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@file:Suppress(names = arrayOf("IncorrectFormatting", "ReplaceArrayOfWithLiteral",
"SpellCheckingInspection", "GrazieInspection"))
package dev.kord.common.entity
import dev.kord.common.Class
import kotlin.LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.jvm.JvmField
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.serializer
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveKind
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.PrimitiveSerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
* See [UserFlag]s in the
* [Discord Developer Documentation](
public sealed class UserFlag(
* The position of the bit that is set in this [UserFlag]. This is always in 0..30.
public val shift: Int,
) {
init {
require(shift in 0..30) { """shift has to be in 0..30 but was $shift""" }
* The raw code used by Discord.
public val code: Int
get() = 1 shl shift
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in `this` and [flag].
public operator fun plus(flag: UserFlag): UserFlags = UserFlags(this.code or flag.code, null)
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in `this` and [flags].
public operator fun plus(flags: UserFlags): UserFlags = UserFlags(this.code or flags.code, null)
final override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = this === other ||
(other is UserFlag && this.shift == other.shift)
final override fun hashCode(): Int = shift.hashCode()
final override fun toString(): String = if (this is Unknown) "UserFlag.Unknown(shift=$shift)"
else "UserFlag.${this::class.simpleName}"
* @suppress
@Suppress(names = arrayOf("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith"))
@Deprecated(message = "UserFlag is no longer an enum class. Deprecated without a replacement.", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun name(): String = this::class.simpleName!!
* @suppress
@Suppress(names = arrayOf("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith", "DEPRECATION_ERROR"))
@Deprecated(message = "UserFlag is no longer an enum class. Deprecated without a replacement.", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun ordinal(): Int = when (this) {
DiscordEmployee -> 0
DiscordPartner -> 1
HypeSquad -> 2
BugHunterLevel1 -> 3
HouseBravery -> 4
HouseBrilliance -> 5
HouseBalance -> 6
EarlySupporter -> 7
TeamUser -> 8
System -> 9
BugHunterLevel2 -> 10
VerifiedBot -> 11
VerifiedBotDeveloper -> 12
DiscordCertifiedModerator -> 13
BotHttpInteractions -> 14
ActiveDeveloper -> 15
is Unknown -> Int.MAX_VALUE
* @suppress
message = "UserFlag is no longer an enum class.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "", imports =
public fun getDeclaringClass(): Class =
* An unknown [UserFlag].
* This is used as a fallback for [UserFlag]s that haven't been added to Kord yet.
public class Unknown internal constructor(
shift: Int,
) : UserFlag(shift)
* Discord Employee
public object DiscordEmployee : UserFlag(0)
* Partnered Server Owner
public object DiscordPartner : UserFlag(1)
* HypeSquad Events Member
public object HypeSquad : UserFlag(2)
* Bug Hunter Level 1
public object BugHunterLevel1 : UserFlag(3)
* House Bravery Member
public object HouseBravery : UserFlag(6)
* House Brilliance Member
public object HouseBrilliance : UserFlag(7)
* House Balance Member
public object HouseBalance : UserFlag(8)
* Early Nitro Supporter
public object EarlySupporter : UserFlag(9)
* User is a team
public object TeamUser : UserFlag(10)
"'UserFlag.System' is no longer documented. You can still use it with 'UserFlag.fromShift(12)'.",
ReplaceWith("UserFlag.fromShift(12)", imports = ["dev.kord.common.entity.UserFlag"]),
public object System : UserFlag(12)
* Bug Hunter Level 2
public object BugHunterLevel2 : UserFlag(14)
* Verified Bot
public object VerifiedBot : UserFlag(16)
* Early Verified Bot Developer
public object VerifiedBotDeveloper : UserFlag(17)
* Moderator Programs Alumni
public object DiscordCertifiedModerator : UserFlag(18)
* Bot uses only HTTP interactions and is shown in the online member list.
public object BotHttpInteractions : UserFlag(19)
* User is an [Active Developer](
public object ActiveDeveloper : UserFlag(22)
public companion object {
* A [List] of all known [UserFlag]s.
public val entries: List by lazy(mode = PUBLICATION) {
@Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR") System,
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val DiscordEmployee: UserFlag = DiscordEmployee
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val DiscordPartner: UserFlag = DiscordPartner
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val HypeSquad: UserFlag = HypeSquad
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val BugHunterLevel1: UserFlag = BugHunterLevel1
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val HouseBravery: UserFlag = HouseBravery
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val HouseBrilliance: UserFlag = HouseBrilliance
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val HouseBalance: UserFlag = HouseBalance
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val EarlySupporter: UserFlag = EarlySupporter
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val TeamUser: UserFlag = TeamUser
@Suppress(names = arrayOf("DEPRECATION_ERROR"))
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val System: UserFlag = System
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val BugHunterLevel2: UserFlag = BugHunterLevel2
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val VerifiedBot: UserFlag = VerifiedBot
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val VerifiedBotDeveloper: UserFlag = VerifiedBotDeveloper
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val DiscordCertifiedModerator: UserFlag = DiscordCertifiedModerator
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val BotHttpInteractions: UserFlag = BotHttpInteractions
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "Binary compatibility",
public val ActiveDeveloper: UserFlag = ActiveDeveloper
* Returns an instance of [UserFlag] with [UserFlag.shift] equal to the specified [shift].
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [shift] is not in 0..30.
public fun fromShift(shift: Int): UserFlag = when (shift) {
0 -> DiscordEmployee
1 -> DiscordPartner
2 -> HypeSquad
3 -> BugHunterLevel1
6 -> HouseBravery
7 -> HouseBrilliance
8 -> HouseBalance
9 -> EarlySupporter
10 -> TeamUser
12 -> @Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR") System
14 -> BugHunterLevel2
16 -> VerifiedBot
17 -> VerifiedBotDeveloper
18 -> DiscordCertifiedModerator
19 -> BotHttpInteractions
22 -> ActiveDeveloper
else -> Unknown(shift)
* @suppress
@Suppress(names = arrayOf("NON_FINAL_MEMBER_IN_OBJECT", "DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith"))
@Deprecated(message =
"UserFlag is no longer an enum class. Deprecated without a replacement.", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public open fun valueOf(name: String): UserFlag = when (name) {
"DiscordEmployee" -> DiscordEmployee
"DiscordPartner" -> DiscordPartner
"HypeSquad" -> HypeSquad
"BugHunterLevel1" -> BugHunterLevel1
"HouseBravery" -> HouseBravery
"HouseBrilliance" -> HouseBrilliance
"HouseBalance" -> HouseBalance
"EarlySupporter" -> EarlySupporter
"TeamUser" -> TeamUser
"System" -> @Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR") System
"BugHunterLevel2" -> BugHunterLevel2
"VerifiedBot" -> VerifiedBot
"VerifiedBotDeveloper" -> VerifiedBotDeveloper
"DiscordCertifiedModerator" -> DiscordCertifiedModerator
"BotHttpInteractions" -> BotHttpInteractions
"ActiveDeveloper" -> ActiveDeveloper
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(name)
* @suppress
@Suppress(names = arrayOf("NON_FINAL_MEMBER_IN_OBJECT"))
message = "UserFlag is no longer an enum class.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "UserFlag.entries.toTypedArray()", imports =
public open fun values(): Array = entries.toTypedArray()
* A collection of multiple [UserFlag]s.
* ## Creating an instance of [UserFlags]
* You can create an instance of [UserFlags] using the following methods:
* ```kotlin
* // from individual UserFlags
* val userFlags1 = UserFlags(UserFlag.DiscordEmployee, UserFlag.DiscordPartner)
* // from an Iterable
* val iterable: Iterable = TODO()
* val userFlags2 = UserFlags(iterable)
* // using a builder
* val userFlags3 = UserFlags {
* +userFlags2
* +UserFlag.DiscordEmployee
* -UserFlag.DiscordPartner
* }
* ```
* ## Modifying an existing instance of [UserFlags]
* You can create a modified copy of an existing instance of [UserFlags] using the [copy] method:
* ```kotlin
* userFlags.copy {
* +UserFlag.DiscordEmployee
* }
* ```
* ## Mathematical operators
* All [UserFlags] objects can use `+`/`-` operators:
* ```kotlin
* val userFlags1 = userFlags + UserFlag.DiscordEmployee
* val userFlags2 = userFlags - UserFlag.DiscordPartner
* val userFlags3 = userFlags1 + userFlags2
* ```
* ## Checking for [UserFlag]s
* You can use the [contains] operator to check whether an instance of [UserFlags] contains specific
* [UserFlag]s:
* ```kotlin
* val hasUserFlag = UserFlag.DiscordEmployee in userFlags
* val hasUserFlags = UserFlags(UserFlag.DiscordEmployee, UserFlag.DiscordPartner) in userFlags
* ```
* ## Unknown [UserFlag]s
* Whenever [UserFlag]s haven't been added to Kord yet, they will be deserialized as instances of
* [UserFlag.Unknown].
* You can also use [UserFlag.fromShift] to check for [unknown][UserFlag.Unknown] [UserFlag]s.
* ```kotlin
* val hasUnknownUserFlag = UserFlag.fromShift(23) in userFlags
* ```
* @see UserFlag
* @see UserFlags.Builder
@Serializable(with = UserFlags.Serializer::class)
public class UserFlags internal constructor(
* The raw code used by Discord.
public val code: Int,
@Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") unused: Nothing?,
) {
// TODO uncomment annotation in DiscordUser.kt and delete this file when this constructor is removed after
// deprecation cycle
"Don't construct an instance of 'UserFlags' from a raw code. Use the factory functions described in the " +
"documentation instead.",
ReplaceWith("UserFlags.Builder(code).build()", "dev.kord.common.entity.UserFlags"),
public constructor(code: Int) : this(code, null)
* A [Set] of all [UserFlag]s contained in this instance of [UserFlags].
public val values: Set
get() = buildSet {
var remaining = code
var shift = 0
while (remaining != 0) {
if ((remaining and 1) != 0) add(UserFlag.fromShift(shift))
remaining = remaining ushr 1
* @suppress
message = "Renamed to 'values'.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "this.values", imports = arrayOf()),
public val flags: List
get() = values.toList()
* Checks if this instance of [UserFlags] has all bits set that are set in [flag].
public operator fun contains(flag: UserFlag): Boolean = this.code and flag.code == flag.code
* Checks if this instance of [UserFlags] has all bits set that are set in [flags].
public operator fun contains(flags: UserFlags): Boolean = this.code and flags.code == flags.code
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in `this` and [flag].
public operator fun plus(flag: UserFlag): UserFlags = UserFlags(this.code or flag.code, null)
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in `this` and [flags].
public operator fun plus(flags: UserFlags): UserFlags = UserFlags(this.code or flags.code, null)
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in `this` except the
* bits that are set in [flag].
public operator fun minus(flag: UserFlag): UserFlags = UserFlags(this.code and flag.code.inv(), null)
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in `this` except the
* bits that are set in [flags].
public operator fun minus(flags: UserFlags): UserFlags =
UserFlags(this.code and flags.code.inv(), null)
* Returns a copy of this instance of [UserFlags] modified with [builder].
@JvmName("copy0") // TODO other name when deprecated overload is removed
public inline fun copy(builder: Builder.() -> Unit): UserFlags {
contract { callsInPlace(builder, EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return Builder(code).apply(builder).build()
"'UserFlags.UserFlagsBuilder' is deprecated, use 'UserFlags.Builder' instead.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
public inline fun copy(block: UserFlagsBuilder.() -> Unit): UserFlags {
contract { callsInPlace(block, EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return UserFlagsBuilder(code).apply(block).flags()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = this === other ||
(other is UserFlags && this.code == other.code)
override fun hashCode(): Int = code.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = "UserFlags(values=$values)"
* @suppress
message = "UserFlags is no longer a data class.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(expression = "this.code", imports = arrayOf()),
public operator fun component1(): Int = code
* @suppress
@Suppress(names = arrayOf("DeprecatedCallableAddReplaceWith"))
@Deprecated(message = "UserFlags is no longer a data class. Deprecated without a replacement.", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun copy(code: Int = this.code): UserFlags = UserFlags(code, null)
"Renamed to 'Builder'.",
ReplaceWith("UserFlags.Builder", imports = ["dev.kord.common.entity.UserFlags"]),
public class UserFlagsBuilder(code: Int = 0) {
private val delegate = Builder(code)
public operator fun UserFlag.unaryPlus(): Unit = with(delegate) { unaryPlus() }
public operator fun UserFlag.unaryMinus(): Unit = with(delegate) { unaryMinus() }
public fun flags(): UserFlags =
public class Builder(
private var code: Int = 0,
) {
* Sets all bits in the [Builder] that are set in this [UserFlag].
public operator fun UserFlag.unaryPlus() {
[email protected] = [email protected] or this.code
* Sets all bits in the [Builder] that are set in this [UserFlags].
public operator fun UserFlags.unaryPlus() {
[email protected] = [email protected] or this.code
* Unsets all bits in the [Builder] that are set in this [UserFlag].
public operator fun UserFlag.unaryMinus() {
[email protected] = [email protected] and this.code.inv()
* Unsets all bits in the [Builder] that are set in this [UserFlags].
public operator fun UserFlags.unaryMinus() {
[email protected] = [email protected] and this.code.inv()
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are currently set in this
* [Builder].
public fun build(): UserFlags = UserFlags(code, null)
internal object Serializer : KSerializer {
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor =
PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("dev.kord.common.entity.UserFlags", PrimitiveKind.INT)
private val `delegate`: KSerializer = Int.serializer()
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, `value`: UserFlags) {
encoder.encodeSerializableValue(delegate, value.code)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): UserFlags =
UserFlags(decoder.decodeSerializableValue(delegate), null)
public companion object {
"Renamed to 'Companion', which no longer implements 'KSerializer'.",
ReplaceWith("UserFlags.serializer()", imports = ["dev.kord.common.entity.UserFlags"]),
public val UserFlagsSerializer: UserFlagsSerializer = UserFlagsSerializer()
"Renamed to 'Companion', which no longer implements 'KSerializer'.",
ReplaceWith("UserFlags.serializer()", imports = ["dev.kord.common.entity.UserFlags"]),
public class UserFlagsSerializer internal constructor() : KSerializer by Serializer {
public fun serializer(): KSerializer = this
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] built with [UserFlags.Builder].
public inline fun UserFlags(builder: UserFlags.Builder.() -> Unit = {}): UserFlags {
contract { callsInPlace(builder, EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return UserFlags.Builder().apply(builder).build()
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in any element of [flags].
public fun UserFlags(vararg flags: UserFlag): UserFlags = UserFlags {
flags.forEach { +it }
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in any element of [flags].
public fun UserFlags(vararg flags: UserFlags): UserFlags = UserFlags {
flags.forEach { +it }
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in any element of [flags].
public fun UserFlags(flags: Iterable): UserFlags = UserFlags {
flags.forEach { +it }
* Returns an instance of [UserFlags] that has all bits set that are set in any element of [flags].
public fun UserFlags(flags: Iterable): UserFlags = UserFlags {
flags.forEach { +it }