Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cats
package data
import cats.arrow._
/** Compose a two-slot type constructor `F[_, _]` with two single-slot type constructors
* `G[_]` and `H[_]`, resulting in a two-slot type constructor with respect to the inner types.
* For example, `List` and `Option` both have `Functor` instances, and `Either` has a
* `Bifunctor` instance. Therefore, `Binested[Either, List, Option, *, *]` has a `Bifunctor`
* instance as well:
* {{{
* scala> import cats.Bifunctor
* scala> import
* scala> import cats.implicits._
* scala> val eitherListOption: Either[List[Int], Option[String]] = Right(Some("cats"))
* scala> val f: Int => String = _.toString
* scala> val g: String => String = _ + "-bifunctor"
* scala> val binested = Binested(eitherListOption)
* scala> val bimapped = Bifunctor[Binested[Either, List, Option, *, *]].bimap(binested)(f, g).value
* res0: Either[List[String], Option[String]] = Right(Some("cats-bifunctor"))
* }}}
final case class Binested[F[_, _], G[_], H[_], A, B](value: F[G[A], H[B]])
object Binested extends BinestedInstances
trait BinestedInstances extends BinestedInstances0 {
implicit def catsDataEqForBinested[F[_, _], G[_], H[_], A, B](
implicit F: Eq[F[G[A], H[B]]]
): Eq[Binested[F, G, H, A, B]] =
implicit def catsDataProfunctorForBinested[F[_, _], G[_], H[_]](implicit F: Profunctor[F],
G: Functor[G],
H: Functor[H]): Profunctor[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] =
new Profunctor[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Binested[F, G, H, A, B])(f: C => A)(g: B => D): Binested[F, G, H, C, D] =
Binested(F.dimap(fab.value)( G[C])(f))(
implicit def catsDataBitraverseForBinested[F[_, _], G[_], H[_]](
implicit F0: Bitraverse[F],
H0: Traverse[H],
G0: Traverse[G]
): Bitraverse[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] =
new BinestedBitraverse[F, G, H] {
implicit override def F: Bitraverse[F] = F0
implicit override def G: Traverse[G] = G0
implicit override def H: Traverse[H] = H0
private[data] trait BinestedInstances0 {
implicit def catsDataBifoldableForBinested[F[_, _], G[_], H[_]](
implicit F0: Bifoldable[F],
G0: Foldable[G],
H0: Foldable[H]
): Bifoldable[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] =
new BinestedBifoldable[F, G, H] {
implicit override def F: Bifoldable[F] = F0
implicit override def G: Foldable[G] = G0
implicit override def H: Foldable[H] = H0
implicit def catsDataBifunctorForBinested[F[_, _], G[_], H[_]](implicit F: Bifunctor[F],
G: Functor[G],
H: Functor[H]): Bifunctor[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] =
new Bifunctor[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Binested[F, G, H, A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): Binested[F, G, H, C, D] =
sealed abstract class BinestedBifoldable[F[_, _], G[_], H[_]] extends Bifoldable[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] {
implicit def F: Bifoldable[F]
implicit def G: Foldable[G]
implicit def H: Foldable[H]
def bifoldLeft[A, B, C](fab: Binested[F, G, H, A, B], c: C)(f: (C, A) => C, g: (C, B) => C): C =
F.bifoldLeft(fab.value, c)(
(c, ga) => G.foldLeft(ga, c)(f),
(c, hb) => H.foldLeft(hb, c)(g)
def bifoldRight[A, B, C](fab: Binested[F, G, H, A, B], c: Eval[C])(f: (A, Eval[C]) => Eval[C],
g: (B, Eval[C]) => Eval[C]): Eval[C] =
F.bifoldRight(fab.value, c)(
(ga, ec) => G.foldRight(ga, ec)(f),
(hb, ec) => H.foldRight(hb, ec)(g)
sealed abstract class BinestedBitraverse[F[_, _], G[_], H[_]]
extends BinestedBifoldable[F, G, H]
with Bitraverse[Binested[F, G, H, *, *]] {
implicit override def F: Bitraverse[F]
implicit override def G: Traverse[G]
implicit override def H: Traverse[H]
def bitraverse[I[_], A, B, C, D](
fab: Binested[F, G, H, A, B]
)(f: A => I[C], g: B => I[D])(implicit I: Applicative[I]): I[Binested[F, G, H, C, D]] =, H.traverse(_)(g)))(Binested(_))