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package zio.kafka.consumer
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig
import zio._
import zio.kafka.consumer.Consumer.OffsetRetrieval
import zio.kafka.consumer.fetch.{ FetchStrategy, QueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy }
* Settings for the consumer.
* To stay source compatible with future releases, you are recommended to construct the settings as follows:
* {{{
* ConsumerSettings(bootstrapServers)
* .withGroupId(groupId)
* .withProperties(properties)
* .... etc.
* }}}
* @param bootstrapServers
* the Kafka bootstrap servers
final case class ConsumerSettings(
properties: Map[String, AnyRef] = Map.empty,
closeTimeout: Duration = 30.seconds,
pollTimeout: Duration = 50.millis,
commitTimeout: Duration = ConsumerSettings.defaultCommitTimeout,
offsetRetrieval: OffsetRetrieval = OffsetRetrieval.Auto(),
rebalanceListener: RebalanceListener = RebalanceListener.noop,
restartStreamOnRebalancing: Boolean = false,
runloopTimeout: Duration = ConsumerSettings.defaultRunloopTimeout,
fetchStrategy: FetchStrategy = QueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy()
) {
private[this] def autoOffsetResetConfig: Map[String, String] = offsetRetrieval match {
case OffsetRetrieval.Auto(reset) => Map(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG -> reset.toConfig)
case OffsetRetrieval.Manual(_) => Map.empty
def driverSettings: Map[String, AnyRef] =
ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG -> "false"
) ++ autoOffsetResetConfig ++ properties
def withBootstrapServers(servers: List[String]): ConsumerSettings =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, servers.mkString(","))
def withCloseTimeout(timeout: Duration): ConsumerSettings =
copy(closeTimeout = timeout)
def withCommitTimeout(timeout: Duration): ConsumerSettings =
copy(commitTimeout = timeout)
def withClientId(clientId: String): ConsumerSettings =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, clientId)
def withGroupId(groupId: String): ConsumerSettings =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId)
private[consumer] def hasGroupId: Boolean =
def withGroupInstanceId(groupInstanceId: String): ConsumerSettings =
withProperty(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_INSTANCE_ID_CONFIG, groupInstanceId)
def withOffsetRetrieval(retrieval: OffsetRetrieval): ConsumerSettings =
copy(offsetRetrieval = retrieval)
* The maximum time to block while polling the Kafka consumer. The Kafka consumer will return earlier when the maximum
* number of record to poll (see is
* collected.
* The default is `50ms` which to good for low latency applications. Set this higher, e.g. `500ms` for better
* throughput.
def withPollTimeout(timeout: Duration): ConsumerSettings =
copy(pollTimeout = timeout)
def withProperty(key: String, value: AnyRef): ConsumerSettings =
copy(properties = properties + (key -> value))
def withProperties(kvs: (String, AnyRef)*): ConsumerSettings =
def withProperties(kvs: Map[String, AnyRef]): ConsumerSettings =
copy(properties = properties ++ kvs)
def withRebalanceListener(listener: RebalanceListener): ConsumerSettings =
copy(rebalanceListener = listener)
* @param value
* When `true` _all_ streams are restarted during a rebalance, including those streams that are not revoked. The
* default is `false`.
def withRestartStreamOnRebalancing(value: Boolean): ConsumerSettings =
copy(restartStreamOnRebalancing = value)
def withCredentials(credentialsStore: KafkaCredentialStore): ConsumerSettings =
* @param timeout
* Internal timeout for each iteration of the command processing and polling loop, use to detect stalling. This
* should be much larger than the pollTimeout and the time it takes to process chunks of records. If your consumer
* is not subscribed for long periods during its lifetime, this timeout should take that into account as well. When
* the timeout expires, the plainStream/partitionedStream/etc will fail with a [[Consumer.RunloopTimeout]].
def withRunloopTimeout(timeout: Duration): ConsumerSettings =
copy(runloopTimeout = timeout)
* @param maxPartitionQueueSize
* Maximum number of records to be buffered per partition. This buffer improves throughput and supports varying
* downstream message processing time, while maintaining some backpressure. Large values effectively disable
* backpressure at the cost of high memory usage, low values will effectively disable prefetching in favour of low
* memory consumption. The number of records that is fetched on every poll is controlled by the `max.poll.records`
* setting, the number of records fetched for every partition is somewhere between 0 and `max.poll.records`. A value
* that is a power of 2 offers somewhat better queueing performance. The default value for this parameter is 1024,
* calculated by taking 2 * the default `max.poll.records` of 500, rounded to the nearest power of 2.
def withMaxPartitionQueueSize(maxPartitionQueueSize: Int): ConsumerSettings =
copy(fetchStrategy = QueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy(maxPartitionQueueSize))
* WARNING: [[zio.kafka.consumer.fetch.FetchStrategy]] is an EXPERIMENTAL API and may change in an incompatible way
* without notice in any zio-kafka version.
* @param fetchStrategy
* The fetch strategy which selects which partitions can fetch data in the next poll. The default is to use the
* [[zio.kafka.consumer.fetch.QueueSizeBasedFetchStrategy]] with a `maxPartitionQueueSize` parameter of 1024, which
* is calculated by taking 2 * the default `max.poll.records` of 500, rounded to the nearest power of 2.
def withFetchStrategy(fetchStrategy: FetchStrategy): ConsumerSettings =
copy(fetchStrategy = fetchStrategy)
object ConsumerSettings {
val defaultRunloopTimeout: Duration = 4.minutes
val defaultCommitTimeout: Duration = 15.seconds
def apply(bootstrapServers: List[String]) =
new ConsumerSettings().withBootstrapServers(bootstrapServers)