dev.openfga.sdk.api.client.OpenFgaClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* OpenFGA
* A high performance and flexible authorization/permission engine built for developers and inspired by Google Zanzibar.
* The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.x
* Contact: [email protected]
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator (
* Do not edit the class manually.
package dev.openfga.sdk.api.client;
import static dev.openfga.sdk.util.StringUtil.isNullOrWhitespace;
import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID;
import dev.openfga.sdk.api.*;
import dev.openfga.sdk.api.client.model.*;
import dev.openfga.sdk.api.configuration.*;
import dev.openfga.sdk.api.model.*;
import dev.openfga.sdk.errors.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class OpenFgaClient {
private final ApiClient apiClient;
private ClientConfiguration configuration;
private OpenFgaApi api;
private static final String CLIENT_BULK_REQUEST_ID_HEADER = "X-OpenFGA-Client-Bulk-Request-Id";
private static final String CLIENT_METHOD_HEADER = "X-OpenFGA-Client-Method";
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_METHOD_PARALLEL_REQS = 10;
public OpenFgaClient(ClientConfiguration configuration) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
this(configuration, new ApiClient());
public OpenFgaClient(ClientConfiguration configuration, ApiClient apiClient) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.api = new OpenFgaApi(configuration, apiClient);
/* ***********
* Utilities *
public void setStoreId(String storeId) {
public void setAuthorizationModelId(String authorizationModelId) {
public void setConfiguration(ClientConfiguration configuration) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
this.configuration = configuration;
this.api = new OpenFgaApi(configuration, apiClient);
/* ********
* Stores *
* ListStores - Get a paginated list of stores.
public CompletableFuture listStores() throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return call(() -> api.listStores(null, null)).thenApply(ClientListStoresResponse::new);
* ListStores - Get a paginated list of stores.
public CompletableFuture listStores(ClientListStoresOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.listStores(options.getPageSize(), options.getContinuationToken(), overrides))
* CreateStore - Initialize a store
public CompletableFuture createStore(CreateStoreRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return createStore(request, null);
* CreateStore - Initialize a store
public CompletableFuture createStore(
CreateStoreRequest request, ClientCreateStoreOptions options) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.createStore(request, overrides)).thenApply(ClientCreateStoreResponse::new);
* GetStore - Get information about the current store.
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture getStore() throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return getStore(null);
* GetStore - Get information about the current store.
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture getStore(ClientGetStoreOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.getStore(storeId, overrides)).thenApply(ClientGetStoreResponse::new);
* DeleteStore - Delete a store
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture deleteStore() throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return deleteStore(null);
* DeleteStore - Delete a store
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture deleteStore(ClientDeleteStoreOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.deleteStore(storeId, overrides)).thenApply(ClientDeleteStoreResponse::new);
/* **********************
* Authorization Models *
* ReadAuthorizationModels - Read all authorization models
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readAuthorizationModels()
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return readAuthorizationModels(null);
* ReadAuthorizationModels - Read all authorization models
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readAuthorizationModels(
ClientReadAuthorizationModelsOptions options) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
Integer pageSize;
String continuationToken;
if (options != null) {
pageSize = options.getPageSize();
continuationToken = options.getContinuationToken();
} else {
// null are valid for these values
continuationToken = null;
pageSize = null;
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.readAuthorizationModels(storeId, pageSize, continuationToken, overrides))
* WriteAuthorizationModel - Create a new version of the authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture writeAuthorizationModel(
WriteAuthorizationModelRequest request) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return writeAuthorizationModel(request, null);
* WriteAuthorizationModel - Create a new version of the authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture writeAuthorizationModel(
WriteAuthorizationModelRequest request, ClientWriteAuthorizationModelOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.writeAuthorizationModel(storeId, request, overrides))
* ReadAuthorizationModel - Read the current authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When either the Store ID or Authorization Model ID are null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readAuthorizationModel()
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
String authorizationModelId = configuration.getAuthorizationModelIdChecked();
return call(() -> api.readAuthorizationModel(storeId, authorizationModelId))
* ReadAuthorizationModel - Read the current authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When either the Store ID or Authorization Model ID are null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readAuthorizationModel(
ClientReadAuthorizationModelOptions options) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
String authorizationModelId = options.getAuthorizationModelIdChecked();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.readAuthorizationModel(storeId, authorizationModelId, overrides))
* ReadLatestAuthorizationModel - Read the latest authorization model for the current store
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readLatestAuthorizationModel()
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return readLatestAuthorizationModel(null);
* ReadLatestAuthorizationModel - Read the latest authorization model for the current store
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readLatestAuthorizationModel(
ClientReadLatestAuthorizationModelOptions options) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.readAuthorizationModels(storeId, 1, null, overrides))
/* *********************
* Relationship Tuples *
* Read Changes - Read the list of historical relationship tuple writes and deletes
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readChanges(ClientReadChangesRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return readChanges(request, null);
* Read Changes - Read the list of historical relationship tuple writes and deletes
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readChanges(
ClientReadChangesRequest request, ClientReadChangesOptions readChangesOptions)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
var options = readChangesOptions != null ? readChangesOptions : new ClientReadChangesOptions();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.readChanges(
storeId, request.getType(), options.getPageSize(), options.getContinuationToken(), overrides))
* Read - Read tuples previously written to the store (does not evaluate)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture read(ClientReadRequest request) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return read(request, null);
* Read - Read tuples previously written to the store (does not evaluate)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture read(ClientReadRequest request, ClientReadOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
ReadRequest body = new ReadRequest();
if (request != null
&& (request.getUser() != null || request.getRelation() != null || request.getObject() != null)) {
body.tupleKey(new ReadRequestTupleKey()
if (options != null) {
if (options.getConsistency() != null) {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() ->, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientReadResponse::new);
* Write - Create or delete relationship tuples
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture write(ClientWriteRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return write(request, null);
* Write - Create or delete relationship tuples
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture write(ClientWriteRequest request, ClientWriteOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
if (options != null && options.disableTransactions()) {
return writeNonTransaction(storeId, request, options);
return writeTransactions(storeId, request, options);
private CompletableFuture writeTransactions(
String storeId, ClientWriteRequest request, ClientWriteOptions options) {
WriteRequest body = new WriteRequest();
var writeTuples = request.getWrites();
if (writeTuples != null && !writeTuples.isEmpty()) {
var deleteTuples = request.getDeletes();
if (deleteTuples != null && !deleteTuples.isEmpty()) {
if (options != null && !isNullOrWhitespace(options.getAuthorizationModelId())) {
} else {
String authorizationModelId = configuration.getAuthorizationModelId();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.write(storeId, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientWriteResponse::new);
private CompletableFuture writeNonTransaction(
String storeId, ClientWriteRequest request, ClientWriteOptions writeOptions) {
var options = writeOptions != null
? writeOptions
: new ClientWriteOptions().transactionChunkSize(DEFAULT_MAX_METHOD_PARALLEL_REQS);
if (options.getAdditionalHeaders() == null) {
options.additionalHeaders(new HashMap<>());
options.getAdditionalHeaders().putIfAbsent(CLIENT_METHOD_HEADER, "Write");
.putIfAbsent(CLIENT_BULK_REQUEST_ID_HEADER, randomUUID().toString());
int chunkSize = options.getTransactionChunkSize();
var writeTransactions = chunksOf(chunkSize, request.getWrites()).map(ClientWriteRequest::ofWrites);
var deleteTransactions = chunksOf(chunkSize, request.getDeletes()).map(ClientWriteRequest::ofDeletes);
var transactions = Stream.concat(writeTransactions, deleteTransactions).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (transactions.isEmpty()) {
var emptyTransaction = new ClientWriteRequest().writes(null).deletes(null);
return this.writeTransactions(storeId, emptyTransaction, writeOptions);
var futureResponse = this.writeTransactions(storeId, transactions.get(0), options);
for (int i = 1; i < transactions.size(); i++) {
final int index = i; // Must be final in this scope for closure.
// The resulting completable future of this chain will result in either:
// 1. The first exception thrown in a failed completion. Other thenCompose() will not be evaluated.
// 2. The final successful ClientWriteResponse.
futureResponse = futureResponse.thenCompose(
_response -> this.writeTransactions(storeId, transactions.get(index), options));
return futureResponse;
private Stream> chunksOf(int chunkSize, List list) {
if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
return Stream.empty();
int nChunks = (int) Math.ceil(list.size() / (double) chunkSize);
int finalEndExclusive = list.size();
Stream.Builder> chunks = Stream.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < nChunks; i++) {
List chunk = list.subList(i * chunkSize, Math.min((i + 1) * chunkSize, finalEndExclusive));
* WriteTuples - Utility method to write tuples, wraps Write
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture writeTuples(List tupleKeys)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return writeTuples(tupleKeys, null);
* WriteTuples - Utility method to write tuples, wraps Write
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture writeTuples(
List tupleKeys, ClientWriteTuplesOptions options) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
var body = new WriteRequest();
String authorizationModelId = configuration.getAuthorizationModelId();
if (!isNullOrWhitespace(authorizationModelId)) {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.write(storeId, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientWriteResponse::new);
* DeleteTuples - Utility method to delete tuples, wraps Write
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture deleteTuples(List tupleKeys)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return deleteTuples(tupleKeys, null);
* DeleteTuples - Utility method to delete tuples, wraps Write
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture deleteTuples(
List tupleKeys, ClientDeleteTuplesOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
var body = new WriteRequest();
String authorizationModelId = configuration.getAuthorizationModelId();
if (!isNullOrWhitespace(authorizationModelId)) {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.write(storeId, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientWriteResponse::new);
/* **********************
* Relationship Queries *
* Check - Check if a user has a particular relation with an object (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture check(ClientCheckRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return check(request, null);
* Check - Check if a user has a particular relation with an object (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture check(ClientCheckRequest request, ClientCheckOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
CheckRequest body = request.asCheckRequest();
if (options != null) {
if (options.getConsistency() != null) {
// Set authorizationModelId from options if available; otherwise, use the default from configuration
String authorizationModelId = !isNullOrWhitespace(options.getAuthorizationModelId())
? options.getAuthorizationModelId()
: configuration.getAuthorizationModelId();
} else {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.check(storeId, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientCheckResponse::new);
* BatchCheck - Run a set of checks (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture> batchCheck(List requests)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return batchCheck(requests, null);
* BatchCheck - Run a set of checks (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture> batchCheck(
List requests, ClientBatchCheckOptions batchCheckOptions)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
var options = batchCheckOptions != null
? batchCheckOptions
: new ClientBatchCheckOptions().maxParallelRequests(DEFAULT_MAX_METHOD_PARALLEL_REQS);
if (options.getAdditionalHeaders() == null) {
options.additionalHeaders(new HashMap<>());
options.getAdditionalHeaders().putIfAbsent(CLIENT_METHOD_HEADER, "BatchCheck");
.putIfAbsent(CLIENT_BULK_REQUEST_ID_HEADER, randomUUID().toString());
int maxParallelRequests = options.getMaxParallelRequests() != null
? options.getMaxParallelRequests()
var executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(maxParallelRequests);
var latch = new CountDownLatch(requests.size());
var responses = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue();
final var clientCheckOptions = options.asClientCheckOptions();
Consumer singleClientCheckRequest =
request -> call(() -> this.check(request, clientCheckOptions))
try {
requests.forEach(request -> executor.execute(() -> singleClientCheckRequest.accept(request)));
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new ArrayList<>(responses));
} catch (Exception e) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(e);
* Expand - Expands the relationships in userset tree format (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture expand(ClientExpandRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return expand(request, null);
* Expand - Expands the relationships in userset tree format (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture expand(ClientExpandRequest request, ClientExpandOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
ExpandRequest body = new ExpandRequest();
if (request != null) {
new ExpandRequestTupleKey().relation(request.getRelation())._object(request.getObject()));
if (options != null) {
if (options.getConsistency() != null) {
// Set authorizationModelId from options if available; otherwise, use the default from configuration
String authorizationModelId = !isNullOrWhitespace(options.getAuthorizationModelId())
? options.getAuthorizationModelId()
: configuration.getAuthorizationModelId();
} else {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.expand(storeId, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientExpandResponse::new);
* ListObjects - List the objects of a particular type that the user has a certain relation to (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture listObjects(ClientListObjectsRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return listObjects(request, null);
* ListObjects - List the objects of a particular type that the user has a certain relation to (evaluates)
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When the Store ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture listObjects(
ClientListObjectsRequest request, ClientListObjectsOptions options) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
ListObjectsRequest body = new ListObjectsRequest();
if (request != null) {
if (request.getContextualTupleKeys() != null) {
var contextualTuples = request.getContextualTupleKeys();
var bodyContextualTuples = ClientTupleKey.asContextualTupleKeys(contextualTuples);
if (request.getContext() != null) {
if (options != null) {
if (options.getConsistency() != null) {
// Set authorizationModelId from options if available; otherwise, use the default from configuration
String authorizationModelId = !isNullOrWhitespace(options.getAuthorizationModelId())
? options.getAuthorizationModelId()
: configuration.getAuthorizationModelId();
} else {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.listObjects(storeId, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientListObjectsResponse::new);
* ListRelations - List allowed relations a user has with an object (evaluates)
public CompletableFuture listRelations(ClientListRelationsRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return listRelations(request, null);
* ListRelations - List allowed relations a user has with an object (evaluates)
public CompletableFuture listRelations(
ClientListRelationsRequest request, ClientListRelationsOptions listRelationsOptions)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
if (request.getRelations() == null || request.getRelations().isEmpty()) {
throw new FgaInvalidParameterException(
"At least 1 relation to check has to be provided when calling ListRelations");
var options = listRelationsOptions != null
? listRelationsOptions
: new ClientListRelationsOptions().maxParallelRequests(DEFAULT_MAX_METHOD_PARALLEL_REQS);
if (options.getAdditionalHeaders() == null) {
options.additionalHeaders(new HashMap<>());
options.getAdditionalHeaders().putIfAbsent(CLIENT_METHOD_HEADER, "ListRelations");
.putIfAbsent(CLIENT_BULK_REQUEST_ID_HEADER, randomUUID().toString());
var batchCheckRequests = request.getRelations().stream()
.map(relation -> new ClientCheckRequest()
return this.batchCheck(batchCheckRequests, options.asClientBatchCheckOptions())
.thenCompose(responses -> call(() -> ClientListRelationsResponse.fromBatchCheckResponses(responses)));
* ListUsers - List all users of the given type that the object has a relation with (evaluates)
public CompletableFuture listUsers(ClientListUsersRequest request)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return listUsers(request, null);
* ListUsers - List all users of the given type that the object has a relation with (evaluates)
public CompletableFuture listUsers(
ClientListUsersRequest request, ClientListUsersOptions options) throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
ListUsersRequest body = new ListUsersRequest();
if (request != null) {
if (request.getContextualTupleKeys() != null) {
var contextualTuples = request.getContextualTupleKeys();
var bodyContextualTuples = ClientTupleKey.asContextualTupleKeys(contextualTuples);
if (request.getContext() != null) {
if (options != null) {
if (options.getConsistency() != null) {
// Set authorizationModelId from options if available; otherwise, use the default from configuration
String authorizationModelId = !isNullOrWhitespace(options.getAuthorizationModelId())
? options.getAuthorizationModelId()
: configuration.getAuthorizationModelId();
} else {
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.listUsers(storeId, body, overrides)).thenApply(ClientListUsersResponse::new);
/* ************
* Assertions *
* ReadAssertions - Read assertions for a particular authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When either the Store ID or Authorization Model ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readAssertions() throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return readAssertions(null);
* ReadAssertions - Read assertions for a particular authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When either the Store ID or Authorization Model ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture readAssertions(ClientReadAssertionsOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
String authorizationModelId;
if (options != null && options.hasValidAuthorizationModelId()) {
authorizationModelId = options.getAuthorizationModelId();
} else {
authorizationModelId = configuration.getAuthorizationModelIdChecked();
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.readAssertions(storeId, authorizationModelId, overrides))
* WriteAssertions - Updates assertions for a particular authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When either the Store ID or Authorization Model ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture writeAssertions(List assertions)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
return writeAssertions(assertions, null);
* WriteAssertions - Updates assertions for a particular authorization model
* @throws FgaInvalidParameterException When either the Store ID or Authorization Model ID is null, empty, or whitespace
public CompletableFuture writeAssertions(
List assertions, ClientWriteAssertionsOptions options)
throws FgaInvalidParameterException {
String storeId = configuration.getStoreIdChecked();
String authorizationModelId;
if (options != null && options.hasValidAuthorizationModelId()) {
authorizationModelId = options.getAuthorizationModelId();
} else {
authorizationModelId = configuration.getAuthorizationModelIdChecked();
WriteAssertionsRequest body = new WriteAssertionsRequest().assertions(ClientAssertion.asAssertions(assertions));
var overrides = new ConfigurationOverride().addHeaders(options);
return call(() -> api.writeAssertions(storeId, authorizationModelId, body, overrides))
* A {@link FunctionalInterface} for calling a low-level API from {@link OpenFgaApi}. It wraps exceptions
* encountered with {@link CompletableFuture#failedFuture(Throwable)}
* @param The type of API response
private interface CheckedAsyncInvocation {
CompletableFuture call() throws Throwable;
private CompletableFuture call(CheckedAsyncInvocation action) {
try {
} catch (CompletionException completionException) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(completionException.getCause());
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(throwable);
* A {@link FunctionalInterface} for calling any function that could throw an exception.
* It wraps exceptions encountered with {@link CompletableFuture#failedFuture(Throwable)}
* @param The return type
private interface CheckedInvocation {
R call() throws Throwable;
private CompletableFuture call(CheckedInvocation action) {
try {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(;
} catch (CompletionException completionException) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(completionException.getCause());
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(throwable);
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