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* Copyright 2021 - 2023 Sporta Technologies PVT LTD & the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http.codec
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import zio._
import zio.schema.Schema
import zio.schema.annotation._
import zio.http.Header.Accept.MediaTypeWithQFactor
import zio.http._
import zio.http.codec.HttpCodec.Query.QueryType
import zio.http.codec.HttpCodec.{Annotated, Metadata}
import zio.http.codec.internal._
* A [[zio.http.codec.HttpCodec]] represents a codec for a part of an HTTP
* request. HttpCodec the HTTP protocol, these parts may be the unconsumed
* portion of the HTTP path (a route codec), the query string parameters (a
* query codec), the request headers (a header codec), or the request body (a
* body codec).
* A HttpCodec is a purely declarative description of an input, and therefore,
* it can be used to generate documentation, clients, and client libraries.
* HttpCodecs are a bit like invertible multi-channel parsers.
sealed trait HttpCodec[-AtomTypes, Value] {
self =>
private lazy val encoderDecoder: EncoderDecoder[AtomTypes, Value] = EncoderDecoder(self)
private def statusCodecs: Chunk[SimpleCodec[Status, _]] =
self.asInstanceOf[HttpCodec[_, _]] match {
case HttpCodec.Fallback(left, right, _, _) => left.statusCodecs ++ right.statusCodecs
case HttpCodec.Combine(left, right, _) => left.statusCodecs ++ right.statusCodecs
case HttpCodec.Annotated(codec, _) => codec.statusCodecs
case HttpCodec.TransformOrFail(codec, _, _) => codec.statusCodecs
case HttpCodec.Empty => Chunk.empty
case HttpCodec.Halt => Chunk.empty
case atom: HttpCodec.Atom[_, _] =>
atom match {
case HttpCodec.Status(codec, _) => Chunk.single(codec)
case _ => Chunk.empty
private lazy val statusCodes: Set[Status] =
statusCodecs.collect { case SimpleCodec.Specified(status) => status }.toSet
private lazy val matchesAnyStatus: Boolean =
* Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached docs,
* which will render whenever docs are generated from the codec.
final def ??(doc: Doc): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
HttpCodec.Annotated(self, Metadata.Documented(doc))
final def |[AtomTypes1 <: AtomTypes, Value2](
that: HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Value2],
)(implicit alternator: Alternator[Value, Value2]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, alternator.Out] = {
if (self eq HttpCodec.Halt) that.asInstanceOf[HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, alternator.Out]]
else if (that eq HttpCodec.Halt) self.asInstanceOf[HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, alternator.Out]]
else {
.Fallback(self, that, alternator, HttpCodec.Fallback.Condition.IsHttpCodecError)
.transform[alternator.Out](either => either.fold(alternator.left(_), alternator.right(_)))(value =>
.get, // TODO: Solve with partiality
* Returns a new codec that is the composition of this codec and the specified
* codec. For codecs that include route codecs, the routes will be decoded
* sequentially from left to right.
final def ++[AtomTypes1 <: AtomTypes, Value2](that: HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Value2])(implicit
combiner: Combiner[Value, Value2],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, combiner.Out] =
HttpCodec.Combine[AtomTypes1, AtomTypes1, Value, Value2, combiner.Out](self, that, combiner)
* To end the route codec and begin with query codec, and re-interprets as
* PathQueryCodec
* GET /ab/c :? paramStr("") &
final def ^?[Value2](
that: QueryCodec[Value2],
combiner: Combiner[Value, Value2],
ev: HttpCodecType.Path <:< AtomTypes,
): HttpCodec[HttpCodecType.PathQuery, combiner.Out] =
(self ++ that).asInstanceOf[HttpCodec[HttpCodecType.PathQuery, combiner.Out]]
* Append more query parameters to either a query codec, or to a pathQuery
* codec which is a combination of path and query
final def &[Value2](
that: QueryCodec[Value2],
combiner: Combiner[Value, Value2],
ev: HttpCodecType.Query <:< AtomTypes,
): HttpCodec[HttpCodecType.Query, combiner.Out] =
self.asQuery ++ that
* Produces a flattened collection of alternatives. Once flattened, each codec
* inside the returned collection is guaranteed to contain no nested
* alternatives.
final def alternatives: Chunk[(HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value], HttpCodec.Fallback.Condition)] =
* Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached
* metadata, such as docs.
def annotate(metadata: Metadata[Value]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
HttpCodec.Annotated(self, metadata)
* Reinterprets this codec as a query codec assuming evidence that this
* interpretation is sound.
final def asQuery(implicit ev: HttpCodecType.Query <:< AtomTypes): QueryCodec[Value] =
* Transforms the type parameter to `Unit` by specifying that all possible
* values that can be decoded from this `HttpCodec` are in fact equivalent to
* the provided canonical value.
* Note: You should NOT use this method on any codec which can decode
* semantically distinct values.
final def const(canonical: => Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Unit] =
self.transform(_ => ())(_ => canonical)
final def const[Value2](value2: => Value2)(implicit ev: Unit <:< Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2] =
self.transform(_ => value2)(_ => ev(()))
* Uses this codec to decode the Scala value from a request.
final def decodeRequest(request: Request)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Value] =
encoderDecoder.decode(_, request.url, Status.Ok, request.method, request.headers, request.body),
* Uses this codec to decode the Scala value from a request.
final def decodeRequest(request: Request, config: CodecConfig)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Value] =
encoderDecoder.decode(config, request.url, Status.Ok, request.method, request.headers, request.body)
* Uses this codec to decode the Scala value from a response.
final def decodeResponse(response: Response, config: CodecConfig = CodecConfig.defaultConfig)(implicit
trace: Trace,
): Task[Value] =
encoderDecoder.decode(config, URL.empty, response.status, Method.GET, response.headers, response.body)
def doc: Option[Doc] = {
def loop(codec: HttpCodec[_, _]): Option[Doc] =
codec match {
case Annotated(_, Metadata.Documented(doc)) => Some(doc)
case Annotated(codec, _) => loop(codec)
case _ => None
* Uses this codec and [[CodecConfig.defaultConfig]] to encode the Scala value
* into a request.
final def encodeRequest(value: Value): Request =
encodeRequest(value, CodecConfig.defaultConfig)
* Uses this codec to encode the Scala value into a request.
final def encodeRequest(value: Value, config: CodecConfig): Request =
encodeWith(config, value, Chunk.empty)((url, _, method, headers, body) =>
url = url,
method = method.getOrElse(Method.GET),
headers = headers,
body = body,
version = Version.Default,
remoteAddress = None,
* Uses this codec to encode the Scala value as a response.
final def encodeResponse[Z](value: Value, outputTypes: Chunk[MediaTypeWithQFactor], config: CodecConfig): Response =
encodeWith(config, value, outputTypes)((_, status, _, headers, body) =>
Response(headers = headers, body = body, status = status.getOrElse(Status.Ok)),
private final def encodeWith[Z](config: CodecConfig, value: Value, outputTypes: Chunk[MediaTypeWithQFactor])(
f: (URL, Option[Status], Option[Method], Headers, Body) => Z,
): Z =
encoderDecoder.encodeWith(config, value, outputTypes.sorted)(f)
def examples(examples: Iterable[(String, Value)]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
HttpCodec.Annotated(self, Metadata.Examples(Chunk.fromIterable(examples).toMap))
def examples(example1: (String, Value), examples: (String, Value)*): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
HttpCodec.Annotated(self, Metadata.Examples((example1 +: Chunk.fromIterable(examples)).toMap))
def examples: Map[String, Value] = Map.empty
* Returns a new codec that will expect the value to be equal to the specified
* value.
def expect(expected: Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Unit] =
transformOrFailLeft(actual =>
if (actual == expected) Right(())
else Left(s"Expected ${expected} but found ${actual}"),
)(_ => expected)
private[http] def matchesStatus(status: Status) =
matchesAnyStatus || statusCodes.contains(status)
def named(name: String): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
HttpCodec.Annotated(self, Metadata.Named(name))
* Returns a new codec that is the same as this one, but has attached a name.
* This name is used for documentation generation.
def named(named: Metadata.Named[Value]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
HttpCodec.Annotated(self, Metadata.Named(
* Returns a new codec, where the value produced by this one is optional.
def optional: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Option[Value]] =
if (self eq HttpCodec.Halt) HttpCodec.empty.asInstanceOf[HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Option[Value]]]
else {
.Fallback(self, HttpCodec.empty, Alternator.either, HttpCodec.Fallback.Condition.isMissingDataOnly)
.transform[Option[Value]](either => either.fold(Some(_), _ => None))(_.toLeft(()))
final def orElseEither[AtomTypes1 <: AtomTypes, Value2](
that: HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, Value2],
)(implicit alternator: Alternator[Value, Value2]): HttpCodec[AtomTypes1, alternator.Out] =
self | that
final def toLeft[R]: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Either[Value, R]] =
self.transformOrFail[Either[Value, R]](value => Right(Left(value)))(either => => "Error!"),
) // TODO: Solve with partiality
final def toRight[L]: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Either[L, Value]] =
self.transformOrFail[Either[L, Value]](value => Right(Right(value)))(either => => "Error!"),
) // TODO: Solve with partiality
* Transforms the type parameter of this HttpCodec from `Value` to `Value2`.
* Due to the fact that HttpCodec is invariant in its type parameter, the
* transformation requires not just a function from `Value` to `Value2`, but
* also, a function from `Value2` to `Value`.
* One of these functions will be used in decoding, for example, when the
* endpoint is invoked on the server. The other of these functions will be
* used in encoding, for example, when a client calls the endpoint on the
* server.
final def transform[Value2](f: Value => Value2)(g: Value2 => Value): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2] =
HttpCodec.TransformOrFail[AtomTypes, Value, Value2](self, in => Right(f(in)), output => Right(g(output)))
final def transformOrFail[Value2](f: Value => Either[String, Value2])(
g: Value2 => Either[String, Value],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2] =
HttpCodec.TransformOrFail[AtomTypes, Value, Value2](self, f, g)
final def transformOrFailLeft[Value2](f: Value => Either[String, Value2])(
g: Value2 => Value,
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2] =
HttpCodec.TransformOrFail[AtomTypes, Value, Value2](self, f, output => Right(g(output)))
final def transformOrFailRight[Value2](f: Value => Value2)(
g: Value2 => Either[String, Value],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value2] =
HttpCodec.TransformOrFail[AtomTypes, Value, Value2](self, in => Right(f(in)), g)
object HttpCodec extends ContentCodecs with HeaderCodecs with MethodCodecs with QueryCodecs with StatusCodecs {
def enumeration[Value]: Enumeration[Value] =
new Enumeration[Value](())
def error[Body0](status: zio.http.Status)(implicit
schema: Schema[Body0],
): HttpCodec[HttpCodecType.Status with HttpCodecType.Content, Body0] =
content[Body0]("error-response") ++ this.status(status)
private[http] sealed trait AtomTag
private[http] object AtomTag {
case object Status extends AtomTag
case object Path extends AtomTag
case object Content extends AtomTag
case object Query extends AtomTag
case object Header extends AtomTag
case object Method extends AtomTag
def empty: HttpCodec[Any, Unit] =
def unused: HttpCodec[Any, ZNothing] = Halt
final case class Enumeration[Value](unit: Unit) extends AnyVal {
def f2[AtomTypes, Sub1 <: Value: ClassTag, Sub2 <: Value: ClassTag](
codec1: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub1],
codec2: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub2],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
(codec1 | codec2).transformOrFail(either => Right(either.merge))((value: Value) =>
value match {
case sub1: Sub1 => Right(Left(sub1))
case sub2: Sub2 => Right(Right(sub2))
case _ => Left(s"Unexpected error type")
def f3[AtomTypes, Sub1 <: Value: ClassTag, Sub2 <: Value: ClassTag, Sub3 <: Value: ClassTag](
codec1: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub1],
codec2: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub2],
codec3: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub3],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
(codec1 | codec2 | codec3).transformOrFail(either => Right( Value) =>
value match {
case sub1: Sub1 => Right(Left(Left(sub1)))
case sub2: Sub2 => Right(Left(Right(sub2)))
case sub3: Sub3 => Right(Right(sub3))
case _ => Left(s"Unexpected error type")
def f4[
Sub1 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub2 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub3 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub4 <: Value: ClassTag,
codec1: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub1],
codec2: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub2],
codec3: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub3],
codec4: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub4],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
(codec1 | codec2 | codec3 | codec4).transformOrFail(either =>
)((value: Value) =>
value match {
case sub1: Sub1 => Right(Left(Left(Left(sub1))))
case sub2: Sub2 => Right(Left(Left(Right(sub2))))
case sub3: Sub3 => Right(Left(Right(sub3)))
case sub4: Sub4 => Right(Right(sub4))
case _ => Left(s"Unexpected error type")
def f5[
Sub1 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub2 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub3 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub4 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub5 <: Value: ClassTag,
codec1: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub1],
codec2: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub2],
codec3: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub3],
codec4: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub4],
codec5: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub5],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
(codec1 | codec2 | codec3 | codec4 | codec5).transformOrFail(either =>
)((value: Value) =>
value match {
case sub1: Sub1 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(sub1)))))
case sub2: Sub2 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub2)))))
case sub3: Sub3 => Right(Left(Left(Right(sub3))))
case sub4: Sub4 => Right(Left(Right(sub4)))
case sub5: Sub5 => Right(Right(sub5))
case _ => Left(s"Unexpected error type")
def f6[
Sub1 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub2 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub3 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub4 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub5 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub6 <: Value: ClassTag,
codec1: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub1],
codec2: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub2],
codec3: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub3],
codec4: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub4],
codec5: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub5],
codec6: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub6],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
(codec1 | codec2 | codec3 | codec4 | codec5 | codec6).transformOrFail(either =>
)((value: Value) =>
value match {
case sub1: Sub1 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(sub1))))))
case sub2: Sub2 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub2))))))
case sub3: Sub3 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub3)))))
case sub4: Sub4 => Right(Left(Left(Right(sub4))))
case sub5: Sub5 => Right(Left(Right(sub5)))
case sub6: Sub6 => Right(Right(sub6))
case _ => Left(s"Unexpected error type")
def f7[
Sub1 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub2 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub3 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub4 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub5 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub6 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub7 <: Value: ClassTag,
codec1: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub1],
codec2: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub2],
codec3: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub3],
codec4: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub4],
codec5: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub5],
codec6: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub6],
codec7: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub7],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
(codec1 | codec2 | codec3 | codec4 | codec5 | codec6 | codec7).transformOrFail(either =>
)((value: Value) =>
value match {
case sub1: Sub1 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(sub1)))))))
case sub2: Sub2 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub2)))))))
case sub3: Sub3 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub3))))))
case sub4: Sub4 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub4)))))
case sub5: Sub5 => Right(Left(Left(Right(sub5))))
case sub6: Sub6 => Right(Left(Right(sub6)))
case sub7: Sub7 => Right(Right(sub7))
case _ => Left(s"Unexpected error type")
def f8[
Sub1 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub2 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub3 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub4 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub5 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub6 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub7 <: Value: ClassTag,
Sub8 <: Value: ClassTag,
codec1: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub1],
codec2: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub2],
codec3: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub3],
codec4: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub4],
codec5: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub5],
codec6: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub6],
codec7: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub7],
codec8: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Sub8],
): HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] =
(codec1 | codec2 | codec3 | codec4 | codec5 | codec6 | codec7 | codec8).transformOrFail(either =>
)((value: Value) =>
value match {
case sub1: Sub1 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(sub1))))))))
case sub2: Sub2 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub2))))))))
case sub3: Sub3 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub3)))))))
case sub4: Sub4 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub4))))))
case sub5: Sub5 => Right(Left(Left(Left(Right(sub5)))))
case sub6: Sub6 => Right(Left(Left(Right(sub6))))
case sub7: Sub7 => Right(Left(Right(sub7)))
case sub8: Sub8 => Right(Right(sub8))
case _ => Left(s"Unexpected error type")
private[http] sealed trait Atom[-AtomTypes, Value0] extends HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value0] {
def tag: AtomTag
def index: Int
def index(index: Int): Atom[AtomTypes, Value0]
private[http] final case class Status[A](codec: SimpleCodec[zio.http.Status, A], index: Int = 0)
extends Atom[HttpCodecType.Status, A] {
self =>
def erase: Status[Any] = self.asInstanceOf[Status[Any]]
def tag: AtomTag = AtomTag.Status
def index(index: Int): Status[A] = copy(index = index)
private[http] final case class Path[A](pathCodec: PathCodec[A], index: Int = 0) extends Atom[HttpCodecType.Path, A] {
self =>
def erase: Path[Any] = self.asInstanceOf[Path[Any]]
def tag: AtomTag = AtomTag.Path
def index(index: Int): Path[A] = copy(index = index)
private[http] final case class Content[A](
codec: HttpContentCodec[A],
name: Option[String],
index: Int = 0,
) extends Atom[HttpCodecType.Content, A] {
self =>
def tag: AtomTag = AtomTag.Content
def index(index: Int): Content[A] = copy(index = index)
private[http] final case class ContentStream[A](
codec: HttpContentCodec[A],
name: Option[String],
index: Int = 0,
) extends Atom[HttpCodecType.Content, ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]] {
def tag: AtomTag = AtomTag.Content
def index(index: Int): ContentStream[A] = copy(index = index)
private[http] final case class Query[A, Out](
queryType: Query.QueryType[A],
index: Int = 0,
) extends Atom[HttpCodecType.Query, Out] {
self =>
def erase: Query[Any, Any] = self.asInstanceOf[Query[Any, Any]]
def tag: AtomTag = AtomTag.Query
def index(index: Int): Query[A, Out] = copy(index = index)
def isOptional: Boolean =
queryType match {
case QueryType.Primitive(_, BinaryCodecWithSchema(_, schema)) if schema.isInstanceOf[Schema.Optional[_]] =>
case QueryType.Record(recordSchema) =>
recordSchema match {
case s if s.isInstanceOf[Schema.Optional[_]] => true
case record: Schema.Record[_] if record.fields.forall(_.optional) => true
case _ => false
case _ => false
* Returns a new codec, where the value produced by this one is optional.
override def optional: HttpCodec[HttpCodecType.Query, Option[Out]] =
queryType match {
case QueryType.Primitive(name, codec) if codec.schema.isInstanceOf[Schema.Optional[_]] =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cannot make an optional query parameter optional. Name: $name schema: ${codec.schema}",
case QueryType.Primitive(name, codec) =>
val optionalSchema = codec.schema.optional
copy(queryType =
QueryType.Primitive(name, BinaryCodecWithSchema(TextBinaryCodec.fromSchema(optionalSchema), optionalSchema)),
case QueryType.Record(recordSchema) if recordSchema.isInstanceOf[Schema.Optional[_]] =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot make an optional query parameter optional")
case QueryType.Record(recordSchema) =>
val optionalSchema = recordSchema.optional
copy(queryType = QueryType.Record(optionalSchema))
case queryType @ QueryType.Collection(_, _, false) =>
copy(queryType = QueryType.Collection(queryType.colSchema, queryType.elements, optional = true))
case queryType @ QueryType.Collection(_, _, true) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot make an optional query parameter optional: $queryType")
private[http] object Query {
sealed trait QueryType[A]
object QueryType {
case class Primitive[A](name: String, codec: BinaryCodecWithSchema[A]) extends QueryType[A]
case class Collection[A](colSchema: Schema.Collection[_, _], elements: QueryType.Primitive[A], optional: Boolean)
extends QueryType[A] {
def toCollection(values: Chunk[Any]): A =
colSchema match {
case Schema.Sequence(_, fromChunk, _, _, _) =>
fromChunk.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Any] => Any](values).asInstanceOf[A]
case Schema.Set(_, _) =>
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Unsupported collection schema for query object field of type: $colSchema",
case class Record[A](recordSchema: Schema[A]) extends QueryType[A] {
private var namesAndCodecs: Chunk[(Schema.Field[_, _], BinaryCodecWithSchema[Any])] = _
private[http] def fieldAndCodecs: Chunk[(Schema.Field[_, _], BinaryCodecWithSchema[Any])] =
if (namesAndCodecs == null) {
namesAndCodecs = recordSchema match {
case record: Schema.Record[A] => { field =>
validateSchema(, field.schema)
val codec = binaryCodecForField(field.annotations.foldLeft(field.schema)(_ annotate _))
(unlazy(field.asInstanceOf[Schema.Field[Any, Any]]), codec)
case s if s.isInstanceOf[Schema.Optional[_]] =>
val record = s.asInstanceOf[Schema.Optional[A]].schema.asInstanceOf[Schema.Record[A]] { field =>
validateSchema(, field.annotations.foldLeft(field.schema)(_ annotate _))
val codec = binaryCodecForField(field.schema)
(field, codec)
case s => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported schema for query object field of type: $s")
} else {
private def unlazy(field: Schema.Field[Any, Any]): Schema.Field[Any, Any] = field.schema match {
case Schema.Lazy(schema) =>
case _ => field
private def binaryCodecForField[A](schema: Schema[A]): BinaryCodecWithSchema[Any] = (schema match {
case schema @ Schema.Primitive(_, _) => BinaryCodecWithSchema(TextBinaryCodec.fromSchema(schema), schema)
case Schema.Transform(_, _, _, _, _) => BinaryCodecWithSchema(TextBinaryCodec.fromSchema(schema), schema)
case Schema.Optional(_, _) => BinaryCodecWithSchema(TextBinaryCodec.fromSchema(schema), schema)
case e: Schema.Enum[_] if isSimple(e) => BinaryCodecWithSchema(TextBinaryCodec.fromSchema(schema), schema)
case l @ Schema.Lazy(_) => binaryCodecForField(l.schema)
case Schema.Set(schema, _) => binaryCodecForField(schema)
case Schema.Sequence(schema, _, _, _, _) => binaryCodecForField(schema)
case schema => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported schema for query object field of type: $schema")
def isSimple(schema: Schema.Enum[_]): Boolean =
private def validateSchema[A](name: String, schema: Schema[A]): Unit = schema match {
case _: Schema.Primitive[A] => ()
case Schema.Transform(schema, _, _, _, _) => validateSchema(name, schema)
case Schema.Optional(schema, _) => validateSchema(name, schema)
case Schema.Lazy(schema) => validateSchema(name, schema())
case Schema.Set(schema, _) => validateSchema(name, schema)
case Schema.Sequence(schema, _, _, _, _) => validateSchema(name, schema)
case s => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported schema for query object field of type: $s")
private[http] final case class Method[A](codec: SimpleCodec[zio.http.Method, A], index: Int = 0)
extends Atom[HttpCodecType.Method, A] {
self =>
def erase: Method[Any] = self.asInstanceOf[Method[Any]]
def tag: AtomTag = AtomTag.Method
def index(index: Int): Method[A] = copy(index = index)
private[http] final case class Header[A](name: String, textCodec: TextCodec[A], index: Int = 0)
extends Atom[HttpCodecType.Header, A] {
self =>
def erase: Header[Any] = self.asInstanceOf[Header[Any]]
def tag: AtomTag = AtomTag.Header
def index(index: Int): Header[A] = copy(index = index)
private[http] final case class Annotated[AtomTypes, Value](
codec: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value],
metadata: Metadata[Value],
) extends HttpCodec[AtomTypes, Value] {
override def examples: Map[String, Value] =
metadata match {
case value: Metadata.Examples[Value] =>
value.examples ++ codec.examples
case _ =>
sealed trait Metadata[Value] {
def transform[Value2](f: Value => Value2): Metadata[Value2] =
this match {
case Metadata.Named(name) => Metadata.Named(name)
case Metadata.Optional() => Metadata.Optional()
case Metadata.Examples(ex) => Metadata.Examples( { case (k, v) => k -> f(v) })
case Metadata.Documented(doc) => Metadata.Documented(doc)
case Metadata.Deprecated(doc) => Metadata.Deprecated(doc)
def transformOrFail[Value2](f: Value => Either[String, Value2]): Metadata[Value2] =
this match {
case Metadata.Named(name) => Metadata.Named(name)
case Metadata.Optional() => Metadata.Optional()
case Metadata.Examples(ex) =>
Metadata.Examples(ex.collect {
case (k, v) if f(v).isRight =>
k -> f(v).toOption.get
case Metadata.Documented(doc) => Metadata.Documented(doc)
case Metadata.Deprecated(doc) => Metadata.Deprecated(doc)
object Metadata {
final case class Named[A](name: String) extends Metadata[A]
final case class Optional[A]() extends Metadata[A]
final case class Examples[A](examples: Map[String, A]) extends Metadata[A]
final case class Documented[A](doc: Doc) extends Metadata[A]
final case class Deprecated[A](doc: Doc) extends Metadata[A]
private[http] final case class TransformOrFail[AtomType, X, A](
api: HttpCodec[AtomType, X],
f: X => Either[String, A],
g: A => Either[String, X],
) extends HttpCodec[AtomType, A] {
type In = X
type Out = A
private[http] case object Empty extends HttpCodec[Any, Unit]
private[http] case object Halt extends HttpCodec[Any, Nothing]
private[http] final case class Combine[AtomType1, AtomType2, A1, A2, A](
left: HttpCodec[AtomType1, A1],
right: HttpCodec[AtomType2, A2],
inputCombiner: Combiner.WithOut[A1, A2, A],
) extends HttpCodec[AtomType1 with AtomType2, A] {
type Left = A1
type Right = A2
type Out = A
private[http] final case class Fallback[AtomType, A, B](
left: HttpCodec[AtomType, A],
right: HttpCodec[AtomType, B],
alternator: Alternator[A, B],
condition: Fallback.Condition,
) extends HttpCodec[AtomType, Either[A, B]] {
type Left = A
type Right = B
type Out = Either[A, B]
private[http] object Fallback {
* `Condition` describes the circumstances under which the `right` codec in
* a `Fallback` is willing to attempt to recover from a failure of the
* `left` codec. All implementations of `Fallback` other than `optional` are
* willing to attempt to recover from any `HttpCodecError`. Implementations
* of `Fallback` constructed from `optional` are only willing to attempt to
* recover from `MissingHeader` or `MissingQueryParam` errors.
sealed trait Condition { self =>
def apply(cause: Cause[Any]): Boolean =
self match {
case Condition.IsHttpCodecError => HttpCodecError.isHttpCodecError(cause)
case Condition.isMissingDataOnly => HttpCodecError.isMissingDataOnly(cause)
def combine(that: Condition): Condition =
(self, that) match {
case (Condition.isMissingDataOnly, _) => Condition.isMissingDataOnly
case (_, Condition.isMissingDataOnly) => Condition.isMissingDataOnly
case _ => Condition.IsHttpCodecError
def isHttpCodecError: Boolean = self match {
case Condition.IsHttpCodecError => true
case _ => false
def isMissingDataOnly: Boolean = self match {
case Condition.isMissingDataOnly => true
case _ => false
object Condition {
case object IsHttpCodecError extends Condition
case object isMissingDataOnly extends Condition
private[http] def flattenFallbacks[AtomTypes, A](
api: HttpCodec[AtomTypes, A],
): Chunk[(HttpCodec[AtomTypes, A], Fallback.Condition)] = {
def rewrite[T, B](
api: HttpCodec[T, B],
annotations: Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[B]],
): Chunk[(HttpCodec[T, B], Fallback.Condition)] =
api match {
case fallback @ HttpCodec.Fallback(left, right, alternator, condition) =>
rewrite[T, fallback.Left](left, reduceExamplesLeft(annotations, alternator)).map { case (codec, condition) =>
codec.toLeft[fallback.Right] -> condition
} ++
rewrite[T, fallback.Right](right, reduceExamplesRight(annotations, alternator)).map { case (codec, _) =>
codec.toRight[fallback.Left] -> condition
case transform @ HttpCodec.TransformOrFail(codec, f, g) =>
rewrite[T, transform.In](
codec, { v =>
g(v) match {
case Left(error) => throw new Exception(error)
case Right(value) => value
).map { case (codec, condition) =>
HttpCodec.TransformOrFail(codec, f, g) -> condition
case combine @ HttpCodec.Combine(left, right, combiner) =>
for {
(l, lCondition) <- rewrite[T, combine.Left](left, reduceExamplesLeft(annotations, combiner))
(r, rCondition) <- rewrite[T, combine.Right](right, reduceExamplesRight(annotations, combiner))
} yield HttpCodec.Combine(l, r, combiner) -> lCondition.combine(rCondition)
case HttpCodec.Annotated(in, metadata) =>
rewrite[T, B](in, metadata +: annotations)
case HttpCodec.Empty => Chunk.single(HttpCodec.Empty -> Fallback.Condition.IsHttpCodecError)
case HttpCodec.Halt => Chunk.empty
case atom: Atom[_, _] =>
Chunk.single(annotations.foldLeft[HttpCodec[T, B]](atom)(_ annotate _) -> Fallback.Condition.IsHttpCodecError)
rewrite(api, Chunk.empty)
private[http] def reduceExamplesLeft[T, L, R](
annotations: Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[T]],
combiner: Combiner[L, R],
): Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[L]] = {
case HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples(examples) =>
HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples( { case (name, value) =>
name -> combiner.separate(value.asInstanceOf[combiner.Out])._1
case other =>
private[http] def reduceExamplesLeft[T, L, R](
annotations: Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[T]],
alternator: Alternator[L, R],
): Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[L]] = {
case HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples(examples) =>
HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples(examples.flatMap { case (name, value) =>
alternator.unleft(value.asInstanceOf[alternator.Out]).map(name -> _)
case other =>
private[http] def reduceExamplesRight[T, L, R](
annotations: Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[T]],
combiner: Combiner[L, R],
): Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[R]] = {
case HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples(examples) =>
HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples( { case (name, value) =>
name -> combiner.separate(value.asInstanceOf[combiner.Out])._2
case other =>
private[http] def reduceExamplesRight[T, L, R](
annotations: Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[T]],
alternator: Alternator[L, R],
): Chunk[HttpCodec.Metadata[R]] = {
case HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples(examples) =>
HttpCodec.Metadata.Examples(examples.flatMap { case (name, value) =>
alternator.unright(value.asInstanceOf[alternator.Out]).map(name -> _)
case other =>