zio.http.ErrorResponseConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.http
import zio._
* Configuration for the response generation
* @param withErrorBody
* if true, includes the error message in the response body
* @param withStackTrace
* if true, includes the stack trace in the response body
* @param maxStackTraceDepth
* maximum number of stack trace lines to include in the response body. Set to
* 0 to include all lines.
final case class ErrorResponseConfig(
withErrorBody: Boolean = false,
withStackTrace: Boolean = false,
maxStackTraceDepth: Int = 10,
errorFormat: ErrorResponseConfig.ErrorFormat = ErrorResponseConfig.ErrorFormat.Html,
object ErrorResponseConfig {
sealed trait ErrorFormat { val mediaType: MediaType }
object ErrorFormat {
case object Text extends ErrorFormat { val mediaType: MediaType = MediaType.text.`plain` }
case object Html extends ErrorFormat { val mediaType: MediaType = MediaType.text.html }
case object Json extends ErrorFormat { val mediaType: MediaType = MediaType.application.json }
val default: ErrorResponseConfig = ErrorResponseConfig()
val debugConfig: ErrorResponseConfig =
ErrorResponseConfig(withErrorBody = true, withStackTrace = true, maxStackTraceDepth = 0)
private[http] val configRef: FiberRef[ErrorResponseConfig] =
val debug: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
def withConfig(config: ErrorResponseConfig): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
def setConfig(config: ErrorResponseConfig): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
ZIO.withFiberRuntime[Any, Nothing, Unit] { (state, _) =>
val existing = state.getFiberRef(configRef)
if (existing != config) state.setFiberRef(configRef, config)
def configLayer(config: ErrorResponseConfig): ULayer[Unit] =