zio.http.URL.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 - 2023 Sporta Technologies PVT LTD & the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http
import java.net.{MalformedURLException, URI}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import zio.Config
import zio.http.URL.{Fragment, Location}
import zio.http.internal._
final case class URL(
path: Path,
kind: URL.Location = URL.Location.Relative,
queryParams: QueryParams = QueryParams.empty,
fragment: Option[Fragment] = None,
) extends URLPlatformSpecific
with QueryOps[URL] { self =>
* A right-biased way of combining two URLs. Where it makes sense, information
* will be merged, but in cases where this does not make sense (e.g. two
* non-empty fragments), the information from the right URL will be used.
def ++(that: URL): URL =
self.path ++ that.path,
self.kind ++ that.kind,
self.queryParams ++ that.queryParams,
def /(segment: String): URL = self.copy(path = self.path / segment)
def absolute(host: String): URL =
self.copy(kind = URL.Location.Absolute(Scheme.HTTP, host, None))
def absolute(scheme: Scheme, host: String, port: Int): URL =
self.copy(kind = URL.Location.Absolute(scheme, host, Some(port)))
def addLeadingSlash: URL = self.copy(path = path.addLeadingSlash)
def addPath(path: Path): URL = self.copy(path = self.path ++ path)
def addPath(path: String): URL = self.copy(path = self.path ++ Path.decode(path))
def addTrailingSlash: URL = self.copy(path = path.addTrailingSlash)
def addQueryParams(queryParams: QueryParams): URL =
copy(queryParams = self.queryParams ++ queryParams)
def dropLeadingSlash: URL = self.copy(path = path.dropLeadingSlash)
def dropTrailingSlash: URL = self.copy(path = path.dropTrailingSlash)
def encode: String = URL.encode(self)
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: URL =>
val left = self.normalize
val right = that.normalize
left.kind == right.kind &&
left.path == right.path &&
left.queryParams == right.queryParams &&
left.fragment == right.fragment
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = {
val normalized = self.normalize
var hash = 17
hash = hash * 31 + normalized.kind.hashCode
hash = hash * 31 + normalized.path.hashCode
hash = hash * 31 + normalized.queryParams.hashCode
hash = hash * 31 + normalized.fragment.hashCode
override def toString(): String = encode
def host: Option[String] = kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => None
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute => Option(abs.host)
def host(host: String): URL = {
val location = kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => URL.Location.Absolute(Scheme.HTTP, host, None)
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute => abs.copy(host = host)
copy(kind = location)
* @return
* the location, the host name and the port. The port part is omitted if is
* the default port for the protocol.
def hostPort: Option[String] =
kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => None
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute =>
abs.portIfNotDefault match {
case None => Some(abs.host)
case Some(customPort) => Some(s"${abs.host}:$customPort")
def isAbsolute: Boolean = self.kind match {
case Location.Absolute(_, _, _) => true
case Location.Relative => false
def isRelative: Boolean = !isAbsolute
def normalize: URL = {
def normalizePath(path: Path): Path =
if (path.isEmpty || path.isRoot) Path.empty
else path.addLeadingSlash
self.copy(path = normalizePath(path), queryParams = queryParams.normalize)
def path(path: Path): URL =
copy(path = path)
def path(path: String): URL =
copy(path = Path.decode(path))
def port(port: Int): URL = {
val location = kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => URL.Location.Absolute(Scheme.HTTP, "", Some(port))
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute => abs.copy(originalPort = Some(port))
copy(kind = location)
def port: Option[Int] = kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => None
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute => abs.originalPort
def portOrDefault: Option[Int] = kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => None
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute => abs.portOrDefault
def portIfNotDefault: Option[Int] = kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => None
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute => abs.portIfNotDefault
override def queryParameters: QueryParams =
def relative: URL = self.kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => self
case _ => self.copy(kind = URL.Location.Relative)
* RFC 3986 § 5.2 Relative Resolution
* @param reference
* the URL to resolve relative to ``this`` base URL
* @return
* the target URL
def resolve(reference: URL): Either[String, URL] = {
// See https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3986#section-5.2
// § 5.2.1 - `self` is the base and already pre-parsed into components
// § 5.2.2 - strict parsing does not ignore the reference URL scheme, so we use it directly, instead of un-setting it
if (reference.kind.isRelative) {
// § 5.2.2 - reference scheme is undefined, i.e. it is relative
self.kind match {
// § 5.2.1 - `self` is the base and is required to have a scheme, therefore it must be absolute
case Location.Relative => Left("cannot resolve against relative url")
case location: Location.Absolute =>
var path: Path = null
var query: QueryParams = null
if (reference.path.isEmpty) {
// § 5.2.2 - empty reference path keeps base path unmodified
path = self.path
// § 5.2.2 - given an empty reference path, use non-empty reference query params,
// while empty reference query params keeps base query params
// NOTE: strictly, if the reference defines a query it should be used, even if that query is empty
// but currently no-query is not differentiated from empty-query
if (reference.queryParams.isEmpty) {
query = self.queryParams
} else {
query = reference.queryParams
} else {
// § 5.2.2 - non-empty reference path always keeps reference query params
query = reference.queryParams
if (reference.path.hasLeadingSlash) {
// § 5.2.2 - reference path starts from root, keep reference path without dot segments
path = reference.path.removeDotSegments
} else {
// § 5.2.2 - merge base and reference paths, then collapse dot segments
// § 5.2.3 - if base has an authority AND an empty path, use the reference path, ensuring a leading slash
// the authority is the [user]@host[:port], which is always present on `self`,
// so we only need to check for an empty path
if (self.path.isEmpty) {
path = reference.path.addLeadingSlash
} else {
// § 5.2.3 - otherwise (base has no authority OR a non-empty path), drop the very last portion of the base path,
// and append all the reference path components
path = Path(
Path.Flags.concat(self.path.flags, reference.path.flags),
self.path.segments.dropRight(1) ++ reference.path.segments,
path = path.removeDotSegments
val url = URL(path, location, query, reference.fragment)
} else {
// § 5.2.2 - if the reference scheme is defined, i.e. the reference is absolute,
// the target components are the reference components but with dot segments removed
// § 5.2.2 - if the reference scheme is undefined and authority is defined, keep the base scheme
// and take everything else from the reference, removing dot segments from the path
// NOTE: URL currently does not track authority separate from scheme to implement this
// so having an authority is the same as having a scheme and they are treated the same
Right(reference.copy(path = reference.path.removeDotSegments))
def scheme: Option[Scheme] = kind match {
case Location.Absolute(scheme, _, _) => Some(scheme)
case Location.Relative => None
def scheme(scheme: Scheme): URL = {
val location = kind match {
case URL.Location.Relative => URL.Location.Absolute(scheme, "", None)
case abs: URL.Location.Absolute => abs.copy(scheme = scheme)
copy(kind = location)
* Returns a new java.net.URI representing this URL.
def toJavaURI: java.net.URI = new URI(encode)
override def updateQueryParams(f: QueryParams => QueryParams): URL =
copy(queryParams = f(queryParams))
object URL {
val empty: URL = URL(path = Path.empty)
* To better understand this implementation, read discussion:
* https://github.com/zio/zio-http/pull/3017/files#r1716489733
private final class Err(rawUrl: String, cause: Throwable) extends MalformedURLException {
override def getMessage: String = s"""Invalid URL: "$rawUrl""""
override def getCause: Throwable = cause
def decode(rawUrl: String): Either[MalformedURLException, URL] = {
def invalidURL(e: Throwable = null): Either[MalformedURLException, URL] = Left(new Err(rawUrl = rawUrl, cause = e))
try {
val uri = new URI(rawUrl)
val url = if (uri.isAbsolute) fromAbsoluteURI(uri) else fromRelativeURI(uri)
url match {
case Some(value) => Right(value)
case None => invalidURL()
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => invalidURL(e)
def config: Config[URL] = Config.string.mapAttempt(decode(_).fold(throw _, identity))
def fromURI(uri: URI): Option[URL] = if (uri.isAbsolute) fromAbsoluteURI(uri) else fromRelativeURI(uri)
def root: URL = URL(Path.root)
sealed trait Location { self =>
def ++(that: Location): Location =
if (that.isRelative) self
else that
def isAbsolute: Boolean = !isRelative
def isRelative: Boolean = self match { case Location.Relative => true; case _ => false }
object Location {
final case class Absolute(scheme: Scheme, host: String, originalPort: Option[Int]) extends Location {
def portOrDefault: Option[Int] = originalPort.orElse(scheme.defaultPort)
def portIfNotDefault: Option[Int] = originalPort.filter(p => scheme.defaultPort.exists(_ != p))
def port: Int = originalPort.orElse(scheme.defaultPort).getOrElse(Scheme.defaultPortForHTTP)
case object Relative extends Location
final case class Fragment private (raw: String, decoded: String)
object Fragment {
def fromURI(uri: URI): Option[Fragment] = for {
raw <- Option(uri.getRawFragment)
decoded <- Option(uri.getFragment)
} yield Fragment(raw, decoded)
private def encode(url: URL): String = {
def path(relative: Boolean) =
if (relative || url.path.isEmpty) url.path.encode else url.path.addLeadingSlash.encode,
) + url.fragment.fold("")(f => "#" + f.raw)
url.kind match {
case Location.Relative => path(true)
case abs: Location.Absolute =>
val path2 = path(false)
abs.portIfNotDefault match {
case None => s"${abs.scheme.encode}://${abs.host}$path2"
case Some(customPort) => s"${abs.scheme.encode}://${abs.host}:$customPort$path2"
private[http] def encodeHttpPath(url: URL): String = {
// As per the spec, the path should contain only the relative part and start with a slash.
// Host and port information should be in the headers.
// Query params are included while fragments are excluded.
val pathBuf = new StringBuilder(256)
val path = url.path
path.segments.foreach { segment =>
if (pathBuf.isEmpty | path.hasTrailingSlash) {
val qparams = url.queryParams
if (qparams.isEmpty) {
} else {
// this branch could be more efficient with something like QueryParamEncoding.appendNonEmpty(pathBuf, qparams, Charsets.Http)
// that directly filtered the keys/values and appended to the buffer
// but for now the underlying Netty encoder requires the base url as a String anyway
QueryParamEncoding.default.encode(pathBuf.result(), qparams.normalize, Charsets.Http)
private[http] def fromAbsoluteURI(uri: URI): Option[URL] = {
for {
scheme <- Scheme.decode(uri.getScheme)
host <- Option(uri.getHost)
path <- Option(uri.getRawPath)
port = Option(uri.getPort).filter(_ != -1).orElse(scheme.defaultPort) // FIXME REMOVE defaultPort
connection = URL.Location.Absolute(scheme, host, port)
path2 = Path.decode(path)
path3 = if (path.nonEmpty) path2.addLeadingSlash else path2
} yield URL(path3, connection, QueryParams.decode(uri.getRawQuery), Fragment.fromURI(uri))
private[http] def fromRelativeURI(uri: URI): Option[URL] = for {
path <- Option(uri.getRawPath)
} yield URL(Path.decode(path), Location.Relative, QueryParams.decode(uri.getRawQuery), Fragment.fromURI(uri))
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