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zio.json.JsonCodec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019-2022 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.json
import zio.{ Chunk, NonEmptyChunk }
import scala.collection.immutable
* A `JsonCodec[A]` instance has the ability to encode values of type `A` into JSON, together with
* the ability to decode such JSON into values of type `A`.
* Instances of this trait should satisfy round-tripping laws: that is, for every value, instances
* must be able to successfully encode the value into JSON, and then successfully decode the same
* value from such JSON.
* For more information, see [[JsonDecoder]] and [[JsonEncoder]].
* {{
* val intCodec: JsonCodec[Int] = JsonCodec[Int]
* intCodec.encodeJson(intCodec.encodeJson(42)) == Right(42)
* }}
final case class JsonCodec[A](encoder: JsonEncoder[A], decoder: JsonDecoder[A]) { self =>
* An alias for [[JsonCodec#orElse]].
final def <>(that: => JsonCodec[A]): JsonCodec[A] = self.orElse(that)
* An alias for [[JsonCodec#orElseEither]].
final def <+>[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[Either[A, B]] = self.orElseEither(that)
* An alias for [[JsonCodec#zip]].
final def <*>[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[(A, B)] =
final def *>[B](that: => JsonCodec[B])(implicit ev: Unit <:< A): JsonCodec[B] = self.zipRight(that)
final def <*(that: => JsonCodec[Unit]): JsonCodec[A] = self.zipLeft(that)
final def decodeJson(str: CharSequence): Either[String, A] = decoder.decodeJson(str)
final def encodeJson(a: A, indent: Option[Int]): CharSequence = encoder.encodeJson(a, indent)
final def orElse(that: => JsonCodec[A]): JsonCodec[A] =
self.orElseEither[A](that).transform(_.merge, Right(_))
final def orElseEither[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[Either[A, B]] =
JsonCodec.orElseEither(self, that)
final def transform[B](f: A => B, g: B => A): JsonCodec[B] =
final def transformOrFail[B](f: A => Either[String, B], g: B => A): JsonCodec[B] =
JsonCodec(encoder.contramap(g), decoder.mapOrFail(f))
final def zip[B](that: => JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[(A, B)] =
final def zipRight[B](that: => JsonCodec[B])(implicit ev: Unit <:< A): JsonCodec[B] = (A, B)) => t._2, b => (ev(()), b))
final def zipLeft(that: => JsonCodec[Unit]): JsonCodec[A] = (A, Unit)) => t._1, a => (a, ()))
object JsonCodec extends GeneratedTupleCodecs with CodecLowPriority0 with JsonCodecVersionSpecific {
def apply[A](implicit jsonCodec: JsonCodec[A]): JsonCodec[A] = jsonCodec
private def orElseEither[A, B](A: JsonCodec[A], B: JsonCodec[B]): JsonCodec[Either[A, B]] =
JsonEncoder.orElseEither[A, B](A.encoder, B.encoder),
.map(x => Left(x): Either[A, B])
.orElse( => Right(x): Either[A, B]))
implicit val string: JsonCodec[String] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.string, JsonDecoder.string)
implicit val boolean: JsonCodec[Boolean] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.boolean, JsonDecoder.boolean)
implicit val char: JsonCodec[Char] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.char, JsonDecoder.char)
implicit val long: JsonCodec[Long] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.long, JsonDecoder.long)
implicit val symbol: JsonCodec[Symbol] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.symbol, JsonDecoder.symbol)
implicit val byte: JsonCodec[Byte] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.byte, JsonDecoder.byte)
implicit val short: JsonCodec[Short] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.short, JsonDecoder.short)
implicit val int: JsonCodec[Int] = JsonCodec(,
implicit val bigInteger: JsonCodec[java.math.BigInteger] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.bigInteger, JsonDecoder.bigInteger)
implicit val scalaBigInt: JsonCodec[BigInt] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.scalaBigInt, JsonDecoder.scalaBigInt)
implicit val double: JsonCodec[Double] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.double, JsonDecoder.double)
implicit val float: JsonCodec[Float] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.float, JsonDecoder.float)
implicit val bigDecimal: JsonCodec[java.math.BigDecimal] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.bigDecimal, JsonDecoder.bigDecimal)
implicit val scalaBigDecimal: JsonCodec[BigDecimal] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.scalaBigDecimal, JsonDecoder.scalaBigDecimal)
implicit def option[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Option[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.option(JsonEncoder[A]), JsonDecoder.option(JsonDecoder[A]))
implicit def either[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder, B: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Either[A, B]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.either(JsonEncoder[A], JsonEncoder[B]), JsonDecoder.either(JsonDecoder[A], JsonDecoder[B]))
private[json] trait CodecLowPriority0 extends CodecLowPriority1 { this: JsonCodec.type =>
implicit def chunk[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Chunk[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.chunk[A], JsonDecoder.chunk[A])
implicit def nonEmptyChunk[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[NonEmptyChunk[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.nonEmptyChunk[A], JsonDecoder.nonEmptyChunk[A])
implicit def hashSet[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[immutable.HashSet[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.hashSet[A], JsonDecoder.hashSet[A])
implicit def hashMap[K: JsonFieldEncoder: JsonFieldDecoder, V: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]
: JsonCodec[immutable.HashMap[K, V]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.hashMap[K, V], JsonDecoder.hashMap[K, V])
private[json] trait CodecLowPriority1 extends CodecLowPriority2 { this: JsonCodec.type =>
implicit def seq[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Seq[A]] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.seq[A], JsonDecoder.seq[A])
implicit def list[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[List[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.list[A], JsonDecoder.list[A])
implicit def vector[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Vector[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.vector[A], JsonDecoder.vector[A])
implicit def set[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Set[A]] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.set[A], JsonDecoder.set[A])
implicit def map[K: JsonFieldEncoder: JsonFieldDecoder, V: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Map[K, V]] =
JsonCodec([K, V],[K, V])
implicit def sortedMap[
K: JsonFieldEncoder: JsonFieldDecoder: Ordering,
V: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder
]: JsonCodec[collection.SortedMap[K, V]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.sortedMap[K, V], JsonDecoder.sortedMap[K, V])
implicit def sortedSet[A: Ordering: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[immutable.SortedSet[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.sortedSet[A], JsonDecoder.sortedSet[A])
private[json] trait CodecLowPriority2 extends CodecLowPriority3 { this: JsonCodec.type =>
implicit def iterable[A: JsonEncoder: JsonDecoder]: JsonCodec[Iterable[A]] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.iterable[A, Iterable], JsonDecoder.iterable)
private[json] trait CodecLowPriority3 { this: JsonCodec.type =>
import java.time._
implicit val dayOfWeek: JsonCodec[DayOfWeek] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.dayOfWeek, JsonDecoder.dayOfWeek)
implicit val duration: JsonCodec[Duration] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.duration, JsonDecoder.duration)
implicit val instant: JsonCodec[Instant] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.instant, JsonDecoder.instant)
implicit val localDate: JsonCodec[LocalDate] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.localDate, JsonDecoder.localDate)
implicit val localDateTime: JsonCodec[LocalDateTime] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.localDateTime, JsonDecoder.localDateTime)
implicit val localTime: JsonCodec[LocalTime] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.localTime, JsonDecoder.localTime)
implicit val month: JsonCodec[Month] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.month, JsonDecoder.month)
implicit val monthDay: JsonCodec[MonthDay] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.monthDay, JsonDecoder.monthDay)
implicit val offsetDateTime: JsonCodec[OffsetDateTime] =
JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.offsetDateTime, JsonDecoder.offsetDateTime)
implicit val offsetTime: JsonCodec[OffsetTime] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.offsetTime, JsonDecoder.offsetTime)
implicit val period: JsonCodec[Period] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.period, JsonDecoder.period)
implicit val year: JsonCodec[Year] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.year, JsonDecoder.year)
implicit val yearMonth: JsonCodec[YearMonth] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.yearMonth, JsonDecoder.yearMonth)
implicit val zonedDateTime: JsonCodec[ZonedDateTime] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.zonedDateTime, JsonDecoder.zonedDateTime)
implicit val zoneId: JsonCodec[ZoneId] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.zoneId, JsonDecoder.zoneId)
implicit val zoneOffset: JsonCodec[ZoneOffset] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.zoneOffset, JsonDecoder.zoneOffset)
implicit val uuid: JsonCodec[java.util.UUID] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.uuid, JsonDecoder.uuid)
implicit val currency: JsonCodec[java.util.Currency] = JsonCodec(JsonEncoder.currency, JsonDecoder.currency)