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package zio.kafka.producer
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.{ KafkaProducer, Producer => JProducer, ProducerRecord, RecordMetadata }
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer
import org.apache.kafka.common.{ Metric, MetricName }
import zio._
import zio.kafka.serde.Serializer
import zio.kafka.utils.SslHelper
import{ ZPipeline, ZStream }
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
trait Producer {
* Produces a single record and await broker acknowledgement. See [[produceAsync[R,K,V](topic:String*]] for version
* that allows to avoid round-trip-time penalty for each record.
def produce(
record: ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
): Task[RecordMetadata]
* Produces a single record and await broker acknowledgement. See [[produceAsync[R,K,V](topic:String*]] for version
* that allows to avoid round-trip-time penalty for each record.
def produce[R, K, V](
record: ProducerRecord[K, V],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, RecordMetadata]
* Produces a single record and await broker acknowledgement. See [[produceAsync[R,K,V](topic:String*]] for version
* that allows to avoid round-trip-time penalty for each record.
def produce[R, K, V](
topic: String,
key: K,
value: V,
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, RecordMetadata]
* A stream pipeline that produces all records from the stream.
final def produceAll[R, K, V](
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): ZPipeline[R, Throwable, ProducerRecord[K, V], RecordMetadata] =
ZPipeline.mapChunksZIO(records => produceChunk(records, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* Produces a single record. The effect returned from this method has two layers and describes the completion of two
* actions:
* 1. The outer layer describes the enqueueing of the record to the Producer's internal buffer.
* 1. The inner layer describes receiving an acknowledgement from the broker for the transmission of the record.
* It is usually recommended to not await the inner layer of every individual record, but enqueue a batch of records
* and await all of their acknowledgements at once. That amortizes the cost of sending requests to Kafka and increases
* throughput. See [[produce[R,K,V](record*]] for version that awaits broker acknowledgement.
def produceAsync(
record: ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
): Task[Task[RecordMetadata]]
* Produces a single record. The effect returned from this method has two layers and describes the completion of two
* actions:
* 1. The outer layer describes the enqueueing of the record to the Producer's internal buffer.
* 1. The inner layer describes receiving an acknowledgement from the broker for the transmission of the record.
* It is usually recommended to not await the inner layer of every individual record, but enqueue a batch of records
* and await all of their acknowledgements at once. That amortizes the cost of sending requests to Kafka and increases
* throughput. See [[produce[R,K,V](record*]] for version that awaits broker acknowledgement.
def produceAsync[R, K, V](
record: ProducerRecord[K, V],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Task[RecordMetadata]]
* Produces a single record. The effect returned from this method has two layers and describes the completion of two
* actions:
* 1. The outer layer describes the enqueueing of the record to the Producer's internal buffer.
* 1. The inner layer describes receiving an acknowledgement from the broker for the transmission of the record.
* It is usually recommended to not await the inner layer of every individual record, but enqueue a batch of records
* and await all of their acknowledgements at once. That amortizes the cost of sending requests to Kafka and increases
* throughput. See [[produce[R,K,V](topic*]] for version that awaits broker acknowledgement.
def produceAsync[R, K, V](
topic: String,
key: K,
value: V,
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Task[RecordMetadata]]
* Produces a chunk of records. See [[produceChunkAsync(records*]] for version that allows to avoid round-trip-time
* penalty for each chunk.
def produceChunk(
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
): Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]]
* Produces a chunk of records. See [[produceChunkAsync(records*]] for version that allows to avoid round-trip-time
* penalty for each chunk.
def produceChunk[R, K, V](
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Chunk[RecordMetadata]]
* Produces a chunk of records. The effect returned from this method has two layers and describes the completion of
* two actions:
* 1. The outer layer describes the enqueueing of all the records to the Producer's internal buffer.
* 1. The inner layer describes receiving an acknowledgement from the broker for the transmission of the records.
* It is possible that for chunks that exceed the producer's internal buffer size, the outer layer will also signal
* the transmission of part of the chunk. Regardless, awaiting the inner layer guarantees the transmission of the
* entire chunk.
def produceChunkAsync(
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
): Task[Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]]]
* Produces a chunk of records. The effect returned from this method has two layers and describes the completion of
* two actions:
* 1. The outer layer describes the enqueueing of all the records to the Producer's internal buffer.
* 1. The inner layer describes receiving an acknowledgement from the broker for the transmission of the records.
* It is possible that for chunks that exceed the producer's internal buffer size, the outer layer will also signal
* the transmission of part of the chunk. Regardless, awaiting the inner layer guarantees the transmission of the
* entire chunk.
def produceChunkAsync[R, K, V](
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]]]
* Produces a chunk of records. The effect returned from this method has two layers and describes the completion of
* two actions:
* 1. The outer layer describes the enqueueing of all the records to the Producer's internal buffer.
* 1. The inner layer describes receiving an acknowledgement from the broker for the transmission of the records.
* It is possible that for chunks that exceed the producer's internal buffer size, the outer layer will also signal
* the transmission of part of the chunk. Regardless, awaiting the inner layer guarantees the transmission of the
* entire chunk.
* This variant of `produceChunkAsync` more accurately reflects that individual records within the Chunk can fail to
* publish, rather than the failure being at the level of the Chunk.
* This variant does not accept serializers as they may also fail independently of each record and this is not
* reflected in the return type.
def produceChunkAsyncWithFailures(
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
): UIO[UIO[Chunk[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]]]]
* Flushes the producer's internal buffer. This will guarantee that all records currently buffered will be transmitted
* to the broker.
def flush: Task[Unit]
* Expose internal producer metrics
def metrics: Task[Map[MetricName, Metric]]
object Producer {
val live: RLayer[ProducerSettings, Producer] =
ZLayer.scoped {
for {
settings <- ZIO.service[ProducerSettings]
producer <- make(settings)
} yield producer
def make(settings: ProducerSettings): ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Producer] =
for {
_ <- SslHelper.validateEndpoint(settings.driverSettings)
rawProducer <- ZIO.acquireRelease(
new KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](
new ByteArraySerializer(),
new ByteArraySerializer()
)(p => ZIO.attemptBlocking(p.close(settings.closeTimeout)).orDie)
producer <- fromJavaProducer(rawProducer, settings)
} yield producer
* Create a zio-kafka Producer from an existing org.apache.kafka KafkaProducer
* You are responsible for creating and closing the KafkaProducer
def fromJavaProducer(
javaProducer: JProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
settings: ProducerSettings
): ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Producer] =
for {
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[Any]
sendQueue <-
Queue.bounded[(Chunk[ByteRecord], Promise[Nothing, Chunk[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]]])](
producer = new ProducerLive(javaProducer, runtime, sendQueue)
_ <- ZIO.blocking(producer.sendFromQueue).forkScoped
} yield producer
* Accessor method
def produce(
record: ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
): RIO[Producer, RecordMetadata] =
* Accessor method for [[Producer!.produce[R,K,V](record*]]
def produce[R, K, V](
record: ProducerRecord[K, V],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R & Producer, RecordMetadata] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Producer](_.produce(record, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* Accessor method for [[Producer!.produce[R,K,V](topic*]]
def produce[R, K, V](
topic: String,
key: K,
value: V,
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R & Producer, RecordMetadata] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Producer](_.produce(topic, key, value, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* A stream pipeline that produces all records from the stream.
def produceAll[R, K, V](
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): ZPipeline[R & Producer, Throwable, ProducerRecord[K, V], RecordMetadata] =
ZPipeline.mapChunksZIO(records => produceChunk(records, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* Accessor method
def produceAsync(
record: ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
): RIO[Producer, Task[RecordMetadata]] =
* Accessor method
def produceAsync[R, K, V](
record: ProducerRecord[K, V],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R & Producer, Task[RecordMetadata]] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Producer](_.produceAsync(record, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* Accessor method
def produceAsync[R, K, V](
topic: String,
key: K,
value: V,
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R & Producer, Task[RecordMetadata]] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Producer](_.produceAsync(topic, key, value, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* Accessor method
def produceChunkAsync(
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
): RIO[Producer, Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]]] =
* Accessor method
def produceChunkAsync[R, K, V](
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R & Producer, Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]]] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Producer](_.produceChunkAsync(records, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* Accessor method for [[Producer.produceChunkAsyncWithFailures]]]
def produceChunkAsyncWithFailures(
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
): RIO[Producer, UIO[Chunk[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]]]] =
* Accessor method
def produceChunk(
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
): RIO[Producer, Chunk[RecordMetadata]] =
* Accessor method
def produceChunk[R, K, V](
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R & Producer, Chunk[RecordMetadata]] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Producer](_.produceChunk(records, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
* Accessor method
val flush: RIO[Producer, Unit] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.flush)
* Accessor method
val metrics: RIO[Producer, Map[MetricName, Metric]] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.metrics)
private[producer] final class ProducerLive(
private[producer] val p: JProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
runtime: Runtime[Any],
sendQueue: Queue[(Chunk[ByteRecord], Promise[Nothing, Chunk[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]]])]
) extends Producer {
override def produce(record: ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]): Task[RecordMetadata] =
override def produce[R, K, V](
record: ProducerRecord[K, V],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, RecordMetadata] =
produceAsync(record, keySerializer, valueSerializer).flatten
override def produce[R, K, V](
topic: String,
key: K,
value: V,
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, RecordMetadata] =
produce(new ProducerRecord(topic, key, value), keySerializer, valueSerializer)
// noinspection YieldingZIOEffectInspection
override def produceAsync(record: ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]): Task[Task[RecordMetadata]] =
for {
done <- Promise.make[Nothing, Chunk[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]]]
_ <- sendQueue.offer((Chunk.single(record), done))
} yield done.await.flatMap(result => ZIO.fromEither(result.head))
override def produceAsync[R, K, V](
record: ProducerRecord[K, V],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Task[RecordMetadata]] =
serialize(record, keySerializer, valueSerializer).flatMap(produceAsync)
override def produceAsync[R, K, V](
topic: String,
key: K,
value: V,
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Task[RecordMetadata]] =
produceAsync(new ProducerRecord(topic, key, value), keySerializer, valueSerializer)
override def produceChunk(records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]): Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]] =
override def produceChunk[R, K, V](
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Chunk[RecordMetadata]] =
produceChunkAsync(records, keySerializer, valueSerializer).flatten
// noinspection YieldingZIOEffectInspection
override def produceChunkAsync(
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]]
): Task[Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]]] =
produceChunkAsyncWithFailures(records).map(_.flatMap { chunkResults =>
val (errors, success) = chunkResults.partitionMap(identity)
errors.headOption match {
case Some(error) => // Only the first failure is returned.
case None => ZIO.succeed(success)
override def produceChunkAsync[R, K, V](
records: Chunk[ProducerRecord[K, V]],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, Task[Chunk[RecordMetadata]]] =
.foreach(records)(serialize(_, keySerializer, valueSerializer))
// noinspection YieldingZIOEffectInspection
override def produceChunkAsyncWithFailures(
records: Chunk[ByteRecord]
): UIO[UIO[Chunk[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]]]] =
if (records.isEmpty) ZIO.succeed(ZIO.succeed(Chunk.empty))
else {
for {
done <- Promise.make[Nothing, Chunk[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]]]
_ <- sendQueue.offer((records, done))
} yield done.await
override def flush: Task[Unit] = ZIO.attemptBlocking(p.flush())
override def metrics: Task[Map[MetricName, Metric]] = ZIO.attemptBlocking(p.metrics().asScala.toMap)
* Calls to send may block when updating metadata or when communication with the broker is (temporarily) lost,
* therefore this stream is run on a the blocking thread pool
val sendFromQueue: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Any] =
.mapZIO { case (serializedRecords, done) =>
ZIO.succeed {
try {
val it: Iterator[(ByteRecord, Int)] = serializedRecords.iterator.zipWithIndex
val res: Array[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]] =
new Array[Either[Throwable, RecordMetadata]](serializedRecords.length)
val count: AtomicLong = new AtomicLong
val length = serializedRecords.length
while (it.hasNext) {
val (rec, idx): (ByteRecord, Int) =
val _ = p.send(
(metadata: RecordMetadata, err: Exception) =>
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u =>
exec {
if (err != null) res(idx) = Left(err)
else res(idx) = Right(metadata)
if (count.incrementAndGet == length) {
exec {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u =>
exec {
private def serialize[R, K, V](
r: ProducerRecord[K, V],
keySerializer: Serializer[R, K],
valueSerializer: Serializer[R, V]
): RIO[R, ByteRecord] =
for {
key <- keySerializer.serialize(r.topic, r.headers, r.key())
value <- valueSerializer.serialize(r.topic, r.headers, r.value())
} yield new ProducerRecord(r.topic, r.partition(), r.timestamp(), key, value, r.headers)
/** Used to prevent warnings about not using the result of an expression. */
@inline private def exec[A](f: => A): Unit = { val _ = f }