zio.http.HandlerPlatformSpecific.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.http
import java.io.{File, FileNotFoundException}
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.zip.ZipFile
import zio.{Trace, ZIO}
import zio.stream.ZStream
trait HandlerPlatformSpecific {
self: Handler.type =>
* Creates a handler from a resource path
def fromResource(path: String, charset: Charset = Charsets.Utf8)(implicit
trace: Trace,
): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, Response] =
Handler.fromZIO {
.map { resource =>
if (resource == null) Handler.fail(new FileNotFoundException(s"Resource $path not found"))
else fromResourceWithURL(resource, charset)
private[zio] def fromResourceWithURL(
url: java.net.URL,
charset: Charset,
)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, Response] = {
url.getProtocol match {
case "file" => Handler.fromFile(new File(url.getPath), charset)
case "jar" =>
val path = new java.net.URI(url.getPath).getPath // remove "file:" prefix and normalize whitespace
val bangIndex = path.indexOf('!')
val filePath = path.substring(0, bangIndex)
val resourcePath = path.substring(bangIndex + 2)
val mediaType = determineMediaType(resourcePath)
val openZip = ZIO.attemptBlockingIO(new ZipFile(filePath))
val closeZip = (jar: ZipFile) => ZIO.attemptBlocking(jar.close()).ignoreLogged
def fileNotFound = new FileNotFoundException(s"Resource $resourcePath not found")
def isDirectory = new IllegalArgumentException(s"Resource $resourcePath is a directory")
Handler.fromZIO {
.acquireReleaseWith(openZip)(closeZip) { jar =>
for {
entry <- ZIO
.collect(fileNotFound) { case Some(e) => e }
_ <- ZIO.when(entry.isDirectory)(ZIO.fail(isDirectory))
contentLength = entry.getSize
inZStream = ZStream
.mapZIO(jar => ZIO.attemptBlocking(jar.getEntry(resourcePath) -> jar))
.flatMap { case (entry, jar) => ZStream.fromInputStream(jar.getInputStream(entry)) }
response = Response(body = Body.fromStream(inZStream, contentLength))
} yield mediaType.fold(response) { t =>
val charset0 = if (t.mainType == "text" || !t.binary) Some(charset) else None
.addHeader(Header.ContentType(t, charset = charset0))
case proto =>
Handler.fail(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported protocol: $proto"))
* Attempts to retrieve files from the classpath.
def getResource(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, java.net.URL] =
.flatMap { resource =>
if (resource == null) Handler.fail(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Resource $path not found"))
else Handler.succeed(resource)
* Attempts to retrieve files from the classpath.
def getResourceAsFile(path: String)(implicit trace: Trace): Handler[Any, Throwable, Any, File] =
getResource(path).map(url => new File(url.getPath))