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package zio.kafka.serde
import org.apache.kafka.common.header.Headers
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.{ Serializer => KafkaSerializer }
import zio.{ RIO, Task, ZIO }
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
* Serializer from values of some type T to a byte array
* @tparam R
* Environment available to the serializer
* @tparam T
trait Serializer[-R, -T] {
def serialize(topic: String, headers: Headers, value: T): RIO[R, Array[Byte]]
* Create a serializer for a type U based on the serializer for type T and a mapping function
def contramap[U](f: U => T): Serializer[R, U] =
Serializer((topic, headers, u) => serialize(topic, headers, f(u)))
* Create a serializer for a type U based on the serializer for type T and an effectful mapping function
def contramapM[R1 <: R, U](f: U => RIO[R1, T]): Serializer[R1, U] =
Serializer((topic, headers, u) => f(u).flatMap(serialize(topic, headers, _)))
* Returns a new serializer that executes its serialization function on the blocking threadpool.
def blocking: Serializer[R, T] =
Serializer((topic, headers, t) => ZIO.blocking(serialize(topic, headers, t)))
* Returns a new serializer that handles optional values and serializes them as nulls.
def asOption[U <: T]: Serializer[R, Option[U]] =
Serializer { (topic, headers, valueOpt) =>
valueOpt match {
case None => ZIO.succeed(null)
case Some(value) => serialize(topic, headers, value)
object Serializer extends Serdes {
* Create a serializer from a function
def apply[R, T](ser: (String, Headers, T) => RIO[R, Array[Byte]]): Serializer[R, T] =
(topic: String, headers: Headers, value: T) => ser(topic, headers, value)
* Create a Serializer from a Kafka Serializer
def fromKafkaSerializer[T](
serializer: KafkaSerializer[T],
props: Map[String, AnyRef],
isKey: Boolean
): Task[Serializer[Any, T]] =
.attempt(serializer.configure(props.asJava, isKey))
new Serializer[Any, T] {
override def serialize(topic: String, headers: Headers, value: T): Task[Array[Byte]] =
ZIO.attempt(serializer.serialize(topic, headers, value))