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package dev.robocode.tankroyale.booter
import dev.robocode.tankroyale.booter.commands.DirCommand
import dev.robocode.tankroyale.booter.commands.RunCommand
import dev.robocode.tankroyale.booter.util.VersionFileProvider
import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole
import picocli.CommandLine
import picocli.CommandLine.*
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import kotlin.system.exitProcess
val cmdLine = CommandLine(Booter())
fun main(args: Array) {
System.setProperty("jansi.force", "true")
cmdLine.apply {
isSubcommandsCaseInsensitive = true
isOptionsCaseInsensitive = true
name = "booter",
versionProvider = VersionFileProvider::class,
description = ["Tool for booting up Robocode bots."],
mixinStandardHelpOptions = true
class Booter : Callable {
override fun call(): Int {
cmdLine.apply {
when {
isUsageHelpRequested -> usage(System.out)
isVersionHelpRequested -> printVersionHelp(System.out)
else -> usage(System.out)
return 0
@Command(name = "dir", description = ["List all available bot and team directories."])
private fun dir(
arity = "1..*",
paramLabel = "BOT_ROOT_DIRS",
description = ["Absolute file paths, where each path is a root directory containing bot or team entries."]
botRootDirs: Array,
names = ["--game-types", "-g"],
paramLabel = "GAME_TYPES",
description = ["Comma-separated string for filtering on game types that a bot need to support in order to appear in the listing."]
gameTypes: String?,
names = ["--bots-only", "-b"],
description = ["Flag set when only bots should be included in the listing."]
botsOnly: Boolean? = false,
names = ["--teams-only", "-t"],
description = ["Flag set when only teams should be included in the listing."]
teamsOnly: Boolean? = false,
) {
.listBotDirectories(gameTypes, botsOnly == true, teamsOnly == true)
.forEach { println(it) }
@Command(name = "info", description = ["List info of all available bots in JSON format."])
private fun info(
arity = "1..*", paramLabel = "BOT_ROOT_DIRS",
description = ["Absolute file paths, where each path is a root directory containing bot entries."]
botRootDirs: Array,
names = ["--game-types", "-g"], paramLabel = "GAME_TYPES",
description = ["Comma-separated string for filtering on game types that a bot or team need to support in order to appear in the listing."]
gameTypes: String?,
names = ["--bots-only", "-b"],
description = ["Flag set when only bots should be included in the listing."]
botsOnly: Boolean? = false,
names = ["--teams-only", "-t"],
description = ["Flag set when only teams should be included in the listing."]
teamsOnly: Boolean? = false,
) {
val entries = DirCommand(toPaths(botRootDirs))
.listBootEntries(gameTypes, botsOnly == true, teamsOnly == true)
name = "boot",
description = [
"Boot one or multiple bot or team entries into individual bot processes.",
"If a team is specified, the each bot members will be booted (not the team itself).",
"Information about each started bot process is written to standard out with a line per process in the following format:",
" {pid} is the process id",
" {dir} is the bot directory",
"The following commands can be given via standard in:",
" quit Terminates this command, and stops all running processes.",
" boot {dir} Boots the bot from the specified bot directory.",
" stop {pid} Stops the bot running with the specific process id.\n" +
" 'stopped {pid}' is written out when the bot was stopped.\n" +
" 'lost {pid}' is written out if the process id could not be found.",
private fun boot(
arity = "0..*",
paramLabel = "BOT_DIRS",
description = ["Absolute file paths, where each path is a bot directory containing a bot or team that must be run"]
botDirectories: Array?
) {
companion object {
* Returns file paths to specified bot directoriesCSV (semicolon separated list).
* If no file paths are provided, the file path of current working directory is returned
private fun toPaths(botRootDirs: Array?): List =
botRootDirs?.toSet()?.map {
val path = Paths.get(it.trim())
if (Files.exists(path)) path else null
}?.mapNotNull { it } ?: emptyList()