zio.concurrent.ConcurrentMap.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.concurrent
import zio.{Chunk, ChunkBuilder, UIO, ZIO}
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.function.BiConsumer
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Wrapper over `java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap`.
final class ConcurrentMap[K, V] private (private val underlying: ConcurrentHashMap[K, V]) extends AnyVal {
* Finds the first element of a map for which the partial function is defined
* and applies the function to it.
def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[(K, V), B]): UIO[Option[B]] =
ZIO.succeed {
var result = Option.empty[B]
underlying.forEach {
makeBiConsumer { (k: K, v: V) =>
if (result.isEmpty && pf.isDefinedAt((k, v)))
result = Some(pf((k, v)))
* Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped
* value (or None if there is no current mapping).
def compute(key: K, remap: (K, Option[V]) => Option[V]): UIO[Option[V]] =
ZIO.succeed(Option(underlying.compute(key, remapComputeWith(remap))))
* Computes a value of a non-existing key.
def computeIfAbsent(key: K, map: K => V): UIO[V] =
ZIO.succeed(underlying.computeIfAbsent(key, mapWith(map)))
* Attempts to compute a new mapping of an existing key.
def computeIfPresent(key: K, remap: (K, V) => V): UIO[Option[V]] =
ZIO.succeed(Option(underlying.computeIfPresent(key, remapComputeIfPresentWith(remap))))
* Tests whether a given predicate holds true for at least one element in a
* map.
def exists(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] =
ZIO.succeed {
var result = false
underlying.forEach {
makeBiConsumer { (k: K, v: V) =>
if (!result && p(k, v))
result = true
* Folds the elements of a map using the given binary operator.
def fold[S](zero: S)(f: (S, (K, V)) => S): UIO[S] =
ZIO.succeed {
var result: S = zero
underlying.forEach {
makeBiConsumer { (k: K, v: V) =>
result = f(result, (k, v))
* Tests whether a predicate is satisfied by all elements of a map.
def forall(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Boolean] =
ZIO.succeed {
var result = true
underlying.forEach {
makeBiConsumer { (k: K, v: V) =>
if (result && !p(k, v))
result = false
* Retrieves the value associated with the given key.
def get(key: K): UIO[Option[V]] =
* Adds a new key-value pair and optionally returns previously bound value.
def put(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] =
ZIO.succeed(Option(underlying.put(key, value)))
* Adds all new key-value pairs
def putAll(keyValues: (K, V)*): UIO[Unit] =
ZIO.succeed(underlying.putAll(keyValues.toMap.asJava): @nowarn("msg=JavaConverters"))
* Adds a new key-value pair, unless the key is already bound to some other
* value.
def putIfAbsent(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] =
ZIO.succeed(Option(underlying.putIfAbsent(key, value)))
* True if there are no elements in this map.
def isEmpty: UIO[Boolean] =
* Removes the entry for the given key, optionally returning value associated
* with it.
def remove(key: K): UIO[Option[V]] =
* Removes the entry for the given key if it is mapped to a given value.
def remove(key: K, value: V): UIO[Boolean] =
ZIO.succeed(underlying.remove(key, value))
* Removes all elements which do not satisfy the given predicate.
def removeIf(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Unit] =
underlying.forEach {
makeBiConsumer { (k: K, v: V) =>
if (p(k, v)) {
val _ = underlying.remove(k)
* Removes all elements which do not satisfy the given predicate.
def retainIf(p: (K, V) => Boolean): UIO[Unit] =
underlying.forEach {
makeBiConsumer { (k: K, v: V) =>
if (!p(k, v)) {
val _ = underlying.remove(k)
* Removes all elements.
def clear: UIO[Unit] =
* Replaces the entry for the given key only if it is mapped to some value.
def replace(key: K, value: V): UIO[Option[V]] =
ZIO.succeed(Option(underlying.replace(key, value)))
* Replaces the entry for the given key only if it was previously mapped to a
* given value.
def replace(key: K, oldValue: V, newValue: V): UIO[Boolean] =
ZIO.succeed(underlying.replace(key, oldValue, newValue))
* Collects all entries into a chunk.
def toChunk: UIO[Chunk[(K, V)]] =
ZIO.succeed {
val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[(K, V)]()
val it = underlying.entrySet().iterator()
while (it.hasNext()) {
val entry = it.next()
builder += entry.getKey() -> entry.getValue()
* Collects all entries into a list.
def toList: UIO[List[(K, V)]] =
private[this] def mapWith(map: K => V): java.util.function.Function[K, V] =
new java.util.function.Function[K, V] {
def apply(k: K): V = map(k)
private[this] def remapComputeWith(remap: (K, Option[V]) => Option[V]): java.util.function.BiFunction[K, V, V] =
new java.util.function.BiFunction[K, V, V] {
def apply(k: K, v: V): V = remap(k, Option(v)).getOrElse(null.asInstanceOf[V])
private[this] def remapComputeIfPresentWith(remap: (K, V) => V): java.util.function.BiFunction[K, V, V] =
new java.util.function.BiFunction[K, V, V] {
def apply(k: K, v: V): V = if (v == null) v else remap(k, v)
private[this] def makeBiConsumer(f: (K, V) => Unit): BiConsumer[K, V] =
new BiConsumer[K, V] {
override def accept(t: K, u: V): Unit = f(t, u)
object ConcurrentMap {
* Makes an empty `ConcurrentMap`.
def empty[K, V]: UIO[ConcurrentMap[K, V]] =
ZIO.succeed(new ConcurrentMap(new ConcurrentHashMap()))
* Makes a new `ConcurrentMap` initialized with provided collection of
* key-value pairs.
def fromIterable[K, V](pairs: Iterable[(K, V)]): UIO[ConcurrentMap[K, V]] =
ZIO.succeed {
val underlying = new ConcurrentHashMap[K, V]()
pairs.foreach(kv => underlying.put(kv._1, kv._2))
new ConcurrentMap(underlying)
* Makes a new `ConcurrentMap` initialized with provided key-value pairs.
def make[K, V](pairs: (K, V)*): UIO[ConcurrentMap[K, V]] =
ZIO.succeed {
val underlying = new ConcurrentHashMap[K, V]()
pairs.foreach(kv => underlying.put(kv._1, kv._2))
new ConcurrentMap(underlying)
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