zio.http.Middleware.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http
import java.io.File
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import zio._
import zio.metrics._
import zio.http.codec.{PathCodec, SegmentCodec}
@nowarn("msg=shadows type")
trait Middleware[-UpperEnv] { self =>
def apply[Env1 <: UpperEnv, Err](app: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err]
def @@[UpperEnv1 <: UpperEnv](
that: Middleware[UpperEnv1],
): Middleware[UpperEnv1] =
self ++ that
def ++[UpperEnv1 <: UpperEnv](
that: Middleware[UpperEnv1],
): Middleware[UpperEnv1] =
new Middleware[UpperEnv1] {
def apply[Env1 <: UpperEnv1, Err](
routes: Routes[Env1, Err],
): Routes[Env1, Err] =
@nowarn("msg=shadows type")
object Middleware extends HandlerAspects {
* Configuration for the CORS aspect.
final case class CorsConfig(
allowedOrigin: Header.Origin => Option[Header.AccessControlAllowOrigin] = origin =>
allowedMethods: Header.AccessControlAllowMethods = Header.AccessControlAllowMethods.All,
allowedHeaders: Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders = Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.All,
allowCredentials: Header.AccessControlAllowCredentials = Header.AccessControlAllowCredentials.Allow,
exposedHeaders: Header.AccessControlExposeHeaders = Header.AccessControlExposeHeaders.All,
maxAge: Option[Header.AccessControlMaxAge] = None,
* Creates a aspect for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) using default
* options.
* @see
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
def cors: Middleware[Any] = cors(CorsConfig())
* Creates a aspect for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
* @see
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS
def cors(config: CorsConfig): Middleware[Any] = {
def allowedHeaders(
requestedHeaders: Option[Header.AccessControlRequestHeaders],
allowedHeaders: Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders,
): Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders =
// Returning an intersection of requested headers and allowed headers
// if there are no requested headers, we return the configured allowed headers without modification
allowedHeaders match {
case Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.Some(values) =>
requestedHeaders match {
case Some(Header.AccessControlRequestHeaders(headers)) =>
val intersection = headers.toSet.intersect(values.toSet)
NonEmptyChunk.fromIterableOption(intersection) match {
case Some(values) => Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.Some(values)
case None => Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.None
case None => allowedHeaders
case Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.All =>
requestedHeaders match {
case Some(Header.AccessControlRequestHeaders(headers)) => Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.Some(headers)
case _ => Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.All
case Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.None => Header.AccessControlAllowHeaders.None
def corsHeaders(
allowOrigin: Header.AccessControlAllowOrigin,
requestedHeaders: Option[Header.AccessControlRequestHeaders],
isPreflight: Boolean,
): Headers =
) ++
onTrue = Headers(allowedHeaders(requestedHeaders, config.allowedHeaders)),
onFalse = Headers(config.exposedHeaders),
) ++ config.maxAge.fold(Headers.empty)(Headers(_))
// HandlerAspect:
val aspect =
HandlerAspect.interceptHandlerStateful[Any, Headers, Unit](
Handler.fromFunction[Request] { request =>
val originHeader = request.header(Header.Origin)
val acrhHeader = request.header(Header.AccessControlRequestHeaders)
originHeader match {
case Some(origin) =>
config.allowedOrigin(origin) match {
case Some(allowOrigin) if config.allowedMethods.contains(request.method) =>
(corsHeaders(allowOrigin, acrhHeader, isPreflight = false), (request, ()))
case _ =>
(Headers.empty, (request, ()))
case None => (Headers.empty, (request, ()))
)(Handler.fromFunction[(Headers, Response)] { case (headers, response) =>
val optionsRoute = {
implicit val trace: Trace = Trace.empty
Method.OPTIONS / trailing -> handler { (_: Path, request: Request) =>
val originHeader = request.header(Header.Origin)
val acrmHeader = request.header(Header.AccessControlRequestMethod)
val acrhHeader = request.header(Header.AccessControlRequestHeaders)
) match {
case (Some(origin), Some(acrm)) =>
config.allowedOrigin(origin) match {
case Some(allowOrigin) if config.allowedMethods.contains(acrm.method) =>
headers = corsHeaders(allowOrigin, acrhHeader, isPreflight = true),
case _ =>
case _ =>
new Middleware[Any] {
def apply[Env1, Err](routes: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err] =
optionsRoute +: (routes @@ aspect)
def logAnnotate(key: => String, value: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
logAnnotate(LogAnnotation(key, value))
def logAnnotate(logAnnotation: => LogAnnotation, logAnnotations: LogAnnotation*)(implicit
trace: Trace,
): Middleware[Any] =
logAnnotate((logAnnotation +: logAnnotations).toSet)
def logAnnotate(logAnnotations: => Set[LogAnnotation])(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
new Middleware[Any] {
def apply[Env1 <: Any, Err](routes: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err] =
routes.transform[Env1] { h =>
handler((req: Request) => ZIO.logAnnotate(logAnnotations)(h(req)))
* Creates a middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while
* a request is handled with log annotations derived from the request.
def logAnnotate(fromRequest: Request => Set[LogAnnotation])(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
new Middleware[Any] {
def apply[Env1 <: Any, Err](routes: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err] =
routes.transform[Env1] { h =>
handler((req: Request) => ZIO.logAnnotate(fromRequest(req))(h(req)))
* Creates a middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while
* a request is handled with the names and the values of the specified
* headers.
def logAnnotateHeaders(headerName: String, headerNames: String*)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
new Middleware[Any] {
def apply[Env1 <: Any, Err](routes: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err] = {
val headers = headerName +: headerNames
routes.transform[Env1] { h =>
handler((req: Request) => {
val annotations = Set.newBuilder[LogAnnotation]
var i = 0
while (i < headers.length) {
val name = headers(i)
annotations += LogAnnotation(name, req.headers.get(name).mkString)
i += 1
* Creates middleware that will annotate log messages that are logged while a
* request is handled with the names and the values of the specified headers.
def logAnnotateHeaders(header: Header.HeaderType, headers: Header.HeaderType*)(implicit
trace: Trace,
): Middleware[Any] =
logAnnotateHeaders(header.name, headers.map(_.name): _*)
def timeout(duration: Duration)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
new Middleware[Any] {
def apply[Env1 <: Any, Err](routes: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err] =
routes.transform[Env1] { handler =>
handler.timeoutFail(Response(status = Status.RequestTimeout))(duration)
* Creates middleware that will track metrics.
* @param totalRequestsName
* Total HTTP requests metric name.
* @param requestDurationName
* HTTP request duration metric name.
* @param requestDurationBoundaries
* Boundaries for the HTTP request duration metric.
* @param extraLabels
* A set of extra labels all metrics will be tagged with.
def metrics(
concurrentRequestsName: String = "http_concurrent_requests_total",
totalRequestsName: String = "http_requests_total",
requestDurationName: String = "http_request_duration_seconds",
requestDurationBoundaries: MetricKeyType.Histogram.Boundaries = defaultBoundaries,
extraLabels: Set[MetricLabel] = Set.empty,
)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] = {
val requestsTotal: Metric.Counter[RuntimeFlags] = Metric.counterInt(totalRequestsName)
val concurrentRequests: Metric.Gauge[Double] = Metric.gauge(concurrentRequestsName)
val requestDuration: Metric.Histogram[Double] = Metric.histogram(requestDurationName, requestDurationBoundaries)
val nanosToSeconds: Double = 1e9d
def labelsForRequest(routePattern: RoutePattern[_]): Set[MetricLabel] =
MetricLabel("method", routePattern.method.render),
MetricLabel("path", routePattern.pathCodec.render),
) ++ extraLabels
def labelsForResponse(res: Response): Set[MetricLabel] =
MetricLabel("status", res.status.code.toString),
def report(
start: Long,
requestLabels: Set[MetricLabel],
labels: Set[MetricLabel],
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
for {
_ <- requestsTotal.tagged(labels).increment
_ <- concurrentRequests.tagged(requestLabels).decrement
end <- Clock.nanoTime
took = end - start
_ <- requestDuration.tagged(labels).update(took / nanosToSeconds)
} yield ()
def aspect(routePattern: RoutePattern[_])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
HandlerAspect.interceptHandlerStateful(Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { req =>
val requestLabels = labelsForRequest(routePattern)
for {
start <- Clock.nanoTime
_ <- concurrentRequests.tagged(requestLabels).increment
} yield ((start, requestLabels), (req, ()))
})(Handler.fromFunctionZIO[((Long, Set[MetricLabel]), Response)] { case ((start, requestLabels), response) =>
val allLabels = requestLabels ++ labelsForResponse(response)
report(start, requestLabels, allLabels).as(response)
new Middleware[Any] {
def apply[Env1, Err](routes: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err] =
routes.routes.map(route => route.transform[Env1](_ @@ aspect(route.routePattern))),
private sealed trait StaticServe[-R, +E] { self =>
def run(path: Path, req: Request): Handler[R, E, Request, Response]
private object StaticServe {
def make[R, E](f: (Path, Request) => Handler[R, E, Request, Response]): StaticServe[R, E] =
new StaticServe[R, E] {
override def run(path: Path, request: Request) = f(path, request)
def fromDirectory(docRoot: File)(implicit trace: Trace): StaticServe[Any, Throwable] = make { (path, _) =>
val target = new File(docRoot.getAbsolutePath + path.encode)
if (target.getCanonicalPath.startsWith(docRoot.getCanonicalPath))
Handler.fromFile(target, Charset.defaultCharset())
else {
ZIO.logWarning(s"attempt to access file outside of docRoot: ${target.getAbsolutePath}"),
) *> Handler.badRequest
def fromResource(resourcePrefix: String)(implicit trace: Trace): StaticServe[Any, Throwable] = make { (path, _) =>
// validate that resourcePrefix starts with an optional slash, followed by at least 1 java identifier character
val rp = if (resourcePrefix.startsWith("/")) resourcePrefix else "/" + resourcePrefix
if (rp.length < 2 || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(rp.charAt(1))) {
Handler.die(new IllegalArgumentException("resourcePrefix must have at least 1 valid character"))
} else {
private def toMiddleware[E](path: Path, staticServe: StaticServe[Any, E])(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
new Middleware[Any] {
private def checkFishy(acc: Boolean, segment: String): Boolean = {
val stop = segment.indexOf('/') >= 0 || segment.indexOf('\\') >= 0 || segment == ".."
acc || stop
override def apply[Env1 <: Any, Err](routes: Routes[Env1, Err]): Routes[Env1, Err] = {
val mountpoint =
Method.GET / path.segments.map(PathCodec.literal).reduceLeftOption(_ / _).getOrElse(PathCodec.empty)
val pattern = mountpoint / trailing
val other = Routes(
pattern -> Handler
.flatMap { request =>
val isFishy = request.path.segments.foldLeft(false)(checkFishy)
if (isFishy) {
Handler.fromZIO(ZIO.logWarning(s"fishy request detected: ${request.path.encode}")) *> Handler.badRequest
} else {
val segs = pattern.pathCodec.segments.collect { case SegmentCodec.Literal(v) =>
val unnest = segs.foldLeft(Path.empty)(_ / _).addLeadingSlash
val path = request.path.unnest(unnest).addLeadingSlash
staticServe.run(path, request).sandbox
routes ++ other
* Creates a middleware for serving static files from the directory `docRoot`
* at the url path `path`.
* Example: `val serveDirectory = Middleware.serveDirectory(Path.empty /
* "assets", new File("/some/local/path"))`
* With this middleware in place, a request to
* `https://www.domain.com/assets/folder/file1.jpg` would serve the local file
* `/some/local/path/folder/file1.jpg`.
def serveDirectory(path: Path, docRoot: File)(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
toMiddleware(path, StaticServe.fromDirectory(docRoot))
* Creates a middleware for serving static files at URL path `path` from
* resources with the given `resourcePrefix`.
* Example: `Middleware.serveResources(Path.empty / "assets", "webapp")`
* With this middleware in place, a request to
* `https://www.domain.com/assets/folder/file1.jpg` would serve the file
* `src/main/resources/webapp/folder/file1.jpg`. Note how the URL path is
* removed and the resourcePrefix prepended.
* Most build systems support resources in the `src/main/resources` directory.
* In the above example, the file `src/main/resources/webapp/folder/file1.jpg`
* would be served.
* * The `resourcePrefix` defaults to `"public"`. To prevent insecure sharing
* of * resource files, `resourcePrefix` must start with a `/` followed by at
* least 1 *
* [[java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(x\$1:Char)* valid java identifier character]].
* The `/` * will be prepended if it is not present.
def serveResources(path: Path, resourcePrefix: String = "public")(implicit trace: Trace): Middleware[Any] =
toMiddleware(path, StaticServe.fromResource(resourcePrefix))
* Creates a middleware for managing the flash scope.
def flashScopeHandling: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] = Middleware.intercept { (req, resp) =>
req.cookie(Flash.COOKIE_NAME).fold(resp)(flash => resp.addCookie(Cookie.clear(flash.name)))
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