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commonMain.Kord.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package dev.kord.core

import dev.kord.cache.api.DataCache
import dev.kord.common.annotation.KordExperimental
import dev.kord.common.annotation.KordUnsafe
import dev.kord.common.entity.DiscordShard
import dev.kord.common.entity.Snowflake
import dev.kord.common.exception.RequestException
import dev.kord.core.builder.kord.KordBuilder
import dev.kord.core.builder.kord.KordProxyBuilder
import dev.kord.core.builder.kord.KordRestOnlyBuilder
import dev.kord.core.entity.*
import dev.kord.core.entity.application.*
import dev.kord.core.event.Event
import dev.kord.core.exception.EntityNotFoundException
import dev.kord.core.exception.KordInitializationException
import dev.kord.core.gateway.MasterGateway
import dev.kord.core.gateway.handler.GatewayEventInterceptor
import dev.kord.core.gateway.start
import dev.kord.core.supplier.*
import dev.kord.gateway.Gateway
import dev.kord.gateway.builder.LoginBuilder
import dev.kord.gateway.builder.PresenceBuilder
import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel as CoroutineChannel

@Deprecated("Use your own logger instead, this will be removed in the future.", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
public val kordLogger: mu.KLogger = mu.KotlinLogging.logger { }

private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger { }

internal fun logCaughtThrowable(throwable: Throwable): Unit = logger.catching(throwable)

 * The central adapter between other Kord modules and source of core [events].
public class Kord(
    public val resources: ClientResources,
    public val cache: DataCache,
    public val gateway: MasterGateway,
    public val rest: RestClient,
    public val selfId: Snowflake,
    private val eventFlow: MutableSharedFlow,
    dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
    private val interceptor: GatewayEventInterceptor,
) : CoroutineScope {

    public val nitroStickerPacks: Flow
        get() = defaultSupplier.getNitroStickerPacks()

     * The default supplier, obtained through Kord's [resources] and configured through [KordBuilder.defaultStrategy].
     * By default a strategy from [].
     * All [strategizable][Strategizable] [entities][KordEntity] created through this instance will use this supplier by default.
    public val defaultSupplier: EntitySupplier =

     * A reference to all exposed [unsafe][KordUnsafe] entity constructors for this instance.
    public val unsafe: Unsafe = Unsafe(this)

     * The events emitted from the [gateway]. Call [Kord.login] to start receiving events.
     * Events emitted by this flow are guaranteed to follow the same order as they were received
     * by the web socket. Any event flow order between multiple [MasterGateway.gateways] is not
     * guaranteed.
     * Subscriptions to this flow will not complete normally, as per design of [SharedFlow].
     * Use [Flow.launchIn] with [Kord] as [CoroutineScope] to cease event processing
     * on [Kord.shutdown].
     * Behavior like replay cache size, buffer size and overflow behavior are dependant on the
     * supplied [eventFlow]. See [KordBuilder.eventFlow] for more details.
    public val events: SharedFlow
        get() = eventFlow

    override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = SupervisorJob() + dispatcher

    public val regions: Flow
        get() = defaultSupplier.regions

    public val guilds: Flow
        get() = defaultSupplier.guilds

    init {
            .onEach { event ->
                val coreEvent = interceptor.handle(event, this)
                coreEvent?.let { eventFlow.emit(it) }

     * Logs in to the configured [Gateways][Gateway]. Suspends until [logout] or [shutdown] is called.
    public suspend inline fun login(builder: LoginBuilder.() -> Unit = {}) {
        contract {
            callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        val loginBuilder = LoginBuilder().apply(builder)
        gateway.start(resources.token) {
            shard = DiscordShard(0, resources.shards.totalShards)
            presence = loginBuilder.presence
            intents = loginBuilder.intents
            name =

     * Logs out to the configured [Gateways][Gateway].
    public suspend fun logout(): Unit = gateway.stopAll()

     * Logs out of all connected [Gateways][Gateway] and frees all resources.
    public suspend fun shutdown() {

        // resolve ambiguous coroutineContext
        (this as CoroutineScope).cancel()

    public fun  with(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy): T =

    public suspend fun getApplicationInfo(): Application = with(

     * Requests the [ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata] objects for this [Application].
     * @throws RestRequestException if something went wrong during the request.
    public suspend fun getApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecords(): List =
            .map { ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata(data = it, kord = this) }

     * Requests to update the [ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata] objects for this [Application].
     * @throws RestRequestException if something went wrong during the request.
    public suspend inline fun updateApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecords(
        builder: ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecordsBuilder.() -> Unit,
    ): List {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        return rest.applicationRoleConnectionMetadata
            .updateApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecords(selfId, builder)
            .map { ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata(data = it, kord = this) }

     * Requests to create a new Guild configured through the [builder].
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
     * @return The newly created Guild.
    public suspend inline fun createGuild(name: String, builder: GuildCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): Guild {
        contract {
            callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        val response = rest.guild.createGuild(name, builder)
        val data = GuildData.from(response)

        return Guild(data, this)

     * Requests to get the [GuildPreview] of a guild with the [guildId] through the [strategy],
     * returns null if the [GuildPreview] isn't present.
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
     * @throws [EntityNotFoundException] if the preview wasn't present.
    public suspend fun getGuildPreview(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy,
    ): GuildPreview =

     * Requests to get the [GuildPreview] of a guild with the [guildId] through the [strategy],
     * returns null if the [GuildPreview] isn't present.
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
    public suspend fun getGuildPreviewOrNull(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy,
    ): GuildPreview? =

     * Requests to get the [Channel] with the [id] through the [strategy],
     * returns null if the [Channel] isn't present.
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
     * @throws [EntityNotFoundException] if the channel wasn't present.
    public suspend fun getChannel(
        id: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy,
    ): Channel? =

     * Requests to get the [Channel] as type [T] through the [strategy],
     * returns null if the [Channel] isn't present or is not of type [T].
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
    public suspend inline fun  getChannelOf(
        id: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy,
    ): T? =

     * Requests the [Guild] with the given [id], returns `null` when the guild isn't present.
     * @throws RequestException if something went wrong while retrieving the guild.
    public suspend fun getGuildOrNull(
        id: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy,
    ): Guild? =

     * Requests the [Guild] with the given [id].
     * @throws RequestException if something went wrong while retrieving the guild.
     * @throws EntityNotFoundException if the guild is null.
    public suspend fun getGuild(
        id: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy,
    ): Guild =

     * Requests to get the [Webhook] in this guild.
     * @throws [RestRequestException] if something went wrong during the request.
     * @throws [EntityNotFoundException] if the webhook was not present.
    public suspend fun getWebhook(
        id: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy
    ): Webhook =

     * Requests to get the [Webhook] in this guild with an authentication token,
     * returns null if the webhook was not present.
     * @throws [RestRequestException] if something went wrong during the request.

    public suspend fun getWebhookOrNull(
        id: Snowflake,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy
    ): Webhook? =

     * Requests to get the [Webhook] in this guild with an authentication token.
     * @throws [RestRequestException] if something went wrong during the request.
     * @throws [EntityNotFoundException] if the webhook was not present.
    public suspend fun getWebhookWithToken(
        id: Snowflake,
        token: String,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy
    ): Webhook =, token)

     * Requests to get the [Webhook] in this guild with an authentication token,
     * returns null if the webhook was not present.
     * @throws [RestRequestException] if something went wrong during the request.

    public suspend fun getWebhookWithTokenOrNull(
        id: Snowflake,
        token: String,
        strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy
    ): Webhook? =, token)

     * Requests to get the [User] that represents this bot account through the [strategy],
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
     * @throws [EntityNotFoundException] if the user wasn't present.
    public suspend fun getSelf(strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy): User =

    public suspend fun editSelf(builder: CurrentUserModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): User {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        return User(UserData.from(rest.user.modifyCurrentUser(builder)), this)

     * Requests to get the [User] that with the [id] through the [strategy],
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
     * @throws [EntityNotFoundException] if the user wasn't present.
    public suspend fun getUser(id: Snowflake, strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = resources.defaultStrategy): User? =

     * Requests to get the [Invite] represented by the [code].
     * The returned [Invite], if found, uses the default strategy used by Kord.
     * This is not resolvable through cache and will always use the [rest strategy][] instead.
     * @throws RestRequestException if anything went wrong during the request.
     * @throws EntityNotFoundException if the [Invite] wasn't present.
    public suspend fun getInvite(
        code: String,
        withCounts: Boolean = true,
        withExpiration: Boolean = true,
        scheduledEventId: Snowflake? = null,
    ): Invite = with(, withCounts, withExpiration, scheduledEventId)

     * Requests to get the [Invite] represented by the [code],
     * returns null if the [Invite] isn't present.
     * The returned [Invite], if found, uses the default strategy used by Kord.
     * This is not resolvable through cache and will always use the [rest strategy][] instead.
     * @throws RestRequestException if anything went wrong during the request.
    public suspend fun getInviteOrNull(
        code: String,
        withCounts: Boolean = true,
        withExpiration: Boolean = true,
        scheduledEventId: Snowflake? = null,
    ): Invite? = with(, withCounts, withExpiration, scheduledEventId)

    public suspend fun getSticker(id: Snowflake): Sticker = defaultSupplier.getSticker(id)

     * Requests to edit the presence of the bot user configured by the [builder].
     * The new presence will be shown on all shards. Use [MasterGateway.gateways] or [Event.gateway] to
     * set the presence of a single shard.
     * @throws [RequestException] if anything went wrong during the request.
    public suspend inline fun editPresence(builder: PresenceBuilder.() -> Unit) {
        contract {
            callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
        val status = PresenceBuilder().apply(builder).toUpdateStatus()

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Kord && this.resources.token == other.resources.token
    override fun hashCode(): Int = resources.token.hashCode()
    override fun toString(): String =
        "Kord(resources=$resources, cache=$cache, gateway=$gateway, rest=$rest, selfId=$selfId)"

    public companion object {

         * Builds a [Kord] instance configured by the [builder].
         * The instance only allows for configuration of REST related APIs,
         * interacting with the [gateway][Kord.gateway] or its [events][] will result in no-ops.
         * Similarly, [cache][Kord.cache] related functionality has been disabled and
         * replaced with a no-op implementation.
        public inline fun restOnly(token: String, builder: KordRestOnlyBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Kord {
            contract {
                callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
            return KordRestOnlyBuilder(token).apply(builder).build()

         * Builds a [Kord] instance configured by the [builder].
         * The instance only allows for configuration of REST related APIs,
         * interacting with the [gateway][Kord.gateway] or its [events][] will result in no-ops.
         * Similarly, [cache][Kord.cache] related functionality has been disabled and
         * replaced with a no-op implementation.
        public inline fun proxy(applicationId: Snowflake, builder: KordProxyBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Kord {
            contract {
                callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
            return KordProxyBuilder(applicationId).apply(builder).build()

    public fun getGlobalApplicationCommands(withLocalizations: Boolean? = null): Flow {
        return defaultSupplier.getGlobalApplicationCommands(resources.applicationId, withLocalizations)

    public fun getGuildApplicationCommands(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        withLocalizations: Boolean? = null,
    ): Flow {
        return defaultSupplier.getGuildApplicationCommands(resources.applicationId, guildId, withLocalizations)

    public suspend fun getGuildApplicationCommand(guildId: Snowflake, commandId: Snowflake): GuildApplicationCommand {
        return defaultSupplier.getGuildApplicationCommand(resources.applicationId, guildId, commandId)

    public suspend fun getGuildApplicationCommandOrNull(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        commandId: Snowflake
    ): GuildApplicationCommand? {
        return defaultSupplier.getGuildApplicationCommandOrNull(resources.applicationId, guildId, commandId)

    public suspend inline fun  getGuildApplicationCommandOf(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        commandId: Snowflake
    ): T {
        return defaultSupplier.getGuildApplicationCommandOf(resources.applicationId, guildId, commandId)

    public suspend inline fun  getGuildApplicationCommandOfOrNull(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        commandId: Snowflake
    ): T? {
        return defaultSupplier.getGuildApplicationCommandOfOrNull(resources.applicationId, guildId, commandId)

    public suspend fun getGlobalApplicationCommand(commandId: Snowflake): GlobalApplicationCommand {
        return defaultSupplier.getGlobalApplicationCommand(resources.applicationId, commandId)

    public suspend fun getGlobalApplicationCommandOrNull(commandId: Snowflake): GlobalApplicationCommand? {
        return defaultSupplier.getGlobalApplicationCommandOrNull(resources.applicationId, commandId)

    public suspend fun  getGlobalApplicationCommandOf(commandId: Snowflake): T {
        return defaultSupplier.getGlobalApplicationCommandOf(resources.applicationId, commandId)

    public suspend fun  getGlobalApplicationCommandOfOrNull(commandId: Snowflake): T? {
        return defaultSupplier.getGlobalApplicationCommandOfOrNull(resources.applicationId, commandId)

    public suspend inline fun createGlobalChatInputCommand(
        name: String,
        description: String,
        builder: GlobalChatInputCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
    ): GlobalChatInputCommand {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        val response = rest.interaction.createGlobalChatInputApplicationCommand(
        val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
        return GlobalChatInputCommand(data, rest.interaction)

    public suspend inline fun createGlobalMessageCommand(
        name: String,
        builder: GlobalMessageCommandCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
    ): GlobalMessageCommand {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        val response =
            rest.interaction.createGlobalMessageCommandApplicationCommand(resources.applicationId, name, builder)
        val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
        return GlobalMessageCommand(data, rest.interaction)

    public suspend inline fun createGlobalUserCommand(
        name: String,
        builder: GlobalUserCommandCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
    ): GlobalUserCommand {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        val response =
            rest.interaction.createGlobalUserCommandApplicationCommand(resources.applicationId, name, builder)
        val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
        return GlobalUserCommand(data, rest.interaction)

    public suspend inline fun createGlobalApplicationCommands(
        builder: GlobalMultiApplicationCommandBuilder.() -> Unit,
    ): Flow {

        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        val commands = rest.interaction.createGlobalApplicationCommands(resources.applicationId, builder)
        return flow {
            commands.forEach {
                val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(it)
                emit(GlobalApplicationCommand(data, rest.interaction))

    public suspend inline fun createGuildChatInputCommand(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        name: String,
        description: String,
        builder: ChatInputCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
    ): GuildChatInputCommand {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        val response =
        val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
        return GuildChatInputCommand(data, rest.interaction)

    public suspend inline fun createGuildMessageCommand(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        name: String,
        builder: MessageCommandCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
    ): GuildMessageCommand {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        val response = rest.interaction.createGuildMessageCommandApplicationCommand(
        val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
        return GuildMessageCommand(data, rest.interaction)

    public suspend inline fun createGuildUserCommand(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        name: String,
        builder: UserCommandCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {},
    ): GuildUserCommand {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
        val response = rest.interaction.createGuildUserCommandApplicationCommand(

        val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
        return GuildUserCommand(data, rest.interaction)

    public suspend inline fun createGuildApplicationCommands(
        guildId: Snowflake,
        builder: GuildMultiApplicationCommandBuilder.() -> Unit,
    ): Flow {
        contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }

        val commands = rest.interaction.createGuildApplicationCommands(resources.applicationId, guildId, builder)

        return flow {
            commands.forEach {
                val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(it)
                emit(GuildApplicationCommand(data, rest.interaction))

 * Builds a [Kord] instance configured by the [builder].
 * @throws KordInitializationException if something went wrong while getting the bot's gateway information.
public suspend inline fun Kord(token: String, builder: KordBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Kord {
    contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
    return KordBuilder(token).apply(builder).build()

 * Convenience method that will invoke the [consumer] on every event [T] created by [].
 * The events are buffered in an [unlimited][CoroutineChannel.UNLIMITED] [buffer][Flow.buffer] and
 * [launched][CoroutineScope.launch] in the supplied [scope], which is [Kord] by default.
 * Each event will be [launched][CoroutineScope.launch] inside the [scope] separately and
 * any thrown [Throwable] will be caught and logged.
 * The returned [Job] is a reference to the created coroutine, call [Job.cancel] to cancel the processing of any further
 * events for this [consumer].
public inline fun  Kord.on(
    scope: CoroutineScope = this,
    noinline consumer: suspend T.() -> Unit
): Job =
        .onEach { event ->
            scope.launch { runCatching { consumer(event) }.onFailure(::logCaughtThrowable) }

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