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package dev.jorel.commandapi.arguments;
import com.mojang.brigadier.LiteralMessage;
import com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.SimpleCommandExceptionType;
import com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.Suggestion;
import com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.SuggestionsBuilder;
import dev.jorel.commandapi.SuggestionInfo;
import dev.jorel.commandapi.executors.CommandArguments;
import java.util.*;
* This class represents a branch in the suggestions of an argument. Use {@link SuggestionsBranch#suggest(ArgumentSuggestions...)}
* to add suggestions, then {@link SuggestionsBranch#branch(SuggestionsBranch...)} to add more branches.
public class SuggestionsBranch {
private final List> suggestions;
private final List> branches = new ArrayList<>();
private SuggestionsBranch(List> suggestions) {
this.suggestions = suggestions;
* Creates a {@link SuggestionsBranch} starting with the given suggestions. If a suggestions is null, the suggestions
* at that position will not be overridden.
* @param suggestions An array of {@link ArgumentSuggestions} representing the suggestions. Use the static methods in
* ArgumentSuggestions to create these.
* @return a new {@link SuggestionsBranch} starting with the given suggestions
public static SuggestionsBranch suggest(ArgumentSuggestions... suggestions) {
// Arrays#asList allows null elements
return new SuggestionsBranch<>(Arrays.asList(suggestions));
* Adds further branches to this {@link SuggestionsBranch}. After going through the suggestions provided by
* {@link SuggestionsBranch#suggest(ArgumentSuggestions...)} the suggestions of these branches will be used.
* @param branches An array of {@link SuggestionsBranch} representing the branching suggestions. Use
* {@link SuggestionsBranch#suggest(ArgumentSuggestions...)} to start creating these.
* @return the current {@link SuggestionsBranch}
public final SuggestionsBranch branch(SuggestionsBranch... branches) {
// List#of does not allow null elements
return this;
* Gets the next {@link ArgumentSuggestions} based on the previous arguments.
* @param sender The {@link CommandSender} the suggestions are being built for
* @param previousArguments An array of previously given arguments that is used to find the next {@link ArgumentSuggestions}
* @return The next {@link ArgumentSuggestions} given by this {@link SuggestionsBranch} or null if the suggestions should not be overridden
* @throws CommandSyntaxException if the given previous arguments don't lead to a valid path for this {@link SuggestionsBranch}
public ArgumentSuggestions getNextSuggestion(CommandSender sender, String... previousArguments) throws CommandSyntaxException {
return getNextSuggestion(sender, previousArguments, new StringReader(String.join(" ", previousArguments)), new ArrayList<>(), new StringBuilder());
private ArgumentSuggestions getNextSuggestion(CommandSender sender, String[] previousArguments, StringReader errorContext, List processedArguments, StringBuilder currentInput) throws CommandSyntaxException {
if (branches.isEmpty() && suggestions.isEmpty()) {
return null;
for (ArgumentSuggestions currentSuggestion : suggestions) {
// If all the arguments were processed, this suggestion is next
if (processedArguments.size() == previousArguments.length) {
return currentSuggestion;
String currentArgument = previousArguments[processedArguments.size()];
if (currentSuggestion != null) {
// Validate argument on the path
SuggestionInfo info = new SuggestionInfo<>(sender, new CommandArguments(processedArguments.toArray(), new LinkedHashMap<>(), processedArguments.toArray(new String[0]), new LinkedHashMap<>(), currentInput.toString()), currentInput.toString(), "");
SuggestionsBuilder builder = new SuggestionsBuilder(currentInput.toString(), currentInput.length());
currentSuggestion.suggest(info, builder);
if ( {
if (processedArguments.isEmpty()) {
throw CommandSyntaxException.BUILT_IN_EXCEPTIONS.dispatcherUnknownCommand().createWithContext(errorContext);
} else {
throw CommandSyntaxException.BUILT_IN_EXCEPTIONS.dispatcherUnknownArgument().createWithContext(errorContext);
currentInput.append(currentArgument).append(" ");
List> mergedBranches = new ArrayList<>();
for (SuggestionsBranch branch : branches) {
try {
sender, previousArguments, errorContext, new ArrayList<>(processedArguments), new StringBuilder(currentInput)
} catch (CommandSyntaxException ignored) {
assert true;
if (mergedBranches.isEmpty()) {
// If all branches had errors there were no valid paths
if (processedArguments.isEmpty()) {
throw CommandSyntaxException.BUILT_IN_EXCEPTIONS.dispatcherUnknownCommand().createWithContext(errorContext);
} else {
throw CommandSyntaxException.BUILT_IN_EXCEPTIONS.dispatcherUnknownArgument().createWithContext(errorContext);
if (mergedBranches.size() == 1) {
return mergedBranches.get(0);
} else {
if (mergedBranches.contains(null)) {
if ( {
return null;
} else {
throw new SimpleCommandExceptionType(new LiteralMessage("Multiple paths for a SuggestionsBranch must either be all null or all non-null")).createWithContext(errorContext);
} else {
return ArgumentSuggestions.merge(mergedBranches.toArray(ArgumentSuggestions[]::new));
* Makes sure the given arguments correspond to the suggestions of this {@link SuggestionsBranch}
* @param sender The {@link CommandSender} the suggestions are being built for
* @param arguments An array of arguments to check against the suggestions of this {@link SuggestionsBranch}
* @throws CommandSyntaxException if the given arguments don't lead to a valid path for this {@link SuggestionsBranch}
public void enforceReplacements(CommandSender sender, String... arguments) throws CommandSyntaxException {
EnforceReplacementsResult result = enforceReplacements(sender, arguments, new StringReader(String.join(" ", arguments)), new ArrayList<>(), new StringBuilder());
if (result.type != ExceptionType.NO_ERROR) {
throw result.exception;
private record EnforceReplacementsResult(ExceptionType type, CommandSyntaxException exception) {
public static EnforceReplacementsResult withContext(ExceptionType type, StringReader errorContext) {
return new EnforceReplacementsResult(type, switch (type) {
case NO_ERROR -> null;
case NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS -> new SimpleCommandExceptionType(new LiteralMessage("Expected more arguments")).createWithContext(errorContext);
case UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT -> CommandSyntaxException.BUILT_IN_EXCEPTIONS.dispatcherUnknownArgument().createWithContext(errorContext);
case UNKNOWN_COMMAND -> CommandSyntaxException.BUILT_IN_EXCEPTIONS.dispatcherUnknownCommand().createWithContext(errorContext);
case UNKNOWN -> new SimpleCommandExceptionType(new LiteralMessage("Unknown syntax exception while parsing argument")).createWithContext(errorContext);
public boolean isHigherPriority(EnforceReplacementsResult other) {
// Priority is determined by the order of the elements in the enum
return this.type.ordinal() < other.type.ordinal();
private enum ExceptionType {
private EnforceReplacementsResult enforceReplacements(CommandSender sender, String[] arguments, StringReader errorContext, List processedArguments, StringBuilder currentInput) {
if (branches.isEmpty() && suggestions.isEmpty()) {
return new EnforceReplacementsResult(ExceptionType.NO_ERROR, null);
for (ArgumentSuggestions currentSuggestion : suggestions) {
String currentArgument;
if (processedArguments.size() >= arguments.length) {
currentArgument = "";
} else {
currentArgument = arguments[processedArguments.size()];
if (currentSuggestion != null) {
// Validate argument on the path
SuggestionInfo info = new SuggestionInfo<>(sender, new CommandArguments(processedArguments.toArray(), new LinkedHashMap<>(), processedArguments.toArray(new String[0]), new LinkedHashMap<>(), currentInput.toString()), currentInput.toString(), "");
SuggestionsBuilder builder = new SuggestionsBuilder(currentInput.toString(), currentInput.length());
try {
currentSuggestion.suggest(info, builder);
} catch (CommandSyntaxException exception) {
return new EnforceReplacementsResult(ExceptionType.UNKNOWN, exception);
List results =;
if (currentArgument.isEmpty()) {
if (results.isEmpty()) {
// Arguments ended at same time as suggestions
return EnforceReplacementsResult.withContext(ExceptionType.NO_ERROR, errorContext);
} else {
return EnforceReplacementsResult.withContext(ExceptionType.NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS, errorContext);
} else if (!results.contains(currentArgument)) {
if (processedArguments.isEmpty()) {
return EnforceReplacementsResult.withContext(ExceptionType.UNKNOWN_COMMAND, errorContext);
} else {
return EnforceReplacementsResult.withContext(ExceptionType.UNKNOWN_ARGUMENT, errorContext);
currentInput.append(currentArgument).append(" ");
if (branches.isEmpty()) {
return new EnforceReplacementsResult(ExceptionType.NO_ERROR, null);
// Check the branches to see if the arguments fit and try to choose an appropriate response
EnforceReplacementsResult finalResult = EnforceReplacementsResult.withContext(ExceptionType.UNKNOWN, errorContext);
for (SuggestionsBranch branch : branches) {
EnforceReplacementsResult result = branch.enforceReplacements(sender, arguments, errorContext, new ArrayList<>(processedArguments), new StringBuilder(currentInput));
if (result.isHigherPriority(finalResult)) {
finalResult = result;
return finalResult;