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* Copyright 2021 - 2023 Sporta Technologies PVT LTD & the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http
import zio._
import zio.http.internal.{HeaderOps, QueryOps}
final case class Request(
version: Version = Version.Default,
method: Method = Method.ANY,
url: URL = URL.empty,
headers: Headers = Headers.empty,
body: Body = Body.empty,
remoteAddress: Option[InetAddress] = None,
remoteCertificate: Option[Certificate] = None,
) extends HeaderOps[Request]
with QueryOps[Request] { self =>
* A right-biased way of combining two requests. Most information will be
* merged, but in cases where this does not make sense (e.g. two non-empty
* bodies), the information from the right request will be used.
def ++(that: Request): Request =
self.version ++ that.version,
self.method ++ that.method,
self.url ++ that.url,
self.headers ++ that.headers,
self.body ++ that.body,
/** Custom headers and headers required by the used Body */
val allHeaders: Headers = {
body.mediaType match {
case Some(mediaType) =>
headers ++ Headers(Header.ContentType(mediaType, body.boundary))
case None =>
def addLeadingSlash: Request = self.copy(url = url.addLeadingSlash)
* Add trailing slash to the path.
def addTrailingSlash: Request = self.copy(url = self.url.addTrailingSlash)
* Collects the potentially streaming body of the response into a single
* chunk.
* Any errors that occur from the collection of the body will be caught and
* propagated to the Body
def collect(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Request] = { b =>
if (b eq self.body) self
else self.copy(body = b)
def dropLeadingSlash: Request = updateURL(_.dropLeadingSlash)
* Drops trailing slash from the path.
def dropTrailingSlash: Request = updateURL(_.dropTrailingSlash)
* Consumes the streaming body fully and then discards it while also ignoring
* any failures
def ignoreBody(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Request] = {
val out = self.copy(body = Body.empty)
val body0 = self.body
if (body0.isComplete) Exit.succeed(out)
def patch(p: Request.Patch): Request =
self.copy(headers = self.headers ++ p.addHeaders, url = self.url.addQueryParams(p.addQueryParams))
def path: Path = url.path
def path(path: Path): Request = updateURL(_.path(path))
override def queryParameters: QueryParams =
* Updates the headers using the provided function
override def updateHeaders(update: Headers => Headers)(implicit trace: Trace): Request =
self.copy(headers = update(self.headers))
override def updateQueryParams(f: QueryParams => QueryParams): Request =
copy(url = url.updateQueryParams(f))
def updateURL(f: URL => URL): Request = copy(url = f(url))
def updatePath(f: Path => Path): Request = copy(url = url.copy(path = f(path)))
* Unnests the request by the specified prefix. If the request URL is not
* nested at the specified path, then this has no effect on the URL.
def unnest(prefix: Path): Request =
copy(url = self.url.copy(path = self.url.path.unnest(prefix)))
* Returns a request with a body derived from the current body.
def updateBody(f: Body => Body): Request = self.copy(body = f(body))
* Returns a request with a body derived from the current body in an effectful
* way.
def updateBodyZIO[R, E](f: Body => ZIO[R, E, Body]): ZIO[R, E, Request] = f(body).map(withBody)
* Returns a request with the specified body.
def withBody(body: Body): Request = self.copy(body = body)
* Returns the cookie with the given name if it exists.
def cookie(name: String): Option[Cookie] =
cookies.find( == name)
* Uses the cookie with the given name if it exists and runs `f` with the
* cookie afterwards.
def cookieWithZIO[R, A](name: String)(f: Cookie => ZIO[R, Throwable, A])(implicit
trace: Trace,
): ZIO[R, Throwable, A] =
cookieWithOrFailImpl[R, Throwable, A](name)(new java.util.NoSuchElementException(s"cookie doesn't exist: $name"))(f)
* Uses the cookie with the given name if it exists and runs `f` with the
* cookie afterwards.
* Also, you can set a custom failure value from a missing cookie with `E`.
def cookieWithOrFail[R, E, A](name: String)(missingCookieError: E)(f: Cookie => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit
trace: Trace,
): ZIO[R, E, A] =
private def cookieWithOrFailImpl[R, E, A](name: String)(e: E)(f: Cookie => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit
trace: Trace,
): ZIO[R, E, A] = {
cookie(name) match {
case Some(value) => f(value)
case None =>
* Returns all cookies from the request.
def cookies: Chunk[Cookie] =
* Returns an `A` if it exists from the cookie-based flash-scope.
def flash[A](flash: Flash[A]): Option[A] =, self).toOption
object Request {
final case class Patch(addHeaders: Headers, addQueryParams: QueryParams) { self =>
def ++(that: Patch): Patch =
Patch(self.addHeaders ++ that.addHeaders, self.addQueryParams ++ that.addQueryParams)
def delete(path: String): Request = Request(method = Method.DELETE, url = pathOrUrl(path))
def delete(url: URL): Request = Request(method = Method.DELETE, url = url)
def get(path: String): Request = Request(method = Method.GET, url = pathOrUrl(path))
def get(url: URL): Request = Request(method = Method.GET, url = url)
def head(path: String): Request = Request(method = Method.HEAD, url = pathOrUrl(path))
def head(url: URL): Request = Request(method = Method.HEAD, url = url)
def options(path: String): Request = Request(method = Method.OPTIONS, url = pathOrUrl(path))
def options(url: URL): Request = Request(method = Method.OPTIONS, url = url)
def patch(path: String, body: Body): Request = Request(method = Method.PATCH, url = pathOrUrl(path), body = body)
def patch(url: URL, body: Body): Request = Request(method = Method.PATCH, url = url, body = body)
def post(path: String, body: Body): Request = Request(method = Method.POST, url = pathOrUrl(path), body = body)
def post(url: URL, body: Body): Request = Request(method = Method.POST, url = url, body = body)
def put(path: String, body: Body): Request = Request(method = Method.PUT, url = pathOrUrl(path), body = body)
def put(url: URL, body: Body): Request = Request(method = Method.PUT, url = url, body = body)
* Convenience function that detects and handles cases when an absolute URL
* was passed in the path variant of the request constructors
private def pathOrUrl(path: String): URL =
if (path.startsWith("http://") || path.startsWith("https://")) {
} else {
object Patch {
val empty: Patch = Patch(Headers.empty, QueryParams.empty)