cats.MonadError.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cats
* A monad that also allows you to raise and or handle an error value.
* This type class allows one to abstract over error-handling monads.
trait MonadError[F[_], E] extends ApplicativeError[F, E] with Monad[F] {
* Turns a successful value into an error if it does not satisfy a given predicate.
def ensure[A](fa: F[A])(error: => E)(predicate: A => Boolean): F[A] =
flatMap(fa)(a => if (predicate(a)) pure(a) else raiseError(error))
* Turns a successful value into an error specified by the `error` function if it does not satisfy a given predicate.
def ensureOr[A](fa: F[A])(error: A => E)(predicate: A => Boolean): F[A] =
flatMap(fa)(a => if (predicate(a)) pure(a) else raiseError(error(a)))
* Inverse of `attempt`
* Example:
* {{{
* scala> import cats.implicits._
* scala> import scala.util.{Try, Success}
* scala> val a: Try[Either[Throwable, Int]] = Success(Left(new java.lang.Exception))
* scala> a.rethrow
* res0: scala.util.Try[Int] = Failure(java.lang.Exception)
* scala> val b: Try[Either[Throwable, Int]] = Success(Right(1))
* scala> b.rethrow
* res1: scala.util.Try[Int] = Success(1)
* }}}
def rethrow[A, EE <: E](fa: F[Either[EE, A]]): F[A] =
flatMap(fa)(_.fold(raiseError, pure))
* Returns a new value that transforms the result of the source,
* given the `recover` or `bind` functions, which get executed depending
* on whether the result is successful or if it ends in error.
* This is an optimization on usage of [[attempt]] and [[flatMap]],
* this equivalence being available:
* {{{
* fa.redeemWith(fe, fs) <-> fa.attempt.flatMap(_.fold(fe, fs))
* }}}
* Usage of `redeemWith` subsumes [[handleErrorWith]] because:
* {{{
* fa.redeemWith(fe, F.pure) <-> fa.handleErrorWith(fe)
* }}}
* Usage of `redeemWith` also subsumes [[flatMap]] because:
* {{{
* fa.redeemWith(F.raiseError, fs) <-> fa.flatMap(fs)
* }}}
* Implementations are free to override it in order to optimize
* error recovery.
* @see [[redeem]], [[attempt]] and [[handleErrorWith]]
* @param fa is the source whose result is going to get transformed
* @param recover is the function that gets called to recover the source
* in case of error
* @param bind is the function that gets to transform the source
* in case of success
def redeemWith[A, B](fa: F[A])(recover: E => F[B], bind: A => F[B]): F[B] =
flatMap(attempt(fa))(_.fold(recover, bind))
override def adaptError[A](fa: F[A])(pf: PartialFunction[E, E]): F[A] =
recoverWith(fa)(pf.andThen(raiseError[A] _))
object MonadError {
def apply[F[_], E](implicit F: MonadError[F, E]): MonadError[F, E] = F