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* Copyright 2019-2022 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.json
import zio.json.ast.Json
import zio.json.internal.{ FastStringWrite, SafeNumbers, Write }
import zio.json.javatime.serializers
import zio.{ Chunk, NonEmptyChunk }
import java.util.UUID
import scala.annotation._
import scala.collection.{ immutable, mutable }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait JsonEncoder[A] extends JsonEncoderPlatformSpecific[A] {
self =>
* Returns a new encoder, with a new input type, which can be transformed to the old input type
* by the specified user-defined function.
final def contramap[B](f: B => A): JsonEncoder[B] = new JsonEncoder[B] {
override def unsafeEncode(b: B, indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
self.unsafeEncode(f(b), indent, out)
override def isNothing(b: B): Boolean = self.isNothing(f(b))
override final def toJsonAST(b: B): Either[String, Json] =
* Returns a new encoder that can accepts an `Either[A, B]` to either, and uses either this
* encoder or the specified encoder to encode the two different types of values.
final def either[B](that: => JsonEncoder[B]): JsonEncoder[Either[A, B]] = JsonEncoder.either[A, B](self, that)
* Returns a new encoder that can accepts an `Either[A, B]` to either, and uses either this
* encoder or the specified encoder to encode the two different types of values.
* The difference with the classic `either` encoder is that the resulting JSON has no field
* `Left` or `Right`.
* What should be: `{"Right": "John Doe"}` is encoded as `"John Doe"`
final def orElseEither[B](that: => JsonEncoder[B]): JsonEncoder[Either[A, B]] =
JsonEncoder.orElseEither[A, B](self, that)
* Returns a new encoder with a new input type, which can be transformed to either the input
* type of this encoder, or the input type of the specified encoder, using the user-defined
* transformation function.
final def eitherWith[B, C](that: => JsonEncoder[B])(f: C => Either[A, B]): JsonEncoder[C] =
* Encodes the specified value into a JSON string, with the specified indentation level.
final def encodeJson(a: A, indent: Option[Int] = None): CharSequence = {
val writer = new FastStringWrite(64)
unsafeEncode(a, indent, writer)
* This default may be overridden when this value may be missing within a JSON object and still
* be encoded.
def isNothing(a: A): Boolean = false
* Returns this encoder but narrowed to the its given sub-type
final def narrow[B <: A]: JsonEncoder[B] = self.asInstanceOf[JsonEncoder[B]]
def unsafeEncode(a: A, indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit
* Converts a value to a Json AST
* The default implementation encodes the value to a Json byte stream and
* uses decode to parse that back to an AST. Override to provide a more performant
* implementation.
def toJsonAST(a: A): Either[String, Json] = Json.decoder.decodeJson(encodeJson(a, None))
* Returns a new encoder that is capable of encoding a tuple containing the values of this
* encoder and the specified encoder.
final def zip[B](that: => JsonEncoder[B]): JsonEncoder[(A, B)] = JsonEncoder.tuple2(self, that)
* Returns a new encoder that is capable of encoding a user-defined value, which is create from
* a tuple of the values of this encoder and the specified encoder, from the specified user-
* defined function.
final def zipWith[B, C](that: => JsonEncoder[B])(f: C => (A, B)): JsonEncoder[C] =
object JsonEncoder extends GeneratedTupleEncoders with EncoderLowPriority1 with JsonEncoderVersionSpecific {
def apply[A](implicit a: JsonEncoder[A]): JsonEncoder[A] = a
implicit val string: JsonEncoder[String] = new JsonEncoder[String] {
override def unsafeEncode(a: String, indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
var i = 0
val len = a.length
while (i < len) {
(a.charAt(i): @switch) match {
case '"' => out.write("\\\"")
case '\\' => out.write("\\\\")
case '\b' => out.write("\\b")
case '\f' => out.write("\\f")
case '\n' => out.write("\\n")
case '\r' => out.write("\\r")
case '\t' => out.write("\\t")
case c =>
if (c < ' ') out.write("\\u%04x".format(c.toInt))
else out.write(c)
i += 1
override final def toJsonAST(a: String): Either[String, Json] =
implicit val char: JsonEncoder[Char] = new JsonEncoder[Char] {
override def unsafeEncode(a: Char, indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
(a: @switch) match {
case '"' => out.write("\\\"")
case '\\' => out.write("\\\\")
case c =>
if (c < ' ') out.write("\\u%04x".format(c.toInt))
else out.write(c)
override final def toJsonAST(a: Char): Either[String, Json] =
private[json] def explicit[A](f: A => String, g: A => Json): JsonEncoder[A] = new JsonEncoder[A] {
def unsafeEncode(a: A, indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = out.write(f(a))
override final def toJsonAST(a: A): Either[String, Json] =
private[json] def stringify[A](f: A => String): JsonEncoder[A] = new JsonEncoder[A] {
def unsafeEncode(a: A, indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
override final def toJsonAST(a: A): Either[String, Json] =
def suspend[A](encoder0: => JsonEncoder[A]): JsonEncoder[A] =
new JsonEncoder[A] {
lazy val encoder = encoder0
override def unsafeEncode(a: A, indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = encoder.unsafeEncode(a, indent, out)
override def isNothing(a: A): Boolean = encoder.isNothing(a)
override def toJsonAST(a: A): Either[String, Json] = encoder.toJsonAST(a)
implicit val boolean: JsonEncoder[Boolean] = explicit(_.toString, Json.Bool.apply)
implicit val symbol: JsonEncoder[Symbol] = string.contramap(
implicit val byte: JsonEncoder[Byte] = explicit(_.toString, n => Json.Num(n))
implicit val short: JsonEncoder[Short] = explicit(_.toString, n => Json.Num(n))
implicit val int: JsonEncoder[Int] = explicit(_.toString, n => Json.Num(n))
implicit val long: JsonEncoder[Long] = explicit(_.toString, n => Json.Num(n))
implicit val bigInteger: JsonEncoder[java.math.BigInteger] =
explicit(_.toString, n => Json.Num(new java.math.BigDecimal(n)))
implicit val scalaBigInt: JsonEncoder[BigInt] =
explicit(_.toString, n => Json.Num(new java.math.BigDecimal(n.bigInteger)))
implicit val double: JsonEncoder[Double] =
explicit(SafeNumbers.toString, n => Json.Num(n))
implicit val float: JsonEncoder[Float] =
explicit(SafeNumbers.toString, n => Json.Num(n))
implicit val bigDecimal: JsonEncoder[java.math.BigDecimal] = explicit(_.toString, Json.Num.apply)
implicit val scalaBigDecimal: JsonEncoder[BigDecimal] = explicit(_.toString, n => Json.Num(n.bigDecimal))
implicit def option[A](implicit A: JsonEncoder[A]): JsonEncoder[Option[A]] = new JsonEncoder[Option[A]] {
def unsafeEncode(oa: Option[A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = oa match {
case None => out.write("null")
case Some(a) => A.unsafeEncode(a, indent, out)
override def isNothing(oa: Option[A]): Boolean =
oa match {
case None => true
case Some(a) => A.isNothing(a)
override final def toJsonAST(oa: Option[A]): Either[String, Json] =
oa match {
case None => Right(Json.Null)
case Some(a) => A.toJsonAST(a)
def bump(indent: Option[Int]): Option[Int] = indent match {
case None => None
case Some(i) => Some(i + 1)
def pad(indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = indent match {
case None => ()
case Some(n) =>
var i = n
while (i > 0) {
out.write(" ")
i -= 1
implicit def either[A, B](implicit A: JsonEncoder[A], B: JsonEncoder[B]): JsonEncoder[Either[A, B]] =
new JsonEncoder[Either[A, B]] {
def unsafeEncode(eab: Either[A, B], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
if (indent.isDefined) unsafeEncodePadded(eab, indent, out)
else unsafeEncodeCompact(eab, indent, out)
private[this] def unsafeEncodeCompact(eab: Either[A, B], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
eab match {
case Left(a) =>
A.unsafeEncode(a, indent, out)
case Right(b) =>
B.unsafeEncode(b, indent, out)
private[this] def unsafeEncodePadded(eab: Either[A, B], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
val indent_ = bump(indent)
pad(indent_, out)
eab match {
case Left(a) =>
out.write("\"Left\" : ")
A.unsafeEncode(a, indent_, out)
case Right(b) =>
out.write("\"Right\" : ")
B.unsafeEncode(b, indent_, out)
pad(indent, out)
override final def toJsonAST(eab: Either[A, B]): Either[String, Json] =
eab match {
case Left(a) => A.toJsonAST(a).map(v => Json.Obj(Chunk.single("Left" -> v)))
case Right(b) => B.toJsonAST(b).map(v => Json.Obj(Chunk.single("Right" -> v)))
def orElseEither[A, B](implicit A: JsonEncoder[A], B: JsonEncoder[B]): JsonEncoder[Either[A, B]] =
new JsonEncoder[Either[A, B]] {
def unsafeEncode(eab: Either[A, B], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
eab match {
case Left(a) => A.unsafeEncode(a, indent, out)
case Right(b) => B.unsafeEncode(b, indent, out)
private[json] trait EncoderLowPriority1 extends EncoderLowPriority2 {
this: JsonEncoder.type =>
implicit def array[A](implicit A: JsonEncoder[A], classTag: ClassTag[A]): JsonEncoder[Array[A]] =
new JsonEncoder[Array[A]] {
def unsafeEncode(as: Array[A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
if (as.isEmpty) out.write("[]")
else {
if (indent.isDefined) unsafeEncodePadded(as, indent, out)
else unsafeEncodeCompact(as, indent, out)
private[this] def unsafeEncodeCompact(as: Array[A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
val len = as.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
if (i != 0) out.write(',')
A.unsafeEncode(as(i), indent, out)
i += 1
private[this] def unsafeEncodePadded(as: Array[A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
val indent_ = bump(indent)
pad(indent_, out)
val len = as.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
if (i != 0) {
pad(indent_, out)
A.unsafeEncode(as(i), indent_, out)
i += 1
pad(indent, out)
override final def toJsonAST(as: Array[A]): Either[String, Json] =
.foldLeft[Either[String, Chunk[Json]]](Right(Chunk.empty)) { (s, i) =>
s.flatMap(chunk => => chunk :+ item))
implicit def seq[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[Seq[A]] = iterable[A, Seq]
implicit def chunk[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[Chunk[A]] = iterable[A, Chunk]
implicit def nonEmptyChunk[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[NonEmptyChunk[A]] = chunk[A].contramap(_.toChunk)
implicit def indexedSeq[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[IndexedSeq[A]] = iterable[A, IndexedSeq]
implicit def linearSeq[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[immutable.LinearSeq[A]] = iterable[A, immutable.LinearSeq]
implicit def listSet[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[immutable.ListSet[A]] = iterable[A, immutable.ListSet]
implicit def treeSet[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[immutable.TreeSet[A]] = iterable[A, immutable.TreeSet]
implicit def list[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[List[A]] = iterable[A, List]
implicit def vector[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[Vector[A]] = iterable[A, Vector]
implicit def set[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[Set[A]] = iterable[A, Set]
implicit def hashSet[A: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[immutable.HashSet[A]] = iterable[A, immutable.HashSet]
implicit def sortedSet[A: Ordering: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[immutable.SortedSet[A]] =
iterable[A, immutable.SortedSet]
implicit def map[K: JsonFieldEncoder, V: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[Map[K, V]] =
keyValueIterable[K, V, Map]
implicit def hashMap[K: JsonFieldEncoder, V: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[immutable.HashMap[K, V]] =
keyValueIterable[K, V, immutable.HashMap]
implicit def mutableMap[K: JsonFieldEncoder, V: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[mutable.Map[K, V]] =
keyValueIterable[K, V, mutable.Map]
implicit def sortedMap[K: JsonFieldEncoder, V: JsonEncoder]: JsonEncoder[collection.SortedMap[K, V]] =
keyValueIterable[K, V, collection.SortedMap]
private[json] trait EncoderLowPriority2 extends EncoderLowPriority3 {
this: JsonEncoder.type =>
implicit def iterable[A, T[X] <: Iterable[X]](implicit A: JsonEncoder[A]): JsonEncoder[T[A]] =
new JsonEncoder[T[A]] {
def unsafeEncode(as: T[A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
if (as.isEmpty) out.write("[]")
else {
if (indent.isDefined) unsafeEncodePadded(as, indent, out)
else unsafeEncodeCompact(as, indent, out)
private[this] def unsafeEncodeCompact(as: T[A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
as.foreach {
var first = true
a =>
if (first) first = false
else out.write(',')
A.unsafeEncode(a, indent, out)
private[this] def unsafeEncodePadded(as: T[A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
val indent_ = bump(indent)
pad(indent_, out)
as.foreach {
var first = true
a =>
if (first) first = false
else {
pad(indent_, out)
A.unsafeEncode(a, indent_, out)
pad(indent, out)
override final def toJsonAST(as: T[A]): Either[String, Json] =
.foldLeft[Either[String, Chunk[Json]]](Right(Chunk.empty)) { (s, i) =>
s.flatMap(chunk => => chunk :+ item))
// not implicit because this overlaps with encoders for lists of tuples
def keyValueIterable[K, A, T[X, Y] <: Iterable[(X, Y)]](implicit
K: JsonFieldEncoder[K],
A: JsonEncoder[A]
): JsonEncoder[T[K, A]] = new JsonEncoder[T[K, A]] {
def unsafeEncode(kvs: T[K, A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
if (kvs.isEmpty) out.write("{}")
else {
if (indent.isDefined) unsafeEncodePadded(kvs, indent, out)
else unsafeEncodeCompact(kvs, indent, out)
private[this] def unsafeEncodeCompact(kvs: T[K, A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit =
kvs.foreach {
var first = true
kv =>
if (!A.isNothing(kv._2)) {
if (first) first = false
else out.write(',')
string.unsafeEncode(K.unsafeEncodeField(kv._1), indent, out)
A.unsafeEncode(kv._2, indent, out)
private[this] def unsafeEncodePadded(kvs: T[K, A], indent: Option[Int], out: Write): Unit = {
val indent_ = bump(indent)
pad(indent_, out)
kvs.foreach {
var first = true
kv =>
if (!A.isNothing(kv._2)) {
if (first) first = false
else {
pad(indent_, out)
string.unsafeEncode(K.unsafeEncodeField(kv._1), indent_, out)
out.write(" : ")
A.unsafeEncode(kv._2, indent_, out)
pad(indent, out)
override final def toJsonAST(kvs: T[K, A]): Either[String, Json] =
.foldLeft[Either[String, Chunk[(String, Json)]]](Right(Chunk.empty)) { case (s, (k, v)) =>
for {
chunk <- s
key = K.unsafeEncodeField(k)
value <- A.toJsonAST(v)
} yield if (value == Json.Null) chunk else chunk :+ (key -> value)
// not implicit because this overlaps with encoders for lists of tuples
def keyValueChunk[K, A](implicit
K: JsonFieldEncoder[K],
A: JsonEncoder[A]
): JsonEncoder[({ type lambda[X, Y] = Chunk[(X, Y)] })#lambda[K, A]] =
keyValueIterable[K, A, ({ type lambda[X, Y] = Chunk[(X, Y)] })#lambda]
private[json] trait EncoderLowPriority3 extends EncoderLowPriority4 {
this: JsonEncoder.type =>
import java.time._
implicit val dayOfWeek: JsonEncoder[DayOfWeek] = stringify(_.toString)
implicit val duration: JsonEncoder[Duration] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val instant: JsonEncoder[Instant] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val localDate: JsonEncoder[LocalDate] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val localDateTime: JsonEncoder[LocalDateTime] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val localTime: JsonEncoder[LocalTime] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val month: JsonEncoder[Month] = stringify(_.toString)
implicit val monthDay: JsonEncoder[MonthDay] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val offsetDateTime: JsonEncoder[OffsetDateTime] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val offsetTime: JsonEncoder[OffsetTime] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val period: JsonEncoder[Period] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val year: JsonEncoder[Year] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val yearMonth: JsonEncoder[YearMonth] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val zonedDateTime: JsonEncoder[ZonedDateTime] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val zoneId: JsonEncoder[ZoneId] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val zoneOffset: JsonEncoder[ZoneOffset] = stringify(serializers.toString)
implicit val uuid: JsonEncoder[UUID] = stringify(_.toString)
implicit val currency: JsonEncoder[java.util.Currency] = stringify(_.toString)
private[json] trait EncoderLowPriority4 extends EncoderLowPriorityVersionSpecific {
implicit def fromCodec[A](implicit codec: JsonCodec[A]): JsonEncoder[A] = codec.encoder