zio.kafka.consumer.internal.PartitionStreamControl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package zio.kafka.consumer.internal
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import zio.kafka.consumer.Offset
import zio.kafka.consumer.diagnostics.{ DiagnosticEvent, Diagnostics }
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.PartitionStreamControl.QueueInfo
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.Runloop.ByteArrayCommittableRecord
import zio.stream.{ Take, ZStream }
import zio.{ Chunk, Clock, Duration, LogAnnotation, Promise, Queue, Ref, UIO, ZIO }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
abstract class PartitionStream {
def tp: TopicPartition
def queueSize: UIO[Int]
* Provides control and information over a stream that consumes from a partition.
* @param tp
* topic and partition
* @param stream
* the stream
* @param dataQueue
* the queue the stream reads data from
* @param interruptionPromise
* a promise that when completed stops the stream
* @param completedPromise
* the last pulled offset (if any). The promise completes when the stream completed.
* @param queueInfoRef
* used to track the stream's pull deadline, its queue size, and last pulled offset
* @param maxStreamPullInterval
* see [[zio.kafka.consumer.ConsumerSettings.withMaxStreamPullInterval()]]
final class PartitionStreamControl private (
val tp: TopicPartition,
val stream: ZStream[Any, Throwable, ByteArrayCommittableRecord],
dataQueue: Queue[Take[Throwable, ByteArrayCommittableRecord]],
interruptionPromise: Promise[Throwable, Nothing],
val completedPromise: Promise[Nothing, Option[Offset]],
queueInfoRef: Ref[QueueInfo],
maxStreamPullInterval: Duration
) extends PartitionStream {
private val maxStreamPullIntervalNanos = maxStreamPullInterval.toNanos
private val logAnnotate = ZIO.logAnnotate(
LogAnnotation("topic", tp.topic()),
LogAnnotation("partition", tp.partition().toString)
/** Offer new data for the stream to process. Should be called on every poll, also when `data.isEmpty` */
private[internal] def offerRecords(data: Chunk[ByteArrayCommittableRecord]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
if (data.isEmpty) {
} else {
for {
now <- Clock.nanoTime
newPullDeadline = now + maxStreamPullIntervalNanos
_ <- queueInfoRef.update(_.withOffer(newPullDeadline, data.size))
_ <- dataQueue.offer(Take.chunk(data))
} yield ()
def queueSize: UIO[Int] = queueInfoRef.get.map(_.size)
def lastPulledOffset: UIO[Option[Offset]] = queueInfoRef.get.map(_.lastPulledOffset)
* @return
* the number of polls there are records idling in the queue. It is increased on every poll (when the queue is
* nonEmpty) and reset to 0 when the stream pulls the records
def outstandingPolls: UIO[Int] = queueInfoRef.get.map(_.outstandingPolls)
* @param now
* the time as given by `Clock.nanoTime`
* @return
* `true` when the stream has data available, but none has been pulled for more than `maxPollInterval` (since data
* became available), `false` otherwise
private[internal] def maxStreamPullIntervalExceeded(now: NanoTime): UIO[Boolean] =
/** To be invoked when the stream is no longer processing. */
private[internal] def halt: UIO[Unit] = {
val timeOutMessage = s"No records were pulled for more than $maxStreamPullInterval for topic partition $tp."
val consumeTimeout = new TimeoutException(timeOutMessage) with NoStackTrace
/** To be invoked when the partition was lost. It clears the queue and ends the stream. */
private[internal] def lost: UIO[Unit] =
logAnnotate {
for {
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Partition ${tp.toString} lost")
taken <- dataQueue.takeAll.map(_.size)
_ <- dataQueue.offer(Take.end)
_ <- queueInfoRef.update(_.withQueueClearedOnLost)
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Ignored ${taken} records on lost partition").when(taken != 0)
} yield ()
/** To be invoked when the partition was revoked or otherwise needs to be ended. */
private[internal] def end: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
logAnnotate {
ZIO.logDebug(s"Partition ${tp.toString} ending") *>
/** Returns true when the stream is done. */
private[internal] def isCompleted: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Boolean] =
/** Returns true when the stream is running. */
private[internal] def isRunning: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Boolean] =
private[internal] val tpStream: (TopicPartition, ZStream[Any, Throwable, ByteArrayCommittableRecord]) =
(tp, stream)
object PartitionStreamControl {
private[internal] def newPartitionStream(
tp: TopicPartition,
requestData: UIO[Unit],
diagnostics: Diagnostics,
maxStreamPullInterval: Duration
): UIO[PartitionStreamControl] = {
val maxStreamPullIntervalNanos = maxStreamPullInterval.toNanos
def registerPull(queueInfo: Ref[QueueInfo], records: Chunk[ByteArrayCommittableRecord]): UIO[Unit] =
for {
now <- Clock.nanoTime
newPullDeadline = now + maxStreamPullIntervalNanos
_ <- queueInfo.update(_.withPull(newPullDeadline, records))
} yield ()
for {
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Creating partition stream ${tp.toString}")
interruptionPromise <- Promise.make[Throwable, Nothing]
completedPromise <- Promise.make[Nothing, Option[Offset]]
dataQueue <- Queue.unbounded[Take[Throwable, ByteArrayCommittableRecord]]
now <- Clock.nanoTime
queueInfo <- Ref.make(QueueInfo(now, 0, None, 0))
requestAndAwaitData =
for {
_ <- requestData
_ <- diagnostics.emit(DiagnosticEvent.Request(tp))
taken <- dataQueue
.takeBetween(1, Int.MaxValue)
} yield taken
stream = ZStream.logAnnotate(
LogAnnotation("topic", tp.topic()),
LogAnnotation("partition", tp.partition().toString)
) *>
ZStream.finalizer {
for {
qi <- queueInfo.get
_ <- completedPromise.succeed(qi.lastPulledOffset)
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Partition stream ${tp.toString} has ended")
} yield ()
} *>
ZStream.repeatZIOChunk {
// First try to take all records that are available right now.
// When no data is available, request more data and await its arrival.
dataQueue.takeAll.flatMap(data => if (data.isEmpty) requestAndAwaitData else ZIO.succeed(data))
}.flattenTake.chunksWith { s =>
s.tap(records => registerPull(queueInfo, records))
// Due to https://github.com/zio/zio/issues/8515 we cannot use Zstream.interruptWhen.
.mapZIO(chunk => interruptionPromise.await.whenZIO(interruptionPromise.isDone).as(chunk))
} yield new PartitionStreamControl(
// The `pullDeadline` is only relevant when `size > 0`. We initialize `pullDeadline` as soon as size goes above 0.
// (Note that theoretically `size` can go below 0 when the update operations are reordered.)
private final case class QueueInfo(
pullDeadline: NanoTime,
size: Int,
lastPulledOffset: Option[Offset],
outstandingPolls: Int
) {
// To be called when a poll resulted in 0 records.
def withEmptyPoll: QueueInfo =
copy(outstandingPolls = outstandingPolls + 1)
// To be called when a poll resulted in >0 records.
def withOffer(newPullDeadline: NanoTime, recordCount: Int): QueueInfo =
pullDeadline = if (size <= 0) newPullDeadline else pullDeadline,
size = size + recordCount,
lastPulledOffset = lastPulledOffset,
outstandingPolls = outstandingPolls + 1
def withPull(newPullDeadline: NanoTime, records: Chunk[ByteArrayCommittableRecord]): QueueInfo =
pullDeadline = newPullDeadline,
size = size - records.size,
lastPulledOffset = records.lastOption.map(_.offset).orElse(lastPulledOffset),
outstandingPolls = 0
def withQueueClearedOnLost: QueueInfo =
copy(size = 0)
def deadlineExceeded(now: NanoTime): Boolean =
size > 0 && pullDeadline <= now