zio.http.Server.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 - 2023 Sporta Technologies PVT LTD & the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http
import java.net.{InetAddress, InetSocketAddress}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import zio._
import zio.http.Server.Config.ResponseCompressionConfig
* Represents a server, which is capable of serving zero or more HTTP
* applications.
trait Server {
* Installs the given HTTP application into the server.
def install[R](httpApp: Routes[R, Response])(implicit trace: Trace, tag: EnvironmentTag[R]): URIO[R, Unit]
* The port on which the server is listening.
* @return
def port: UIO[Int]
object Server extends ServerPlatformSpecific {
final case class Config(
sslConfig: Option[SSLConfig],
address: InetSocketAddress,
acceptContinue: Boolean,
keepAlive: Boolean,
requestDecompression: Decompression,
responseCompression: Option[ResponseCompressionConfig],
requestStreaming: RequestStreaming,
maxInitialLineLength: Int,
maxHeaderSize: Int,
logWarningOnFatalError: Boolean,
gracefulShutdownTimeout: Duration,
webSocketConfig: WebSocketConfig,
idleTimeout: Option[Duration],
avoidContextSwitching: Boolean,
soBacklog: Int,
tcpNoDelay: Boolean,
) { self =>
* Configure the server to use HttpServerExpectContinueHandler to send a 100
* HttpResponse if necessary.
def acceptContinue(enable: Boolean): Config = self.copy(acceptContinue = enable)
* Attempts to avoid context switching between thread pools by executing
* requests within the server's IO thread-pool (e.g., Netty's EventLoop)
* until the first async/blocking boundary.
* Enabling this setting can improve performance for short-lived CPU-bound
* tasks, but can also lead to degraded performance if the request handler
* performs CPU-heavy work prior to the first async boundary.
* '''WARNING:''' Do not use this mode if the ZIO executor is configured to
* use virtual threads!
* @see
* For more info on caveats of this mode, see related issue
def avoidContextSwitching(value: Boolean): Config = self.copy(avoidContextSwitching = value)
* Configure the server to listen on the provided hostname and port.
def binding(hostname: String, port: Int): Config =
self.copy(address = new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port))
* Configure the server to listen on the provided InetAddress and port.
def binding(address: InetAddress, port: Int): Config =
self.copy(address = new InetSocketAddress(address, port))
* Configure the server to listen on the provided InetSocketAddress.
def binding(inetSocketAddress: InetSocketAddress): Config = self.copy(address = inetSocketAddress)
* Disables streaming of request bodies. Payloads larger than
* maxContentLength will be rejected
def disableRequestStreaming(maxContentLength: Int): Config =
self.copy(requestStreaming = RequestStreaming.Disabled(maxContentLength))
/** Enables streaming request bodies */
def enableRequestStreaming: Config = self.copy(requestStreaming = RequestStreaming.Enabled)
/** Enables hybrid request streaming */
def hybridRequestStreaming(maxAggregatedLength: Int): Config =
self.copy(requestStreaming = RequestStreaming.Hybrid(maxAggregatedLength))
def gracefulShutdownTimeout(duration: Duration): Config = self.copy(gracefulShutdownTimeout = duration)
def idleTimeout(duration: Duration): Config = self.copy(idleTimeout = Some(duration))
* Configure the server to use netty's HttpServerKeepAliveHandler to close
* persistent connections when enable is true (@see HttpServerKeepAliveHandler).
def keepAlive(enable: Boolean): Config = self.copy(keepAlive = enable)
* Log a warning in case of fatal errors when an error response cannot be
* sent back to the client
def logWarningOnFatalError(enable: Boolean): Config = self.copy(logWarningOnFatalError = enable)
def maxInitialLineLength(initialLineLength: Int): Config = self.copy(maxInitialLineLength = initialLineLength)
* Configure the server to use `maxHeaderSize` value when encode/decode
* headers.
def maxHeaderSize(headerSize: Int): Config = self.copy(maxHeaderSize = headerSize)
def noIdleTimeout: Config = self.copy(idleTimeout = None)
* Configure the server to listen on an available open port
def onAnyOpenPort: Config = port(0)
* Configure the server to listen on the provided port.
def port(port: Int): Config = self.copy(address = new InetSocketAddress(port))
* Configure the new server with netty's HttpContentCompressor to compress
* Http responses (@see ).
def responseCompression(rCfg: ResponseCompressionConfig = Config.ResponseCompressionConfig.default): Config =
self.copy(responseCompression = Option(rCfg))
* Configure the server to use netty's HttpContentDecompressor to decompress
* Http requests (@see HttpContentDecompressor).
def requestDecompression(isStrict: Boolean): Config =
self.copy(requestDecompression = if (isStrict) Decompression.Strict else Decompression.NonStrict)
* Configure the server with the following ssl options.
def ssl(sslConfig: SSLConfig): Config = self.copy(sslConfig = Some(sslConfig))
/** Enables or disables request body streaming */
def requestStreaming(requestStreaming: RequestStreaming): Config =
self.copy(requestStreaming = requestStreaming)
* Sets the maximum number of connection requests that will be queued before
* being rejected
def soBacklog(value: Int): Config =
self.copy(soBacklog = value)
* Configure the server to enable/disable TCP_NODELAY. TCP_NODELAY disables
* Nagle's algorithm, which reduces latency for small messages.
def tcpNoDelay(value: Boolean): Config =
self.copy(tcpNoDelay = value)
def webSocketConfig(webSocketConfig: WebSocketConfig): Config =
self.copy(webSocketConfig = webSocketConfig)
object Config {
lazy val config: zio.Config[Config] = {
SSLConfig.config.optional ++
zio.Config.string("binding-host").optional ++
zio.Config.int("binding-port").withDefault(Config.default.address.getPort) ++
zio.Config.boolean("accept-continue").withDefault(Config.default.acceptContinue) ++
zio.Config.boolean("keep-alive").withDefault(Config.default.keepAlive) ++
Decompression.config.nested("request-decompression").withDefault(Config.default.requestDecompression) ++
ResponseCompressionConfig.config.nested("response-compression").optional ++
RequestStreaming.config.nested("request-streaming").withDefault(Config.default.requestStreaming) ++
zio.Config.int("max-initial-line-length").withDefault(Config.default.maxInitialLineLength) ++
zio.Config.int("max-header-size").withDefault(Config.default.maxHeaderSize) ++
zio.Config.boolean("log-warning-on-fatal-error").withDefault(Config.default.logWarningOnFatalError) ++
zio.Config.duration("graceful-shutdown-timeout").withDefault(Config.default.gracefulShutdownTimeout) ++
zio.Config.duration("idle-timeout").optional.withDefault(Config.default.idleTimeout) ++
zio.Config.boolean("avoid-context-switching").withDefault(Config.default.avoidContextSwitching) ++
zio.Config.int("so-backlog").withDefault(Config.default.soBacklog) ++
}.map {
case (
) =>
sslConfig = sslConfig,
address = new InetSocketAddress(host.getOrElse(Config.default.address.getHostName), port),
acceptContinue = acceptContinue,
keepAlive = keepAlive,
requestDecompression = requestDecompression,
responseCompression = responseCompression,
requestStreaming = requestStreaming,
maxInitialLineLength = maxInitialLineLength,
maxHeaderSize = maxHeaderSize,
logWarningOnFatalError = logWarningOnFatalError,
gracefulShutdownTimeout = gracefulShutdownTimeout,
idleTimeout = idleTimeout,
avoidContextSwitching = avoidCtxSwitch,
soBacklog = soBacklog,
tcpNoDelay = tcpNoDelay,
lazy val default: Config = Config(
sslConfig = None,
address = new InetSocketAddress(8080),
acceptContinue = false,
keepAlive = true,
requestDecompression = Decompression.No,
responseCompression = None,
requestStreaming = RequestStreaming.Disabled(1024 * 100),
maxInitialLineLength = 4096,
maxHeaderSize = 8192,
logWarningOnFatalError = true,
gracefulShutdownTimeout = 10.seconds,
webSocketConfig = WebSocketConfig.default,
idleTimeout = None,
avoidContextSwitching = false,
soBacklog = 100,
tcpNoDelay = true,
final case class ResponseCompressionConfig(
contentThreshold: Int,
options: IndexedSeq[CompressionOptions],
object ResponseCompressionConfig {
lazy val config: zio.Config[ResponseCompressionConfig] =
zio.Config.int("content-threshold").withDefault(ResponseCompressionConfig.default.contentThreshold) ++
).map { case (contentThreshold, options) =>
ResponseCompressionConfig(contentThreshold, options)
lazy val default: ResponseCompressionConfig =
ResponseCompressionConfig(0, IndexedSeq(CompressionOptions.gzip(), CompressionOptions.deflate()))
sealed trait CompressionOptions {
val name: String
object CompressionOptions {
final case class GZip(cfg: DeflateConfig) extends CompressionOptions { val name = "gzip" }
final case class Deflate(cfg: DeflateConfig) extends CompressionOptions { val name = "deflate" }
final case class Brotli(cfg: BrotliConfig) extends CompressionOptions { val name = "brotli" }
* @param level
* defines compression level, {@code 1} yields the fastest compression
* and {@code 9} yields the best compression. {@code 0} means no
* compression.
* @param bits
* defines windowBits, The base two logarithm of the size of the history
* buffer. The value should be in the range {@code 9} to {@code 15}
* inclusive. Larger values result in better compression at the expense
* of memory usage
* @param mem
* defines memlevel, How much memory should be allocated for the
* internal compression state. {@code 1} uses minimum memory and
* {@code 9} uses maximum memory. Larger values result in better and
* faster compression at the expense of memory usage
final case class DeflateConfig(
level: Int,
bits: Int,
mem: Int,
object DeflateConfig {
val DefaultLevel = 6
val DefaultBits = 15
val DefaultMem = 8
final case class BrotliConfig(
quality: Int,
lgwin: Int,
mode: Mode,
object BrotliConfig {
val DefaultQuality = 4
val DefaultLgwin = -1
val DefaultMode = Mode.Text
sealed trait Mode
object Mode {
case object Generic extends Mode
case object Text extends Mode
case object Font extends Mode
def fromString(s: String): Mode = s.toLowerCase match {
case "generic" => Generic
case "text" => Text
case "font" => Font
case _ => Text
* Creates GZip CompressionOptions. Defines defaults as per
* io.netty.handler.codec.compression.GzipOptions#DEFAULT
def gzip(
level: Int = DeflateConfig.DefaultLevel,
bits: Int = DeflateConfig.DefaultBits,
mem: Int = DeflateConfig.DefaultMem,
): CompressionOptions =
CompressionOptions.GZip(DeflateConfig(level, bits, mem))
* Creates Deflate CompressionOptions. Defines defaults as per
* io.netty.handler.codec.compression.DeflateOptions#DEFAULT
def deflate(
level: Int = DeflateConfig.DefaultLevel,
bits: Int = DeflateConfig.DefaultBits,
mem: Int = DeflateConfig.DefaultMem,
): CompressionOptions =
CompressionOptions.Deflate(DeflateConfig(level, bits, mem))
* Creates Brotli CompressionOptions. Defines defaults as per
* io.netty.handler.codec.compression.BrotliOptions#DEFAULT
def brotli(
quality: Int = BrotliConfig.DefaultQuality,
lgwin: Int = BrotliConfig.DefaultLgwin,
mode: Mode = BrotliConfig.DefaultMode,
): CompressionOptions =
CompressionOptions.Brotli(BrotliConfig(quality, lgwin, mode))
lazy val config: zio.Config[CompressionOptions] =
(zio.Config.int("level").withDefault(DeflateConfig.DefaultLevel) ++
zio.Config.int("bits").withDefault(DeflateConfig.DefaultBits) ++
zio.Config.int("mem").withDefault(DeflateConfig.DefaultMem)) ++
zio.Config.int("quantity").withDefault(BrotliConfig.DefaultQuality) ++
zio.Config.int("lgwin").withDefault(BrotliConfig.DefaultLgwin) ++
zio.Config.string("mode").map(Mode.fromString).withDefault(BrotliConfig.DefaultMode) ++
).map { case (level, bits, mem, quantity, lgwin, mode, typ) =>
typ.toLowerCase match {
case "gzip" => gzip(level, bits, mem)
case "deflate" => deflate(level, bits, mem)
case "brotli" => brotli(quantity, lgwin, mode)
sealed trait RequestStreaming
object RequestStreaming {
/** Enable streaming request bodies */
case object Enabled extends RequestStreaming
* Disable streaming request bodies. Bodies larger than the configured
* maximum content length will be rejected.
final case class Disabled(maximumContentLength: Int) extends RequestStreaming
* Hybrid streaming option: Aggregate requests up to a certain size, and
* stream if larger.
final case class Hybrid(maximumAggregatedLength: Int) extends RequestStreaming
lazy val config: zio.Config[RequestStreaming] =
(zio.Config.boolean("enabled").withDefault(true) ++
zio.Config.int("maximum-content-length").withDefault(1024 * 100)).map {
case (true, _) => Enabled
case (false, maxLength) => Disabled(maxLength)
def serve[R](
httpApp: Routes[R, Response],
)(implicit trace: Trace, tag: EnvironmentTag[R]): URIO[R with Server, Nothing] = {
ZIO.logInfo("Starting the server...") *>
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Server](_.install[R](httpApp)) *>
ZIO.logInfo("Server started") *>
def serve[R](
route: Route[R, Response],
routes: Route[R, Response]*,
)(implicit trace: Trace, tag: EnvironmentTag[R]): URIO[R with Server, Nothing] = {
serve(Routes(route, routes: _*))
def install[R](
httpApp: Routes[R, Response],
)(implicit trace: Trace, tag: EnvironmentTag[R]): URIO[R with Server, Int] = {
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Server](_.install[R](httpApp)) *> ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Server](_.port)
private[http] val base: ZLayer[Driver & Config, Throwable, Server] = {
implicit val trace: Trace = Trace.empty
ZLayer.scoped {
for {
driver <- ZIO.service[Driver]
config <- ZIO.service[Config]
inFlightRequests <- Promise.make[Throwable, LongAdder]
_ <- Scope.addFinalizer(
inFlightRequests.await.flatMap { counter =>
.untilOutput { case (inFlight, elapsed) =>
inFlight == 0L || elapsed > config.gracefulShutdownTimeout
} &&
initialInstall <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit]
serverStarted <- Promise.make[Throwable, Int]
_ <-
(for {
_ <- initialInstall.await.interruptible
result <- driver.start
_ <- inFlightRequests.succeed(result.inFlightRequests)
_ <- serverStarted.succeed(result.port)
} yield ())
// In the case of failure of `Driver#.start` or interruption while we are waiting to be
// installed for the first time, we should always fail the `serverStarted` and 'inFlightRequests'
// promises to allow the finalizers to make progress.
.onError(c => inFlightRequests.refailCause(c) *> serverStarted.refailCause(c))
} yield ServerLive(driver, initialInstall, serverStarted)
def configured(
path: NonEmptyChunk[String] = NonEmptyChunk("zio", "http", "server"),
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Server] =
ZLayer(ZIO.config(Config.config.nested(path.head, path.tail: _*))).mapError(error =>
new RuntimeException(s"Configuration error: $error"),
) >>> live
def defaultWithPort(port: Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Server] =
def defaultWith(f: Config => Config)(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Server] =
ZLayer.succeed(f(Config.default)) >>> live
val default: ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Server] = {
implicit val trace: Trace = Trace.empty
ZLayer.succeed(Config.default) >>> live
private final case class ServerLive(
driver: Driver,
// A promise used to signal the first time `install`
// is called on this `Server` instance.
private val initialInstall: Promise[Nothing, Unit],
// A promise that represents the port of the "started" driver
// or a throwable if starting the driver failed for any reason.
private val serverStarted: Promise[Throwable, Int],
) extends Server {
override def install[R](httpApp: Routes[R, Response])(implicit
trace: Trace,
tag: EnvironmentTag[R],
): URIO[R, Unit] =
for {
_ <- initialInstall.succeed(())
_ <- serverStarted.await.orDie
_ <- ZIO.environment[R].flatMap(env => driver.addApp(httpApp, env.prune[R]))
} yield ()
override def port: UIO[Int] = serverStarted.await.orDie
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