commonMain.supplier.RestEntitySupplier.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Idiomatic Kotlin Wrapper for The Discord API
package dev.kord.core.supplier
import dev.kord.common.entity.DiscordAuditLogEntry
import dev.kord.common.entity.Snowflake
import dev.kord.common.entity.optional.OptionalSnowflake
import dev.kord.common.entity.optional.optionalSnowflake
import dev.kord.core.*
import dev.kord.core.cache.data.*
import dev.kord.core.entity.*
import dev.kord.core.entity.application.ApplicationCommandPermissions
import dev.kord.core.entity.application.GlobalApplicationCommand
import dev.kord.core.entity.application.GuildApplicationCommand
import dev.kord.core.entity.automoderation.AutoModerationRule
import dev.kord.core.entity.channel.Channel
import dev.kord.core.entity.channel.TopGuildChannel
import dev.kord.core.entity.channel.thread.ThreadChannel
import dev.kord.core.entity.channel.thread.ThreadMember
import dev.kord.core.entity.interaction.followup.FollowupMessage
import dev.kord.core.exception.EntityNotFoundException
import dev.kord.rest.builder.auditlog.AuditLogGetRequestBuilder
import dev.kord.rest.json.request.AuditLogGetRequest
import dev.kord.rest.json.request.GuildScheduledEventUsersResponse
import dev.kord.rest.json.request.ListThreadsBySnowflakeRequest
import dev.kord.rest.json.request.ListThreadsByTimestampRequest
import dev.kord.rest.request.RestRequestException
import dev.kord.rest.route.Position
import dev.kord.rest.service.RestClient
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.math.min
* [EntitySupplier] that uses a [RestClient] to resolve entities.
* Error codes besides 429(Too Many Requests) will throw a [RestRequestException],
* 404(Not Found) will be caught by the `xOrNull` variant and return null instead.
* This supplier will always be able to resolve entities if they exist according
* to Discord, entities will always be up-to-date at the moment of the call.
public class RestEntitySupplier(public val kord: Kord) : EntitySupplier {
// order like in docs:
// interactions
private inline val interaction get() = kord.rest.interaction
// resources
private inline val auditLog get() = kord.rest.auditLog
private inline val autoModeration get() = kord.rest.autoModeration
private inline val channel get() = kord.rest.channel
private inline val emoji get() = kord.rest.emoji
private inline val guild get() = kord.rest.guild
private inline val template get() = kord.rest.template
private inline val invite get() = kord.rest.invite
private inline val stageInstance get() = kord.rest.stageInstance
private inline val sticker get() = kord.rest.sticker
private inline val user get() = kord.rest.user
private inline val voice get() = kord.rest.voice
private inline val webhook get() = kord.rest.webhook
// topics
private inline val application get() = kord.rest.application
// max batchSize/limit: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/user#get-current-user-guilds
override val guilds: Flow
get() = paginateForwards(batchSize = 200, idSelector = { it.id }) { after ->
user.getCurrentUserGuilds(position = after, limit = 200)
}.map {
val data = guild.getGuild(it.id).toData()
Guild(data, kord)
override val regions: Flow
get() = flow {
voice.getVoiceRegions().forEach {
val data = RegionData.from(OptionalSnowflake.Missing, it)
emit(Region(data, kord))
override suspend fun getChannelOrNull(id: Snowflake): Channel? =
catchNotFound { Channel.from(channel.getChannel(id).toData(), kord) }
override fun getGuildChannels(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (channelData in guild.getGuildChannels(guildId))
emit(Channel.from(ChannelData.from(channelData), kord))
override fun getChannelPins(channelId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (messageData in channel.getChannelPins(channelId))
emit(Message(MessageData.from(messageData), kord))
override suspend fun getGuildOrNull(id: Snowflake): Guild? =
catchNotFound { Guild(guild.getGuild(id).toData(), kord) }
override suspend fun getGuildPreviewOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): GuildPreview? = catchNotFound {
val discordPreview = guild.getGuildPreview(guildId)
GuildPreview(GuildPreviewData.from(discordPreview), kord)
override suspend fun getMemberOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Member? = catchNotFound {
val member = guild.getGuildMember(guildId = guildId, userId = userId)
val memberData = member.toData(guildId = guildId, userId = userId)
val userData = member.user.value!!.toData()
Member(memberData, userData, kord)
override suspend fun getMessageOrNull(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake): Message? = catchNotFound {
Message(channel.getMessage(channelId = channelId, messageId = messageId).toData(), kord)
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#get-channel-messages
override fun getMessagesAfter(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow =
limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateForwards(batchSize, start = messageId, idSelector = { it.id }) { after ->
channel.getMessages(channelId, position = after, limit = batchSize)
}.map {
val data = MessageData.from(it)
Message(data, kord)
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#get-channel-messages
override fun getMessagesBefore(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow =
limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateBackwards(batchSize, start = messageId, idSelector = { it.id }) { before ->
channel.getMessages(channelId, position = before, limit = batchSize)
}.map {
val data = MessageData.from(it)
Message(data, kord)
override fun getMessagesAround(messageId: Snowflake, channelId: Snowflake, limit: Int): Flow {
require(limit in 1..100) { "Expected limit to be in 1..100, but was $limit" }
return flow {
val responses = channel.getMessages(channelId, Position.Around(messageId), limit)
for (response in responses) {
val data = MessageData.from(response)
emit(Message(data, kord))
override suspend fun getSelfOrNull(): User? = catchNotFound {
User(user.getCurrentUser().toData(), kord)
override suspend fun getUserOrNull(id: Snowflake): User? = catchNotFound { User(user.getUser(id).toData(), kord) }
override suspend fun getRoleOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, roleId: Snowflake): Role? = catchNotFound {
val response = guild.getGuildRoles(guildId)
.firstOrNull { it.id == roleId } ?: return@catchNotFound null
Role(RoleData.from(guildId, response), kord)
override suspend fun getGuildBanOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, userId: Snowflake): Ban? = catchNotFound {
val response = guild.getGuildBan(guildId, userId)
val data = BanData.from(guildId, response)
Ban(data, kord)
override fun getGuildRoles(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (roleData in guild.getGuildRoles(guildId))
emit(Role(RoleData.from(guildId, roleData), kord))
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#get-guild-bans
override fun getGuildBans(guildId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow =
limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 1000) { batchSize ->
paginateForwards(batchSize, idSelector = { it.user.id }) { after ->
guild.getGuildBans(guildId, position = after, limit = batchSize)
}.map {
val data = BanData.from(guildId, it)
Ban(data, kord)
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#list-guild-members
override fun getGuildMembers(guildId: Snowflake, limit: Int?): Flow =
limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 1000) { batchSize ->
paginateForwards(batchSize, idSelector = { it.user.value!!.id }) { after ->
guild.getGuildMembers(guildId, after, limit = batchSize)
}.map {
val userData = it.user.value!!.toData()
val memberData = it.toData(guildId = guildId, userId = it.user.value!!.id)
Member(memberData, userData, kord)
override fun getGuildVoiceRegions(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (region in guild.getGuildVoiceRegions(guildId)) {
val data = RegionData.from(guildId.optionalSnowflake(), region)
emit(Region(data, kord))
public fun getReactors(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake, emoji: ReactionEmoji): Flow =
// max batchSize/limit: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#get-reactions
paginateForwards(batchSize = 100, idSelector = { it.id }) { after ->
channel.getReactions(channelId, messageId, emoji = emoji.urlFormat, after, limit = 100)
}.map {
val data = UserData.from(it)
User(data, kord)
override suspend fun getEmojiOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, emojiId: Snowflake): GuildEmoji? = catchNotFound {
val data = EmojiData.from(guildId, emojiId, emoji.getEmoji(guildId, emojiId))
GuildEmoji(data, kord)
override fun getEmojis(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (emoji in emoji.getEmojis(guildId)) {
val data = EmojiData.from(guildId = guildId, id = emoji.id!!, entity = emoji)
emit(GuildEmoji(data, kord))
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/user#get-current-user-guilds
override fun getCurrentUserGuilds(limit: Int?): Flow =
limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 200) { batchSize ->
paginateForwards(batchSize, idSelector = { it.id }) { after ->
user.getCurrentUserGuilds(position = after, limit = batchSize)
}.map {
val data = guild.getGuild(it.id).toData()
Guild(data, kord)
override fun getChannelWebhooks(channelId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (webhook in webhook.getChannelWebhooks(channelId)) {
val data = WebhookData.from(webhook)
emit(Webhook(data, kord))
override fun getGuildWebhooks(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (webhook in webhook.getGuildWebhooks(guildId)) {
val data = WebhookData.from(webhook)
emit(Webhook(data, kord))
override suspend fun getWebhookOrNull(id: Snowflake): Webhook? = catchNotFound {
val data = WebhookData.from(webhook.getWebhook(id))
Webhook(data, kord)
override suspend fun getWebhookWithTokenOrNull(id: Snowflake, token: String): Webhook? = catchNotFound {
val data = WebhookData.from(webhook.getWebhookWithToken(id, token))
Webhook(data, kord)
override suspend fun getWebhookMessageOrNull(
webhookId: Snowflake,
token: String,
messageId: Snowflake,
threadId: Snowflake?,
): Message? = catchNotFound {
val response = webhook.getWebhookMessage(webhookId, token, messageId, threadId)
val data = MessageData.from(response)
Message(data, kord)
public suspend fun getInviteOrNull(
code: String,
withCounts: Boolean = true,
withExpiration: Boolean = true,
scheduledEventId: Snowflake? = null,
): Invite? = catchNotFound {
val response = invite.getInvite(code, withCounts, withExpiration, scheduledEventId)
Invite(InviteData.from(response), kord)
public suspend fun getInvite(
code: String,
withCounts: Boolean = true,
withExpiration: Boolean = true,
scheduledEventId: Snowflake? = null,
): Invite = getInviteOrNull(code, withCounts, withExpiration, scheduledEventId)
?: EntityNotFoundException.inviteNotFound(code)
* Requests to get the information of the current application.
* Entities will be fetched from Discord directly, ignoring any cached values.
* @throws RestRequestException when the request failed.
public suspend fun getApplicationInfo(): Application {
val response = application.getCurrentApplicationInfo()
return Application(ApplicationData.from(response), kord)
override suspend fun getGuildWidgetOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): GuildWidget? = catchNotFound {
val response = guild.getGuildWidget(guildId)
GuildWidget(GuildWidgetData.from(response), guildId, kord)
override suspend fun getTemplateOrNull(code: String): Template? = catchNotFound {
val response = template.getGuildTemplate(code)
Template(response.toData(), kord)
override fun getTemplates(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
for (template in template.getGuildTemplates(guildId)) {
val data = template.toData()
emit(Template(data, kord))
public inline fun getAuditLogEntries(
guildId: Snowflake,
builder: AuditLogGetRequestBuilder.() -> Unit
): Flow {
contract { callsInPlace(builder, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }
return getAuditLogEntries(guildId, AuditLogGetRequestBuilder().apply(builder).toRequest())
public suspend fun getGuildWelcomeScreenOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): WelcomeScreen? = catchNotFound {
val response = guild.getGuildWelcomeScreen(guildId)
WelcomeScreen(WelcomeScreenData.from(response), kord)
public suspend fun getGuildWelcomeScreen(guildId: Snowflake): WelcomeScreen =
getGuildWelcomeScreenOrNull(guildId) ?: EntityNotFoundException.welcomeScreenNotFound(guildId)
* Requests the [onboarding][GuildOnboarding] object for the [Guild] with the given [guildId]. Returns `null` if it
* wasn't found.
* @throws RestRequestException if something went wrong during the request.
public suspend fun getGuildOnboardingOrNull(guildId: Snowflake): GuildOnboarding? = catchNotFound {
val onboarding = guild.getGuildOnboarding(guildId)
GuildOnboarding(onboarding, kord)
* Requests the [onboarding][GuildOnboarding] object for the [Guild] with the given [guildId].
* @throws RestRequestException if something went wrong during the request.
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the [onboarding][GuildOnboarding] wasn't found.
public suspend fun getGuildOnboarding(guildId: Snowflake): GuildOnboarding =
getGuildOnboardingOrNull(guildId) ?: EntityNotFoundException.onboardingNotFound(guildId)
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/audit-log#get-guild-audit-log
public fun getAuditLogEntries(
guildId: Snowflake,
request: AuditLogGetRequest = AuditLogGetRequest(),
): Flow = limitedPagination(request.limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateBackwards(batchSize, idSelector = { it.id }) { beforePosition ->
val r = request.copy(before = beforePosition.value, limit = batchSize)
auditLog.getAuditLogs(guildId, request = r).auditLogEntries
override suspend fun getStageInstanceOrNull(channelId: Snowflake): StageInstance? = catchNotFound {
val instance = stageInstance.getStageInstance(channelId)
val data = StageInstanceData.from(instance)
StageInstance(data, kord, this)
override fun getThreadMembers(channelId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
channel.listThreadMembers(channelId).onEach {
val data = ThreadMemberData.from(it)
emit(ThreadMember(data, kord))
override fun getActiveThreads(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
guild.listActiveThreads(guildId).threads.onEach {
val data = ChannelData.from(it)
val channel = Channel.from(data, kord)
if (channel is ThreadChannel) emit(channel)
// no maxBatchSize documented (but api errors say it's 100): see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#list-public-archived-threads
override fun getPublicArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Instant?, limit: Int?): Flow =
limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateThreads(batchSize, start = before) { beforeTimestamp ->
val request = ListThreadsByTimestampRequest(before = beforeTimestamp, limit = batchSize)
channel.listPublicArchivedThreads(channelId, request).threads.mapNotNull {
val data = ChannelData.from(it)
Channel.from(data, kord) as? ThreadChannel
// no maxBatchSize documented (but api errors say it's 100): see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#list-private-archived-threads
override fun getPrivateArchivedThreads(channelId: Snowflake, before: Instant?, limit: Int?): Flow =
limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateThreads(batchSize, start = before) { beforeTimestamp ->
val request = ListThreadsByTimestampRequest(before = beforeTimestamp, limit = batchSize)
channel.listPrivateArchivedThreads(channelId, request).threads.mapNotNull {
val data = ChannelData.from(it)
Channel.from(data, kord) as? ThreadChannel
// no maxBatchSize documented (but api errors say it's 100): see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#list-joined-private-archived-threads
override fun getJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads(
channelId: Snowflake,
before: Snowflake?,
limit: Int?,
): Flow = limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateBackwards(batchSize, start = before ?: Snowflake.max, idSelector = { it.id }) { beforePosition ->
val request = ListThreadsBySnowflakeRequest(before = beforePosition.value, limit = batchSize)
channel.listJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads(channelId, request).threads
}.mapNotNull {
val data = ChannelData.from(it)
Channel.from(data, kord) as? ThreadChannel
override fun getGuildApplicationCommands(
applicationId: Snowflake,
guildId: Snowflake,
withLocalizations: Boolean?
): Flow = flow {
for (command in interaction.getGuildApplicationCommands(applicationId, guildId, withLocalizations)) {
val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(command)
emit(GuildApplicationCommand(data, interaction))
override suspend fun getGlobalApplicationCommandOrNull(
applicationId: Snowflake,
commandId: Snowflake
): GlobalApplicationCommand? = catchNotFound {
val response = interaction.getGlobalCommand(applicationId, commandId)
val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
GlobalApplicationCommand(data, interaction)
override fun getGlobalApplicationCommands(applicationId: Snowflake, withLocalizations: Boolean?): Flow = flow {
for (command in interaction.getGlobalApplicationCommands(applicationId, withLocalizations)) {
val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(command)
emit(GlobalApplicationCommand(data, interaction))
* Requests the initial interaction response, returns `null` if the initial interaction response isn't present.
* @throws RestRequestException if something went wrong during the request.
public suspend fun getOriginalInteractionOrNull(applicationId: Snowflake, token: String): Message? = catchNotFound {
val response = interaction.getInteractionResponse(applicationId, token)
val data = MessageData.from(response)
Message(data, kord)
* Requests the initial interaction response.
* @throws RestRequestException if something went wrong during the request.
* @throws EntityNotFoundException if the initial interaction response is null.
public suspend fun getOriginalInteraction(applicationId: Snowflake, token: String): Message =
getOriginalInteractionOrNull(applicationId, token) ?: EntityNotFoundException.interactionNotFound(token)
override suspend fun getFollowupMessageOrNull(
applicationId: Snowflake,
interactionToken: String,
messageId: Snowflake,
): FollowupMessage? = catchNotFound {
val response = interaction.getFollowupMessage(applicationId, interactionToken, messageId)
val data = MessageData.from(response)
val message = Message(data, kord)
FollowupMessage(message, applicationId, interactionToken, kord)
override fun getGuildApplicationCommandPermissions(
applicationId: Snowflake,
guildId: Snowflake,
): Flow = flow {
interaction.getGuildApplicationCommandPermissions(applicationId, guildId)
.forEach {
val data = GuildApplicationCommandPermissionsData.from(it)
override fun getGuildScheduledEvents(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
guild.listScheduledEvents(guildId).forEach {
val data = GuildScheduledEventData.from(it)
emit(GuildScheduledEvent(data, kord))
override suspend fun getGuildScheduledEventOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, eventId: Snowflake): GuildScheduledEvent? =
catchNotFound {
val event = guild.getScheduledEvent(guildId, eventId)
val data = GuildScheduledEventData.from(event)
GuildScheduledEvent(data, kord)
override fun getGuildScheduledEventUsersBefore(
guildId: Snowflake,
eventId: Snowflake,
before: Snowflake,
limit: Int?,
): Flow = getGuildScheduledEventUsersBefore(guildId, eventId, before, withMember = false, limit).map {
val data = UserData.from(it.user)
User(data, kord)
override fun getGuildScheduledEventUsersAfter(
guildId: Snowflake,
eventId: Snowflake,
after: Snowflake,
limit: Int?,
): Flow = getGuildScheduledEventUsersAfter(guildId, eventId, after, withMember = false, limit).map {
val data = UserData.from(it.user)
User(data, kord)
override fun getGuildScheduledEventMembersBefore(
guildId: Snowflake,
eventId: Snowflake,
before: Snowflake,
limit: Int?,
): Flow = getGuildScheduledEventUsersBefore(guildId, eventId, before, withMember = true, limit).map {
val userData = UserData.from(it.user)
val memberData = it.member.value!!.toData(userData.id, guildId)
Member(memberData, userData, kord)
override fun getGuildScheduledEventMembersAfter(
guildId: Snowflake,
eventId: Snowflake,
after: Snowflake,
limit: Int?,
): Flow = getGuildScheduledEventUsersAfter(guildId, eventId, after, withMember = true, limit).map {
val userData = UserData.from(it.user)
val memberData = it.member.value!!.toData(userData.id, guildId)
Member(memberData, userData, kord)
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#get-guild-scheduled-event-users
private fun getGuildScheduledEventUsersBefore(
guildId: Snowflake,
eventId: Snowflake,
before: Snowflake,
withMember: Boolean,
limit: Int?,
): Flow = limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateBackwards(batchSize, start = before, idSelector = { it.user.id }) { beforePosition ->
guild.getScheduledEventUsers(guildId, eventId, beforePosition, withMember, limit = batchSize)
// maxBatchSize: see https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild-scheduled-event#get-guild-scheduled-event-users
private fun getGuildScheduledEventUsersAfter(
guildId: Snowflake,
eventId: Snowflake,
after: Snowflake,
withMember: Boolean,
limit: Int?,
): Flow = limitedPagination(limit, maxBatchSize = 100) { batchSize ->
paginateForwards(batchSize, start = after, idSelector = { it.user.id }) { afterPosition ->
guild.getScheduledEventUsers(guildId, eventId, afterPosition, withMember, limit = batchSize)
override suspend fun getStickerOrNull(id: Snowflake): Sticker? = catchNotFound {
val response = sticker.getSticker(id)
val data = StickerData.from(response)
Sticker(data, kord)
override suspend fun getGuildStickerOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake): GuildSticker? = catchNotFound {
val response = sticker.getGuildSticker(guildId, id)
val data = StickerData.from(response)
GuildSticker(data, kord)
override fun getNitroStickerPacks(): Flow = flow {
val response = sticker.getNitroStickerPacks()
response.stickerPacks.forEach { pack ->
val data = StickerPackData.from(pack)
emit(StickerPack(data, kord))
override fun getGuildStickers(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
val responses = sticker.getGuildStickers(guildId)
responses.forEach { response ->
val data = StickerData.from(response)
emit(GuildSticker(data, kord))
override fun getAutoModerationRules(guildId: Snowflake): Flow = flow {
val responses = autoModeration.listAutoModerationRulesForGuild(guildId)
responses.forEach { response ->
val data = AutoModerationRuleData.from(response)
emit(AutoModerationRule(data, kord))
override suspend fun getAutoModerationRuleOrNull(guildId: Snowflake, ruleId: Snowflake): AutoModerationRule? =
catchNotFound {
val response = autoModeration.getAutoModerationRule(guildId, ruleId)
val data = AutoModerationRuleData.from(response)
AutoModerationRule(data, kord)
override suspend fun getApplicationCommandPermissionsOrNull(
applicationId: Snowflake,
guildId: Snowflake,
commandId: Snowflake,
): ApplicationCommandPermissions {
val permissions = interaction.getApplicationCommandPermissions(applicationId, guildId, commandId)
val data = GuildApplicationCommandPermissionsData.from(permissions)
return ApplicationCommandPermissions(data)
override suspend fun getGuildApplicationCommandOrNull(
applicationId: Snowflake,
guildId: Snowflake,
commandId: Snowflake
): GuildApplicationCommand? = catchNotFound {
val response = interaction.getGuildCommand(applicationId, guildId, commandId)
val data = ApplicationCommandData.from(response)
GuildApplicationCommand(data, interaction)
override fun toString(): String = "RestEntitySupplier(rest=${kord.rest})"
private fun checkLimitAndGetBatchSize(limit: Int?, maxBatchSize: Int): Int {
require(limit == null || limit > 0) { "At least 1 item should be requested, but got $limit." }
return if (limit == null) maxBatchSize else min(limit, maxBatchSize)
private fun Flow.limitPagination(limit: Int?): Flow = if (limit == null) this else take(limit)
private inline fun limitedPagination(
limit: Int?,
maxBatchSize: Int,
paginationCreator: (batchSize: Int) -> Flow,
): Flow {
val batchSize = checkLimitAndGetBatchSize(limit, maxBatchSize)
val flow = paginationCreator(batchSize)
return flow.limitPagination(limit)
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