zio.http.HandlerAspect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2023 the ZIO HTTP contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.http
import java.nio.charset._
import zio._
import zio.metrics._
* A [[zio.http.HandlerAspect]] is a kind of [[zio.http.ProtocolStack]] that is
* specialized to transform a handler's incoming requests and outgoing
* responses. Each layer in the stack corresponds to a separate transformation.
* Layers may incorporate layer-specific information into a generic type
* parameter, referred to as middleware context, which composes using tupling.
* Layers may also be stateful at the level of each transformation application.
* So, for example, a layer that is timing request durations may capture the
* start time of the request in the incoming interceptor, and pass this state to
* the outgoing interceptor, which can then compute the duration.
* [[zio.http.HandlerAspect]] is more than just a wrapper around
* [[zio.http.ProtocolStack]], as its concatenation operator has been
* specialized to entuple contexts, so that each layer may only add context to
* the contextual output.
final case class HandlerAspect[-Env, +CtxOut](
protocol: ProtocolStack[
(Request, CtxOut),
) extends Middleware[Env] { self =>
* Combines this middleware with the specified middleware sequentially, such
* that this middleware will be applied first on incoming requests, and last
* on outgoing responses, and the specified middleware will be applied last on
* incoming requests, and first on outgoing responses. Context from both
* middleware will be combined using tuples.
def ++[Env1 <: Env, CtxOut2](
that: HandlerAspect[Env1, CtxOut2],
)(implicit zippable: Zippable[CtxOut, CtxOut2]): HandlerAspect[Env1, zippable.Out] =
HandlerAspect {
val combiner: ProtocolStack[Env1, (Request, CtxOut), (Request, zippable.Out), Response, Response] =
(Request, CtxOut),
(Request, zippable.Out),
Handler.fromFunctionZIO[(Request, CtxOut)] { tuple =>
that.protocol.incoming(tuple._1).map { case (state, (request, env)) =>
(state, (request, zippable.zip(tuple._2, env)))
Handler.fromFunctionZIO[(that.protocol.State, Response)] { case (state, either) =>
that.protocol.outgoing(state, either)
self.protocol ++ combiner
* Applies middleware to the specified handler, which may ignore the context
* produced by this middleware.
override def apply[Env1 <: Env, Err](
routes: Routes[Env1, Err],
): Routes[Env1, Err] =
routes.transform[Env1] { handler =>
if (self == HandlerAspect.identity) handler
else {
for {
tuple <- protocol.incomingHandler
(state, (request, ctxOut)) = tuple
either <- Handler.fromZIO(handler(request)).either
response <- Handler.fromZIO(protocol.outgoingHandler((state, either.merge)))
response <- if (either.isLeft) Handler.fail(response) else Handler.succeed(response)
} yield response
* Applies middleware to the specified handler, which must process the context
* produced by this middleware.
def applyHandlerContext[Env1 <: Env](
handler: Handler[Env1, Response, (CtxOut, Request), Response],
): Handler[Env1, Response, Request, Response] = {
if (self == HandlerAspect.identity) handler.contramap[Request](req => (().asInstanceOf[CtxOut], req))
else {
for {
tuple <- protocol.incomingHandler
(state, (request, ctxOut)) = tuple
either <- Handler.fromZIO(handler((ctxOut, request))).either
response <- Handler.fromZIO(protocol.outgoingHandler((state, either.merge)))
response <- if (either.isLeft) Handler.fail(response) else Handler.succeed(response)
} yield response
def applyHandler[Env1 <: Env](handler: RequestHandler[Env1, Response]): RequestHandler[Env1, Response] =
if (self == HandlerAspect.identity) handler
else {
for {
tuple <- protocol.incomingHandler
(state, (request, ctxOut)) = tuple
either <- Handler.fromZIO(handler(request)).either
response <- Handler.fromZIO(protocol.outgoingHandler((state, either.merge)))
response <- if (either.isLeft) Handler.fail(response) else Handler.succeed(response)
} yield response
* Returns new middleware that transforms the context of the middleware to the
* specified constant.
def as[CtxOut2](ctxOut2: => CtxOut2): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut2] =
map(_ => ctxOut2)
* Returns new middleware that transforms the context of the middleware using
* the specified function.
def map[CtxOut2](f: CtxOut => CtxOut2): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut2] =
HandlerAspect(protocol.mapIncoming { case (request, ctx) => (request, f(ctx)) })
* Returns new middleware that fully provides the specified environment to
* this middleware, resulting in middleware that has no contextual
* dependencies.
def provideEnvironment(env: ZEnvironment[Env]): HandlerAspect[Any, CtxOut] =
* Returns new middleware that produces the unit value as its context.
def unit: HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] = as(())
* Conditionally applies this middleware to the specified handler, based on
* the result of the predicate applied to the incoming request's headers.
def whenHeader(condition: Headers => Boolean): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
* Conditionally applies this middleware to the specified handler, based on
* the result of the predicate applied to the incoming request.
def when(condition: Request => Boolean): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
* Conditionally applies this middleware to the specified handler, based on
* the result of the effectful predicate applied to the incoming request.
def whenZIO[Env1 <: Env](condition: Request => ZIO[Env1, Response, Boolean]): HandlerAspect[Env1, Unit] =
object HandlerAspect extends HandlerAspects {
final class InterceptPatch[State](val fromRequest: Request => State) extends AnyVal {
def apply(result: (Response, State) => Response.Patch): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
Handler.fromFunction[Request] { request =>
val state = fromRequest(request)
(state, (request, ()))
Handler.fromFunction[(State, Response)] { case (state, response) => response.patch(result(response, state)) },
final class InterceptPatchZIO[Env, State](val fromRequest: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, State]) extends AnyVal {
def apply(result: (Response, State) => ZIO[Env, Response, Response.Patch]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { request =>
fromRequest(request).map((_, (request, ())))
Handler.fromFunctionZIO[(State, Response)] { case (state, response) =>
result(response, state).map(response.patch(_)).merge
final class Allow(val unit: Unit) extends AnyVal {
def apply(condition: Request => Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
HandlerAspect.ifRequestThenElse(condition)(ifFalse = fail(Response.status(Status.Forbidden)), ifTrue = identity)
final class AllowZIO(val unit: Unit) extends AnyVal {
def apply[Env](
condition: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
ifFalse = fail(Response.status(Status.Forbidden)),
ifTrue = identity,
private[http] trait HandlerAspects extends zio.http.internal.HeaderModifier[HandlerAspect[Any, Unit]] {
* Sets a cookie in the response headers
def addCookie(cookie: Cookie.Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
* Sets an effectfully created cookie in the response headers.
def addCookieZIO[Env](cookie: ZIO[Env, Nothing, Cookie.Response])(implicit
trace: Trace,
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
updateResponseZIO(response => cookie.map(response.addCookie))
* Creates a middleware which can allow or disallow access to an http based on
* the predicate
def allow: HandlerAspect.Allow = new HandlerAspect.Allow(())
* Creates a middleware which can allow or disallow access to an http based on
* the effectful predicate.
def allowZIO: HandlerAspect.AllowZIO = new HandlerAspect.AllowZIO(())
* Creates a middleware for basic authentication
def basicAuth(f: Credentials => Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
_.header(Header.Authorization) match {
case Some(Header.Authorization.Basic(userName, password)) =>
f(Credentials(userName, password))
case _ => false
* Creates a middleware for basic authentication that checks if the
* credentials are same as the ones given
def basicAuth(u: String, p: String): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
basicAuth { credentials =>
val passwd = zio.Config.Secret(p)
val dummy = zio.Config.Secret(if (p.isEmpty) "a" else "")
def userComparison = zio.Config.Secret(credentials.uname) == zio.Config.Secret(u)
def passwdComparison = credentials.upassword == passwd
def dummyComparison =
passwd == dummy // comparison to make the password comparison run regardless of the userComparison
if (userComparison) passwdComparison else dummyComparison
* Creates a middleware for basic authentication using an effectful
* verification function
def basicAuthZIO[Env](f: Credentials => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(implicit
trace: Trace,
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
_.header(Header.Authorization) match {
case Some(Header.Authorization.Basic(userName, password)) =>
f(Credentials(userName, password))
case _ => ZIO.succeed(false)
* Creates a middleware for bearer authentication that checks the token using
* the given function
* @param f:
* function that validates the token string inside the Bearer Header
def bearerAuth(f: zio.Config.Secret => Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
_.header(Header.Authorization) match {
case Some(Header.Authorization.Bearer(token)) => f(token)
case _ => false
Headers(Header.WWWAuthenticate.Bearer(realm = "Access")),
* Creates a middleware for bearer authentication that checks the token using
* the given effectful function
* @param f:
* function that effectfully validates the token string inside the Bearer
* Header
def bearerAuthZIO[Env](
f: zio.Config.Secret => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean],
)(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
_.header(Header.Authorization) match {
case Some(Header.Authorization.Bearer(token)) => f(token)
case _ => ZIO.succeed(false)
Headers(Header.WWWAuthenticate.Bearer(realm = "Access")),
* Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated
* requests to be passed on to the app.
def customAuth(
verify: Request => Boolean,
responseHeaders: Headers = Headers.empty,
responseStatus: Status = Status.Unauthorized,
): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
HandlerAspect.interceptIncomingHandler[Any, Unit] {
Handler.fromFunctionExit[Request] { request =>
if (verify(request)) Exit.succeed((request, ()))
else Exit.fail(Response.status(responseStatus).addHeaders(responseHeaders))
* Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated
* requests to be passed on to the app, and provides a context to the request
* handlers.
final def customAuthProviding[Context](
provide: Request => Option[Context],
responseHeaders: Headers = Headers.empty,
responseStatus: Status = Status.Unauthorized,
): HandlerAspect[Any, Context] =
customAuthProvidingZIO((request: Request) => Exit.succeed(provide(request)), responseHeaders, responseStatus)
* Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated
* requests to be passed on to the app, and provides a context to the request
* handlers.
def customAuthProvidingZIO[Env, Context](
provide: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Option[Context]],
responseHeaders: Headers = Headers.empty,
responseStatus: Status = Status.Unauthorized,
): HandlerAspect[Env, Context] =
HandlerAspect.interceptIncomingHandler[Env, Context](
Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { req =>
provide(req).flatMap {
case Some(context) => ZIO.succeed((req, context))
case None => ZIO.fail(Response.status(responseStatus).addHeaders(responseHeaders))
* Creates an authentication middleware that only allows authenticated
* requests to be passed on to the app using an effectful verification
* function.
def customAuthZIO[Env](
verify: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean],
responseHeaders: Headers = Headers.empty,
responseStatus: Status = Status.Unauthorized,
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
HandlerAspect.interceptIncomingHandler[Env, Unit](Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { request =>
verify(request).flatMap {
case true => ZIO.succeed((request, ()))
case false => ZIO.fail(Response.status(responseStatus).addHeaders(responseHeaders))
* Creates middleware that debugs request and response.
def debug: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
HandlerAspect.interceptHandlerStateful(Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { request =>
zio.Clock.instant.map(now => ((now, request), (request, ())))
})(Handler.fromFunctionZIO[((java.time.Instant, Request), Response)] { case ((start, request), response) =>
zio.Clock.instant.flatMap { end =>
val duration = java.time.Duration.between(start, end)
.printLine(s"${response.status.code} ${request.method} ${request.url.encode} ${duration.toMillis}ms")
* Creates middleware that drops trailing slashes from the request URL.
def dropTrailingSlash: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
dropTrailingSlash(onlyIfNoQueryParams = false)
* Creates middleware that drops trailing slashes from the request URL.
def dropTrailingSlash(onlyIfNoQueryParams: Boolean): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
updateRequest { request =>
if (!onlyIfNoQueryParams || request.url.queryParams.isEmpty) request.dropTrailingSlash else request
* Creates middleware that aborts the request with the specified response. No
* downstream middleware will be invoked.
def fail(
response: Response,
): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
* Creates middleware that aborts the request with the specified response. No
* downstream middleware will be invoked.
def failWith(f: Request => Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
ProtocolStack.interceptHandler(Handler.fromFunctionExit[Request](in => Exit.fail(f(in))))(Handler.identity),
* The identity middleware, which has no effect on request or response.
val identity: HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
interceptHandler[Any, Unit](Handler.identity[Request].map((_, ())))(Handler.identity)
* Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and
* another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming
* request's headers.
def ifHeaderThenElse[Env, Ctx](
condition: Headers => Boolean,
ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx],
ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx] =
ifRequestThenElse(request => condition(request.headers))(ifTrue, ifFalse)
* Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and
* another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming
* request's method.
def ifMethodThenElse[Env, Ctx](
condition: Method => Boolean,
ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx],
ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Ctx] =
ifRequestThenElse(request => condition(request.method))(ifTrue, ifFalse)
* Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and
* another based on the result of the predicate, applied to the incoming
* request.
def ifRequestThenElse[Env, CtxOut](
predicate: Request => Boolean,
ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut],
ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut],
): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut] = {
val ifTrue2 = ifTrue.protocol
val ifFalse2 = ifFalse.protocol
HandlerAspect(ProtocolStack.cond[Request](req => predicate(req))(ifTrue2, ifFalse2))
* Creates conditional middleware that switches between one middleware and
* another based on the result of the predicate, effectfully applied to the
* incoming request.
def ifRequestThenElseZIO[Env, CtxOut](
predicate: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean],
ifTrue: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut],
ifFalse: HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut],
): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut] = {
val ifTrue2 = ifTrue.protocol
val ifFalse2 = ifFalse.protocol
HandlerAspect(ProtocolStack.condZIO[Request](req => predicate(req))(ifTrue2, ifFalse2))
* Creates middleware that modifies the response, potentially using the
* request.
def intercept(
fromRequestAndResponse: (Request, Response) => Response,
): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
interceptHandlerStateful(Handler.identity[Request].map(req => (req, (req, ()))))(
Handler.fromFunction[(Request, Response)] { case (req, res) => fromRequestAndResponse(req, res) },
* Creates middleware that will apply the specified stateless handlers to
* incoming and outgoing requests. If the incoming handler fails, then the
* outgoing handler will not be invoked.
def interceptHandler[Env, CtxOut](
incoming0: Handler[Env, Response, Request, (Request, CtxOut)],
outgoing0: Handler[Env, Nothing, Response, Response],
): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut] =
HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut](ProtocolStack.interceptHandler(incoming0)(outgoing0))
* Creates middleware that will apply the specified stateful handlers to
* incoming and outgoing requests. If the incoming handler fails, then the
* outgoing handler will not be invoked.
def interceptHandlerStateful[Env, State0, CtxOut](
incoming0: Handler[
(State0, (Request, CtxOut)),
outgoing0: Handler[Env, Nothing, (State0, Response), Response],
): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut] =
HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut](ProtocolStack.interceptHandlerStateful(incoming0)(outgoing0))
* Creates middleware that will apply the specified handler to incoming
* requests.
def interceptIncomingHandler[Env, CtxOut](
handler: Handler[Env, Response, Request, (Request, CtxOut)],
): HandlerAspect[Env, CtxOut] =
* Creates middleware that will apply the specified handler to outgoing
* responses.
def interceptOutgoingHandler[Env](
handler: Handler[Env, Nothing, Response, Response],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
interceptHandler[Env, Unit](Handler.identity[Request].map((_, ())))(handler)
* Creates a new middleware using transformation functions
def interceptPatch[S](fromRequest: Request => S): HandlerAspect.InterceptPatch[S] =
new HandlerAspect.InterceptPatch[S](fromRequest)
* Creates a new middleware using effectful transformation functions
def interceptPatchZIO[Env, S](
fromRequest: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, S],
): HandlerAspect.InterceptPatchZIO[Env, S] =
new HandlerAspect.InterceptPatchZIO[Env, S](fromRequest)
* Creates a middleware that produces a Patch for the Response
def patch(f: Response => Response.Patch): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
interceptPatch(_ => ())((response, _) => f(response))
* Creates a middleware that produces a Patch for the Response effectfully.
def patchZIO[Env](f: Response => ZIO[Env, Response, Response.Patch]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
interceptPatchZIO[Env, Unit](_ => ZIO.unit)((response, _) => f(response))
* Creates a middleware that will redirect requests to the specified URL.
def redirect(url: URL, isPermanent: Boolean = false): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
fail(Response.redirect(url, isPermanent))
* Creates middleware that will redirect requests with trailing slash to the
* same path without trailing slash.
def redirectTrailingSlash(
isPermanent: Boolean = false,
): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
ifRequestThenElse(request => request.url.path.hasTrailingSlash && request.url.queryParams.isEmpty)(
ifTrue = updatePath(_.dropTrailingSlash) ++ failWith(request => Response.redirect(request.url, isPermanent)),
ifFalse = HandlerAspect.identity,
* Creates middleware that will perform request logging.
def requestLogging(
level: Status => LogLevel = (_: Status) => LogLevel.Info,
loggedRequestHeaders: Set[Header.HeaderType] = Set.empty,
loggedResponseHeaders: Set[Header.HeaderType] = Set.empty,
logRequestBody: Boolean = false,
logResponseBody: Boolean = false,
requestCharset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8,
responseCharset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8,
)(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] = {
val loggedRequestHeaderNames = loggedRequestHeaders.map(_.name.toLowerCase)
val loggedResponseHeaderNames = loggedResponseHeaders.map(_.name.toLowerCase)
HandlerAspect.interceptHandlerStateful(Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { request =>
zio.Clock.instant.map(now => ((now, request), (request, ())))
Handler.fromFunctionZIO[((java.time.Instant, Request), Response)] { case ((start, request), response) =>
zio.Clock.instant.flatMap { end =>
val duration = java.time.Duration.between(start, end)
.logLevel(level(response.status)) {
def requestHeaders =
request.headers.collect {
case header: Header if loggedRequestHeaderNames.contains(header.headerName.toLowerCase) =>
LogAnnotation(header.headerName, header.renderedValue)
def responseHeaders =
response.headers.collect {
case header: Header if loggedResponseHeaderNames.contains(header.headerName.toLowerCase) =>
LogAnnotation(header.headerName, header.renderedValue)
val requestBody = if (request.body.isComplete) request.body.asChunk.option else ZIO.none
val responseBody = if (response.body.isComplete) response.body.asChunk.option else ZIO.none
requestBody.flatMap { requestBodyChunk =>
responseBody.flatMap { responseBodyChunk =>
val bodyAnnotations = Set(
requestBodyChunk.map(chunk => LogAnnotation("request_size", chunk.size.toString)),
requestBodyChunk.flatMap(chunk =>
if (logRequestBody)
Some(LogAnnotation("request", new String(chunk.toArray, requestCharset)))
else None,
responseBodyChunk.map(chunk => LogAnnotation("response_size", chunk.size.toString)),
responseBodyChunk.flatMap(chunk =>
if (logResponseBody)
Some(LogAnnotation("response", new String(chunk.toArray, responseCharset)))
else None,
LogAnnotation("status_code", response.status.text),
LogAnnotation("method", request.method.toString()),
LogAnnotation("url", request.url.encode),
LogAnnotation("duration_ms", duration.toMillis.toString),
) union
requestHeaders union
responseHeaders union
) {
ZIO.log("Http request served").as(response)
* Creates middleware that will run the specified effect after every request.
def runAfter[Env](effect: ZIO[Env, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
updateResponseZIO(response => effect.as(response))
* Creates middleware that will run the specified effect before every request.
def runBefore[Env](effect: ZIO[Env, Nothing, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
updateRequestZIO(request => effect.as(request))
* Creates a middleware for signing cookies
def signCookies(secret: String): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
updateHeaders { headers =>
headers.modify {
case Header.SetCookie(cookie) =>
case header @ Header.Custom(name, value) if name.toString == Header.SetCookie.name =>
Header.SetCookie.parse(value.toString) match {
case Left(_) => header
case Right(responseCookie) => Header.SetCookie(responseCookie.value.sign(secret))
case header: Header => header
* Creates middleware that will update the status of the response.
def status(status: Status): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
patch(_ => Response.Patch.status(status))
* Creates middleware that will update the headers of the response.
override def updateHeaders(update: Headers => Headers)(implicit trace: Trace): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
* Creates middleware that will update the method of the request.
def updateMethod(update: Method => Method): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
updateRequest(request => request.copy(method = update(request.method)))
* Creates middleware that will update the path of the request.
def updatePath(update: Path => Path): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
updateRequest(request => request.copy(url = request.url.copy(path = update(request.url.path))))
* Creates middleware that will update the request.
def updateRequest(update: Request => Request): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
HandlerAspect.interceptIncomingHandler {
Handler.fromFunction[Request] { request =>
(update(request), ())
* Creates middleware that will update the request effectfully.
def updateRequestZIO[Env](update: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Request]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
HandlerAspect.interceptIncomingHandler {
Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request] { request =>
update(request).map((_, ()))
* Creates middleware that will update the response.
def updateResponse(update: Response => Response): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
* Creates middleware that will update the response effectfully.
def updateResponseZIO[Env](update: Response => ZIO[Env, Nothing, Response]): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
* Creates middleware that will update the URL of the request.
def updateURL(update: URL => URL): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
updateRequest(request => request.copy(url = update(request.url)))
* Applies the middleware only when the header-based condition evaluates to
* true.
def whenHeader[Env](condition: Headers => Boolean)(
middleware: HandlerAspect[Env, Unit],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
ifHeaderThenElse(condition)(ifFalse = identity, ifTrue = middleware)
* Applies the middleware only if the condition function evaluates to true
def whenResponse(condition: Response => Boolean)(
f: Response => Response,
): HandlerAspect[Any, Unit] =
ProtocolStack.interceptHandler(Handler.identity[Request].map((_, ())))(Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Response] {
response =>
if (condition(response)) ZIO.succeed(f(response)) else ZIO.succeed(response)
* Applies the middleware only if the condition function effectfully evaluates
* to true
def whenResponseZIO[Env](condition: Response => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(
f: Response => ZIO[Env, Response, Response],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
ProtocolStack.interceptHandler[Env, Request, (Request, Unit), Response, Response](
Handler.identity[Request].map((_, ())),
)(Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Response] { response =>
.flatMap[Env, Response, Response](bool => if (bool) f(response) else ZIO.succeed(response))
* Applies the middleware only if the condition function evaluates to true
def when[Env](condition: Request => Boolean)(
middleware: HandlerAspect[Env, Unit],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
ifRequestThenElse(condition)(ifFalse = identity, ifTrue = middleware)
* Applies the middleware only if the condition function effectfully evaluates
* to true
def whenZIO[Env](condition: Request => ZIO[Env, Response, Boolean])(
middleware: HandlerAspect[Env, Unit],
): HandlerAspect[Env, Unit] =
ifRequestThenElseZIO(condition)(ifFalse = identity, ifTrue = middleware)
private[http] val defaultBoundaries = MetricKeyType.Histogram.Boundaries.fromChunk(
.005, .01, .025, .05, .075, .1, .25, .5, .75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10,