izumi.reflect.dottyreflection.Inspector.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package izumi.reflect.dottyreflection
import izumi.reflect.macrortti.LightTypeTagRef
import izumi.reflect.macrortti.LightTypeTagRef._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.quoted.Type
import scala.reflect.Selectable.reflectiveSelectable
abstract class Inspector(protected val shift: Int) extends InspectorBase {
self =>
import qctx.reflect._
private def next() = new Inspector(shift + 1) {
val qctx: self.qctx.type = self.qctx
def buildTypeRef[T <: AnyKind: Type]: AbstractReference = {
val uns = TypeTree.of[T]
log(s" -------- about to inspect ${uns.show} --------")
val res = inspectTypeRepr(uns.tpe)
log(s" -------- done inspecting ${uns.show} --------")
private[dottyreflection] def inspectTypeRepr(tpe: TypeRepr, outerTypeRef: Option[TypeRef] = None): AbstractReference = {
tpe.dealias match {
case a: AnnotatedType =>
case a: AppliedType =>
a.args match {
case Nil =>
case o =>
// https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/8520
val params = a.tycon.typeSymbol.typeMembers
val zargs = a.args.zip(params)
val args = zargs.map(next().inspectTypeParam)
val nameref = makeNameReferenceFromType(a.tycon)
FullReference(nameref.ref.name, args, prefix = nameref.prefix)
case l: TypeLambda =>
val resType = next().inspectTypeRepr(l.resType)
val paramNames = l.paramNames.map(LambdaParameter(_))
LightTypeTagRef.Lambda(paramNames, resType)
case p: ParamRef =>
case a: AndType =>
val elements = flattenInspectAnd(a)
if (elements.sizeIs == 1) {
} else {
case o: OrType =>
val elements = flattenInspectOr(o)
if (elements.sizeIs == 1) {
} else {
case term: TermRef =>
case r: TypeRef =>
next().inspectSymbolTree(r.typeSymbol, Some(r))
case tb: TypeBounds => // weird thingy
val hi = next().inspectTypeRepr(tb.hi)
val low = next().inspectTypeRepr(tb.low)
if (hi == low) hi
else {
// if hi and low boundaries are defined and distinct, type is not reducible to one of them
val typeSymbol = outerTypeRef.getOrElse(tb).typeSymbol
makeNameReferenceFromSymbol(typeSymbol).copy(boundaries = Boundaries.Defined(low, hi))
case constant: ConstantType =>
val hi = next().inspectTypeRepr(constant.widen) // fixme: shouldn't be necessary, as in Scala 2, but bases comparison fails for some reason
NameReference(SymName.SymLiteral(constant.constant.value), Boundaries.Defined(hi, hi))
case lazyref if lazyref.getClass.getName.contains("LazyRef") => // upstream bug seems like
log(s"TYPEREPR UNSUPPORTED: LazyRef occured $lazyref")
case o =>
throw new RuntimeException(s"TYPEREPR, UNSUPPORTED: ${o.getClass} - $o")
private[dottyreflection] def inspectSymbolTree(symbol: Symbol, outerTypeRef: Option[TypeRef] = None): AbstractReference = {
symbol.tree match {
case c: ClassDef =>
case t: TypeDef =>
// FIXME: does not work for parameterized type aliases or non-alias abstract types (wrong kindedness)
log(s"inspectSymbol: Found TypeDef symbol ${t.show}")
next().inspectTypeRepr(t.rhs.asInstanceOf[TypeTree].tpe, outerTypeRef)
case d: DefDef =>
log(s"inspectSymbol: Found DefDef symbol ${d.show}")
case v: ValDef =>
log(s"inspectSymbol: Found ValDef symbol ${v.show}")
case b: Bind =>
log(s"inspectSymbol: Found Bind symbol ${b.show}")
case o => // Should not happen according to documentation of `.tree` method
log(s"SYMBOL TREE, UNSUPPORTED: $symbol / $o / ${o.getClass}")
throw new RuntimeException(s"SYMBOL TREE, UNSUPPORTED: $symbol / $o / ${o.getClass}")
private def getPrefixFromDefinitionOwner(symbol: Symbol): Option[AppliedReference] = {
val maybeOwner = symbol.maybeOwner
if (!maybeOwner.exists || maybeOwner.isNoSymbol || maybeOwner.isPackageDef || maybeOwner.isDefDef || maybeOwner.isTypeDef) {
} else {
inspectSymbolTree(maybeOwner) match {
case a: AppliedReference =>
case _ =>
private def inspectTypeParam(tpe: TypeRepr, td: Symbol): TypeParam = {
val variance = extractVariance(td)
tpe match {
case t: TypeBounds =>
TypeParam(inspectTypeRepr(t.hi), variance)
case t: TypeRepr =>
TypeParam(inspectTypeRepr(t), variance)
private def extractVariance(t: Symbol) = {
if (t.flags.is(Flags.Covariant)) {
} else if (t.flags.is(Flags.Contravariant)) {
} else {
private def flattenInspectAnd(and: AndType): Set[AppliedReference] = {
val (andTypes, otherTypes) =
and match {
case AndType(l @ AndType(_, _), r @ AndType(_, _)) =>
(Set(l, r), Set.empty[TypeRepr])
case AndType(l @ AndType(_, _), r) =>
(Set(l), Set(r))
case AndType(l, r @ AndType(_, _)) =>
(Set(r), Set(l))
case AndType(l, r) =>
(Set.empty[AndType], Set(l, r))
val andTypeTags = andTypes.flatMap(flattenInspectAnd)
val otherTypeTags = otherTypes.map(inspectTypeRepr(_).asInstanceOf[AppliedReference])
andTypeTags ++ otherTypeTags
private def flattenInspectOr(or: OrType): Set[AppliedReference] = {
val (orTypes, otherTypes) =
or match {
case OrType(l @ OrType(_, _), r @ OrType(_, _)) =>
(Set(l, r), Set.empty[TypeRepr])
case OrType(l @ OrType(_, _), r) =>
(Set(l), Set(r))
case OrType(l, r @ OrType(_, _)) =>
(Set(r), Set(l))
case OrType(l, r) =>
(Set.empty[OrType], Set(l, r))
val orTypeTags = orTypes flatMap flattenInspectOr
val otherTypeTags = otherTypes.map(inspectTypeRepr(_).asInstanceOf[AppliedReference])
orTypeTags ++ otherTypeTags
private def makeNameReferenceFromType(t: TypeRepr): NameReference = {
t match {
case ref: TypeRef =>
case term: TermRef =>
case t: ParamRef =>
NameReference(tpeName = t.binder.asInstanceOf[{ def paramNames: List[Object] }].paramNames(t.paramNum).toString)
private[dottyreflection] def makeNameReferenceFromSymbol(symbol: Symbol): NameReference = {
val symName = if (symbol.isTerm) SymName.SymTermName(symbol.fullName) else SymName.SymTypeName(symbol.fullName)
val prefix = getPrefixFromDefinitionOwner(symbol) // FIXME: should get prefix from type qualifier (prefix), not from owner
NameReference(symName, Boundaries.Empty, prefix)
private def getPrefixFromQualifier(t: TypeRepr) = {
@tailrec def unpack(tpe: TypeRepr): Option[TypeRepr] = tpe match {
case t: ThisType => unpack(t.tref)
case _: NoPrefix => None
case t =>
val typeSymbol = t.typeSymbol
if (!typeSymbol.exists || typeSymbol.isNoSymbol || typeSymbol.isPackageDef || typeSymbol.isDefDef) {
} else {
unpack(t).flatMap(inspectTypeRepr(_) match {
case reference: AppliedReference => Some(reference)
case _ => None
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