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package cats
package data

import cats.Contravariant
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import cats.syntax.either._

/** `F` on the left and `G` on the right of `scala.util.Either`.
 * @param run The underlying `scala.util.Either`.
final case class EitherK[F[_], G[_], A](run: Either[F[A], G[A]]) {

  import EitherK._

  def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G]): EitherK[F, G, B] =
    EitherK(run.bimap(F.lift(f), G.lift(f)))

   * Modify the right side context `G` using transformation `f`.
  def mapK[H[_]](f: G ~> H): EitherK[F, H, A] =

  def coflatMap[B](f: EitherK[F, G, A] => B)(implicit F: CoflatMap[F], G: CoflatMap[G]): EitherK[F, G, B] =
      run.bimap(a => F.coflatMap(a)(x => f(leftc(x))), a => G.coflatMap(a)(x => f(rightc(x))))

  def coflatten(implicit F: CoflatMap[F], G: CoflatMap[G]): EitherK[F, G, EitherK[F, G, A]] =
    EitherK(run.bimap(x => F.coflatMap(x)(a => leftc(a)), x => G.coflatMap(x)(a => rightc(a))))

  def extract(implicit F: Comonad[F], G: Comonad[G]): A =
    run.fold(F.extract, G.extract)

  def contramap[B](f: B => A)(implicit F: Contravariant[F], G: Contravariant[G]): EitherK[F, G, B] =
    EitherK(run.bimap(F.contramap(_)(f), G.contramap(_)(f)))

  def foldRight[B](z: Eval[B])(f: (A, Eval[B]) => Eval[B])(implicit F: Foldable[F], G: Foldable[G]): Eval[B] =
    run.fold(a => F.foldRight(a, z)(f), a => G.foldRight(a, z)(f))

  def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit F: Foldable[F], G: Foldable[G]): B =
    run.fold(a => F.foldLeft(a, z)(f), a => G.foldLeft(a, z)(f))

  def foldMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Foldable[F], G: Foldable[G], M: Monoid[B]): B =
    run.fold(F.foldMap(_)(f), G.foldMap(_)(f))

  def traverse[X[_], B](g: A => X[B])(implicit F: Traverse[F], G: Traverse[G], A: Applicative[X]): X[EitherK[F, G, B]] =
      x =>,
      x =>

  def isLeft: Boolean =

  def isRight: Boolean =

  def swap: EitherK[G, F, A] =

  def toValidated: Validated[F[A], G[A]] =

   * Fold this eitherK into a new type constructor using two natural transformations.
   * Example:
   * {{{
   * scala> import cats.arrow.FunctionK
   * scala> import
   * scala> val listToOption = λ[FunctionK[List, Option]](_.headOption)
   * scala> val optionToOption =[Option]
   * scala> val cp1: EitherK[List, Option, Int] = EitherK.leftc(List(1,2,3))
   * scala> val cp2: EitherK[List, Option, Int] = EitherK.rightc(Some(4))
   * scala> cp1.fold(listToOption, optionToOption)
   * res0: Option[Int] = Some(1)
   * scala> cp2.fold(listToOption, optionToOption)
   * res1: Option[Int] = Some(4)
   * }}}
  def fold[H[_]](f: FunctionK[F, H], g: FunctionK[G, H]): H[A] =
    run.fold(f.apply, g.apply)

object EitherK extends EitherKInstances {

  def leftc[F[_], G[_], A](x: F[A]): EitherK[F, G, A] =

  def rightc[F[_], G[_], A](x: G[A]): EitherK[F, G, A] =

  final class EitherKLeft[G[_]] private[EitherK] {
    def apply[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): EitherK[F, G, A] = EitherK(Left(fa))

  final class EitherKRight[F[_]] private[EitherK] {
    def apply[G[_], A](ga: G[A]): EitherK[F, G, A] = EitherK(Right(ga))

  def left[G[_]]: EitherKLeft[G] = new EitherKLeft[G]

  def right[F[_]]: EitherKRight[F] = new EitherKRight[F]

sealed abstract private[data] class EitherKInstances3 {

  implicit def catsDataEqForEitherK[F[_], G[_], A](implicit E: Eq[Either[F[A], G[A]]]): Eq[EitherK[F, G, A]] =

  implicit def catsDataFunctorForEitherK[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: Functor[F],
                                                     G0: Functor[G]): Functor[EitherK[F, G, *]] =
    new EitherKFunctor[F, G] {
      implicit def F: Functor[F] = F0

      implicit def G: Functor[G] = G0

  implicit def catsDataFoldableForEitherK[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: Foldable[F],
                                                      G0: Foldable[G]): Foldable[EitherK[F, G, *]] =
    new EitherKFoldable[F, G] {
      implicit def F: Foldable[F] = F0

      implicit def G: Foldable[G] = G0

sealed abstract private[data] class EitherKInstances2 extends EitherKInstances3 {

  implicit def catsDataContravariantForEitherK[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: Contravariant[F],
                                                           G0: Contravariant[G]): Contravariant[EitherK[F, G, *]] =
    new EitherKContravariant[F, G] {
      implicit def F: Contravariant[F] = F0

      implicit def G: Contravariant[G] = G0

sealed abstract private[data] class EitherKInstances1 extends EitherKInstances2 {
  implicit def catsDataCoflatMapForEitherK[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: CoflatMap[F],
                                                       G0: CoflatMap[G]): CoflatMap[EitherK[F, G, *]] =
    new EitherKCoflatMap[F, G] with EitherKFunctor[F, G] {
      implicit def F: CoflatMap[F] = F0

      implicit def G: CoflatMap[G] = G0

sealed abstract private[data] class EitherKInstances0 extends EitherKInstances1 {
  implicit def catsDataTraverseForEitherK[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: Traverse[F],
                                                      G0: Traverse[G]): Traverse[EitherK[F, G, *]] =
    new EitherKTraverse[F, G] with EitherKFunctor[F, G] {
      implicit def F: Traverse[F] = F0

      implicit def G: Traverse[G] = G0

sealed abstract private[data] class EitherKInstances extends EitherKInstances0 {

  implicit def catsDataComonadForEitherK[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: Comonad[F],
                                                     G0: Comonad[G]): Comonad[EitherK[F, G, *]] =
    new EitherKComonad[F, G] with EitherKFunctor[F, G] {
      implicit def F: Comonad[F] = F0

      implicit def G: Comonad[G] = G0

private[data] trait EitherKFunctor[F[_], G[_]] extends Functor[EitherK[F, G, *]] {
  implicit def F: Functor[F]

  implicit def G: Functor[G]

  override def map[A, B](a: EitherK[F, G, A])(f: A => B): EitherK[F, G, B] =

private[data] trait EitherKContravariant[F[_], G[_]] extends Contravariant[EitherK[F, G, *]] {
  implicit def F: Contravariant[F]

  implicit def G: Contravariant[G]

  def contramap[A, B](a: EitherK[F, G, A])(f: B => A): EitherK[F, G, B] =

private[data] trait EitherKFoldable[F[_], G[_]] extends Foldable[EitherK[F, G, *]] {
  implicit def F: Foldable[F]

  implicit def G: Foldable[G]

  def foldRight[A, B](fa: EitherK[F, G, A], z: Eval[B])(f: (A, Eval[B]) => Eval[B]): Eval[B] =

  def foldLeft[A, B](fa: EitherK[F, G, A], z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B =

  override def size[A](fa: EitherK[F, G, A]): Long =, G.size)

  override def get[A](fa: EitherK[F, G, A])(idx: Long): Option[A] =, G.get(_)(idx))

  override def foldMap[A, B](fa: EitherK[F, G, A])(f: A => B)(implicit M: Monoid[B]): B =

private[data] trait EitherKTraverse[F[_], G[_]] extends EitherKFoldable[F, G] with Traverse[EitherK[F, G, *]] {
  implicit def F: Traverse[F]

  implicit def G: Traverse[G]

  override def map[A, B](a: EitherK[F, G, A])(f: A => B): EitherK[F, G, B] =

  override def traverse[X[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: EitherK[F, G, A])(f: A => X[B]): X[EitherK[F, G, B]] =

private[data] trait EitherKCoflatMap[F[_], G[_]] extends CoflatMap[EitherK[F, G, *]] {
  implicit def F: CoflatMap[F]

  implicit def G: CoflatMap[G]

  def map[A, B](a: EitherK[F, G, A])(f: A => B): EitherK[F, G, B] =

  def coflatMap[A, B](a: EitherK[F, G, A])(f: EitherK[F, G, A] => B): EitherK[F, G, B] =

  override def coflatten[A](fa: EitherK[F, G, A]): EitherK[F, G, EitherK[F, G, A]] =

private[data] trait EitherKComonad[F[_], G[_]] extends Comonad[EitherK[F, G, *]] with EitherKCoflatMap[F, G] {
  implicit def F: Comonad[F]

  implicit def G: Comonad[G]

  def extract[A](p: EitherK[F, G, A]): A =

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