zio.config.syntax.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package zio.config
import zio.{Has, Tag, ZLayer}
package object syntax {
final implicit class ZIOConfigNarrowOps[R, E, A](
private val self: ZLayer[R, E, Has[A]]
) extends AnyVal {
* In bigger apps you can have a lot of components and, consequently - a lot of configuration fields.
* It's not ideal to pass around the whole configuration object as a dependency for all of those components: this way you break the separation of concerns principle.
* Component should be aware only about dependencies it cares about and uses somehow.
* So to avoid that and do it in an ergonomic way, there's a narrow syntax extension for ZLayer, available under import zio.config.syntax._.
* In the below example, we use both zio-config-magnolia and zio-config-typesafe module inorder to have automatic derivation as well as read/write
* HOCON structure.
* {{{
* import zio._
* import zio.config._, typesafe._, syntax._, magnolia.DeriveConfigDescriptor
* trait Endpoint
* trait Repository
* case class AppConfig(api: ApiConfig, db: DbConfig)
* case class DbConfig (url: String, driver: String)
* case class ApiConfig(host: String, port: Int)
* val configDescription = DeriveConfigDescriptor.descriptor[AppConfig]
* // components have only required dependencies
* val endpoint: ZLayer[Has[ApiConfig], Nothing, Has[Endpoint]] = ZLayer.fromService(_ => new Endpoint {})
* val repository: ZLayer[Has[DbConfig], Nothing, Has[Repository]] = ZLayer.fromService(_ => new Repository {})
* val cfg = TypesafeConfig.fromDefaultLoader(configDescription)
* cfg.narrow(_.api) >>> endpoint // narrowing down to a proper config subtree
* cfg.narrow(_.db) >>> repository
* }}}
def narrow[B: Tag](f: A => B)(implicit T: Tag[A]): ZLayer[R, E, Has[B]] =
self.map(a => Has(f(a.get)))