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package zio.http.endpoint.cli
import zio._
import zio.cli._
import zio.cli.figlet.FigFont
import zio.http._
import zio.http.endpoint._
* Command-line interface for an HTTP application.
final case class HttpCliApp[-R, +E, +Model](cliApp: CliApp[R, E, Model])
object HttpCliApp {
* Generates a [[HttpCliApp]] from the given endpoints.
* @param name
* The name of the generated CLI
* @param version
* The version of the generated CLI
* @param summary
* The summary of the generated CLI
* @param endpoints
* Chunk of [[Endpoint]]
* @param host
* The server host where the generated CLI will send requests to
* @param port
* The server port where the generated CLI will send requests to
* @param footer
* Footer for the help docs of the generated CLI
* @param config
* Configuration of the generated CLI
* @param figFont
* FigFont to use for man pages of the generated CLI
* @param cliStyle
* Style of commands of the generated CLI: true for CLI idiomatic interface,
* false for HTTP-like interface
* @return
* a [[HttpCliApp]]
def fromEndpoints(
name: String,
version: String,
summary: HelpDoc.Span,
endpoints: Chunk[Endpoint[_, _, _, _, _]],
host: String,
port: Int,
footer: HelpDoc = HelpDoc.Empty,
config: CliConfig = CliConfig.default,
figFont: FigFont = FigFont.Default,
cliStyle: Boolean = true,
client: CliClient = DefaultClient(),
): HttpCliApp[Any, Throwable, CliRequest] = {
HttpCliApp {
name = name,
version = version,
summary = summary,
footer = footer,
config = config,
figFont = figFont,
command = HttpCommand.fromEndpoints(name, endpoints, cliStyle),
) { case req @ CliRequest(_, _, _, _, mustPrint, mustSave) =>
for {
request <- req.toRequest(host, port, client)
response <- client match {
case CliZIOClient(client) => client.batched.apply(request)
case CliZLayerClient(client) => Client.batched(request).provide(client)
case DefaultClient() => Client.batched(request).provide(Client.default)
_ <- Console.printLine(s"Got response")
_ <- Console.printLine(s"Status: ${response.status}")
_ <- ZIO.when(mustPrint)(printResponse(response))
_ <- ZIO.when(mustSave)(saveResponse(response))
} yield response
private def printResponse(response: Response): Task[Unit] = for {
body <- response.body.asString
_ <- Console.printLine(s"""Body: ${if (body.nonEmpty) body else ""}""")
} yield ()
private def saveResponse(response: Response): Task[Unit] = ???