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package zio.http.gen.openapi
import zio.config.ConfigOps
import zio.http.gen.openapi.Config.NormalizeFields
// format: off
* @param commonFieldsOnSuperType oneOf expressions in openapi result in sealed traits in generated scala code.
* if this flag is set to true, and all oneOf's "subtypes" are defined in terms of
* an allOf expression, and all share same object(s) included in the allOf expression,
* then the common fields from that shared object(s) will result in abstract fields
* defined on the sealed trait.
* @param generateSafeTypeAliases Referencing primitives, and giving them a name makes the openapi spec more readable.
* By default, the generated scala code will resolve the referenced name,
* and replace it with the primitive type.
* By setting this flag to true, the generator will create components with zio.prelude Newtype
* definitions wrapping over the aliased primitive type.
* Note: only aliased primitives are supported for now.
* TODO: in the future we can consider an enum instead of boolean for different aliased types.
* e.g: scala 3 opaque types, neotype, prelude's newtype, etc'…
* @param fieldNamesNormalization OpenAPI can declare fields that have unconventional "casing" in scala,
* like snake_case, or kebab-case.
* This configuration allows to normalize these fields.
* The original casing will be preserved via a @fieldName("") annotation.
// format: on
final case class Config(
commonFieldsOnSuperType: Boolean,
generateSafeTypeAliases: Boolean,
fieldNamesNormalization: NormalizeFields,
object Config {
// format: off
* @param enableAutomatic If enabled, the generator will attempt to normalize field names to camelCase,
* unless original field is defined in the specialReplacements map.
* @param manualOverrides When normalization is enabled, a heuristic parser will attempt to normalize field names.
* But this is not always possible, or may not yield the desired result.
* Consider field names that are defined in the JSON as `"1st"`, `"2nd"`, or `"3rd"`:
* You may want to override auto normalization in this case and provide a map like: {{{
* Map(
* "1st" -> "first",
* "2nd" -> "second",
* "3rd" -> "third"
* )
* }}}
// format: on
final case class NormalizeFields(
enableAutomatic: Boolean,
manualOverrides: Map[String, String],
object NormalizeFields {
lazy val config: zio.Config[NormalizeFields] = (
zio.Config.boolean("enabled").withDefault(Config.default.fieldNamesNormalization.enableAutomatic) ++
.table("special-replacements", zio.Config.string)
val default: Config = Config(
commonFieldsOnSuperType = false,
generateSafeTypeAliases = false,
fieldNamesNormalization = NormalizeFields(
enableAutomatic = false,
manualOverrides = Map.empty,
def config: zio.Config[Config] = (
zio.Config.boolean("common-fields-on-super-type").withDefault(Config.default.commonFieldsOnSuperType) ++
zio.Config.boolean("generate-safe-type-aliases").withDefault(Config.default.generateSafeTypeAliases) ++