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* Copyright 2023 Responsive Computing, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package dev.responsive.kafka.internal.db.mongo;
import static com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings.getDefaultCodecRegistry;
import static dev.responsive.kafka.internal.db.partitioning.Segmenter.UNINITIALIZED_STREAM_TIME;
import static dev.responsive.kafka.internal.stores.ResponsiveStoreRegistration.NO_COMMITTED_OFFSET;
import static org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries.fromProviders;
import static org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries.fromRegistries;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
import com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.ReturnDocument;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOneModel;
import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Updates;
import com.mongodb.client.model.WriteModel;
import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.db.MongoWindowFlushManager;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.db.RemoteWindowedTable;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.db.partitioning.Segmenter;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.db.partitioning.Segmenter.SegmentPartition;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.db.partitioning.WindowSegmentPartitioner;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.stores.RemoteWriteResult;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.utils.DuplicateKeyListValueIterator;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.utils.Iterators;
import dev.responsive.kafka.internal.utils.WindowedKey;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Bytes;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.KeyValue;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.TaskMigratedException;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.state.KeyValueIterator;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecProvider;
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistry;
import org.bson.codecs.pojo.PojoCodecProvider;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class MongoWindowedTable implements RemoteWindowedTable> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoWindowedTable.class);
private static final String METADATA_COLLECTION_NAME = "window_metadata";
private static final UpdateOptions UPSERT_OPTIONS = new UpdateOptions().upsert(true);
private final String name;
private final WindowSegmentPartitioner partitioner;
// whether to put windowStartMs first in the composite windowed key format in WindowDoc
private final boolean timestampFirstOrder;
// whether to save multiple records for each key or overwrite the existing value on insert
private final boolean retainDuplicates;
private final MongoDatabase database;
private final MongoDatabase adminDatabase;
private final MongoCollection metadata;
private final ConcurrentMap kafkaPartitionToSegments =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final CollectionCreationOptions collectionCreationOptions;
private final KeyCodec keyCodec = new StringKeyCodec();
private static class PartitionSegments {
private final MongoDatabase database;
private final MongoDatabase adminDatabase;
private final Segmenter segmenter;
private final long epoch;
private final CollectionCreationOptions collectionCreationOptions;
// Recommended to keep the total number of collections under 10,000, so we should not
// let num_segments * num_kafka_partitions exceed 10k at the most
private final Map> segmentWindows;
public PartitionSegments(
final MongoDatabase database,
final MongoDatabase adminDatabase,
final Segmenter segmenter,
final int kafkaPartition,
final long streamTime,
final long epoch,
final CollectionCreationOptions collectionCreationOptions
) {
this.database = database;
this.adminDatabase = adminDatabase;
this.segmenter = segmenter;
this.epoch = epoch;
this.collectionCreationOptions = collectionCreationOptions;
this.segmentWindows = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
final List activeSegments =
segmenter.activeSegments(kafkaPartition, streamTime);
if (activeSegments.isEmpty()) {"{}[{}] No active segments for initial streamTime {}",
database.getName(), kafkaPartition, streamTime);
} else {
for (final SegmentPartition segmentToCreate : activeSegments) {
// Most likely if we have active segments upon initialization, the corresponding
// collections and windowStart indices already exist, in which case #getCollection and
// #createIndex should be quick and won't rebuild either structure if one already exists
final long firstSegmentStartTimestamp = activeSegments.get(0).segmentStartTimestamp;
final long lastSegmentStartTimestamp =
firstSegmentStartTimestamp + (activeSegments.size() * segmenter.segmentIntervalMs());
"{}[{}] Initialized active segments with start timestamps in [{} - {}]",
private String collectionNameForSegment(final SegmentPartition segmentPartition) {
final long segmentStartTimeMs =
segmentPartition.segmentStartTimestamp * segmenter.segmentIntervalMs();
return String.format(
segmentPartition.tablePartition, segmentStartTimeMs
private void createSegment(final SegmentPartition segmentToCreate) {
"{}[{}] Creating segment start timestamp {}",
database.getName(), segmentToCreate.tablePartition, segmentToCreate.segmentStartTimestamp
final var collectionName = collectionNameForSegment(segmentToCreate);
final MongoCollection windowDocs;
if (collectionCreationOptions.sharded()) {
windowDocs = MongoUtils.createShardedCollection(
} else {
windowDocs = database.getCollection(
segmentWindows.put(segmentToCreate, windowDocs);
// Note: it is always safe to drop a segment, even without validating the epoch, since we only
// ever attempt to expire segments after successfully flushing the batch which rolled them,
// thus guaranteeing that even if we are fenced, the new writer will pick up from an offset and
// stream-time such that the segment is already expired
// However this does leave us vulnerable to zombie segments. We should consider doing a sweep
// for old segments every so often with #listCollectionNames, since the segmentStartTimestamp is
// embedded in the collection name and will indicate whether it's part of the active set or
// not, perhaps using a scheduled executor to avoid blocking processing.
// In fact we may want to move all the segment expiration to a background process since there's
// no async way to drop a collection but the stream thread doesn't actually need to wait for it
private void deleteSegment(final SegmentPartition segmentToExpire) {
"{}[{}] Expiring segment start timestamp {}",
database.getName(), segmentToExpire.tablePartition, segmentToExpire.segmentStartTimestamp
final var expiredDocs = segmentWindows.get(segmentToExpire);
public MongoWindowedTable(
final MongoClient client,
final String name,
final WindowSegmentPartitioner partitioner,
final boolean timestampFirstOrder,
final CollectionCreationOptions collectionCreationOptions
) { = name;
this.partitioner = partitioner;
this.timestampFirstOrder = timestampFirstOrder;
this.retainDuplicates = partitioner.retainDuplicates();
this.collectionCreationOptions = collectionCreationOptions;
final CodecProvider pojoCodecProvider = PojoCodecProvider.builder().automatic(true).build();
final CodecRegistry pojoCodecRegistry = fromRegistries(
this.database = client.getDatabase(name).withCodecRegistry(pojoCodecRegistry);
this.adminDatabase = client.getDatabase("admin");
this.metadata = database.getCollection(
boolean isTimestampFirstOrder() {
return timestampFirstOrder;
public String name() {
return name;
public MongoWindowFlushManager init(
final int kafkaPartition
) {
final WindowMetadataDoc metaDoc = metadata.findOneAndUpdate(
Filters.eq(WindowMetadataDoc.PARTITION, kafkaPartition),
Updates.setOnInsert(WindowMetadataDoc.PARTITION, kafkaPartition),
Updates.setOnInsert(WindowMetadataDoc.OFFSET, NO_COMMITTED_OFFSET),
Updates.setOnInsert(WindowMetadataDoc.STREAM_TIME, UNINITIALIZED_STREAM_TIME),, 1) // will set the value to 1 if it doesn't exist
new FindOneAndUpdateOptions()
if (metaDoc == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Uninitialized metadata for partition " + kafkaPartition);
}"{}[{}] Retrieved initial metadata {}", name, kafkaPartition, metaDoc);
new PartitionSegments(
return new MongoWindowFlushManager(
(segment) -> windowsForSegmentPartition(kafkaPartition, segment),
MongoCollection windowsForSegmentPartition(
final int kafkaPartition,
final SegmentPartition segment
) {
return kafkaPartitionToSegments.get(kafkaPartition).segmentWindows.get(segment);
public RemoteWriteResult createSegmentForPartition(
final int kafkaPartition,
final SegmentPartition segmentPartition
) {
return RemoteWriteResult.success(segmentPartition);
public RemoteWriteResult deleteSegmentForPartition(
final int kafkaPartition,
final SegmentPartition segmentPartition
) {
return RemoteWriteResult.success(segmentPartition);
public long localEpoch(final int kafkaPartition) {
return kafkaPartitionToSegments.get(kafkaPartition).epoch;
public long fetchEpoch(final int kafkaPartition) {
final WindowMetadataDoc remoteMetadata = metadata.find(
Filters.eq(WindowMetadataDoc.PARTITION, kafkaPartition)
if (remoteMetadata == null) {
LOG.error("{}[{}] Epoch fetch failed due to missing metadata row",
name, kafkaPartition);
throw new IllegalStateException("No metadata row found for partition " + kafkaPartition);
return remoteMetadata.epoch;
public long fetchOffset(final int kafkaPartition) {
final WindowMetadataDoc remoteMetadata = metadata.find(
Filters.eq(WindowMetadataDoc.PARTITION, kafkaPartition)
if (remoteMetadata == null) {
LOG.error("{}[{}] Offset fetch failed due to missing metadata row",
name, kafkaPartition);
throw new IllegalStateException("No metadata row found for partition " + kafkaPartition);
final long localEpoch = kafkaPartitionToSegments.get(kafkaPartition).epoch;
if (remoteMetadata.epoch > localEpoch) {
LOG.warn("{}[{}] Fenced retrieving start offset due to stored epoch {} being greater "
+ "than local epoch {} ",
name, kafkaPartition, remoteMetadata.epoch, localEpoch);
throw new TaskMigratedException("Fenced while fetching offset to start restoration from");
return remoteMetadata.offset;
public UpdateResult setOffsetAndStreamTime(
final int kafkaPartition,
final long offset,
final long streamTime
) {
final var segments = kafkaPartitionToSegments.get(kafkaPartition);
final long epoch = segments.epoch;"{}[{}] Updating offset to {} and streamTime to {} with epoch {}",
name, kafkaPartition, offset, streamTime, epoch);
return metadata.updateOne(
Filters.eq(WindowMetadataDoc.PARTITION, kafkaPartition),
Filters.lte(WindowMetadataDoc.EPOCH, epoch)
Updates.set(WindowMetadataDoc.OFFSET, offset),
Updates.set(WindowMetadataDoc.STREAM_TIME, streamTime),
Updates.set(WindowMetadataDoc.EPOCH, epoch)
* Inserts data into this table. Note that this will overwrite
* any existing entry in the table with the same key.
* @param kafkaPartition the kafka partition
* @param windowedKey the windowed data key
* @param value the data value
* @param epochMillis the timestamp of the event
* @return a statement that, when executed, will insert the value
* for this key and partition into the table.
* Note that the key in this case is a "windowed" key, where
* {@code windowedKey} includes both the record key and
* the windowStart timestamp
public WriteModel insert(
final int kafkaPartition,
final WindowedKey windowedKey,
final byte[] value,
final long epochMillis
) {
final var partitionSegments = kafkaPartitionToSegments.get(kafkaPartition);
final long epoch = partitionSegments.epoch;
final var valueOperation = retainDuplicates
? Updates.push(WindowDoc.VALUES, value)
: Updates.set(WindowDoc.VALUE, value);
return new UpdateOneModel<>(
Filters.eq(WindowDoc.ID, compositeKey(windowedKey)),
Filters.lte(WindowDoc.EPOCH, epoch)
Updates.set(WindowDoc.EPOCH, epoch)
* @param kafkaPartition the kafka partition
* @param windowedKey the windowed data key
* @return a statement that, when executed, will delete the value
* for this key and partition in the table.
* Note that the key in this case is a "windowed" key, where
* {@code windowedKey} includes both the record key and
* the windowStart timestamp
public WriteModel delete(
final int kafkaPartition,
final WindowedKey windowedKey
) {
if (retainDuplicates) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Should never attempt to issue a delete with duplicates");
final var partitionSegments = kafkaPartitionToSegments.get(kafkaPartition);
// TODO: implement me!!
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Deletes not yet supported for MongoDB window stores");
public byte[] fetch(
final int kafkaPartition,
final Bytes key,
final long windowStart
) {
final WindowedKey windowedKey = new WindowedKey(key, windowStart);
final var segment = partitioner.tablePartition(
final var segmentWindows = windowsForSegmentPartition(kafkaPartition, segment);
if (segmentWindows == null) {
return null;
final WindowDoc windowDoc = segmentWindows.find(
Filters.eq(WindowDoc.ID, compositeKey(windowedKey))))
if (windowDoc == null) {
return null;
} else if (retainDuplicates) {
return windowDoc.getValues().get(0);
} else {
return windowDoc.getValue();
public KeyValueIterator fetch(
final int kafkaPartition,
final Bytes key,
final long timeFrom,
final long timeTo
) {
final List> segmentIterators = new LinkedList<>();
final var partitionSegments = kafkaPartitionToSegments.get(kafkaPartition);
for (final var segment : partitioner.segmenter().range(kafkaPartition, timeFrom, timeTo)) {
final var segmentWindows = partitionSegments.segmentWindows.get(segment);
if (segmentWindows == null) {
final ArrayList filters = new ArrayList<>(timestampFirstOrder ? 3 : 2);
// express this filter using the whole key rather than using separate expressions
// for the record key and timestamp. This is because the _id index is not a composite
// index, so if we don't use the whole key in the filter mongo will use a full table
// scan. We can optimize this later by adding a composite index on timestamp, key
// if using timestamp first order to hopefully avoid scanning all keys in the timestamp
// range.
filters.add(Filters.gte(WindowDoc.ID, compositeKey(key, timeFrom)));
filters.add(Filters.lte(WindowDoc.ID, compositeKey(key, timeTo)));
if (timestampFirstOrder) {
// if we use timestamp-first order, then we need to check equality on the key,
// because other keys will be interleaved in the mongodb range scan
String.join(".", WindowDoc.ID, WindowDoc.ID_RECORD_KEY),
final FindIterable fetchResults = segmentWindows.find(Filters.and(filters));
if (retainDuplicates) {
new DuplicateKeyListValueIterator(fetchResults.iterator(), this::windowedKeyFromDoc));
} else {
segmentIterators.add(Iterators.kv(fetchResults.iterator(), this::windowFromDoc));
return Iterators.wrapped(segmentIterators);
public KeyValueIterator backFetch(
final int kafkaPartition,
final Bytes key,
final long timeFrom,
final long timeTo
) {
// TODO: Mongo supports efficient reverse iteration if you set up a descending index
// We could expose an API for this so users can configure the store optimally if they
// plan to utilize any of the backwards fetches
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("backFetch not yet supported for MongoDB backends");
public KeyValueIterator fetchRange(
final int kafkaPartition,
final Bytes fromKey,
final Bytes toKey,
final long timeFrom,
final long timeTo
) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("fetchRange not yet supported for Mongo backends");
public KeyValueIterator backFetchRange(
final int kafkaPartition,
final Bytes fromKey,
final Bytes toKey,
final long timeFrom,
final long timeTo
) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("backFetchRange not yet supported for Mongo backends");
public KeyValueIterator fetchAll(
final int kafkaPartition,
final long timeFrom,
final long timeTo
) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("fetchAll not yet supported for Mongo backends");
public KeyValueIterator backFetchAll(
final int kafkaPartition,
final long timeFrom,
final long timeTo
) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("backFetchAll not yet supported for MongoDB backends");
public BasicDBObject compositeKey(final WindowedKey windowedKey) {
return compositeKey(windowedKey.key, windowedKey.windowStartMs);
public BasicDBObject compositeKey(final Bytes key, final long windowStartMs) {
return WindowDoc.compositeKey(
private WindowedKey windowedKeyFromDoc(final WindowDoc windowDoc) {
return new WindowedKey(
private KeyValue windowFromDoc(final WindowDoc windowDoc) {
return new KeyValue<>(