zio.http.Response.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 - 2023 Sporta Technologies PVT LTD & the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http
import java.nio.file.{AccessDeniedException, NotDirectoryException}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import zio._
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.schema.Schema
import zio.http.internal.{HeaderOps, OutputEncoder}
import zio.http.template._
final case class Response(
status: Status = Status.Ok,
headers: Headers = Headers.empty,
body: Body = Body.empty,
) extends HeaderOps[Response] { self =>
// To be used by encoders to avoid re-encoding static responses (optimization)
private[http] var encoded: AnyRef = null
def addCookie(cookie: Cookie.Response): Response =
self.copy(headers = self.headers ++ Headers(Header.SetCookie(cookie)))
* Adds flash values to the cookie-based flash-scope.
def addFlash[A](setter: Flash.Setter[A]): Response =
self.addCookie(Flash.Setter.run(setter).copy(path = Some(Path.root)))
* Collects the potentially streaming body of the response into a single
* chunk.
* Any errors that occur from the collection of the body will be caught and
* propagated to the Body
def collect(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Response] =
self.body.materialize.map { b =>
if (b eq self.body) self
else self.copy(body = b)
def contentType(mediaType: MediaType): Response =
self.addHeader("content-type", mediaType.fullType)
* Consumes the streaming body fully and then discards it while also ignoring
* any failures
def ignoreBody(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Response] = {
val out = self.copy(body = Body.empty)
val body0 = self.body
if (body0.isComplete) Exit.succeed(out)
else body0.asStream.runDrain.ignore.as(out)
def patch(p: Response.Patch)(implicit trace: Trace): Response = p.apply(self)
* Sets the status of the response
def status(status: Status): Response =
copy(status = status)
* Creates an Http from a Response
def toHandler(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Nothing, Any, Response] = Handler.fromResponse(self)
* Updates the current Headers with new one, using the provided update
* function passed.
override def updateHeaders(update: Headers => Headers)(implicit trace: Trace): Response =
copy(headers = update(headers))
object Response {
* Models the set of operations that one would want to apply on a Response.
sealed trait Patch { self =>
def ++(that: Patch): Patch = Patch.Combine(self, that)
def apply(res: Response)(implicit trace: Trace): Response = {
def loop(res: Response, patch: Patch): Response =
patch match {
case Patch.Empty => res
case Patch.AddHeaders(headers) => res.addHeaders(headers)
case Patch.RemoveHeaders(headers) => res.removeHeaders(headers)
case Patch.SetStatus(status) => res.status(status)
case Patch.Combine(self, other) => loop(self(res), other)
case Patch.UpdateHeaders(f) => res.updateHeaders(f)
loop(res, self)
object Patch {
import Header.HeaderType
case object Empty extends Patch
final case class AddHeaders(headers: Headers) extends Patch
final case class RemoveHeaders(headers: Set[String]) extends Patch
final case class SetStatus(status: Status) extends Patch
final case class Combine(left: Patch, right: Patch) extends Patch
final case class UpdateHeaders(f: Headers => Headers) extends Patch
def empty: Patch = Empty
def addHeader(headerType: HeaderType)(value: headerType.HeaderValue): Patch =
addHeader(headerType.name, headerType.render(value))
def addHeader(header: Header): Patch = addHeaders(Headers(header))
def addHeaders(headers: Headers): Patch = AddHeaders(headers)
def addHeader(name: CharSequence, value: CharSequence): Patch = addHeaders(Headers(name, value))
def removeHeaders(headerTypes: Set[HeaderType]): Patch = RemoveHeaders(headerTypes.map(_.name))
def status(status: Status): Patch = SetStatus(status)
def updateHeaders(f: Headers => Headers): Patch = UpdateHeaders(f)
def badRequest: Response =
def badRequest(message: String): Response =
error(Status.BadRequest, message)
def error(status: Status.Error, message: String): Response =
Response(status = status, body = Body.fromString(OutputEncoder.encodeHtml(message)))
def error(status: Status.Error, body: Body): Response =
status = status,
body = body,
headers = if (body.mediaType.isEmpty) Headers.empty else Headers(Header.ContentType(body.mediaType.get)),
def error(status: Status.Error): Response =
Response(status = status)
def forbidden: Response =
def forbidden(message: String): Response =
error(Status.Forbidden, message)
def fromCause(cause: Cause[Any]): Response =
fromCause(cause, ErrorResponseConfig.default)
* Creates a new response from the specified cause. Note that this method is
* not polymorphic, but will attempt to inspect the runtime class of the
* failure inside the cause, if any.
def fromCause(cause: Cause[Any], config: ErrorResponseConfig): Response =
cause.failureOrCause match {
case Left(failure: Response) => failure
case Left(failure: Throwable) => fromThrowable(failure, config)
case Left(failure: Cause[_]) => fromCause(failure, config)
case _ =>
val body =
if (config.withErrorBody) Body.fromString(cause.prettyPrint).contentType(MediaType.text.`plain`)
else Body.empty
if (cause.isInterruptedOnly) error(Status.RequestTimeout, body)
else error(Status.InternalServerError, body)
* Creates a new response from the specified cause, translating any typed
* error to a response using the provided function.
def fromCauseWith[E](cause: Cause[E], config: ErrorResponseConfig)(f: E => Response): Response =
cause.failureOrCause match {
case Left(failure) => f(failure)
case Right(cause) => fromCause(cause, config)
* Creates a response with content-type set to text/event-stream
* @param data
* \- stream of data to be sent as Server Sent Events
def fromServerSentEvents[T: Schema](data: ZStream[Any, Nothing, ServerSentEvent[T]])(implicit
trace: Trace,
): Response = {
val codec = ServerSentEvent.defaultBinaryCodec[T]
* Creates a new response for the provided socket app
def fromSocketApp[R](app: WebSocketApp[R])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, Nothing, Response] = {
ZIO.environment[R].map { env =>
def fromThrowable(throwable: Throwable): Response =
fromThrowable(throwable, ErrorResponseConfig.default)
* Creates a new response for the specified throwable. Note that this method
* relies on the runtime class of the throwable.
def fromThrowable(throwable: Throwable, config: ErrorResponseConfig): Response = {
throwable match { // TODO: Enhance
case _: AccessDeniedException => error(Status.Forbidden, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.Forbidden, config))
case _: IllegalAccessException => error(Status.Forbidden, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.Forbidden, config))
case _: IllegalAccessError => error(Status.Forbidden, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.Forbidden, config))
case _: NotDirectoryException =>
error(Status.BadRequest, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.BadRequest, config))
case _: IllegalArgumentException =>
error(Status.BadRequest, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.BadRequest, config))
case _: java.io.FileNotFoundException =>
error(Status.NotFound, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.NotFound, config))
case _: java.net.ConnectException =>
error(Status.ServiceUnavailable, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.ServiceUnavailable, config))
case _: java.net.SocketTimeoutException =>
error(Status.GatewayTimeout, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.GatewayTimeout, config))
case _ => error(Status.InternalServerError, throwableToMessage(throwable, Status.InternalServerError, config))
private def throwableToMessage(throwable: Throwable, status: Status, config: ErrorResponseConfig): Body =
if (!config.withErrorBody) Body.empty
else {
val rawTrace = if (config.withStackTrace) throwable.getStackTrace else Array.empty[StackTraceElement]
val stackTrace =
if (config.withStackTrace && rawTrace.nonEmpty)
(if (config.maxStackTraceDepth == 0) rawTrace
else rawTrace.take(config.maxStackTraceDepth))
.mkString("\n", "\n", "")
else ""
val message = if (throwable.getMessage eq null) "" else throwable.getMessage
bodyFromThrowable(message, stackTrace, status, config)
private def bodyFromThrowable(
message: String,
stackTrace: String,
status: Status,
config: ErrorResponseConfig,
): Body = {
def htmlResponse: Body = {
val data = Template.container(s"$status") {
styles := "text-align: center",
div(s"${status.code}", styles := "font-size: 20em"),
Body.fromString("" + data.encode)
def textResponse: Body =
Body.fromString {
val statusCode = status.code
s"${scala.Console.BOLD}${scala.Console.RED}${status}${scala.Console.RESET} - " +
s"${scala.Console.BOLD}${scala.Console.CYAN}$statusCode${scala.Console.RESET} - " +
s"$message" +
s"${scala.Console.BOLD}${scala.Console.RED} $stackTrace ${scala.Console.RESET}"
def jsonMessage =
s"""{"status": "${status.code}", "message": "$message", "stackTrace": "$stackTrace"}""",
config.errorFormat match {
case ErrorResponseConfig.ErrorFormat.Html => htmlResponse.contentType(config.errorFormat.mediaType)
case ErrorResponseConfig.ErrorFormat.Text => textResponse.contentType(config.errorFormat.mediaType)
case ErrorResponseConfig.ErrorFormat.Json => jsonMessage.contentType(config.errorFormat.mediaType)
def gatewayTimeout: Response = error(Status.GatewayTimeout)
def gatewayTimeout(message: String): Response = error(Status.GatewayTimeout, message)
* Creates a response with content-type set to text/html
def html(data: Html, status: Status = Status.Ok): Response =
Body.fromString("" + data.encode),
def httpVersionNotSupported: Response = error(Status.HttpVersionNotSupported)
def httpVersionNotSupported(message: String): Response = error(Status.HttpVersionNotSupported, message)
def internalServerError: Response = error(Status.InternalServerError)
def internalServerError(message: String): Response = error(Status.InternalServerError, message)
* Creates a response with content-type set to application/json
def json(data: CharSequence): Response =
def networkAuthenticationRequired: Response = error(Status.NetworkAuthenticationRequired)
def networkAuthenticationRequired(message: String): Response = error(Status.NetworkAuthenticationRequired, message)
def notExtended: Response = error(Status.NotExtended)
def notExtended(message: String): Response = error(Status.NotExtended, message)
def notFound: Response = error(Status.NotFound)
def notFound(message: String): Response = error(Status.NotFound, message)
def notImplemented: Response = error(Status.NotImplemented)
def notImplemented(message: String): Response = error(Status.NotImplemented, message)
* Creates an empty response with status 200
def ok: Response = status(Status.Ok)
* Creates an empty response with status 307 or 308 depending on if it's
* permanent or not.
* Note: if you intend to always redirect a browser with a HTTP GET to the
* given location you very likely should use `Response#seeOther` instead.
def redirect(location: URL, isPermanent: Boolean = false): Response = {
val status = if (isPermanent) Status.PermanentRedirect else Status.TemporaryRedirect
Response(status = status, headers = Headers(Header.Location(location)))
* Creates an empty response with status 303.
def seeOther(location: URL): Response =
Response(status = Status.SeeOther, headers = Headers(Header.Location(location)))
def serviceUnavailable: Response = error(Status.ServiceUnavailable)
def serviceUnavailable(message: String): Response = error(Status.ServiceUnavailable, message)
* Creates an empty response with the provided Status
def status(status: Status): Response =
Response(status = status)
* Creates a response with content-type set to text/plain
def text(text: CharSequence): Response =
def unauthorized: Response = error(Status.Unauthorized)
def unauthorized(message: String): Response = error(Status.Unauthorized, message)
private lazy val contentTypeJson: Headers = Headers(Header.ContentType(MediaType.application.json).untyped)
private lazy val contentTypeHtml: Headers = Headers(Header.ContentType(MediaType.text.html).untyped)
private lazy val contentTypeText: Headers = Headers(Header.ContentType(MediaType.text.plain).untyped)
private lazy val contentTypeEventStream: Headers =
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