commonMain.entity.DiscordMessage.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
INT_KORD_ENUM, name = "MessageType", valueName = "code",
docUrl = "",
entries = [
Entry("Default", intValue = 0),
Entry("RecipientAdd", intValue = 1),
Entry("RecipientRemove", intValue = 2),
Entry("Call", intValue = 3),
Entry("ChannelNameChange", intValue = 4),
Entry("ChannelIconChange", intValue = 5),
Entry("ChannelPinnedMessage", intValue = 6),
Entry("UserJoin", intValue = 7),
Entry("GuildBoost", intValue = 8),
Entry("GuildBoostTier1", intValue = 9),
Entry("GuildBoostTier2", intValue = 10),
Entry("GuildBoostTier3", intValue = 11),
Entry("ChannelFollowAdd", intValue = 12),
Entry("GuildDiscoveryDisqualified", intValue = 14),
Entry("GuildDiscoveryRequalified", intValue = 15),
Entry("GuildDiscoveryGracePeriodInitialWarning", intValue = 16),
Entry("GuildDiscoveryGracePeriodFinalWarning", intValue = 17),
Entry("ThreadCreated", intValue = 18),
Entry("Reply", intValue = 19),
Entry("ChatInputCommand", intValue = 20),
Entry("ThreadStarterMessage", intValue = 21),
Entry("GuildInviteReminder", intValue = 22),
Entry("ContextMenuCommand", intValue = 23),
Entry("AutoModerationAction", intValue = 24),
Entry("RoleSubscriptionPurchase", intValue = 25),
Entry("InteractionPremiumUpsell", intValue = 26),
Entry("StageStart", intValue = 27),
Entry("StageEnd", intValue = 28),
Entry("StageSpeaker", intValue = 29),
Entry("StageTopic", intValue = 31),
Entry("GuildApplicationPremiumSubscription", intValue = 32),
Entry("PurchaseNotification", intValue = 44),
INT_FLAGS, name = "MessageFlag", valueName = "code",
docUrl = "",
entries = [
"CrossPosted", shift = 0,
kDoc = "This message has been published to subscribed channels (via Channel Following).",
"IsCrossPost", shift = 1,
kDoc = "This message originated from a message in another channel (via Channel Following).",
Entry("SuppressEmbeds", shift = 2, kDoc = "Do not include any embeds when serializing this message."),
"SourceMessageDeleted", shift = 3,
kDoc = "The source message for this crosspost has been deleted (via Channel Following).",
Entry("Urgent", shift = 4, kDoc = "This message came from the urgent message system."),
Entry("HasThread", shift = 5, kDoc = "This message has an associated thread, with the same id as the message."),
Entry("Ephemeral", shift = 6, kDoc = "This message is only visible to the user who invoked the Interaction."),
Entry("Loading", shift = 7, kDoc = """This message is an Interaction Response and the bot is "thinking"."""),
"FailedToMentionSomeRolesInThread", shift = 8,
kDoc = "This message failed to mention some roles and add their members to the thread.",
"SuppressNotifications", shift = 12, kDoc = "This message will not trigger push and desktop notifications.",
Entry("IsVoiceMessage", shift = 13, kDoc = "This message is a voice message."),
INT_KORD_ENUM, name = "MessageActivityType",
docUrl = "",
entries = [
Entry("Join", intValue = 1),
Entry("Spectate", intValue = 2),
Entry("Listen", intValue = 3),
Entry("JoinRequest", intValue = 5),
STRING_KORD_ENUM, name = "EmbedType",
docUrl = "",
entries = [
Entry("Rich", stringValue = "rich", kDoc = "Generic embed rendered from embed attributes."),
Entry("Image", stringValue = "image", kDoc = "Image embed."),
Entry("Video", stringValue = "video", kDoc = "Video embed."),
Entry("Gifv", stringValue = "gifv", kDoc = "Animated gif image embed rendered as a video embed."),
Entry("Article", stringValue = "article", kDoc = "Article embed."),
Entry("Link", stringValue = "link", kDoc = "Link embed."),
STRING_KORD_ENUM, name = "AllowedMentionType",
docUrl = "",
entries = [
Entry("RoleMentions", stringValue = "roles", kDoc = "Controls role mentions."),
Entry("UserMentions", stringValue = "users", kDoc = "Controls user mentions"),
Entry("EveryoneMentions", stringValue = "everyone", kDoc = "Controls @everyone and @here mentions."),
INT_KORD_ENUM, name = "MessageStickerType",
docUrl = "",
entries = [
Entry("PNG", intValue = 1),
Entry("APNG", intValue = 2),
Entry("LOTTIE", intValue = 3),
Entry("GIF", intValue = 4)
INT_FLAGS, name = "AttachmentFlag",
docUrl = "",
entries = [
Entry("IsRemix", shift = 2, kDoc = "This attachment has been edited using the remix feature on mobile."),
package dev.kord.common.entity
import dev.kord.common.entity.optional.Optional
import dev.kord.common.entity.optional.OptionalBoolean
import dev.kord.common.entity.optional.OptionalInt
import dev.kord.common.entity.optional.OptionalSnowflake
import dev.kord.common.serialization.DurationInDoubleSeconds
import dev.kord.common.serialization.LongOrStringSerializer
import dev.kord.ksp.Generate
import dev.kord.ksp.Generate.EntityType.*
import dev.kord.ksp.Generate.Entry
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* Represents [a message sent in a channel within Discord](
* @param id id of the message.
* @param channelId id of the channel the message was sent in.
* @param guildId id of the guild the message was sent in.
* @param author The author of this message.
* The author is only a valid user in the case where the message is generated by a user or bot user.
* If the message is generated by a webhook, the author object corresponds to the webhook's
* [], [], and [DiscordWebhook.avatar].
* You can tell if a message is generated by a webhook by checking for the [webhookId] on the message object.
* @param member Member properties for this message's author.
* It only exists in MESSAGE_CREATE and MESSAGE_UPDATE events from text-based guild channels.
* @param content Contents of the message.
* @param editedTimestamp When this message was edited, null if never.
* @param tts Whether this was a text-to-speech message.
* @param mentionEveryone Whether this message mentions everyone.
* @param mentions Users specifically mentioned in the message.
* @param mentionRoles Roles specifically mentioned in this message.
* @param mentionedChannels Channels specifically mentioned in this message.
* Not all channel mentions in a message will appear in [mentionedChannels]:
* * Only textual channels that are visible to everyone in a lurkable guild will ever be included.
* * Only crossposted messages (via Channel Following) currently include [mentionedChannels] at all.
* If no mentions in the message meet these requirements, this field will not be sent.
* @param attachments Any attached files.
* @param embeds Any embedded content.
* @param reactions reactions to the message.
* @param nonce Used for validating a message was sent.
* @param pinned Whether this message is pinned.
* @param webhookId If the message is generated by a webhook, this is the webhook's id.
* @param type Type of message.
* @param activity Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds.
* @param application Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds.
* @param messageReference Reference data sent with crossposted messages and replies.
* @param flags Message flags.
* @param stickers The stickers sent with the message (bots currently can only receive messages with stickers, not send).
* @param referencedMessage the message associated with [messageReference].
* @param roleSubscriptionData [RoleSubscription] object data of the role subscription purchase or renewal that prompted this message.
* @param applicationId if the message is a response to an [Interaction][DiscordInteraction], this is the id of the interaction's application
* @param components a list of [components][DiscordComponent] which have been added to this message
public data class DiscordMessage(
val id: Snowflake,
val channelId: Snowflake,
val guildId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val author: DiscordUser,
val member: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val content: String,
val timestamp: Instant,
val editedTimestamp: Instant?,
val tts: Boolean,
val mentionEveryone: Boolean,
val mentions: List,
val mentionRoles: List,
val mentionedChannels: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val attachments: List,
val embeds: List,
val reactions: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val nonce: Optional<@Serializable(with = LongOrStringSerializer::class) String> = Optional.Missing(),
val pinned: Boolean,
val webhookId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val type: MessageType,
val activity: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val application: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val applicationId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val messageReference: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val flags: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val stickers: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val referencedMessage: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val roleSubscriptionData: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
* don't trust the docs:
* This is a list even though the docs say it's a component
val components: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val interaction: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val thread: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val position: OptionalInt = OptionalInt.Missing
* @param id id of the sticker
* @param packId id of the pack the sticker is from
* @param name name of the sticker
* @param description description of the sticker
* @param tags a comma-separated list of tags for the sticker
* @param formatType type of sticker format
public data class DiscordMessageSticker(
val id: Snowflake,
val packId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val name: String,
val description: String?,
val tags: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val formatType: MessageStickerType,
val available: OptionalBoolean = OptionalBoolean.Missing,
val guildId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val user: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val sortValue: OptionalInt = OptionalInt.Missing
public data class DiscordStickerPack(
val id: Snowflake,
val stickers: List,
val name: String,
val skuId: Snowflake,
val coverStickerId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val description: String,
val bannerAssetId: Snowflake
public data class DiscordStickerItem(
val id: Snowflake,
val name: String,
val formatType: MessageStickerType
* Represents [a partial message sent in a channel within Discord](
* @param id id of the message.
* @param channelId id of the channel the message was sent in.
* @param guildId id of the guild the message was sent in.
* @param author The author of this message.
* The author is only a valid user in the case where the message is generated by a user or bot user.
* If the message is generated by a webhook, the author object corresponds to the webhook's
* [], [], and [DiscordWebhook.avatar].
* You can tell if a message is generated by a webhook by checking for the [webhookId] on the message object.
* @param member Member properties for this message's author.
* It only exists in MESSAGE_CREATE and MESSAGE_UPDATE events from text-based guild channels.
* @param content Contents of the message.
* @param editedTimestamp When this message was edited, null if never.
* @param tts Whether this was a text-to-speech message.
* @param mentionEveryone Whether this message mentions everyone.
* @param mentions Users specifically mentioned in the message.
* @param mentionRoles Roles specifically mentioned in this message.
* @param mentionedChannels Channels specifically mentioned in this message.
* Not all channel mentions in a message will appear in [mentionedChannels]:
* * Only textual channels that are visible to everyone in a lurkable guild will ever be included.
* * Only crossposted messages (via Channel Following) currently include [mentionedChannels] at all.
* If no mentions in the message meet these requirements, this field will not be sent.
* @param attachments Any attached files.
* @param embeds Any embedded content.
* @param reactions reactions to the message.
* @param nonce Used for validating a message was sent.
* @param pinned Whether this message is pinned.
* @param webhookId If the message is generated by a webhook, this is the webhook's id.
* @param type Type of message.
* @param activity Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds.
* @param application Sent with Rich Presence-related chat embeds.
* @param messageReference Reference data sent with crossposted messages and replies.
* @param flags Message flags.
* @param stickers The stickers sent with the message (bots currently can only receive messages with stickers, not send).
* @param referencedMessage the message associated with [messageReference].
public data class DiscordPartialMessage(
val id: Snowflake,
val channelId: Snowflake,
val guildId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val author: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val member: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val content: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val timestamp: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val editedTimestamp: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val tts: OptionalBoolean = OptionalBoolean.Missing,
val mentionEveryone: OptionalBoolean = OptionalBoolean.Missing,
val mentions: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val mentionRoles: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val mentionedChannels: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val attachments: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val embeds: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val reactions: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val nonce: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val pinned: OptionalBoolean = OptionalBoolean.Missing,
val webhookId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val type: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val activity: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val application: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val messageReference: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val flags: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val stickers: Optional> = Optional.Missing(),
val referencedMessage: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val interaction: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val position: OptionalInt = OptionalInt.Missing,
public data class DiscordMessageReference(
val id: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val channelId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val guildId: OptionalSnowflake = OptionalSnowflake.Missing,
val failIfNotExists: OptionalBoolean = OptionalBoolean.Missing
* A representation of a [Discord Channel Mention structure](
* @param id The id of the channel.
* @param guildId The id of the guild containing the channel.
* @param type The type of channel.
* @param name the name of the channel.
public data class DiscordMentionedChannel(
val id: Snowflake,
val guildId: Snowflake,
val type: ChannelType,
val name: String,
* A representation of a [Discord Attachment structure](
* @property id The attachment id.
* @property filename The name of the attached file.
* @property description The description for the file.
* @property contentType The attachment's [media type](
* @property size The size of the file in bytes.
* @property url The source url of the file.
* @property proxyUrl A proxied url of the field.
* @property height The height of the file (if it is an image).
* @property width The width of the file (if it is an image).
* @property ephemeral Whether this attachment is ephemeral
* @property durationSecs The duration of the audio file (currently for voice messages)
* @property waveform Base64 encoded bytearray representing a sampled waveform (currently for voice messages)
public data class DiscordAttachment(
val id: Snowflake,
val filename: String,
val description: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val contentType: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val size: Int,
val url: String,
val proxyUrl: String,
val height: OptionalInt? = OptionalInt.Missing,
val width: OptionalInt? = OptionalInt.Missing,
val ephemeral: OptionalBoolean = OptionalBoolean.Missing,
val durationSecs: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val waveform: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val flags: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
* A representation of a [Discord Embed structure](
* @param title The title of the embed.
* @param type The type of the embed (always [EmbedType.Rich] for webhook embeds).
* @param description The description of the embed.
* @param url The url of the embed.
* @param timestamp The timestamp of the embed content.
* @param color The color code of the embed.
* @param footer The footer information.
* @param image The image information.
* @param thumbnail The thumbnail information.
* @param video The video information.
* @param provider The provider information.
* @param author The author information.
* @param fields The fields information.
public data class DiscordEmbed(
val title: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val type: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val description: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val url: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val timestamp: Optional = Optional.Missing(),
val color: OptionalInt = OptionalInt.Missing,
val footer: Optional
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