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dev.tauri.choam.internal.mcas.Hamt.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2016-2024 Daniel Urban and contributors listed in NOTICE.txt
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package dev.tauri.choam
package internal
package mcas

import java.util.Arrays

import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3

 * Immutable HAMT (hash array mapped trie)
 * HAMTs are described in "Ideal Hash Trees" by Phil Bagwell
 * (
 * An improved encoding called CHAMP (compressed hash array mapped
 * prefix trie) is described in "Optimizing Hash-Array Mapped Tries for
 * Fast and Lean Immutable JVM Collections" by Michael J. Steindorfer
 * and Jurgen J. Vinju (
 * (TODO: Currently we don't use CHAMP here, because we need an iteration
 * order that is globally consistent, and it's not clear how to do
 * that in a CHAMP.)
 * Unlike most HAMTs, we use 64-bit hashes in a 64-ary tree. (We can
 * do this, because keys eventually will be `Ref` IDs, which are `Long`s.)
 * We're using the IDs directly, without hashing, since they're already
 * generated with Fibonacci hashing. We don't store the keys separately,
 * since we can always get them from the values (which will be HWDs).
 * Values can't be `null` (we use `null` as the "not found" sentinel).
 * Deletion is not implemented, because we don't need it. We also don't
 * implement collision nodes, because `Ref` IDs are globally unique,
 * so it's not possible to have a collision on every level or the tree.
 * This class contains the generic HAMT implementation. Abstract methods
 * are provided for the "MCAS-specific" things. The API is weird, because
 * we need this separation, but really don't want to allocate unnecessary
 * objects. (Overall, this is not really a general HAMT, although it's
 * somewhat abstracted away from the MCAS details.) for the MCAS-specific
 * parts, see `LogMap2`.
 * Type parameters are as follows:
 * `A` is the type of values in the map (i.e., HWDs; keys/hashes are `Long`s).
 * `E` is they type `toArray` converts the values to (`emcas.WordDescriptor[A]`
 * on the JVM, and equals to `A` on JS).
 * `T1` is the type of the "extra" value passed to `toArray`, which it just
 * passes on to `convertForArray` (this is the parent `EmcasDescriptor`).
 * `T2` is similarly the type of the "extra" value passed to `forAll`, which
 * it just passes on to `predicateForForAll` (an `Mcas.ThreadContext` to
 * implement revalidation).
 * `S` is the type of the state used in `foldLeft`. (TODO: is this unused?)
 * `H` is the self-type (we use F-bounded polymorphism here, because we need
 * to create new nodes on insert/update, and `Hamt` is also the type of the
 * sub-nodes, not just the root).
 * Public methods are the "external" API. We take care never to call them
 * on a node in lower levels (they assume they're called on the root).
private[mcas] abstract class Hamt[A, E, T1, T2, S, H <: Hamt[A, E, T1, T2, S, H]] protected[mcas] (

   * The number of values in `this` subtree (i.e., if `this` is the
   * root, then this number is size of the whole tree).
  val size: Int,

   * Contains 1 bits in exactly the places where the imaginary 64-element
   * sparse array has "something" (either a value or a sub-node).
  private val bitmap: Long,

   * The dense array containing the values and/or sub-nodes. At most
   * 64-element long, but shorter for a "not full" node. Can be a
   * zero-element array (only for the root node of an empty tree).
  private val contents: Array[AnyRef],
) { this: H =>

   * The highest 6 bits set; we start masking
   * the hash with this, and go to lower bits
   * as we go down in the tree.
   * We use the highest 6 bits first, and
   * lower ones later, because for a
   * multiplicative hash (like the Fibonacci
   * we're using to generate IDs) the low
   * bits are the "worst quality" ones (see
  private[this] final val START_MASK = 0xFC00000000000000L

  /** 6 bits for indexing a 64-element array */
  private[this] final val W = 6

  private[this] final val OP_UPDATE = 0
  private[this] final val OP_INSERT = 1
  private[this] final val OP_UPSERT = 2

  protected def hashOf(a: A): Long

  protected def newNode(size: Int, bitmap: Long, contents: Array[AnyRef]): H

  protected def newArray(size: Int): Array[E]

  protected def convertForArray(a: A, tok: T1): E

  protected def convertForFoldLeft(s: S, a: A): S

  protected def predicateForForAll(a: A, tok: T2): Boolean

  // API (should only be called on a root node!):

  final def nonEmpty: Boolean = {
    this.size > 0

  final def getOrElseNull(hash: Long): A = {
    this.lookupOrNull(hash, 0)

  /** Must already contain the key of `a` */
  final def updated(a: A): H = {
    this.insertOrOverwrite(hashOf(a), a, 0, OP_UPDATE) match {
      case null => this
      case newRoot => newRoot

  /** Mustn't already contain the key of `a` */
  final def inserted(a: A): H = {
    val newRoot = this.insertOrOverwrite(hashOf(a), a, 0, OP_INSERT)
    assert(newRoot ne null)

  final def insertedAllFrom(that: H): H = {

  /** Folds by using `convertForFoldLeft` implemented in a subclass */
  final def foldLeft(z: S): S = {

  /** May or may not already contain the key of `a` */
  final def upserted(a: A): H = {
    this.insertOrOverwrite(hashOf(a), a, 0, OP_UPSERT) match {
      case null => this
      case newRoot => newRoot

   * Converts all values with `convertForArray`
   * (implemented in a subclass), and copies the
   * results into an array (created with `newArray`,
   * also implemented in a subclass).
  final def toArray(tok: T1): Array[E] = {
    val arr = newArray(this.size)
    val end = this.copyIntoArray(arr, 0, tok)
    assert(end == arr.length)

   * Evaluates `predicateForForAll` (implemented
   * in a subclass) for the values, short-circuits
   * on `false`.
  final def forAll(tok: T2): Boolean = {

  final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
    that match {
      case that: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
      case _ =>

  final override def hashCode: Int = {

  final override def toString: String = {
    this.toString(pre = "Hamt(", post = ")")

  final def toString(pre: String, post: String): String = {
    val sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder(pre)
    val _ = this.toStringInternal(sb, first = true)

  // Internal:

  // @tailrec
  private final def lookupOrNull(hash: Long, shift: Int): A = {
    this.getValueOrNodeOrNull(hash, shift) match {
      case null =>
      case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
        node.lookupOrNull(hash, shift + W).asInstanceOf[A]
      case value =>
        val a = value.asInstanceOf[A]
        val hashA = hashOf(a)
        if (hash == hashA) {
        } else {

  private[this] final def getValueOrNodeOrNull(hash: Long, shift: Int): AnyRef = {
    val bitmap = this.bitmap
    if (bitmap != 0L) {
      val flag: Long = 1L << logicalIdx(hash, shift) // only 1 bit set, at the position in bitmap
      if ((bitmap & flag) != 0L) {
        // we have an entry for this:
        val idx: Int = physicalIdx(bitmap, flag)
      } else {
        // no entry for this hash:
    } else {
      // empty HAMT

  private final def insertOrOverwrite(hash: Long, value: A, shift: Int, op: Int): H = {
    val flag: Long = 1L << logicalIdx(hash, shift) // only 1 bit set, at the position in bitmap
    val bitmap = this.bitmap
    if (bitmap != 0L) {
      val contents = this.contents
      val physIdx: Int = physicalIdx(bitmap, flag)
      if ((bitmap & flag) != 0L) {
        // we have an entry for this:
        contents(physIdx) match {
          case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
            node.asInstanceOf[H].insertOrOverwrite(hash, value, shift + W, op) match {
              case null =>
              case newNode =>
                this.withNode(this.size + (newNode.size - node.size), bitmap, newNode, physIdx)
          case ov =>
            val oh = hashOf(ov.asInstanceOf[A])
            if (hash == oh) {
              if (op == OP_INSERT) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException
              } else if (equ(ov, value)) {
              } else {
                this.withValue(bitmap, value, physIdx)
            } else {
              // hash collision at this level,
              // so we go down one level:
              val childNode = {
                val cArr = new Array[AnyRef](1)
                cArr(0) = ov
                val oFlag = 1L << logicalIdx(oh, shift + W)
                this.newNode(1, oFlag, cArr)
              val childNode2 = childNode.insertOrOverwrite(hash, value, shift + W, op)
              this.withNode(this.size + (childNode2.size - 1), bitmap, childNode2, physIdx)
      } else {
        // no entry for this hash:
        if (op == OP_UPDATE) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException
        } else {
          val newBitmap: Long = bitmap | flag
          val len = contents.length
          val newArr = new Array[AnyRef](len + 1)
          System.arraycopy(contents, 0, newArr, 0, physIdx)
          System.arraycopy(contents, physIdx, newArr, physIdx + 1, len - physIdx)
          newArr(physIdx) = box(value)
          this.newNode(this.size + 1, newBitmap, newArr)
    } else {
      // empty node
      if (op == OP_UPDATE) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException
      } else {
        val newArr = new Array[AnyRef](1)
        newArr(0) = box(value)
        this.newNode(1, flag, newArr)

  private final def copyIntoArray(arr: Array[E], start: Int, tok: T1): Int = {
    val contents = this.contents
    var i = 0
    var arrIdx = start
    val len = contents.length
    while (i < len) {
      contents(i) match {
        case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          arrIdx = node.asInstanceOf[H].copyIntoArray(arr, arrIdx, tok)
        case a =>
          arr(arrIdx) = convertForArray(a.asInstanceOf[A], tok)
          arrIdx += 1
      i += 1

  private final def insertIntoHamt(that: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _]): H = {
    val contents = this.contents
    var i = 0
    var curr = that
    val len = contents.length
    while (i < len) {
      contents(i) match {
        case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          curr = node.insertIntoHamt(curr)
        case a =>
          curr = curr.asInstanceOf[H].inserted(a.asInstanceOf[A])
      i += 1

  private final def foldLeftInternal(z: S): S = {
    val contents = this.contents
    var i = 0
    var curr = z
    val len = contents.length
    while (i < len) {
      contents(i) match {
        case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          curr = node.asInstanceOf[H].foldLeftInternal(curr)
        case a =>
          curr = this.convertForFoldLeft(curr, a.asInstanceOf[A])
      i += 1

  private final def forAllInternal(tok: T2): Boolean = {
    val contents = this.contents
    var i = 0
    val len = contents.length
    while (i < len) {
      contents(i) match {
        case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          if (!node.asInstanceOf[H].forAllInternal(tok)) {
            return false // scalafix:ok
        case a =>
          if (!this.predicateForForAll(a.asInstanceOf[A], tok)) {
            return false // scalafix:ok
      i += 1


  private final def equalsInternal(that: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _]): Boolean = {
    // Insertions are not order-dependent, and
    // there is no deletion, so HAMTs with the
    // same values always have the same tree
    // structure. So we can just traverse the
    // 2 trees at the same time.
    if (this.bitmap == that.bitmap) {
      val thisContents = this.contents
      val thatContents = that.contents
      val thisLen = thisContents.length
      val thatLen = thatContents.length
      if (thisLen == thatLen) {
        var i = 0
        while (i < thisLen) {
          val iOk = thisContents(i) match {
            case thisNode: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
              thatContents(i) match {
                case thatNode: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
                case _ =>
            case thisValue =>
              thatContents(i) match {
                case _: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
                case thatValue =>
                  thisValue == thatValue
          if (iOk) {
            i += 1
          } else {
            return false // scalafix:ok
      } else {
    } else {

  private final def hashCodeInternal(s: Int): Int = {
    val contents = this.contents
    var i = 0
    var curr = s
    val len = contents.length
    while (i < len) {
      contents(i) match {
        case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          curr = node.hashCodeInternal(curr)
        case a =>
          curr = MurmurHash3.mix(curr, (hashOf(a.asInstanceOf[A]) >>> 32).toInt)
          curr = MurmurHash3.mix(curr, a.##)
      i += 1

  private final def toStringInternal(sb: java.lang.StringBuilder, first: Boolean): Boolean = {
    val contents = this.contents
    var i = 0
    val len = contents.length
    var fst = first
    while (i < len) {
      contents(i) match {
        case node: Hamt[_, _, _, _, _, _] =>
          fst = node.toStringInternal(sb, fst)
        case a =>
          if (!fst) {
            sb.append(", ")
          } else {
            fst = false
      i += 1

  private[this] final def withValue(bitmap: Long, value: A, physIdx: Int): H = {
    this.newNode(this.size, bitmap, arrReplacedValue(this.contents, box(value), physIdx))

  private[this] final def withNode(size: Int, bitmap: Long, node: Hamt[A, E, _, _, _, _], physIdx: Int): H = {
    this.newNode(size, bitmap, arrReplacedValue(this.contents, node, physIdx))

  private[this] final def arrReplacedValue(arr: Array[AnyRef], value: AnyRef, idx: Int): Array[AnyRef] = {
    val newArr = Arrays.copyOf(arr, arr.length)
    newArr(idx) = value

  /** Index into the imaginary 64-element sparse array */
  private[this] final def logicalIdx(hash: Long, shift: Int): Int = {
    // Note: this logic is duplicated in `MemoryLocationOrdering`.
    val mask = START_MASK >>> shift // masks the bits we're interested in
    val sh = java.lang.Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(mask) // we'll shift the masked result
    // we do it this way, because at the end, when `shift` is 60,
    // we don't actually need to shift (i.e., `sh` will be 0),
    // because we just need the 4 lowest bits
    ((hash & mask) >>> sh).toInt
    // TODO: It it measurably slower this way, than
    // TODO: just using the lowest bits first (see
    // TODO: `ShiftBench`). We should check if it
    // TODO: really matters.

  /** For testing only! */
  private[mcas] final def logicalIdx_public(hash: Long, shift: Int): Int = {
    this.logicalIdx(hash, shift)

  /** Index into the actual dense array (`contents`) */
  private[this] final def physicalIdx(bitmap: Long, flag: Long): Int = {
    java.lang.Long.bitCount(bitmap & (flag - 1L))

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