zio.json.golden.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package zio.json
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import zio.Tag
import zio.{ test => _, _ }
import zio.json.golden.filehelpers._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import zio.test._
import zio.test.diff._
import zio.test.diff.Diff._
import java.nio.file.{ Paths, Path, Files }
import zio.json.ast._
package object golden {
implicit private lazy val diffJsonValue: Diff[Json] = {
case (x: Json.Obj, y: Json.Obj) =>
mapDiff[String, Json].diff(x.fields.toMap, y.fields.toMap)
case (x: Json.Arr, y: Json.Arr) =>
seqDiff[Json].diff(x.elements, y.elements)
case (x, y) =>
if (x == y) DiffResult.Identical(x)
else DiffResult.Different(x, y)
@nowarn implicit private lazy val diff: Diff[GoldenSample] = (x: GoldenSample, y: GoldenSample) =>
Diff[Json].diff(x.samples, y.samples)
def goldenTest[A: Tag: JsonEncoder](
gen: Gen[Sized, A]
trace: Trace,
config: GoldenConfiguration
): Spec[TestEnvironment, Throwable] = {
val _ = disableAutoTrace // TODO: Find a way to suppress the unused import warning
val name = getName[A]
test(s"golden test for $name") {
import config.{ relativePath, sampleSize }
for {
resourceDir <- createGoldenDirectory(s"src/test/resources/golden/$relativePath")
fileName = Paths.get(s"$name.json")
filePath = resourceDir.resolve(fileName)
assertion <- ZIO.ifZIO(ZIO.attemptBlocking(Files.exists(filePath)))(
validateTest(resourceDir, name, gen, sampleSize),
createNewTest(resourceDir, name, gen, sampleSize)
} yield assertion
private def validateTest[A: JsonEncoder](
resourceDir: Path,
name: String,
gen: Gen[Sized, A],
sampleSize: Int
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Sized, Throwable, TestResult] = {
val fileName = Paths.get(s"$name.json")
val filePath = resourceDir.resolve(fileName)
for {
currentSample <- readSampleFromFile(filePath)
sample <- generateSample(gen, sampleSize)
assertion <- if (sample == currentSample) {
ZIO.succeed(assertTrue(sample == currentSample))
} else {
val diffFileName = Paths.get(s"${name}_changed.json")
val diffFilePath = resourceDir.resolve(diffFileName)
writeSampleToFile(diffFilePath, sample) *>
ZIO.succeed(assertTrue(sample == currentSample))
} yield assertion
private def createNewTest[A: JsonEncoder](
resourceDir: Path,
name: String,
gen: Gen[Sized, A],
sampleSize: Int
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Sized, Throwable, TestResult] = {
val fileName = s"${name}_new.json"
val filePath = resourceDir.resolve(fileName)
val failureString =
s"No existing golden test for ${resourceDir.resolve(s"$name.json")}. Remove _new from the suffix and re-run the test."
for {
sample <- generateSample(gen, sampleSize)
_ <-
.ifZIO(ZIO.attemptBlocking(Files.exists(filePath)))(ZIO.unit, ZIO.attemptBlocking(Files.createFile(filePath)))
_ <- writeSampleToFile(filePath, sample)
assertion = TestArrow.make((_: Any) => TestTrace.fail(failureString).withLocation(Some(trace.toString)))
} yield TestResult(assertion)
* Implementation inspired by zio-test [[zio.test#check]]
private def generateSample[A: JsonEncoder](
gen: Gen[Sized, A],
sampleSize: Int
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Sized, Exception, GoldenSample] =
.map(jsonElements => GoldenSample(new Json.Arr(jsonElements)))
private def getName[A](implicit tag: Tag[A]): String =