cats.Parallel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cats
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import{Validated, ZipList, ZipVector}
* Some types that form a FlatMap, are also capable of forming an Apply that supports parallel composition.
* The NonEmptyParallel type class allows us to represent this relationship.
trait NonEmptyParallel[M[_]] extends Serializable {
type F[_]
* The Apply instance for F[_]
def apply: Apply[F]
* The FlatMap instance for M[_]
def flatMap: FlatMap[M]
* Natural Transformation from the parallel Apply F[_] to the sequential FlatMap M[_].
def sequential: F ~> M
* Natural Transformation from the sequential FlatMap M[_] to the parallel Apply F[_].
def parallel: M ~> F
* Like [[Apply.productR]], but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parProductR[A, B](ma: M[A])(mb: M[B]): M[B] =
Parallel.parMap2(ma, mb)((_, b) => b)(this)
@deprecated("Use parProductR instead.", "1.0.0-RC2")
@inline private[cats] def parFollowedBy[A, B](ma: M[A])(mb: M[B]): M[B] = parProductR(ma)(mb)
* Like [[Apply.productL]], but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parProductL[A, B](ma: M[A])(mb: M[B]): M[A] =
Parallel.parMap2(ma, mb)((a, _) => a)(this)
@deprecated("Use parProductL instead.", "1.0.0-RC2")
@inline private[cats] def parForEffect[A, B](ma: M[A])(mb: M[B]): M[A] = parProductL(ma)(mb)
* Some types that form a Monad, are also capable of forming an Applicative that supports parallel composition.
* The Parallel type class allows us to represent this relationship.
trait Parallel[M[_]] extends NonEmptyParallel[M] {
* The applicative instance for F[_]
def applicative: Applicative[F]
* The monad instance for M[_]
def monad: Monad[M]
override def apply: Apply[F] = applicative
override def flatMap: FlatMap[M] = monad
* Provides an `ApplicativeError[F, E]` instance for any F, that has a `Parallel.Aux[M, F]`
* and a `MonadError[M, E]` instance.
* I.e. if you have a type M[_], that supports parallel composition through type F[_],
* then you can get `ApplicativeError[F, E]` from `MonadError[M, E]`.
def applicativeError[E](implicit E: MonadError[M, E]): ApplicativeError[F, E] = new ApplicativeError[F, E] {
def raiseError[A](e: E): F[A] =
parallel(MonadError[M, E].raiseError(e))
def handleErrorWith[A](fa: F[A])(f: E => F[A]): F[A] = {
val ma = E.handleErrorWith(sequential(fa))(e => sequential.apply(f(e)))
def pure[A](x: A): F[A] = applicative.pure(x)
def ap[A, B](ff: F[(A) => B])(fa: F[A]): F[B] = applicative.ap(ff)(fa)
override def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: (A) => B): F[B] =
override def product[A, B](fa: F[A], fb: F[B]): F[(A, B)] = applicative.product(fa, fb)
override def map2[A, B, Z](fa: F[A], fb: F[B])(f: (A, B) => Z): F[Z] = applicative.map2(fa, fb)(f)
override def map2Eval[A, B, Z](fa: F[A], fb: Eval[F[B]])(f: (A, B) => Z): Eval[F[Z]] =
applicative.map2Eval(fa, fb)(f)
override def unlessA[A](cond: Boolean)(f: => F[A]): F[Unit] = applicative.unlessA(cond)(f)
override def whenA[A](cond: Boolean)(f: => F[A]): F[Unit] = applicative.whenA(cond)(f)
object NonEmptyParallel extends ScalaVersionSpecificParallelInstances {
type Aux[M[_], F0[_]] = NonEmptyParallel[M] { type F[x] = F0[x] }
def apply[M[_], F[_]](implicit P: NonEmptyParallel.Aux[M, F]): NonEmptyParallel.Aux[M, F] = P
def apply[M[_]](implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M], D: DummyImplicit): NonEmptyParallel.Aux[M, P.F] = P
implicit def catsParallelForEitherValidated[E: Semigroup]: Parallel.Aux[Either[E, *], Validated[E, *]] =
implicit def catsStdNonEmptyParallelForZipList: NonEmptyParallel.Aux[List, ZipList] =
implicit def catsStdNonEmptyParallelForZipVector: NonEmptyParallel.Aux[Vector, ZipVector] =
object Parallel extends ParallelArityFunctions2 {
type Aux[M[_], F0[_]] = Parallel[M] { type F[x] = F0[x] }
def apply[M[_], F[_]](implicit P: Parallel.Aux[M, F]): Parallel.Aux[M, F] = P
def apply[M[_]](implicit P: Parallel[M], D: DummyImplicit): Parallel.Aux[M, P.F] = P
* Like `Traverse[A].sequence`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parSequence[T[_]: Traverse, M[_], A](tma: T[M[A]])(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[A]] = {
val fta: P.F[T[A]] = Traverse[T].traverse(tma)(P.parallel.apply(_))(P.applicative)
* Like `Traverse[A].traverse`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parTraverse[T[_]: Traverse, M[_], A, B](ta: T[A])(f: A => M[B])(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[B]] = {
val gtb: P.F[T[B]] = Traverse[T].traverse(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a)))(P.applicative)
* Like `Traverse[A].flatTraverse`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parFlatTraverse[T[_]: Traverse: FlatMap, M[_], A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[T[B]])(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[B]] = {
val gtb: P.F[T[B]] = Traverse[T].flatTraverse(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a)))(P.applicative, FlatMap[T])
* Like `Traverse[A].flatSequence`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parFlatSequence[T[_]: Traverse: FlatMap, M[_], A](
tma: T[M[T[A]]]
)(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[A]] = {
val fta: P.F[T[A]] = Traverse[T].flatTraverse(tma)(P.parallel.apply(_))(P.applicative, FlatMap[T])
* Like `Foldable[A].sequence_`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parSequence_[T[_]: Foldable, M[_], A](tma: T[M[A]])(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[Unit] = {
val fu: P.F[Unit] = Foldable[T].traverse_(tma)(P.parallel.apply(_))(P.applicative)
* Like `Foldable[A].traverse_`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parTraverse_[T[_]: Foldable, M[_], A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[B])(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[Unit] = {
val gtb: P.F[Unit] = Foldable[T].traverse_(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a)))(P.applicative)
def parUnorderedTraverse[T[_]: UnorderedTraverse, M[_], F[_]: CommutativeApplicative, A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[B])(implicit P: Parallel.Aux[M, F]): M[T[B]] =
P.sequential(UnorderedTraverse[T].unorderedTraverse(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a))))
def parUnorderedSequence[T[_]: UnorderedTraverse, M[_], F[_]: CommutativeApplicative, A](
ta: T[M[A]]
)(implicit P: Parallel.Aux[M, F]): M[T[A]] =
parUnorderedTraverse[T, M, F, M[A], A](ta)(Predef.identity)
def parUnorderedFlatTraverse[T[_]: UnorderedTraverse: FlatMap, M[_], F[_]: CommutativeApplicative, A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[T[B]])(implicit P: Parallel.Aux[M, F]): M[T[B]] =[T, M, F, A, T[B]](ta)(f))(FlatMap[T].flatten)
def parUnorderedFlatSequence[T[_]: UnorderedTraverse: FlatMap, M[_], F[_]: CommutativeApplicative, A](
ta: T[M[T[A]]]
)(implicit P: Parallel.Aux[M, F]): M[T[A]] =
parUnorderedFlatTraverse[T, M, F, M[T[A]], A](ta)(Predef.identity)
* Like `NonEmptyTraverse[A].nonEmptySequence`, but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parNonEmptySequence[T[_]: NonEmptyTraverse, M[_], A](
tma: T[M[A]]
)(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[T[A]] = {
val fta: P.F[T[A]] = NonEmptyTraverse[T].nonEmptyTraverse(tma)(P.parallel.apply(_))(P.apply)
* Like `NonEmptyTraverse[A].nonEmptyTraverse`, but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parNonEmptyTraverse[T[_]: NonEmptyTraverse, M[_], A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[B])(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[T[B]] = {
val gtb: P.F[T[B]] = NonEmptyTraverse[T].nonEmptyTraverse(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a)))(P.apply)
* Like `NonEmptyTraverse[A].nonEmptyFlatTraverse`, but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parNonEmptyFlatTraverse[T[_]: NonEmptyTraverse: FlatMap, M[_], A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[T[B]])(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[T[B]] = {
val gtb: P.F[T[B]] =
NonEmptyTraverse[T].nonEmptyFlatTraverse(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a)))(P.apply, FlatMap[T])
* Like `NonEmptyTraverse[A].nonEmptyFlatSequence`, but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parNonEmptyFlatSequence[T[_]: NonEmptyTraverse: FlatMap, M[_], A](
tma: T[M[T[A]]]
)(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[T[A]] = {
val fta: P.F[T[A]] = NonEmptyTraverse[T].nonEmptyFlatTraverse(tma)(P.parallel.apply(_))(P.apply, FlatMap[T])
* Like `Reducible[A].nonEmptySequence_`, but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parNonEmptySequence_[T[_]: Reducible, M[_], A](
tma: T[M[A]]
)(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[Unit] = {
val fu: P.F[Unit] = Reducible[T].nonEmptyTraverse_(tma)(P.parallel.apply(_))(P.apply)
* Like `Reducible[A].nonEmptyTraverse_`, but uses the apply instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parNonEmptyTraverse_[T[_]: Reducible, M[_], A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[B])(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[Unit] = {
val gtb: P.F[Unit] = Reducible[T].nonEmptyTraverse_(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a)))(P.apply)
* Like `Bitraverse[A].bitraverse`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parBitraverse[T[_, _]: Bitraverse, M[_], A, B, C, D](
tab: T[A, B]
)(f: A => M[C], g: B => M[D])(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[C, D]] = {
val ftcd: P.F[T[C, D]] =
Bitraverse[T].bitraverse(tab)(a => P.parallel(f(a)), b => P.parallel(g(b)))(P.applicative)
* Like `Bitraverse[A].bisequence`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parBisequence[T[_, _]: Bitraverse, M[_], A, B](
tmamb: T[M[A], M[B]]
)(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[A, B]] = {
val ftab: P.F[T[A, B]] = Bitraverse[T].bitraverse(tmamb)(P.parallel.apply(_), P.parallel.apply(_))(P.applicative)
* Like `Bitraverse[A].leftTraverse`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parLeftTraverse[T[_, _]: Bitraverse, M[_], A, B, C](
tab: T[A, B]
)(f: A => M[C])(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[C, B]] = {
val ftcb: P.F[T[C, B]] =
Bitraverse[T].bitraverse(tab)(a => P.parallel.apply(f(a)), P.applicative.pure(_))(P.applicative)
* Like `Bitraverse[A].leftSequence`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parLeftSequence[T[_, _]: Bitraverse, M[_], A, B](
tmab: T[M[A], B]
)(implicit P: Parallel[M]): M[T[A, B]] = {
val ftab: P.F[T[A, B]] = Bitraverse[T].bitraverse(tmab)(P.parallel.apply(_), P.applicative.pure(_))(P.applicative)
* Like `Foldable[A].foldMapA`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parFoldMapA[T[_], M[_], A, B](
ta: T[A]
)(f: A => M[B])(implicit T: Foldable[T], P: Parallel[M], B: Monoid[B]): M[B] = {
val fb: P.F[B] =
Foldable[T].foldMapA(ta)(a => P.parallel(f(a)))(P.applicative, B)
* Like `Applicative[F].ap`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parAp[M[_], A, B](mf: M[A => B])(ma: M[A])(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[B] =
* Like `Applicative[F].product`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parProduct[M[_], A, B](ma: M[A], mb: M[B])(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[(A, B)] =
P.sequential(P.apply.product(P.parallel(ma), P.parallel(mb)))
* Like `Applicative[F].ap2`, but uses the applicative instance
* corresponding to the Parallel instance instead.
def parAp2[M[_], A, B, Z](ff: M[(A, B) => Z])(ma: M[A], mb: M[B])(implicit P: NonEmptyParallel[M]): M[Z] =
P.apply.ap2(P.parallel(ff))(P.parallel(ma), P.parallel(mb))
* Provides an `ApplicativeError[F, E]` instance for any F, that has a `Parallel.Aux[M, F]`
* and a `MonadError[M, E]` instance.
* I.e. if you have a type M[_], that supports parallel composition through type F[_],
* then you can get `ApplicativeError[F, E]` from `MonadError[M, E]`.
def applicativeError[M[_], E](implicit P: Parallel[M], E: MonadError[M, E]): ApplicativeError[P.F, E] =
* A Parallel instance for any type `M[_]` that supports parallel composition through itself.
* Can also be used for giving `Parallel` instances to types that do not support parallel composition,
* but are required to have an instance of `Parallel` defined,
* in which case parallel composition will actually be sequential.
def identity[M[_]: Monad]: Parallel.Aux[M, M] = new Parallel[M] {
type F[x] = M[x]
val monad: Monad[M] = implicitly[Monad[M]]
val applicative: Applicative[M] = implicitly[Monad[M]]
val sequential: M ~> M =
val parallel: M ~> M =