zio.http.FormField.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 - 2023 Sporta Technologies PVT LTD & the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http
import java.nio.charset._
import scala.util.Try
import zio._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import zio.stream.{Take, ZPipeline, ZStream}
import zio.http.FormDecodingError._
import zio.http.Header.ContentTransferEncoding
import zio.http.internal.FormAST
* Represents a field in a form. Every field contains name, content type
* (perhaps just plaintext), type-specific content, and an optional filename.
sealed trait FormField {
def name: String
def contentType: MediaType
def filename: Option[String]
* Gets the value as a String, but only if it is a text or simple field. For
* binary fields it returns None.
final def stringValue: Option[String] = this match {
case FormField.Text(_, value, _, _) => Some(value)
case FormField.Simple(_, value) => Some(value)
case _ => None
* Gets the value of this form field as a String. If it is a binary field, the
* value is interpreted as an UTF-8 byte stream.
final def asText(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, CharacterCodingException, String] = this match {
case FormField.Text(_, value, _, _) =>
case FormField.Binary(_, value, _, _, _) =>
ZIO.succeed(new String(value.toArray, Charsets.Utf8))
case FormField.StreamingBinary(_, _, _, _, stream) =>
stream.via(ZPipeline.utf8Decode).runFold("")(_ ++ _)
case FormField.Simple(_, value) =>
* Gets the value of this form field as a chunk of bytes. If it is a text
* field, the value gets encoded as an UTF-8 byte stream.
final def asChunk(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Chunk[Byte]] = this match {
case FormField.Text(_, value, _, _) =>
case FormField.Binary(_, value, _, _, _) =>
case FormField.StreamingBinary(_, _, _, _, stream) =>
case FormField.Simple(_, value) =>
* Gets the value of this form field as a chunk of bytes. If it is a text
* field, the value gets encoded as an UTF-8 byte stream.
final def asStream(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte] = this match {
case FormField.Text(_, value, _, _) =>
case FormField.Binary(_, value, _, _, _) =>
case FormField.StreamingBinary(_, _, _, _, stream) =>
case FormField.Simple(_, value) =>
def name(newName: String): FormField = this match {
case FormField.Binary(_, data, contentType, transferEncoding, filename) =>
FormField.Binary(newName, data, contentType, transferEncoding, filename)
case FormField.StreamingBinary(_, contentType, transferEncoding, filename, data) =>
FormField.StreamingBinary(newName, contentType, transferEncoding, filename, data)
case FormField.Text(_, value, contentType, filename) =>
FormField.Text(newName, value, contentType, filename)
case FormField.Simple(_, value) =>
FormField.Simple(newName, value)
object FormField {
* A binary form data part.
* @param name
* Name of this form data part. This is the value of the `name` field in the
* `Content-Disposition` within this part.
* @param data
* The data of this form data part. This is the data between the headers and
* the boundary.
* @param contentType
* The content type of this form data part. This is the value of the
* `Content-Type` with in this part.
* @param transferEncoding
* The transfer encoding of this form data part. This is the value of the
* `Content-Transfer-Encoding` within this part. IMPORTANT NOTE: The data is
* not encoded in any way relative to the provided `transferEncoding`. It is
* the responsibility of the user to encode the `data` accordingly.
* @param filename
final case class Binary(
name: String,
data: Chunk[Byte],
contentType: MediaType,
transferEncoding: Option[ContentTransferEncoding] = None,
filename: Option[String] = None,
) extends FormField
final case class StreamingBinary(
name: String,
contentType: MediaType,
transferEncoding: Option[ContentTransferEncoding] = None,
filename: Option[String] = None,
data: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte],
) extends FormField {
def collect(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Binary] = {
data.runCollect.map { bytes =>
Binary(name, bytes, contentType, transferEncoding, filename)
final case class Text(
name: String,
value: String,
contentType: MediaType,
filename: Option[String] = None,
) extends FormField
final case class Simple(name: String, value: String) extends FormField {
override val contentType: MediaType = MediaType.text.plain
override val filename: Option[String] = None
private[http] def fromFormAST(
ast: Chunk[FormAST],
defaultCharset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8,
): Either[FormDecodingError, FormField] = {
val extract =
) {
case (accum, header: FormAST.Header) if header.name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Disposition") =>
(Some(header), accum._2, accum._3, accum._4)
case (accum, FormAST.EoL) =>
(accum._1, accum._2, accum._3, accum._4 :+ FormAST.Content(FormAST.EoL.bytes))
case (accum, content: FormAST.Content) =>
(accum._1, accum._2, accum._3, accum._4 :+ content)
case (accum, header: FormAST.Header) if header.name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type") =>
(accum._1, Some(header), accum._3, accum._4)
case (accum, header: FormAST.Header) if header.name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Transfer-Encoding") =>
(accum._1, accum._2, Some(header), accum._4)
case (accum, _) => accum
for {
disposition <- extract._1.toRight(FormDataMissingContentDisposition)
name <- extract._1.flatMap(_.fields.get("name")).toRight(ContentDispositionMissingName)
charset <-
Try {
extract._2.flatMap(x => x.fields.get("charset").map(Charset.forName)).getOrElse(defaultCharset)
}.toEither.left.map(e => InvalidCharset(e.getMessage))
contentParts = extract._4.tail // Skip the first empty line
content = contentParts.foldLeft(Chunk.empty[Byte])(_ ++ _.bytes)
contentType = extract._2
.flatMap(x => MediaType.forContentType(x.value))
transferEncoding = extract._3
.flatMap(x => ContentTransferEncoding.parse(x.preposition).toOption)
} yield
if (!contentType.binary)
Text(name, new String(content.toArray, charset), contentType, disposition.fields.get("filename"))
else Binary(name, content, contentType, transferEncoding, disposition.fields.get("filename"))
private[http] def getContentType(ast: Chunk[FormAST]): MediaType =
ast.collectFirst {
case header: FormAST.Header if header.name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type") =>
.getOrElse(MediaType.application.`octet-stream`) // Unknown content type defaults to binary
}.getOrElse(MediaType.text.plain) // Missing content type defaults to text
private[http] def incomingStreamingBinary(
ast: Chunk[FormAST],
queue: Queue[Take[Nothing, Byte]],
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, FormDecodingError, FormField] = {
val extract =
ast.foldLeft((Option.empty[FormAST.Header], Option.empty[FormAST.Header], Option.empty[FormAST.Header])) {
case (accum, header: FormAST.Header) if header.name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Disposition") =>
(Some(header), accum._2, accum._3)
case (accum, header: FormAST.Header) if header.name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type") =>
(accum._1, Some(header), accum._3)
case (accum, header: FormAST.Header) if header.name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Transfer-Encoding") =>
(accum._1, accum._2, Some(header))
case (accum, _) => accum
for {
disposition <- ZIO.fromOption(extract._1).orElseFail(FormDataMissingContentDisposition)
name <- ZIO.fromOption(extract._1.flatMap(_.fields.get("name"))).orElseFail(ContentDispositionMissingName)
contentType = extract._2
.flatMap(x => MediaType.forContentType(x.value))
transferEncoding = extract._3
.flatMap(x => ContentTransferEncoding.parse(x.preposition).toOption)
} yield StreamingBinary(
def textField(name: String, value: String, mediaType: MediaType = MediaType.text.plain): FormField =
Text(name, value, mediaType, None)
def simpleField(name: String, value: String): FormField = Simple(name, value)
def binaryField(
name: String,
data: Chunk[Byte],
mediaType: MediaType,
transferEncoding: Option[ContentTransferEncoding] = None,
filename: Option[String] = None,
): FormField = Binary(name, data, mediaType, transferEncoding, filename)
def streamingBinaryField(
name: String,
data: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Byte],
mediaType: MediaType,
transferEncoding: Option[ContentTransferEncoding] = None,
filename: Option[String] = None,
): FormField = StreamingBinary(name, mediaType, transferEncoding, filename, data)
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