBasePropertiesRecursively(Path baseDir) {
baseDir = baseDir.toAbsolutePath().normalize();
JkProperties result = readBaseProperties(baseDir);
Path parentDir = baseDir.getParent();
// Stop if parent dir has no file
if (parentDir != null && Files.exists(parentDir.resolve(JkConstants.PROPERTIES_FILE))) {
result = result.withFallback(readBasePropertiesRecursively(parentDir));
return result;
// Reads the properties from the baseDir/
static JkProperties readBaseProperties(Path baseDir) {
Path jekaPropertiesFile = baseDir.resolve(JkConstants.PROPERTIES_FILE);
if (Files.exists(jekaPropertiesFile)) {
return JkProperties.ofFile(jekaPropertiesFile);
return JkProperties.EMPTY;
public String toString() {
return String.format("JkRunbase{ baseDir=%s, beans=%s }", relBaseDir(), beans.keySet());
private T instantiateKBean(Class beanClass) {
T bean = JkUtilsReflect.newInstance(beanClass);
// This way KBeans are registered in the order they have been requested for instantiation,
// and not the order they have finished to be instantiated.
this.beans.put(beanClass, bean);
// We must inject fields after instance creation cause in the KBean
// constructor, fields of child classes are not yet initialized.
return bean;
private static Path getBaseDirContext() {
return Optional.ofNullable(BASE_DIR_CONTEXT.get()).orElseGet(() -> {
return BASE_DIR_CONTEXT.get();
private Path relBaseDir() {
if (masterBaseDir != null && baseDir.isAbsolute()) {
return masterBaseDir.relativize(baseDir);
return baseDir;
private static void setValue(Object target, String propName, Object value) {
if (propName.contains(".")) {
String first = JkUtilsString.substringBeforeFirst(propName, ".");
String remaining = JkUtilsString.substringAfterFirst(propName, ".");
Object child = JkUtilsReflect.getFieldValue(target, first);
if (child == null) {
String msg = String.format(
"Compound property '%s' on class '%s' should not value 'null'" +
" right after been instantiate.%n. Please instantiate this property in %s constructor",
first, target.getClass().getName(), target.getClass().getSimpleName());
throw new JkException(msg);
setValue(child, remaining, value);
Field field = JkUtilsReflect.getField(target.getClass(), propName);
JkUtilsAssert.state(field != null, "Null field found for class %s and field %s",
target.getClass().getName(), propName);
JkUtilsReflect.setFieldValue(target, field, value);
* Note: sys props cannot be resolved at command-line parsing time,
* cause beans may be loaded at init or exec time.
private List injectDefaultsFromProps(KBean kbean) {
Class extends KBean> kbeanClass = kbean.getClass();
List result = new LinkedList<>();
KBeanDescription desc = KBeanDescription.of(kbeanClass, true);
CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(PicocliCommands.fromKBeanDesc(desc));
commandLine.setDefaultValueProvider(optionSpec -> getDefaultFromProps(optionSpec, desc));
CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec commandSpec = commandLine.getCommandSpec();
for (KBeanDescription.BeanField beanField : desc.beanFields) {
CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec optionSpec = commandSpec.findOption(;
Object value = optionSpec.getValue();
if (!Objects.equals(beanField.defaultValue, value)) {
setValue(kbean,, value);
result.add(KBeanAction.ofSetValue(kbeanClass,, value, "properties"));
return result;
private String getDefaultFromProps(CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec argSpec, KBeanDescription desc) {
CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec optionSpec = (CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec) argSpec;
KBeanDescription.BeanField beanField =
.filter(beanField1 ->
() -> new IllegalStateException("Cannot find field " + optionSpec.longestName()
+ " in bean " + desc.kbeanClass.getName()));
// from explicit ENV VAR or sys props defined with @JkInjectProperty
if (beanField.injectedPropertyName != null) {
if (properties.get(beanField.injectedPropertyName) != null) {
return System.getenv(beanField.injectedPropertyName);
// from property names formatted as ''
List acceptedNames = new LinkedList<>(KBean.acceptedNames(desc.kbeanClass));
if (desc.kbeanClass.getName().equals(kbeanResolution.defaultKbeanClassname)) {
for (String acceptedName : acceptedNames) {
String candidateProp = propNameForField(acceptedName,;
String value =;
if (value != null) {
return value;
// from bean value instantiation*
return null;
private List> kbeansToInitFromProps() {
List kbeanClassNames = properties.getAllStartingWith(PROP_KBEAN_PREFIX, false).keySet().stream()
.filter(key -> !key.contains("."))
.map(key -> kbeanResolution.findKbeanClassName(key))
List> actions = new LinkedList<>();
for (String className : kbeanClassNames) {
Class extends KBean> kbeanClass = JkClassLoader.ofCurrent().load(className);
return actions;
private static String propNameForField(String kbeanName, String fieldName) {
return PROP_KBEAN_PREFIX + kbeanName + "." + fieldName;