izumi.reflect.dottyreflection.ReflectionUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package izumi.reflect.dottyreflection
import scala.annotation.unused
import scala.quoted.Quotes
private[dottyreflection] trait ReflectionUtil { this: InspectorBase =>
import qctx.reflect._
protected def flattenAnd(tpe: TypeRepr): List[TypeRepr] =
tpe.dealias match {
case AndType(lhs, rhs) => flattenAnd(lhs) ++ flattenAnd(rhs)
case _ => List(tpe)
protected def flattenOr(tpe: TypeRepr): List[TypeRepr] =
tpe.dealias match {
case OrType(lhs, rhs) => flattenOr(lhs) ++ flattenOr(rhs)
case _ => List(tpe)
protected def intersectionUnionClassPartsOf(tpe: TypeRepr): List[TypeRepr] = {
tpe.dealias match {
case AndType(lhs, rhs) =>
intersectionUnionClassPartsOf(lhs) ++ intersectionUnionClassPartsOf(rhs)
case OrType(lhs, rhs) =>
intersectionUnionClassPartsOf(lhs) ++ intersectionUnionClassPartsOf(rhs)
case refinement: Refinement =>
case _ =>
protected def allPartsStrong(typeRepr: TypeRepr): Boolean = {
ReflectionUtil.allPartsStrong(using qctx)(shift, Set.empty, typeRepr)
import ReflectionUtil.reflectiveUncheckedNonOverloadedSelectable
extension (typeRef: TypeRef | ParamRef) {
protected def _underlying: TypeRepr = {
// This works as a substitution for `TypeRef#underlying` call,
// but I'm not sure if it's a reliable substitution.
// typeRef.typeSymbol.owner._typeRef.memberType(typeRef.typeSymbol)
// No, It's not a reliable substitution. When used on a TypeParamRef it returns Any instead of the underlying TypeBounds
// https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/15799
// val underlying = typeRef
// .getClass.getMethods.collect { case m if m.getName == "underlying" => m }.head.invoke(
// typeRef,
// qctx.getClass.getMethods.collect { case m if m.getName == "ctx" => m }.head.invoke(qctx)
// )
// underlying.asInstanceOf[TypeRepr]
typeRef.asInstanceOf[InternalTypeRefOrParamRef].underlying(using qctx._ctx)
extension (typeRepr: TypeRepr) {
protected def _declaredVariancesIfHKTypeLambda: Option[List[Flags]] = {
try {
} catch {
case _: NoSuchMethodException => None
extension (qctx: Quotes) {
def _ctx: InternalContext = qctx.asInstanceOf[{ def ctx: InternalContext }].ctx
type InternalTypeRefOrParamRef = {
def underlying(using InternalContext): TypeRepr
type InternalHKTypeLambda = {
def declaredVariances: List[Flags]
opaque type InternalContext = Any
object ReflectionUtil {
inline implicit def reflectiveUncheckedNonOverloadedSelectable(x: Any): UncheckedNonOverloadedSelectable = new UncheckedNonOverloadedSelectable(x)
* Returns true if the given type contains no type parameters
* (this means the type is not "weak" https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29435985/weaktypetag-v-typetag)
private[reflect] def allPartsStrong(using qctx: Quotes)(shift: Int, lambdas: Set[qctx.reflect.TypeRepr], typeRepr: qctx.reflect.TypeRepr): Boolean = {
import qctx.reflect.*
typeRepr.dealias match {
case x if topLevelWeakType(lambdas, x) => false
case AppliedType(tpe, args) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, tpe) && args.forall(allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, _))
case AndType(lhs, rhs) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, lhs) && allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, rhs)
case OrType(lhs, rhs) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, lhs) && allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, rhs)
case TypeRef(tpe, _) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, tpe)
case TermRef(tpe, _) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, tpe)
case ThisType(tpe) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, tpe)
case NoPrefix() => true
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, lo) && allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas, hi)
case lam @ TypeLambda(_, _, body) => allPartsStrong(shift, lambdas + lam, body)
case strange =>
InspectorBase.log(shift, s"Got unknown type component when checking strength: $strange")
private[reflect] def topLevelWeakType(using qctx: Quotes)(lambdas: Set[qctx.reflect.TypeRepr], typeRepr: qctx.reflect.TypeRepr): Boolean = {
import qctx.reflect.*
typeRepr match {
case x if x.typeSymbol.isTypeParam =>
x match {
case t: ParamRef if lambdas.contains(t.binder) => false
case _ => true
// we regard abstract types like T in trait X { type T; Tag[this.T] } - when we are _inside_ the definition template
// as 'type parameters' too. So that you could define `implicit def tagForT: Tag[this.T]` and the tag would be resolved
// to this implicit correctly, instead of generating a useless `X::this.type::T` tag.
case x @ TypeRef(ThisType(_), _) if x.typeSymbol.isAbstractType && !x.typeSymbol.isClassDef => true
case _ => false
final class UncheckedNonOverloadedSelectable(private val selectable: Any) extends AnyVal with Selectable {
inline def selectDynamic(name: String): Any = {
def applyDynamic(name: String, @unused paramTypes: Class[_]*)(args: Any*): Any = {
val cls = selectable.getClass
val method = {
if (args.isEmpty) {
} else {
cls.getMethods.collectFirst { case m if m.getName == name => m } match {
case Some(m) => m
case None => throw new NoSuchMethodException(s"No method named `$name` found in class `$cls`")
method.invoke(selectable, args*)
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