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zio.kafka.consumer.internal.Runloop.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.kafka.consumer.internal
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.{ AuthenticationException, AuthorizationException, RebalanceInProgressException }
import zio._
import zio.kafka.consumer.Consumer.{ CommitTimeout, OffsetRetrieval }
import zio.kafka.consumer._
import zio.kafka.consumer.diagnostics.DiagnosticEvent.{ Finalization, Rebalance }
import zio.kafka.consumer.diagnostics.{ DiagnosticEvent, Diagnostics }
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.ConsumerAccess.ByteArrayKafkaConsumer
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.Runloop._
import zio.kafka.consumer.internal.RunloopAccess.PartitionAssignment
import zio.stream._
import java.lang.Math.max
import java.util
import java.util.{ Map => JavaMap }
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
//noinspection SimplifyWhenInspection,SimplifyUnlessInspection
private[consumer] final class Runloop private (
settings: ConsumerSettings,
topLevelExecutor: Executor,
sameThreadRuntime: Runtime[Any],
consumer: ConsumerAccess,
commitQueue: Queue[Commit],
commandQueue: Queue[RunloopCommand],
lastRebalanceEvent: Ref.Synchronized[Runloop.RebalanceEvent],
partitionsHub: Hub[Take[Throwable, PartitionAssignment]],
diagnostics: Diagnostics,
maxStreamPullInterval: Duration,
maxRebalanceDuration: Duration,
currentStateRef: Ref[State],
committedOffsetsRef: Ref[CommitOffsets]
) {
private val commitTimeout = settings.commitTimeout
private val commitTimeoutNanos = settings.commitTimeout.toNanos
private val restartStreamsOnRebalancing = settings.restartStreamOnRebalancing
private val rebalanceSafeCommits = settings.rebalanceSafeCommits
private val consumerMetrics = new ZioConsumerMetrics(settings.metricLabels)
private def newPartitionStream(tp: TopicPartition): UIO[PartitionStreamControl] =
def stopConsumption: UIO[Unit] =
ZIO.logDebug("stopConsumption called") *>
private[consumer] def shutdown: UIO[Unit] =
ZIO.logDebug(s"Shutting down runloop initiated") *>
private[internal] def addSubscription(subscription: Subscription): IO[InvalidSubscriptionUnion, Unit] =
for {
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Add subscription $subscription")
promise <- Promise.make[InvalidSubscriptionUnion, Unit]
_ <- commandQueue.offer(RunloopCommand.AddSubscription(subscription, promise))
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Waiting for subscription $subscription")
_ <- promise.await
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Done for subscription $subscription")
} yield ()
private[internal] def removeSubscription(subscription: Subscription): UIO[Unit] =
private def makeRebalanceListener: ConsumerRebalanceListener = {
// All code in this block is called from the rebalance listener and therefore runs on the same-thread-runtime. This
// is because the Java kafka client requires us to invoke the consumer from the same thread that invoked the
// rebalance listener.
// Unfortunately the same-thread-runtime does not work for all ZIO operations. For example, `ZIO.timeout`,
// `ZStream.repeat`, `Promise.await` on non-completed promises, and any other ZIO operation that shifts the work to
// another thread cannot be used.
// Time between polling the commit queue from the rebalance listener when `rebalanceSafeCommits` is enabled.
val commitQueuePollInterval = 100.millis
// End streams from the rebalance listener.
// When `rebalanceSafeCommits` is enabled, wait for consumed offsets to be committed.
def endStreams(state: State, streamsToEnd: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]): Task[Unit] =
if (streamsToEnd.isEmpty) ZIO.unit
else {
for {
_ <- ZIO.foreachDiscard(streamsToEnd)(_.end)
_ <- if (rebalanceSafeCommits)
consumer.rebalanceListenerAccess(doAwaitStreamCommits(_, state, streamsToEnd))
else ZIO.unit
} yield ()
def doAwaitStreamCommits(
consumer: ByteArrayKafkaConsumer,
state: State,
streamsToEnd: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]
): Task[Unit] = {
val deadline = java.lang.System.nanoTime() + maxRebalanceDuration.toNanos - commitTimeoutNanos
def timeToDeadlineMillis(): Long = (deadline - java.lang.System.nanoTime()) / 1000000L
val endingTps = streamsToEnd.map(_.tp).toSet
def commitsOfEndingStreams(commits: Chunk[Runloop.Commit]): Chunk[Runloop.Commit] =
commits.filter(commit => (commit.offsets.keySet intersect endingTps).nonEmpty)
lazy val previousPendingCommits: Chunk[Commit] =
def commitAsync(commits: Chunk[Commit]): UIO[Unit] =
if (commits.nonEmpty) {
val (offsets, callback, onFailure) = asyncCommitParameters(commits)
ZIO.logDebug(s"Async commit of ${offsets.size} offsets for ${commits.size} commits") *>
ZIO.attempt(consumer.commitAsync(offsets, callback)).catchAll(onFailure)
} else {
// Continue to drive communication with the broker so that commits can complete and the streams can
// make progress.
ZIO.attempt(consumer.commitAsync(java.util.Collections.emptyMap(), null)).orDie
sealed trait EndOffsetCommitStatus
case object EndOffsetNotCommitted extends EndOffsetCommitStatus { override def toString = "not committed" }
case object EndOffsetCommitPending extends EndOffsetCommitStatus { override def toString = "commit pending" }
case object EndOffsetCommitted extends EndOffsetCommitStatus { override def toString = "committed" }
final case class StreamCompletionStatus(
tp: TopicPartition,
streamEnded: Boolean,
lastPulledOffset: Option[Long],
endOffsetCommitStatus: EndOffsetCommitStatus
) {
override def toString: String =
s"${tp}: " +
s"${if (streamEnded) "stream ended" else "stream is running"}, " +
s"last pulled offset=${lastPulledOffset.getOrElse("none")}, " +
def completionStatusesAsString(completionStatuses: Chunk[StreamCompletionStatus]): String =
"Revoked partitions: " + completionStatuses.map(_.toString).mkString("; ")
def getStreamCompletionStatuses(newCommits: Chunk[Commit]): UIO[Chunk[StreamCompletionStatus]] =
for {
committedOffsets <- committedOffsetsRef.get
allPendingCommitOffsets =
(previousPendingCommits ++ commitsOfEndingStreams(newCommits)).flatMap(_.offsets).map {
case (tp, offsetAndMetadata) => (tp, offsetAndMetadata.offset())
streamResults <-
ZIO.foreach(streamsToEnd) { stream =>
for {
isDone <- stream.completedPromise.isDone
lastPulledOffset <- stream.lastPulledOffset
endOffset <- if (isDone) stream.completedPromise.await else ZIO.none
endOffsetCommitStatus =
endOffset match {
case Some(endOffset) if committedOffsets.contains(stream.tp, endOffset.offset) =>
case Some(endOffset) if allPendingCommitOffsets.contains((stream.tp, endOffset.offset)) =>
case _ => EndOffsetNotCommitted
} yield StreamCompletionStatus(stream.tp, isDone, lastPulledOffset.map(_.offset), endOffsetCommitStatus)
} yield streamResults
def logStreamCompletionStatuses(completionStatuses: Chunk[StreamCompletionStatus]): UIO[Unit] = {
val statusStrings = completionStatusesAsString(completionStatuses)
s"Delaying rebalance until ${streamsToEnd.size} streams (of revoked partitions) have committed " +
s"the offsets of the records they consumed. Deadline in ${timeToDeadlineMillis()}ms. $statusStrings"
def logInitialStreamCompletionStatuses: UIO[Unit] =
for {
completionStatuses <- getStreamCompletionStatuses(newCommits = Chunk.empty)
_ <- logStreamCompletionStatuses(completionStatuses)
} yield ()
def endingStreamsCompletedAndCommitsExist(newCommits: Chunk[Commit]): UIO[Boolean] =
for {
completionStatuses <- getStreamCompletionStatuses(newCommits)
_ <- logStreamCompletionStatuses(completionStatuses)
} yield completionStatuses.forall { status =>
// A stream is complete when it never got any records, or when it committed the offset of the last consumed record
status.lastPulledOffset.isEmpty || (status.streamEnded && status.endOffsetCommitStatus != EndOffsetNotCommitted)
def logFinalStreamCompletionStatuses(completed: Boolean, newCommits: Chunk[Commit]): UIO[Unit] =
if (completed)
ZIO.logInfo("Continuing rebalance, all offsets of consumed records in the revoked partitions were committed.")
for {
completionStatuses <- getStreamCompletionStatuses(newCommits)
statusStrings = completionStatusesAsString(completionStatuses)
_ <-
s"Exceeded deadline waiting for streams (of revoked partitions) to commit the offsets of " +
s"the records they consumed; the rebalance will continue. " +
s"This might cause another consumer to process some records again. $statusStrings"
} yield ()
def commitSync: Task[Unit] =
ZIO.attempt(consumer.commitSync(java.util.Collections.emptyMap(), commitTimeout))
// Outline:
// - Every `commitQueuePollInterval` until the deadline has been reached:
// - Get all commits from the commit queue.
// - Start an async commit for these commits.
// - Collect all these new (pending) commits.
// - repeat the above until:
// - All streams that were ended have completed their work, and
// - we have seen a completed or pending commit for all end-offsets.
// An end-offset of a stream is the offset of the last record given to that stream.
// - Do a single sync commit without any offsets, this has the side-effect of blocking until all
// preceding async commits are complete (this requires kafka-client 3.6.0 or later).
// Because all commits created here (including those from non-ending streams) are now complete, we do not
// have to add them to the pending commits of the runloop state.
// Note, we cannot use ZStream.fromQueue because that will emit nothing when the queue is empty.
// Instead, we poll the queue in a loop.
for {
_ <- logInitialStreamCompletionStatuses
completedAndCommits <-
.fromZIO(blockingSleep(commitQueuePollInterval) *> commitQueue.takeAll)
.takeWhile(_ => java.lang.System.nanoTime() <= deadline)
.scan(Chunk.empty[Runloop.Commit])(_ ++ _)
.mapZIO(commits => endingStreamsCompletedAndCommitsExist(commits).map((_, commits)))
.takeUntil { case (completed, _) => completed }
.map(_.getOrElse((false, Chunk.empty)))
_ <- logFinalStreamCompletionStatuses(completedAndCommits._1, completedAndCommits._2)
_ <- commitSync
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Done waiting for ${streamsToEnd.size} streams to end")
} yield ()
// During a poll, the java kafka client might call each method of the rebalance listener 0 or 1 times.
// We do not know the order in which the call-back methods are invoked.
// Ref `lastRebalanceEvent` is used to track what happens during the poll. Just before the poll the
// `RebalanceEvent.None` is stored. Then during the poll, inside each method of the rebalance listener,
// the ref is updated.
// Each method:
// - emits a diagnostic event
// - determines if this is the first method invoked during this poll (`rebalanceEvent.wasInvoked`) to
// make sure that the `restartStreamsOnRebalancing` feature is applied only once per poll
// - ends streams that need to be ended
// - updates `lastRebalanceEvent`
val recordRebalanceRebalancingListener = RebalanceListener(
onAssigned = assignedTps =>
for {
rebalanceEvent <- lastRebalanceEvent.get
_ <- ZIO.logDebug {
val sameRebalance = if (rebalanceEvent.wasInvoked) " in same rebalance" else ""
s"${assignedTps.size} partitions are assigned$sameRebalance"
state <- currentStateRef.get
streamsToEnd = if (restartStreamsOnRebalancing && !rebalanceEvent.wasInvoked) state.assignedStreams
else Chunk.empty
_ <- endStreams(state, streamsToEnd)
_ <- lastRebalanceEvent.set(rebalanceEvent.onAssigned(assignedTps, endedStreams = streamsToEnd))
_ <- ZIO.logTrace("onAssigned done")
} yield (),
onRevoked = revokedTps =>
for {
rebalanceEvent <- lastRebalanceEvent.get
_ <- ZIO.logDebug {
val sameRebalance = if (rebalanceEvent.wasInvoked) " in same rebalance" else ""
s"${revokedTps.size} partitions are revoked$sameRebalance"
state <- currentStateRef.get
streamsToEnd = if (restartStreamsOnRebalancing && !rebalanceEvent.wasInvoked) state.assignedStreams
else state.assignedStreams.filter(control => revokedTps.contains(control.tp))
_ <- endStreams(state, streamsToEnd)
_ <- lastRebalanceEvent.set(rebalanceEvent.onRevoked(revokedTps, endedStreams = streamsToEnd))
_ <- ZIO.logTrace("onRevoked done")
} yield (),
onLost = lostTps =>
for {
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"${lostTps.size} partitions are lost")
rebalanceEvent <- lastRebalanceEvent.get
state <- currentStateRef.get
lostStreams = state.assignedStreams.filter(control => lostTps.contains(control.tp))
_ <- ZIO.foreachDiscard(lostStreams)(_.lost)
_ <- lastRebalanceEvent.set(rebalanceEvent.onLost(lostTps, lostStreams))
_ <- ZIO.logTrace(s"onLost done")
} yield ()
// Here we just want to avoid any executor shift if the user provided listener is the noop listener.
val userRebalanceListener =
settings.rebalanceListener match {
case RebalanceListener.noop => RebalanceListener.noop
case _ => settings.rebalanceListener.runOnExecutor(topLevelExecutor)
RebalanceListener.toKafka(recordRebalanceRebalancingListener ++ userRebalanceListener, sameThreadRuntime)
/** This is the implementation behind the user facing api `Offset.commit`. */
private val commit: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata] => Task[Unit] =
offsets =>
for {
p <- Promise.make[Throwable, Unit]
startTime = java.lang.System.nanoTime()
_ <- commitQueue.offer(Runloop.Commit(java.lang.System.nanoTime(), offsets, p))
_ <- commandQueue.offer(RunloopCommand.CommitAvailable)
_ <- diagnostics.emit(DiagnosticEvent.Commit.Started(offsets))
_ <- p.await.timeoutFail(CommitTimeout)(commitTimeout)
endTime = java.lang.System.nanoTime()
latency = (endTime - startTime).nanoseconds
_ <- consumerMetrics.observeCommit(latency)
} yield ()
/** Merge commits and prepare parameters for calling `consumer.commitAsync`. */
private def asyncCommitParameters(
commits: Chunk[Runloop.Commit]
): (JavaMap[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], OffsetCommitCallback, Throwable => UIO[Unit]) = {
val offsets = commits
.foldLeft(mutable.Map.empty[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]) { case (acc, commit) =>
commit.offsets.foreach { case (tp, offset) =>
acc += (tp -> acc
.map(current => if (current.offset() > offset.offset()) current else offset)
val offsetsWithMetaData = offsets.map { case (tp, offset) =>
tp -> new OffsetAndMetadata(offset.offset + 1, offset.leaderEpoch, offset.metadata)
val cont = (e: Exit[Throwable, Unit]) => ZIO.foreachDiscard(commits)(_.cont.done(e))
// We assume the commit is started immediately after returning from this method.
val startTime = java.lang.System.nanoTime()
val onSuccess = {
val endTime = java.lang.System.nanoTime()
val latency = (endTime - startTime).nanoseconds
for {
offsetIncrease <- committedOffsetsRef.modify(_.addCommits(commits))
_ <- consumerMetrics.observeAggregatedCommit(latency, offsetIncrease).when(commits.nonEmpty)
result <- cont(Exit.unit)
_ <- diagnostics.emit(DiagnosticEvent.Commit.Success(offsetsWithMetaData))
} yield result
val onFailure: Throwable => UIO[Unit] = {
case _: RebalanceInProgressException =>
for {
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(s"Rebalance in progress, commit for offsets $offsets will be retried")
_ <- commitQueue.offerAll(commits)
_ <- commandQueue.offer(RunloopCommand.CommitAvailable)
} yield ()
case err: Throwable =>
cont(Exit.fail(err)) <* diagnostics.emit(DiagnosticEvent.Commit.Failure(offsetsWithMetaData, err))
val callback =
new OffsetCommitCallback {
override def onComplete(offsets: util.Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], exception: Exception): Unit =
Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u =>
sameThreadRuntime.unsafe.run {
if (exception eq null) onSuccess else onFailure(exception)
(offsetsWithMetaData.asJava, callback, onFailure)
private def handleCommits(state: State, commits: Chunk[Runloop.Commit]): UIO[State] =
if (commits.isEmpty) {
} else {
val (offsets, callback, onFailure) = asyncCommitParameters(commits)
val newState = state.addPendingCommits(commits)
consumer.runloopAccess { c =>
// We don't wait for the completion of the commit here, because it
// will only complete once we poll again.
ZIO.attempt(c.commitAsync(offsets, callback))
* Does all needed to end revoked partitions:
* 1. Complete the revoked assigned streams 2. Remove from the list of pending requests
* @return
* New pending requests, new active assigned streams
private def endRevokedPartitions(
pendingRequests: Chunk[RunloopCommand.Request],
assignedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl],
isRevoked: TopicPartition => Boolean
): UIO[Runloop.RevokeResult] = {
val (revokedStreams, newAssignedStreams) =
assignedStreams.partition(control => isRevoked(control.tp))
pendingRequests = pendingRequests.filter(req => !isRevoked(req.tp)),
assignedStreams = newAssignedStreams
* Offer records retrieved from poll() call to the streams.
* @return
* Remaining pending requests
private def offerRecordsToStreams(
partitionStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl],
pendingRequests: Chunk[RunloopCommand.Request],
ignoreRecordsForTps: Set[TopicPartition],
polledRecords: ConsumerRecords[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
): UIO[Runloop.FulfillResult] = {
type Record = CommittableRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
// The most efficient way to get the records from [[ConsumerRecords]] per
// topic-partition, is by first getting the set of topic-partitions, and
// then requesting the records per topic-partition.
val tps = polledRecords.partitions().asScala.toSet -- ignoreRecordsForTps
val fulfillResult = Runloop.FulfillResult(pendingRequests = pendingRequests.filter(req => !tps.contains(req.tp)))
val streams =
if (tps.isEmpty) Chunk.empty else partitionStreams.filter(streamControl => tps.contains(streamControl.tp))
if (streams.isEmpty) ZIO.succeed(fulfillResult)
else {
for {
consumerGroupMetadata <- getConsumerGroupMetadataIfAny
_ <- ZIO.foreachParDiscard(streams) { streamControl =>
val tp = streamControl.tp
val records = polledRecords.records(tp)
if (records.isEmpty) {
} else {
val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[Record](records.size())
val iterator = records.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val consumerRecord = iterator.next()
builder +=
CommittableRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](
record = consumerRecord,
commitHandle = commit,
consumerGroupMetadata = consumerGroupMetadata
} yield fulfillResult
private val getConsumerGroupMetadataIfAny: UIO[Option[ConsumerGroupMetadata]] =
if (settings.hasGroupId) consumer.runloopAccess(c => ZIO.attempt(c.groupMetadata())).fold(_ => None, Some(_))
else ZIO.none
/** @return the topic-partitions for which received records should be ignored */
private def doSeekForNewPartitions(c: ByteArrayKafkaConsumer, tps: Set[TopicPartition]): Task[Set[TopicPartition]] =
settings.offsetRetrieval match {
case OffsetRetrieval.Auto(_) => ZIO.succeed(Set.empty)
case OffsetRetrieval.Manual(getOffsets, _) =>
if (tps.isEmpty) ZIO.succeed(Set.empty)
getOffsets(tps).flatMap { offsets =>
.attempt(offsets.foreach { case (tp, offset) => c.seek(tp, offset) })
* Pause partitions for which there is no demand and resume those for which there is now demand.
private def resumeAndPausePartitions(
c: ByteArrayKafkaConsumer,
requestedPartitions: Set[TopicPartition]
): Task[(Int, Int)] = ZIO.attempt {
val assignment = c.assignment().asScala.toSet
val toResume = assignment intersect requestedPartitions
val toPause = assignment -- requestedPartitions
if (toResume.nonEmpty) c.resume(toResume.asJava)
if (toPause.nonEmpty) c.pause(toPause.asJava)
(toResume.size, toPause.size)
private def doPoll(c: ByteArrayKafkaConsumer): Task[ConsumerRecords[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]] =
ZIO.attempt {
val recordsOrNull = c.poll(settings.pollTimeout)
if (recordsOrNull eq null) ConsumerRecords.empty[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]()
else recordsOrNull
// Recover from spurious auth failures:
Schedule.recurWhileZIO[Any, Throwable] {
case _: AuthorizationException | _: AuthenticationException =>
case _ => ZIO.succeed(false)
} &&
private def handlePoll(state: State): Task[State] = {
for {
partitionsToFetch <- settings.fetchStrategy.selectPartitionsToFetch(state.assignedStreams)
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(
s"Starting poll with ${state.pendingRequests.size} pending requests and" +
s" ${state.pendingCommits.size} pending commits," +
s" resuming $partitionsToFetch partitions"
_ <- currentStateRef.set(state)
pollResult <-
consumer.runloopAccess { c =>
for {
resumeAndPauseCounts <- resumeAndPausePartitions(c, partitionsToFetch)
(toResumeCount, toPauseCount) = resumeAndPauseCounts
pullDurationAndRecords <- doPoll(c).timed
(pollDuration, polledRecords) = pullDurationAndRecords
_ <- consumerMetrics.observePoll(toResumeCount, toPauseCount, pollDuration, polledRecords.count()) *>
diagnostics.emit {
val providedTps = polledRecords.partitions().asScala.toSet
val requestedPartitions = state.pendingRequests.map(_.tp).toSet
tpRequested = requestedPartitions,
tpWithData = providedTps,
tpWithoutData = requestedPartitions -- providedTps
pollresult <- lastRebalanceEvent.getAndSet(RebalanceEvent.None).flatMap {
case RebalanceEvent(false, _, _, _, _) =>
// The fast track, rebalance listener was not invoked:
// no assignment changes, no new commits, only new records.
records = polledRecords,
ignoreRecordsForTps = Set.empty,
pendingRequests = state.pendingRequests,
assignedStreams = state.assignedStreams
case RebalanceEvent(true, assignedTps, revokedTps, lostTps, endedStreams) =>
// The slow track, the rebalance listener was invoked:
// some partitions were assigned, revoked or lost,
// some streams have ended.
val currentAssigned = c.assignment().asScala.toSet
val endedTps = endedStreams.map(_.tp).toSet
for {
ignoreRecordsForTps <- doSeekForNewPartitions(c, assignedTps)
// The topic partitions that need a new stream are:
// 1. Those that are freshly assigned
// 2. Those that are still assigned but were ended in the rebalance listener because
// of `restartStreamsOnRebalancing` being true
startingTps = assignedTps ++ (currentAssigned intersect endedTps)
startingStreams <-
ZIO.foreach(Chunk.fromIterable(startingTps))(newPartitionStream).tap { newStreams =>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Offering partition assignment $startingTps") *>
updatedAssignedStreams =
state.assignedStreams.filter(s => !endedTps.contains(s.tp)) ++ startingStreams
// Remove pending requests for all streams that ended:
// 1. streams that were ended because the partition was lost
// 2. streams that were ended because the partition was revoked
// 3. streams that were ended because of `restartStreamsOnRebalancing` being true
updatedPendingRequests =
state.pendingRequests.filter { pendingRequest =>
val tp = pendingRequest.tp
!(lostTps.contains(tp) || revokedTps.contains(tp) || endedStreams
.exists(_.tp == tp))
// Remove committed offsets for partitions that are no longer assigned:
// NOTE: the type annotation is needed to keep the IntelliJ compiler happy.
_ <-
.update(_.keepPartitions(updatedAssignedStreams.map(_.tp).toSet)): Task[Unit]
_ <- consumerMetrics.observeRebalance(
_ <- diagnostics.emit(
revoked = revokedTps,
assigned = assignedTps,
lost = lostTps,
ended = endedStreams.map(_.tp).toSet
// Ensure that all assigned partitions have a stream and no streams are present for unassigned streams
_ <-
s"Not all assigned partitions have a (single) stream or vice versa. Assigned: ${currentAssigned.mkString(",")}, streams: ${updatedAssignedStreams.map(_.tp).mkString(",")}"
currentAssigned != updatedAssignedStreams
.toSet || currentAssigned.size != updatedAssignedStreams.size
} yield Runloop.PollResult(
records = polledRecords,
ignoreRecordsForTps = ignoreRecordsForTps,
pendingRequests = updatedPendingRequests,
assignedStreams = updatedAssignedStreams
} yield pollresult
fulfillResult <- offerRecordsToStreams(
updatedPendingCommits <- ZIO.filter(state.pendingCommits)(_.isPending)
_ <- checkStreamPullInterval(pollResult.assignedStreams)
} yield state.copy(
pendingRequests = fulfillResult.pendingRequests,
pendingCommits = updatedPendingCommits,
assignedStreams = pollResult.assignedStreams
* Check each stream to see if it exceeded its pull interval. If so, halt it. In addition, if any stream has exceeded
* its pull interval, shutdown the consumer.
private def checkStreamPullInterval(streams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] = {
def logShutdown(stream: PartitionStreamControl): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] =
s"Stream for ${stream.tp} has not pulled chunks for more than $maxStreamPullInterval, shutting down. " +
"Use ConsumerSettings.withMaxPollInterval or .withMaxStreamPullInterval to set a longer interval when " +
"processing a batch of records needs more time."
for {
now <- Clock.nanoTime
anyExceeded <- ZIO.foldLeft(streams)(false) { case (acc, stream) =>
.tap(exceeded => if (exceeded) stream.halt else ZIO.unit)
.map(acc || _)
_ <- shutdown.when(anyExceeded)
} yield ()
private def handleCommand(state: State, cmd: RunloopCommand.StreamCommand): Task[State] = {
def doChangeSubscription(newSubscriptionState: SubscriptionState): Task[State] =
applyNewSubscriptionState(newSubscriptionState).flatMap { newAssignedStreams =>
val newState = state.copy(
assignedStreams = state.assignedStreams ++ newAssignedStreams,
subscriptionState = newSubscriptionState
if (newSubscriptionState.isSubscribed) ZIO.succeed(newState)
// End all streams and pending requests
isRevoked = _ => true
).map { revokeResult =>
pendingRequests = revokeResult.pendingRequests,
assignedStreams = revokeResult.assignedStreams
cmd match {
case req: RunloopCommand.Request =>
// Ignore request from streams that were ended or lost.
if (state.assignedStreams.exists(_.tp == req.tp)) state.addRequest(req)
else state
case cmd @ RunloopCommand.AddSubscription(newSubscription, _) =>
state.subscriptionState match {
case SubscriptionState.NotSubscribed =>
val newSubState =
SubscriptionState.Subscribed(subscriptions = Set(newSubscription), union = newSubscription)
cmd.succeed *> doChangeSubscription(newSubState)
case SubscriptionState.Subscribed(existingSubscriptions, _) =>
val subs = NonEmptyChunk.fromIterable(newSubscription, existingSubscriptions)
Subscription.unionAll(subs) match {
case None => cmd.fail(InvalidSubscriptionUnion(subs)).as(state)
case Some(union) =>
val newSubState =
subscriptions = existingSubscriptions + newSubscription,
union = union
cmd.succeed *> doChangeSubscription(newSubState)
case RunloopCommand.RemoveSubscription(subscription) =>
state.subscriptionState match {
case SubscriptionState.NotSubscribed => ZIO.succeed(state)
case SubscriptionState.Subscribed(existingSubscriptions, _) =>
val newUnion: Option[(Subscription, NonEmptyChunk[Subscription])] =
.fromIterableOption(existingSubscriptions - subscription)
.flatMap(subs => Subscription.unionAll(subs).map(_ -> subs))
newUnion match {
case Some((union, newSubscriptions)) =>
val newSubState =
SubscriptionState.Subscribed(subscriptions = newSubscriptions.toSet, union = union)
case None =>
ZIO.logDebug(s"Unsubscribing kafka consumer") *>
case RunloopCommand.RemoveAllSubscriptions => doChangeSubscription(SubscriptionState.NotSubscribed)
case RunloopCommand.StopAllStreams =>
for {
_ <- ZIO.logDebug("Stop all streams initiated")
_ <- ZIO.foreachDiscard(state.assignedStreams)(_.end)
_ <- partitionsHub.publish(Take.end)
_ <- ZIO.logDebug("Stop all streams done")
} yield state.copy(pendingRequests = Chunk.empty)
private def applyNewSubscriptionState(
newSubscriptionState: SubscriptionState
): Task[Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]] =
consumer.runloopAccess { c =>
newSubscriptionState match {
case SubscriptionState.NotSubscribed =>
case SubscriptionState.Subscribed(_, Subscription.Pattern(pattern)) =>
val rebalanceListener = makeRebalanceListener
.attempt(c.subscribe(pattern.pattern, rebalanceListener))
case SubscriptionState.Subscribed(_, Subscription.Topics(topics)) =>
val rebalanceListener = makeRebalanceListener
.attempt(c.subscribe(topics.asJava, rebalanceListener))
case SubscriptionState.Subscribed(_, Subscription.Manual(topicPartitions)) =>
// For manual subscriptions we have to do some manual work before starting the run loop
for {
_ <- ZIO.attempt(c.assign(topicPartitions.asJava))
_ <- doSeekForNewPartitions(c, topicPartitions)
partitionStreams <- ZIO.foreach(Chunk.fromIterable(topicPartitions))(newPartitionStream)
_ <- partitionsHub.publish(Take.chunk(partitionStreams.map(_.tpStream)))
} yield partitionStreams
* Poll behavior:
* - Run until the StopRunloop command is received
* - Process all currently queued Commits
* - Process all currently queued commands
* - Poll the Kafka broker
* - After command handling and after polling, determine whether the runloop should continue:
* - Poll only when subscribed (leads to exceptions from the Apache Kafka Consumer if not)
* - Poll continuously when there are (still) unfulfilled requests or pending commits
* - Poll periodically when we are subscribed but do not have assigned streams yet. This happens after
* initialization and rebalancing
private def run(initialState: State): ZIO[Scope, Throwable, Any] = {
import Runloop.StreamOps
.takeWhile(_ != RunloopCommand.StopRunloop)
.runFoldChunksDiscardZIO(initialState) { (state, commands) =>
for {
commitCommands <- commitQueue.takeAll
_ <- ZIO.logDebug(
s"Processing ${commitCommands.size} commits," +
s" ${commands.size} commands: ${commands.mkString(",")}"
stateAfterCommits <- handleCommits(state, commitCommands)
streamCommands = commands.collect { case cmd: RunloopCommand.StreamCommand => cmd }
stateAfterCommands <- ZIO.foldLeft(streamCommands)(stateAfterCommits)(handleCommand)
updatedStateAfterPoll <- if (stateAfterCommands.shouldPoll) handlePoll(stateAfterCommands)
else ZIO.succeed(stateAfterCommands)
// Immediately poll again, after processing all new queued commands
_ <- if (updatedStateAfterPoll.shouldPoll) commandQueue.offer(RunloopCommand.Poll) else ZIO.unit
// Save the current state for other parts of Runloop (read-only, for metrics only)
_ <- currentStateRef.set(updatedStateAfterPoll)
} yield updatedStateAfterPoll
.tapErrorCause(cause => ZIO.logErrorCause("Error in Runloop", cause))
.onError(cause => partitionsHub.offer(Take.failCause(cause)))
private def observeRunloopMetrics(runloopMetricsSchedule: Schedule[Any, Unit, Long]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] = {
val observe = for {
currentState <- currentStateRef.get
commandQueueSize <- commandQueue.size
commitQueueSize <- commitQueue.size
_ <- consumerMetrics
.observeRunloopMetrics(currentState, commandQueueSize, commitQueueSize)
} yield ()
object Runloop {
private implicit final class StreamOps[R, E, A](private val stream: ZStream[R, E, A]) extends AnyVal {
* Inlined, simplified and specialized for our needs version of [[ZSink.foldChunksZIO]]
* Code initially inspired by the implementation of [[ZStream.runFoldZIO]] with everything we don't need removed and
* with chunking added
def runFoldChunksDiscardZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, S](s: S)(f: (S, Chunk[A]) => ZIO[R1, E1, S]): ZIO[R1, E1, Unit] = {
def reader(s: S): ZChannel[R1, E1, Chunk[A], Any, E1, Nothing, Unit] =
(in: Chunk[A]) => ZChannel.fromZIO(f(s, in)).flatMap(reader),
(err: Cause[E1]) => ZChannel.refailCause(err),
(_: Any) => ZChannel.unit
type ByteArrayCommittableRecord = CommittableRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]]
private final case class PollResult(
records: ConsumerRecords[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
ignoreRecordsForTps: Set[TopicPartition],
pendingRequests: Chunk[RunloopCommand.Request],
assignedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]
private final case class RevokeResult(
pendingRequests: Chunk[RunloopCommand.Request],
assignedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]
private final case class FulfillResult(
pendingRequests: Chunk[RunloopCommand.Request]
private final case class RebalanceEvent(
wasInvoked: Boolean,
assignedTps: Set[TopicPartition],
revokedTps: Set[TopicPartition],
lostTps: Set[TopicPartition],
endedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]
) {
def onAssigned(
assigned: Set[TopicPartition],
endedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]
): RebalanceEvent =
wasInvoked = true,
assignedTps = assignedTps ++ assigned,
endedStreams = this.endedStreams ++ endedStreams
def onRevoked(
revoked: Set[TopicPartition],
endedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]
): RebalanceEvent =
wasInvoked = true,
assignedTps = assignedTps -- revoked,
revokedTps = revokedTps ++ revoked,
endedStreams = this.endedStreams ++ endedStreams
def onLost(lost: Set[TopicPartition], endedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl]): RebalanceEvent =
wasInvoked = true,
assignedTps = assignedTps -- lost,
lostTps = lostTps ++ lost,
endedStreams = this.endedStreams ++ endedStreams
private object RebalanceEvent {
val None: RebalanceEvent =
RebalanceEvent(wasInvoked = false, Set.empty, Set.empty, Set.empty, Chunk.empty)
private[internal] final case class Commit(
createdAt: NanoTime,
offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata],
cont: Promise[Throwable, Unit]
) {
@inline def isDone: UIO[Boolean] = cont.isDone
@inline def isPending: UIO[Boolean] = isDone.negate
private[consumer] def make(
settings: ConsumerSettings,
maxStreamPullInterval: Duration,
maxRebalanceDuration: Duration,
diagnostics: Diagnostics,
consumer: ConsumerAccess,
partitionsHub: Hub[Take[Throwable, PartitionAssignment]]
): URIO[Scope, Runloop] =
for {
_ <- ZIO.addFinalizer(diagnostics.emit(Finalization.RunloopFinalized))
commitQueue <- ZIO.acquireRelease(Queue.unbounded[Runloop.Commit])(_.shutdown)
commandQueue <- ZIO.acquireRelease(Queue.unbounded[RunloopCommand])(_.shutdown)
lastRebalanceEvent <- Ref.Synchronized.make[Runloop.RebalanceEvent](Runloop.RebalanceEvent.None)
initialState = State.initial
currentStateRef <- Ref.make(initialState)
committedOffsetsRef <- Ref.make(CommitOffsets.empty)
sameThreadRuntime <- ZIO.runtime[Any].provideLayer(SameThreadRuntimeLayer)
executor <- ZIO.executor
runloop = new Runloop(
settings = settings,
topLevelExecutor = executor,
sameThreadRuntime = sameThreadRuntime,
consumer = consumer,
commitQueue = commitQueue,
commandQueue = commandQueue,
lastRebalanceEvent = lastRebalanceEvent,
partitionsHub = partitionsHub,
diagnostics = diagnostics,
maxStreamPullInterval = maxStreamPullInterval,
maxRebalanceDuration = maxRebalanceDuration,
currentStateRef = currentStateRef,
committedOffsetsRef = committedOffsetsRef
_ <- ZIO.logDebug("Starting Runloop")
_ <- runloop.observeRunloopMetrics(settings.runloopMetricsSchedule).forkScoped
// Run the entire loop on a dedicated thread to avoid executor shifts
executor <- RunloopExecutor.newInstance
fiber <- ZIO.onExecutor(executor)(runloop.run(initialState)).forkScoped
waitForRunloopStop = fiber.join.orDie
_ <- ZIO.addFinalizer(
ZIO.logDebug("Shutting down Runloop") *>
runloop.shutdown *>
waitForRunloopStop <*
ZIO.logDebug("Shut down Runloop")
} yield runloop
private[internal] final case class State(
pendingRequests: Chunk[RunloopCommand.Request],
pendingCommits: Chunk[Runloop.Commit],
assignedStreams: Chunk[PartitionStreamControl],
subscriptionState: SubscriptionState
) {
def addPendingCommits(c: Chunk[Runloop.Commit]): State = copy(pendingCommits = pendingCommits ++ c)
def addRequest(r: RunloopCommand.Request): State = copy(pendingRequests = pendingRequests :+ r)
def shouldPoll: Boolean =
subscriptionState.isSubscribed && (pendingRequests.nonEmpty || pendingCommits.nonEmpty || assignedStreams.isEmpty)
private object State {
val initial: State = State(
pendingRequests = Chunk.empty,
pendingCommits = Chunk.empty,
assignedStreams = Chunk.empty,
subscriptionState = SubscriptionState.NotSubscribed
// package private for unit testing
private[internal] final case class CommitOffsets(offsets: Map[TopicPartition, Long]) {
/** Returns an estimate of the total offset increase, and a new `CommitOffsets` with the given offsets added. */
def addCommits(c: Chunk[Runloop.Commit]): (Long, CommitOffsets) = {
val updatedOffsets = mutable.Map.empty[TopicPartition, Long]
updatedOffsets ++= offsets
var offsetIncrease = 0L
c.foreach { commit =>
commit.offsets.foreach { case (tp, offsetAndMeta) =>
val offset = offsetAndMeta.offset()
val maxOffset = updatedOffsets.get(tp) match {
case Some(existingOffset) =>
offsetIncrease += max(0L, offset - existingOffset)
max(existingOffset, offset)
case None =>
// This partition was not committed to from this consumer yet. Therefore we do not know the offset
// increase. A good estimate would be the poll size for this consumer, another okayish estimate is 0.
// Lets go with the simplest for now: ```offsetIncrease += 0```
updatedOffsets += tp -> maxOffset
(offsetIncrease, CommitOffsets(offsets = updatedOffsets.toMap))
def keepPartitions(tps: Set[TopicPartition]): CommitOffsets =
CommitOffsets(offsets.filter { case (tp, _) => tps.contains(tp) })
def contains(tp: TopicPartition, offset: Long): Boolean =
offsets.get(tp).exists(_ >= offset)
private[internal] object CommitOffsets {
val empty: CommitOffsets = CommitOffsets(Map.empty)
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