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zio.http.codec.RichTextCodec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2021 - 2023 Sporta Technologies PVT LTD & the ZIO HTTP contributors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package zio.http.codec

import java.lang.Integer.parseInt

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable

import zio.{Chunk, NonEmptyChunk}

 * A `RichTextCodec` is a more compositional version of `TextCodec`, which has
 * similar power to traditional parser combinators / pretty printers. Although
 * slower than the simpler text codecs, they can be utilized to parse structured
 * information in HTTP headers, which in turn allows generating much better
 * error messages and documentation than otherwise possible.
sealed abstract class RichTextCodec[A] { self =>

  final def string(implicit ev: A =:= Chunk[Char]): RichTextCodec[String] =
      .transform { c =>
        val builder = new StringBuilder(c.length)
        val iter    = c.chunkIterator
        var i       = 0
        while (iter.hasNextAt(i)) {
          builder += iter.nextAt(i)
          i += 1
      }(a => Chunk.fromArray(a.toCharArray))

   * Returns a new codec that is the sequential composition of this codec and
   * the specified codec, but which only produces the value of this codec.
  final def <~(that: => RichTextCodec[Unit]): RichTextCodec[A] =
    self ~ that

   * Returns a new codec that is the sequential composition of this codec and
   * the specified codec, but which only produces the value of that codec.
  final def ~>[B](that: => RichTextCodec[B])(implicit ev: A =:= Unit): RichTextCodec[B] =
    self.asType[Unit] ~ that

   * Returns a new codec that is the sequential composition of this codec and
   * the specified codec, producing the values of both as a tuple.
  final def ~[B](that: => RichTextCodec[B])(implicit combiner: Combiner[A, B]): RichTextCodec[combiner.Out] =
    RichTextCodec.Zip(self, RichTextCodec.defer(that), combiner)

   * Returns a new codec that is the fallback composition of this codec and the
   * specified codec, preferring this codec, but falling back to the specified
   * codec in the event of failure.
  final def |[B](that: => RichTextCodec[B]): RichTextCodec[Either[A, B]] =
    RichTextCodec.Alt(self, RichTextCodec.defer(that))

   * Tranforms this constant unit codec to a constant codec of another type.
  final def as[B](b: => B)(implicit ev: A =:= Unit): RichTextCodec[B] =
    self.asType[Unit].transform(_ => b)(_ => ())

  final def asType[B](implicit ev: A =:= B): RichTextCodec[B] =

  final def collectOrFail(failure: String)(pf: PartialFunction[A, A]): RichTextCodec[A] = {
    val lifted = pf.lift

  final def decode(value: CharSequence): Either[String, A] =
    RichTextCodec.parse(value, self, new RichTextCodec.ParserIndex)

   * Constructs documentation for this rich text codec.
  final def describe: Doc = Doc.p(Doc.Span.code(RichTextCodec.describe(self)))

   * Tags the codec with a label used in the documentation
  final def ??(label: String): RichTextCodec.Tagged[A]     = tagged(label)
  final def tagged(label: String): RichTextCodec.Tagged[A] = RichTextCodec.Tagged(label, self)

   * Tags the codec with a label used in the documentation. The label will be
   * used but not explained
  final def ?!(label: String): RichTextCodec.Tagged[A]                = taggedUnexplained(label)
  final def taggedUnexplained(label: String): RichTextCodec.Tagged[A] =
    RichTextCodec.Tagged(label, self, descriptionNotNeeded = true)

   * Encodes a value into a string, or if this is not possible, fails with an
   * error message.
  final def encode(value: A): Either[String, String] = RichTextCodec.encode(value, self)

   * This method is Right biased merge
  final def merge[B](implicit ev: A <:< Either[B, B]): RichTextCodec[B] = {
    val codec = self.asInstanceOf[RichTextCodec[Either[B, B]]]

  final def optional(default: A): RichTextCodec[Option[A]] =
    self.transform[Option[A]](a => Some(a))(_.fold(default)(identity))

  final lazy val repeat: RichTextCodec[Chunk[A]] =

  final def singleton: RichTextCodec[NonEmptyChunk[A]] =
    self.transform(a => NonEmptyChunk.single(a))(_.head)

  final def transform[B](f: A => B)(g: B => A): RichTextCodec[B] =
    self.transformOrFail[B](a => Right(f(a)))(b => Right(g(b)))

  final def transformOrFail[B](f: A => Either[String, B])(g: B => Either[String, A]): RichTextCodec[B] =
    RichTextCodec.TransformOrFail(self, f, g)

  final def transformOrFailLeft[B](f: A => Either[String, B])(g: B => A): RichTextCodec[B] =
    self.transformOrFail[B](f)(b => Right(g(b)))

  final def transformOrFailRight[B](f: A => B)(g: B => Either[String, A]): RichTextCodec[B] =
    self.transformOrFail[B](a => Right(f(a)))(g)

   * Converts this codec of `A` into a codec of `Unit` by specifying a canonical
   * value to use when an HTTP client needs to generate a value for this codec.
  final def const(canonical: A): RichTextCodec[Unit] =
    self.transform[Unit](_ => ())(_ => canonical)

   * Attempts to validate a decoded value, or fails using the specified failure
   * message.
  final def validate(failure: String)(p: A => Boolean): RichTextCodec[A] =
    collectOrFail(failure) {
      case x if p(x) => x

  final def withError(errorMessage: String): RichTextCodec[A] =
    (self |[A](errorMessage)).merge

object RichTextCodec {
  private[codec] case object Empty                                                    extends RichTextCodec[Unit]
  private[codec] final case class CharIn(set: BitSet)                                 extends RichTextCodec[Char] {
    val errorMessage: Left[String, Nothing] =
      Left(s"Expected, but did not find: ${this.describe}")
  private[codec] final case class Repeated[A](codec: RichTextCodec[A])                extends RichTextCodec[Chunk[A]]
  private[codec] final case class TransformOrFail[A, B](
    codec: RichTextCodec[A],
    to: A => Either[String, B],
    from: B => Either[String, A],
  ) extends RichTextCodec[B]
  private[codec] final case class Alt[A, B](left: RichTextCodec[A], right: RichTextCodec[B])
      extends RichTextCodec[Either[A, B]]
  private[codec] final case class Lazy[A](private val codec0: () => RichTextCodec[A]) extends RichTextCodec[A]    {
    lazy val codec: RichTextCodec[A] = codec0()
  object Lazy {
    // Prevents us from accidentally extracting the codec function in pattern matching. However, compiling doesn't work
    // with Scala 2.12 when used this way so it's only defined just to be safe
    def unapply[A](l: Lazy[A]): Option[RichTextCodec[A]] = Some(l.codec)

  private[codec] final case class Zip[A, B, C](
    left: RichTextCodec[A],
    right: RichTextCodec[B],
    combiner: Combiner.WithOut[A, B, C],
  ) extends RichTextCodec[C]

  private[codec] final case class Tagged[A](
    name: String,
    codec: RichTextCodec[A],
    descriptionNotNeeded: Boolean = false,
  ) extends RichTextCodec[A]

   * Returns a lazy codec, which can be used to define recursive codecs.
  def defer[A](codec: => RichTextCodec[A]): RichTextCodec[A] =
    Lazy(() => codec)

   * A codec that describes a single specified character.
  def char(c: Char): RichTextCodec[Char] = CharIn(BitSet(c.toInt))

  def chars(cs: Char*): RichTextCodec[Char] =
    CharIn(BitSet( _*))

  def charsNot(cs: Char*): RichTextCodec[Char] =
    filter(c => !cs.contains(c))

   * A codec that describes a digit character.
  val digit: RichTextCodec[Int] =
    filter(c => c >= '0' && c <= '9').transform(c => parseInt(c.toString))(x => x.toString.head)

   * A codec that describes nothing at all. Such codecs successfully decode even
   * on empty input, and when encoded, do not produce any text output.
  val empty: RichTextCodec[Unit] = Empty

  def fail[A](message: String): RichTextCodec[A] =
    empty.transformOrFail(_ => Left(message))(_ => Left(message))

   * Defines a new codec for a single character based on the specified
   * predicate.
  def filter(pred: Char => Boolean): RichTextCodec[Char] =
    CharIn(BitSet((Char.MinValue to Char.MaxValue).filter(pred).map(_.toInt): _*))

  def filterOrFail(pred: Char => Boolean)(failure: String): RichTextCodec[Char] =
    filter(pred).collectOrFail(failure) { case c => c }

   * A codec that describes a letter character.
  val letter: RichTextCodec[Char] = filter(_.isLetter) ?! "letter"

  val string: RichTextCodec[String] = letter.repeat.string

   * A codec that describes a literal character sequence.
  def literal(lit: String): RichTextCodec[String] = {
    def loop(list: List[Char]): RichTextCodec[Unit] =
      list match {
        case head :: tail =>
          char(head).const(head) ~> loop(tail)
        case Nil          => empty


   * A codec that describes a literal character sequence, ignoring case.
  def literalCI(lit: String): RichTextCodec[String] = {
    def loop(list: List[Char]): RichTextCodec[Unit] =
      list match {
        case head :: tail =>
          CharIn(BitSet(head.toUpper.toInt, head.toLower.toInt)).const(head) ~> loop(tail)
        case Nil          => empty


   * A codec that describes any number of whitespace characters.
  lazy val whitespaces: RichTextCodec[Unit] =
    whitespaceChar.repeat.transform(_ => ())(_ => Chunk.empty)

   * A codec that describes a single whitespace character.
  lazy val whitespaceChar: RichTextCodec[Unit] = filter(_.isWhitespace).const(' ')

  private def describe[A](codec: RichTextCodec[A]): String = {

    sealed trait DocPart
    object DocPart {

      private val escapedChars: Map[Char, String] =
        "“”[]\\\"".map(c => c -> s"\\$c").toMap ++ Map(
          '\t' -> "\\t",
          '\b' -> "\\b",
          '\r' -> "\\r",
          '\n' -> "\\n",
          '\f' -> "\\f",

      object Empty                                       extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String = "«empty»"
      final case class Literal(ranges: List[CharRanges]) extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String = s"“${ranges.mkString}”"
      final case class Repeated(it: DocPart)             extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String = s"“$it”*"

      final case class CharRange(from: Char, to: Char) extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String = if (from == to) escapedChars.getOrElse(from, from.toString)
        else if (from + 1 == to)
          s"${escapedChars.getOrElse(from, from.toString)}${escapedChars.getOrElse(to, to.toString)}"
        else s"${escapedChars.getOrElse(from, from.toString)}-${escapedChars.getOrElse(to, to.toString)}"

      final case class CharRanges(ranges: List[CharRange]) extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String = ranges match {
          case CharRange(from, to) :: Nil if from == to => escapedChars.getOrElse(from, from.toString)
          case _                                        => s"[${}]"

      final case class Ref(name: String)              extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String = s"«$name»"
      final case class Sequence(parts: List[DocPart]) extends DocPart {

        override def toString: String =
            case a: Alternatives => s"($a)"
            case p               => p.toString
          }.mkString(" ")

      final case class Alternatives(parts: List[DocPart])    extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String =" | ")
      final case class Optional(it: DocPart)                 extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String =
          it match {
            case _: Alternatives | _: Sequence => s"($it)?"
            case _                             => s"$it?"
      final case class Defintion(name: String, doc: DocPart) extends DocPart {
        override def toString: String = s"«$name» ⩴ $doc"

    // Identifies cycles and names the anonymous cyclic ones
    def findCycles(
      seen: Set[RichTextCodec[_]],
      lastAnonymous: Int,
      tags: Map[RichTextCodec[_], Tagged[_]],
      codec: RichTextCodec[_],
    ): (Map[RichTextCodec[_], Tagged[_]], Int) = {
      if (seen(codec)) {
        (codec, tags.get(codec)) match {
          case (_, Some(_))            => (tags, lastAnonymous)
          case (Tagged(_, _, _), None) => (tags, lastAnonymous)
          case (_, None)               => (Map(codec -> Tagged(s"${lastAnonymous + 1}", codec)), lastAnonymous + 1)
      } else
        codec match {
          case Empty | CharIn(_)        => (tags, lastAnonymous)
          case TransformOrFail(c, _, _) =>
            val res = findCycles(seen + codec, lastAnonymous, tags, c)
            (res._1 ++ res._1.get(c).map(t => codec -> t), res._2)
          case Alt(left, right)         =>
            val lc = findCycles(seen + codec, lastAnonymous, tags, left)
            findCycles(seen + codec, lc._2, tags ++ lc._1, right)
          case l: Lazy[A @unchecked]    =>
            val res = findCycles(seen + codec, lastAnonymous, tags, l.codec)
            (res._1 ++ res._1.get(l.codec).map(t => codec -> t), res._2)
          case Zip(left, right, _)      =>
            val lc = findCycles(seen + codec, lastAnonymous, tags, left)
            findCycles(seen + codec, lc._2, tags ++ lc._1, right)
          case Repeated(codec0)         =>
            val res = findCycles(seen + codec, lastAnonymous, tags, codec0)
            (res._1 ++ res._1.get(codec0).map(t => codec -> t), res._2)
          case t @ Tagged(_, c, _)      =>
            @tailrec def addTag(
              tags: Map[RichTextCodec[_], Tagged[_]],
              c: RichTextCodec[_],
            ): Map[RichTextCodec[_], Tagged[_]] =
              c match {
                case l: Lazy[A @unchecked]        => addTag(tags + (c -> t), l.codec)
                case TransformOrFail(codec, _, _) => addTag(tags + (c -> t), codec)
                case _                            => tags + (c -> t)
            findCycles(seen + codec, lastAnonymous, addTag(tags, c), c)

    val (cycles, _) = findCycles(Set.empty, 0, Map.empty, codec)
    final case class PartialDescription(
      description: DocPart,
      taggedToDescribe: List[Tagged[_]] = Nil,

    def explain(tagged: Tagged[_], namesSeen: Set[String]): PartialDescription = {
      val pd = loop(tagged.codec, namesSeen +, tagged)
      pd.copy(description = DocPart.Defintion(, pd.description))

    def loop(
      codec: RichTextCodec[_],
      namesSeen: Set[String],
      explaining: RichTextCodec[_],
      seen: Boolean = false,
    ): PartialDescription = {

      cycles.get(codec) match {
        case Some(tagged) if explaining != tagged || seen => loop(tagged, namesSeen, explaining, seen)
        case _                                            =>
          codec match {
            case Empty       => PartialDescription(DocPart.Empty)
            case CharIn(set) =>
              val firstChunk = if (set('-')) Chunk[(Int, Int)](('-', '-')) else Chunk.empty[(Int, Int)]
              val tuple      = set.filterNot(_ == '-').foldLeft((firstChunk, (-1, -1))) { case ((acc, (min, max)), c) =>
                if (min == -1) (acc, (c, c))
                else if (c == max + 1) (acc, (min, c))
                else (acc :+ ((min, max)), (c, c))

              val finalElement = if (tuple._2 == ((-1, -1))) Chunk.empty else Chunk.single(tuple._2)

              val chunk: Chunk[DocPart.CharRange] = (tuple._1 ++ finalElement).map { case (min, max) =>
                DocPart.CharRange(min.toChar, max.toChar)

            case Alt(left, right)                                    =>
              val leftDescription  = loop(left, namesSeen, explaining, cycles.contains(left))
              val rightDescription =
                  namesSeen ++,
                (leftDescription.description, rightDescription.description) match {
                  case (DocPart.Empty, DocPart.Empty)                   => DocPart.Empty
                  case (DocPart.Empty, r @ DocPart.Optional(_))         => r
                  case (l @ DocPart.Optional(_), DocPart.Empty)         => l
                  case (DocPart.Empty, r: DocPart.CharRanges)           => DocPart.Optional(DocPart.Literal(List(r)))
                  case (DocPart.Empty, r)                               => DocPart.Optional(r)
                  case (l: DocPart.CharRanges, DocPart.Empty)           => DocPart.Optional(DocPart.Literal(List(l)))
                  case (DocPart.CharRanges(lr), DocPart.CharRanges(rr)) => DocPart.CharRanges(lr ++ rr)
                  case (l: DocPart.CharRanges, r) => DocPart.Alternatives(List(DocPart.Literal(List(l)), r))
                  case (l, r: DocPart.CharRanges) => DocPart.Alternatives(List(l, DocPart.Literal(List(r))))
                  case (l, DocPart.Empty)         => DocPart.Optional(l)
                  case (DocPart.Alternatives(la), DocPart.Alternatives(ra)) => DocPart.Alternatives(la ++ ra)
                  case (DocPart.Alternatives(la), r)                        => DocPart.Alternatives(la :+ r)
                  case (l, DocPart.Alternatives(ra))                        => DocPart.Alternatives(l :: ra)
                  case (l, r)                                               => DocPart.Alternatives(List(l, r))
                leftDescription.taggedToDescribe ++ rightDescription.taggedToDescribe,
            case l: Lazy[A @unchecked]                               =>
              loop(l.codec, namesSeen, explaining, seen)
            case Repeated(codec0)                                    =>
              val c       = cycles.getOrElse(codec0, codec0)
              val partial = loop(codec0, namesSeen, explaining, cycles.contains(c))
              PartialDescription(DocPart.Repeated(partial.description), partial.taggedToDescribe)
            case Zip(left, right, _)                                 =>
              val l                = cycles.getOrElse(left, left)
              val r                = cycles.getOrElse(right, right)
              val leftDescription  = loop(l, namesSeen, explaining, cycles.contains(l))
              val rightDescription =
                loop(r, namesSeen ++, explaining, cycles.contains(r))
              val d                =
                (leftDescription.description, rightDescription.description) match {
                  case (DocPart.Empty, rs)                              => rs
                  case (ls, DocPart.Empty)                              => ls
                  case (DocPart.Literal(lt), DocPart.Literal(rt))       => DocPart.Literal(lt ++ rt)
                  case (lr: DocPart.CharRanges, rr: DocPart.CharRanges) => DocPart.Literal(List(lr, rr))
                  case (DocPart.Literal(lt), rr: DocPart.CharRanges)    => DocPart.Literal(lt :+ rr)
                  case (lr: DocPart.CharRanges, DocPart.Literal(rt))    => DocPart.Literal(lr :: rt)
                  case (lr: DocPart.CharRanges, rs) => DocPart.Sequence(List(DocPart.Literal(List(lr)), rs))
                  case (ls, rr: DocPart.CharRanges) => DocPart.Sequence(List(ls, DocPart.Literal(List(rr))))
                  case (DocPart.Sequence(lps), DocPart.Sequence(rps)) => DocPart.Sequence(lps ++ rps)
                  case (DocPart.Sequence(lps), rs)                    => DocPart.Sequence(lps :+ rs)
                  case (ls, DocPart.Sequence(rps))                    => DocPart.Sequence(ls :: rps)
                  case (ls, rs)                                       => DocPart.Sequence(List(ls, rs))

              PartialDescription(d, leftDescription.taggedToDescribe ++ rightDescription.taggedToDescribe)
            case TransformOrFail(c, _, _)                            => loop(c, namesSeen, explaining, seen)
            case t @ Tagged(_, c, false) if explaining == t && !seen =>
              loop(c, namesSeen, explaining, seen = true)
            case t @ Tagged(name, _, false) if !namesSeen(name)      => PartialDescription(DocPart.Ref(name), List(t))
            case Tagged(name, _, _)                                  => PartialDescription(DocPart.Ref(name))

    def getLines(
      linesRev: List[String],
      codecsToDescribe: List[RichTextCodec[_]],
      namesSeen: Set[String],
    ): List[String] = {
      codecsToDescribe match {
        case Nil       => linesRev
        case h :: tail =>
          val (partialDescription, thisName) = h match {
            case t @ Tagged(_, _, false) => (explain(t, namesSeen), Set(
            case c                       => (loop(c, namesSeen, Empty), Set.empty[String])
          val line                           = (partialDescription.description match {
            case d: DocPart.CharRanges => DocPart.Literal(List(d))
            case d                     => d

          val stillToDescribe = tail ++ partialDescription.taggedToDescribe
          val namesSeenNow    = namesSeen ++ ++ thisName

          getLines(line :: linesRev, stillToDescribe, namesSeenNow)

    getLines(Nil, List(cycles.getOrElse(codec, codec)), Set.empty).reverse.mkString("\n")

  private case class EncodingError(error: String) extends ControlThrowable

  private def encode[A](value: A, self: RichTextCodec[A]): Either[String, String] = {
    val builder = new StringBuilder()

    def loop[AA](value: AA, self: RichTextCodec[AA]): Unit = {
      self match {
        case RichTextCodec.CharIn(_)                       =>
          builder append value.asInstanceOf[Char]
        case RichTextCodec.TransformOrFail(codec, _, from) =>
          from(value) match {
            case Right(value2) => loop(value2, codec)
            case Left(err)     => throw EncodingError(err)
        case RichTextCodec.Zip(left, right, combiner)      =>
          val (a, b) = combiner.separate(value)
          loop(a, left)
          loop(b, right)
        case RichTextCodec.Alt(left, right)                =>
          value match {
            case Left(a)  => loop(a, left)
            case Right(b) => loop(b, right)
        case l: RichTextCodec.Lazy[AA]                     => loop(value, l.codec)
        case RichTextCodec.Tagged(_, codec, _)             => loop(value, codec)
        case RichTextCodec.Empty                           => ()
        case RichTextCodec.Repeated(codec)                 =>
          val iter = value.chunkIterator
          var i    = 0
          while (iter.hasNextAt(i)) {
            loop(iter.nextAt(i), codec)
            i += 1

    try {
      loop(value, self)
    } catch {
      case EncodingError(error) => Left(error)

  private def parse[A](value: CharSequence, self: RichTextCodec[A], parserIdx: ParserIndex): Either[String, A] = {
    self match {
      case self @ CharIn(bitset) =>
        val idx = parserIdx.getAndIncr()
        if (value.length <= idx || !bitset.contains(value.charAt(idx).toInt)) {
        } else {

      case TransformOrFail(codec, to, _) =>
        parse(value, codec, parserIdx).flatMap(to(_))

      case RichTextCodec.Zip(left, right, combiner) =>
        for {
          l <- parse(value, left, parserIdx)
          r <- parse(value, right, parserIdx)
        } yield combiner.combine(l, r)

      case Alt(left, right) =>
        val startIdx = parserIdx.get()
        parse(value, left, parserIdx) match {
          case Right(a)        => Right(Left(a))
          case Left(errorLeft) =>
            parse(value, right, parserIdx) match {
              case Right(b)         => Right(Right(b))
              case Left(errorRight) =>
                Left(s"($errorLeft, $errorRight)")

      case l: RichTextCodec.Lazy[A] => parse(value, l.codec, parserIdx)

      case RichTextCodec.Tagged(_, codec, _) => parse(value, codec, parserIdx)

      case Empty => Right(())

      case RichTextCodec.Repeated(codec) =>
        val builder            = Chunk.newBuilder[Any]
        def loop(): Chunk[Any] =
          parse(value, codec, parserIdx) match {
            case Right(v) => builder += v; loop()
            case _        => builder.result()

  private class ParserIndex {
    private var i = 0

    def get(): Int          = i
    def set(idx: Int): Unit = i = idx

    def getAndIncr(): Int = {
      val res = i
      i += 1

    def decr(): Unit = i -= 1


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