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dev.tauri.choam.internal.mcas.MutHamt.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2016-2024 Daniel Urban and contributors listed in NOTICE.txt
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package dev.tauri.choam
package internal
package mcas

 * Mutable HAMT; not thread safe; `null` values are forbidden.
private[mcas] abstract class MutHamt[K <: Hamt.HasHash, V <: Hamt.HasKey[K], E, T1, T2, I <: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, I], H <: MutHamt[K, V, E, T1, T2, I, H]] protected[mcas] (
  // NB: the root doesn't have a logical idx, so we're abusing this field to store the tree size (and also the blue bit)
  private var logIdx: Int,
  private var contents: Array[AnyRef],
) extends AbstractHamt[K, V, E, T1, T2, H] { this: H =>

  // TODO: We're often recomputing things like physIdx
  // TODO: or logIdxWidth; figure out if we can be
  // TODO: faster by not repeating these computations
  // TODO: (by inlining methods if necessary).

  require(contents.length > 0)

  private[this] final val START_MASK = 0xFC00000000000000L

  private[this] final val W = 6

  private[this] final val OP_UPDATE = 0
  private[this] final val OP_INSERT = 1
  private[this] final val OP_UPSERT = 2

  protected def newNode(logIdx: Int, contents: Array[AnyRef]): H

  protected def newImmutableNode(sizeAndBlue: Int, bitmap: Long, contents: Array[AnyRef]): I

  protected final override def contentsArr: Array[AnyRef] =

  protected final override def insertInternal(v: V): H = {

  protected final def isBlueTree: Boolean = {
    this.logIdx >= 0

  private[this] final def isBlueTree_=(isBlue: Boolean): Unit = {
    val x = (-1) * java.lang.Math.abs(, this.isBlueTree))
    this.logIdx *= (x << 1) + 1

  // API (should only be called on a root node!):

  final override def size: Int = {
    // we abuse the `logIdx` of the root to store the size of the whole tree:

  private[this] def addToSize(s: Int) = {
    val logIdx = this.logIdx
    val x = -(logIdx >>> 31)
    this.logIdx = java.lang.Math.addExact(logIdx, ((x << 1) + 1) * s)

  final def nonEmpty: Boolean = {
    this.size > 0

  final def getOrElseNull(hash: Long): V = {
    this.lookupOrNull(hash, 0)

  final def update(a: V): Unit = {
    val sdb = this.insertOrOverwrite(a.key.hash, a, shift = 0, op = OP_UPDATE)
    val sizeDiff = unpackSizeDiff(sdb)
    assert(sizeDiff == 0)
    this.isBlueTree &= unpackIsBlue(sdb)

  final def insert(a: V): Unit = {
    val sdb = this.insertOrOverwrite(a.key.hash, a, shift = 0, op = OP_INSERT)
    val sizeDiff = unpackSizeDiff(sdb)
    assert(sizeDiff == 1)
    this.isBlueTree &= unpackIsBlue(sdb)

  final def insertAllFrom(that: H): H = {

  final def upsert(a: V): Unit = {
    val sdb = this.insertOrOverwrite(a.key.hash, a, shift = 0, op = OP_UPSERT)
    val sizeDiff = unpackSizeDiff(sdb)
    assert((sizeDiff == 0) || (sizeDiff == 1))
    this.isBlueTree &= unpackIsBlue(sdb)

  final def computeIfAbsent[T](k: K, tok: T, visitor: Hamt.EntryVisitor[K, V, T]): Unit = {
    val sdb = this.visit(k, k.hash, tok, visitor, newValue = nullOf[V], modify = false, shift = 0)
    val sizeDiff = unpackSizeDiff(sdb)
    assert((sizeDiff == 0) || (sizeDiff == 1))
    this.isBlueTree &= unpackIsBlue(sdb)

  final def computeOrModify[T](k: K, tok: T, visitor: Hamt.EntryVisitor[K, V, T]): Unit = {
    val sdb = this.visit(k, k.hash, tok, visitor, newValue = nullOf[V], modify = true, shift = 0)
    val sizeDiff = unpackSizeDiff(sdb)
    assert((sizeDiff == 0) || (sizeDiff == 1))
    this.isBlueTree &= unpackIsBlue(sdb)

  final def copyToArray(tok: T1, flag: Boolean, nullIfBlue: Boolean): Array[E] =
    this.copyToArrayInternal(tok, flag = flag, nullIfBlue = nullIfBlue)

  final def copyToImmutable(): I = {
    this.copyToImmutableInternal(shift = 0)

  final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
    if (equ(this, that)) {
    } else {
      that match {
        case that: MutHamt[_, _, _, _, _, _, _] =>
        case _ =>

  final override def hashCode: Int = {

  final override def toString: String = {
    this.toString(pre = "MutHamt(", post = ")")

  // Internal:

  private final def lookupOrNull(hash: Long, shift: Int): V = {
    this.getValueOrNodeOrNull(hash, shift) match {
      case null =>
      case node: MutHamt[_, _, _, _, _, _, _] =>
        node.lookupOrNull(hash, shift + W).asInstanceOf[V]
      case value =>
        val a = value.asInstanceOf[V]
        val hashA = a.key.hash
        if (hash == hashA) {
        } else {

  private[this] final def getValueOrNodeOrNull(hash: Long, shift: Int): AnyRef = {
    val contents = this.contents
    val logIdx = logicalIdx(hash, shift)
    val size = contents.length // always a power of 2
    val physIdx = physicalIdx(logIdx, size, shift = shift)

  /** Returns the increase in size and isBlue */
  private final def visit[T](
    k: K,
    hash: Long,
    tok: T,
    visitor: Hamt.EntryVisitor[K, V, T], // only call if `newVal` is null
    newValue: V, // or null, to call `visitor`
    modify: Boolean,
    shift: Int,
  ): Int = {
    this.getValueOrNodeOrNull(hash, shift) match {
      case null =>
        val newVal = if (isNull(newValue)) {
          visitor.entryAbsent(k, tok)
        } else {
        newVal match {
          case null =>
            packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, true)
          case newVal =>
            assert(newVal.key.hash == hash)
            // TODO: this will compute physIdx again:
            this.insertOrOverwrite(hash, newVal, shift, op = OP_INSERT)
      case node: MutHamt[_, _, _, _, _, _, _] =>
        val logIdx = logicalIdx(hash, shift)
        val nodeLogIdx = node.logIdx
        if (logIdx == nodeLogIdx) {
          node.asInstanceOf[H].visit(k, hash, tok, visitor, newValue = newValue, modify = modify, shift = shift + W)
        } else {
          if (isNull(newValue)) {
            // growing mutates the tree, so we must check
            // if we need to insert BEFORE growing:
            visitor.entryAbsent(k, tok) match {
              case null =>
                packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, true)
              case newVal =>
                this.growLevel(newSize = necessarySize(logIdx, nodeLogIdx, shift = shift), shift = shift)
                // now we can insert the new value:
                this.visit(k, hash, tok, visitor, newValue = newVal, modify = modify, shift = shift)
          } else {
            this.insertOrOverwrite(hash, newValue, shift, op = OP_INSERT)
      case value =>
        val a = value.asInstanceOf[V]
        val hashA = a.key.hash
        if (hash == hashA) {
          val newVal = if (isNull(newValue)) {
            visitor.entryPresent(k, a, tok)
          } else {
          if (modify) {
            if (equ(newValue, a)) {
              packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, isBlue(a))
            } else {
              assert(newVal.key.hash == hashA)
              this.insertOrOverwrite(hash, newVal, shift, op = OP_UPDATE)
          } else {
            assert(equ(newVal, a))
            packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, true)
        } else {
          val logIdx = logicalIdx(hash, shift)
          val logIdxA = logicalIdx(hashA, shift)
          if (logIdx == logIdxA) {
            // hash collision at this level
            val newVal = if (isNull(newValue)) {
              visitor.entryAbsent(k, tok)
            } else {
            newVal match {
              case null =>
                packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, true)
              case newVal =>
                assert(newVal.key.hash == hash)
                this.insertOrOverwrite(hash, newVal, shift, op = OP_INSERT)
          } else {
            if (isNull(newValue)) {
              visitor.entryAbsent(k, tok) match {
                case null =>
                  packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, true)
                case newVal =>
                  this.growLevel(newSize = necessarySize(logIdx, logIdxA, shift = shift), shift = shift)
                  this.visit(k, hash, tok, visitor, newValue = newVal, modify = modify, shift = shift)
            } else {
              this.insertOrOverwrite(hash, newValue, shift, op = OP_INSERT)

  /** Returns the increase in size and isBlue */
  private final def insertOrOverwrite(hash: Long, value: V, shift: Int, op: Int): Int = {
    val contents = this.contents
    val logIdx = logicalIdx(hash, shift)
    val size = contents.length // always a power of 2
    val physIdx = physicalIdx(logIdx, size, shift = shift)
    contents(physIdx) match {
      case null =>
        if (op == OP_UPDATE) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException
        } else {
          contents(physIdx) = box(value)
          packSizeDiffAndBlue(1, isBlue(value))
      case node: MutHamt[_, _, _, _, _, _, _] =>
        val nodeLogIdx = node.logIdx
        if (logIdx == nodeLogIdx) {
          node.asInstanceOf[H].insertOrOverwrite(hash, value, shift + W, op)
        } else {
          // growing mutates the tree, so we must check
          // for error conditions BEFORE doing it:
          if (op == OP_UPDATE) {
            // there is no chance that we'll be able to
            // update (even after growing):
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
          } else {
            // we need to grow this level:
            this.growLevel(newSize = necessarySize(logIdx, nodeLogIdx, shift = shift), shift = shift)
            // now we'll suceed for sure:
            this.insertOrOverwrite(hash, value, shift, op)
      case ov =>
        val oh = ov.asInstanceOf[V].key.hash
        if (hash == oh) {
          if (op == OP_INSERT) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException
          } else if (!equ(ov, value)) {
            contents(physIdx) = box(value)
            packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, isBlue(value))
          } else {
            packSizeDiffAndBlue(0, isBlue(value))
        } else {
          val oLogIdx = logicalIdx(oh, shift)
          if (logIdx == oLogIdx) {
            // hash collision at this level,
            // so we go down 1 level
            val childShift = shift + W
            val childNode = {
              val cArr = new Array[AnyRef](2) // NB: 2 instead of 1
              cArr(physicalIdx(logicalIdx(oh, childShift), size = 2, shift = childShift)) = ov
              this.newNode(logIdx, cArr)
            val r = childNode.insertOrOverwrite(hash, value, shift = childShift, op = op)
            contents(physIdx) = childNode
            assert(unpackSizeDiff(r) == 1)
          } else {
            if (op == OP_UPDATE) {
              // there is no chance that we'll be able to
              // update (even after growing):
              throw new IllegalArgumentException
            } else {
              // grow this level:
              this.growLevel(newSize = necessarySize(logIdx, oLogIdx, shift = shift), shift = shift)
              // now we'll suceed for sure:
              this.insertOrOverwrite(hash, value, shift, op)

  private[this] final def growLevel(newSize: Int, shift: Int): Unit = {
    assert((newSize & (newSize - 1)) == 0) // power of 2
    val newContents = new Array[AnyRef](newSize)
    val contents = this.contents
    val size = contents.length
    assert(newSize > size)
    var idx = 0
    while (idx < size) {
      contents(idx) match {
        case null =>
        case node: MutHamt[_, _, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          val logIdx = node.logIdx
          val newPhysIdx = physicalIdx(logIdx, newSize, shift = shift)
          newContents(newPhysIdx) = node
        case value =>
          val logIdx = logicalIdx(value.asInstanceOf[V].key.hash, shift)
          val newPhysIdx = physicalIdx(logIdx, newSize, shift = shift)
          newContents(newPhysIdx) = value
      idx += 1
    this.contents = newContents

  private final def copyToImmutableInternal(shift: Int): I = {
    val contents = this.contents
    var i = 0
    val len = contents.length
    var arity = 0
    while (i < len) {
      // we don't know the number of non-null items, so we pre-scan:
      if (contents(i) ne null) {
        arity += 1
      i += 1
    val arr = new Array[AnyRef](arity)
    var bitmap = 0L
    var size = 0
    var isBlueSubtree = true
    i = 0
    arity = 0
    while (i < len) {
      contents(i) match {
        case null =>
        case node: MutHamt[_, _, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          bitmap |= (1L << node.logIdx)
          val child: I = node.asInstanceOf[H].copyToImmutableInternal(shift = shift + W)
          size += child.size
          isBlueSubtree &= child.isBlueSubtree
          arr(arity) = box(child)
          arity += 1
        case value =>
          bitmap |= (1L << logicalIdx(value.asInstanceOf[V].key.hash, shift = shift))
          size += 1
          isBlueSubtree &= isBlue(value.asInstanceOf[V])
          arr(arity) = value
          arity += 1
      i += 1

    this.newImmutableNode(sizeAndBlue = packSizeAndBlue(size, isBlueSubtree), bitmap = bitmap, contents = arr)

  private[this] final def necessarySize(logIdx1: Int, logIdx2: Int, shift: Int): Int = {
    assert(logIdx1 != logIdx2)
    val diff = logIdx1 ^ logIdx2
    val necessaryBits = java.lang.Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(diff) - (32 - logIdxWidth(shift)) + 1
    assert(necessaryBits <= W)
    1 << necessaryBits

  private[mcas] final def necessarySize_public(logIdx1: Int, logIdx2: Int, shift: Int): Int = {
    this.necessarySize(logIdx1, logIdx2, shift = shift)

  /** Index into the imaginary 64-element sparse array */
  private[this] final def logicalIdx(hash: Long, shift: Int): Int = {
    val mask = START_MASK >>> shift // masks the bits we're interested in
    val sh = java.lang.Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(mask) // we'll shift the masked result
    ((hash & mask) >>> sh).toInt

  private[mcas] final def logicalIdx_public(hash: Long, shift: Int): Int = {
    logicalIdx(hash, shift)

  private[this] final def logIdxWidth(shift: Int): Int = {
    java.lang.Long.bitCount(START_MASK >>> shift)

  private[this] final def physicalIdx(logIdx: Int, size: Int, shift: Int): Int = {
    val width = java.lang.Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(size) // size is always a power of 2
    val logIdxW = logIdxWidth(shift)
    val sh = logIdxW - width
    logIdx >>> sh

  private[mcas] final def physicalIdx_public(logIdx: Int, size: Int, shift: Int): Int = {
    physicalIdx(logIdx, size, shift = shift)

  private[this] final def packSizeDiffAndBlue(sizeDiff: Int, isBlue: Boolean): Int = {
    assert((sizeDiff == 0) || (sizeDiff == 1))
    val bl = java.lang.Math.abs(, false)) << 1
    bl | sizeDiff

  private[this] final def unpackSizeDiff(sdb: Int): Int = {
    sdb & 1

  private[this] final def unpackIsBlue(sdb: Int): Boolean = {
    (sdb & 2) != 0

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