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package zio.kafka.consumer.internal
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import zio.kafka.consumer.diagnostics.DiagnosticEvent.Finalization
import zio.kafka.consumer.diagnostics.Diagnostics
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.Runloop.ByteArrayCommittableRecord
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.RunloopAccess.PartitionAssignment
import zio.kafka.consumer.{ ConsumerSettings, InvalidSubscriptionUnion, Subscription }
import{ Stream, Take, UStream, ZStream }
import zio.{ Hub, IO, Ref, Scope, UIO, ZIO, ZLayer }
private[internal] sealed trait RunloopState
private[internal] object RunloopState {
case object NotStarted extends RunloopState
final case class Started(runloop: Runloop) extends RunloopState
case object Finalized extends RunloopState
* This [[RunloopAccess]] is here to make the [[Runloop]] instantiation/boot lazy: we only starts it when the user is
* starting a consuming session.
* This is needed because a Consumer can be used to do something else than consuming (e.g. fetching Kafka topics
* metadata)
private[consumer] final class RunloopAccess private (
runloopStateRef: Ref.Synchronized[RunloopState],
partitionHub: Hub[Take[Throwable, PartitionAssignment]],
makeRunloop: UIO[Runloop],
diagnostics: Diagnostics
) {
private def withRunloopZIO[E](
requireRunning: Boolean
)(whenRunning: Runloop => IO[E, Unit]): IO[E, Unit] =
runloopStateRef.updateSomeAndGetZIO {
case RunloopState.NotStarted if requireRunning =>
}.flatMap {
case RunloopState.NotStarted => ZIO.unit
case RunloopState.Started(runloop) => whenRunning(runloop)
case RunloopState.Finalized => ZIO.unit
* No need to call `Runloop::stopConsumption` if the Runloop has not been started or has been stopped.
def stopConsumption: UIO[Unit] = withRunloopZIO(requireRunning = false)(_.stopConsumption)
* We're doing all of these things in this method so that the interface of this class is as simple as possible and
* there's no mistake possible for the caller.
* The external world (Consumer) doesn't need to know how we "subscribe", "unsubscribe", etc. internally.
def subscribe(
subscription: Subscription
): ZIO[Scope, InvalidSubscriptionUnion, UStream[Take[Throwable, PartitionAssignment]]] =
for {
stream <- ZStream.fromHubScoped(partitionHub)
// starts the Runloop if not already started
_ <- withRunloopZIO(requireRunning = true)(_.addSubscription(subscription))
_ <- ZIO.addFinalizer {
withRunloopZIO(requireRunning = false)(_.removeSubscription(subscription)) <*
} yield stream
private[consumer] object RunloopAccess {
type PartitionAssignment = (TopicPartition, Stream[Throwable, ByteArrayCommittableRecord])
def make(
settings: ConsumerSettings,
consumerAccess: ConsumerAccess,
diagnostics: Diagnostics = Diagnostics.NoOp
): ZIO[Scope, Throwable, RunloopAccess] =
for {
// This scope allows us to link the lifecycle of the Runloop and of the Hub to the lifecycle of the Consumer
// When the Consumer is shutdown, the Runloop and the Hub will be shutdown too (before the consumer)
consumerScope <- ZIO.scope
partitionsHub <- ZIO
.acquireRelease(Hub.unbounded[Take[Throwable, PartitionAssignment]])(_.shutdown)
runloopStateRef <- Ref.Synchronized.make[RunloopState](RunloopState.NotStarted)
makeRunloop = Runloop
hasGroupId = settings.hasGroupId,
consumer = consumerAccess,
pollTimeout = settings.pollTimeout,
commitTimeout = settings.commitTimeout,
diagnostics = diagnostics,
offsetRetrieval = settings.offsetRetrieval,
userRebalanceListener = settings.rebalanceListener,
restartStreamsOnRebalancing = settings.restartStreamOnRebalancing,
partitionsHub = partitionsHub,
runloopTimeout = settings.runloopTimeout,
fetchStrategy = settings.fetchStrategy
.withFinalizer(_ => runloopStateRef.set(RunloopState.Finalized))
} yield new RunloopAccess(runloopStateRef, partitionsHub, makeRunloop, diagnostics)