zio.mock.MockReporter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package zio.mock
import zio.Cause._
import zio._
import zio.mock.internal._
import zio.test._
object MockReporter {
import Expectation._
import ExpectationState._
import InvalidCall._
def apply[R0, E0, A](
formatter: ConsoleFormatter = ConsoleFormatter.colorful
): TestAspect.PerTest[Nothing, R0, E0, Any] =
new TestAspect.PerTest[Nothing, R0, E0, Any] {
import formatter._
def perTest[R <: R0, E >: E0](test: ZIO[R, TestFailure[E], TestSuccess])(implicit
trace: Trace
): ZIO[R, TestFailure[E], TestSuccess] =
.catchAll {
case rt: TestFailure.Runtime[E] =>
val mockExceptions = extractMockExceptions(rt)
if (mockExceptions.nonEmpty) handleMockException(mockExceptions: _*)
else ZIO.fail(rt)
case other => ZIO.fail(other)
.catchSomeDefect { case me: MockException =>
private def extractMockExceptions(rt: TestFailure.Runtime[Any]) = {
def extract(cause: Cause[Any], exceptions: Chunk[MockException]): Chunk[MockException] =
cause match {
case Die(me: MockException, trace) => exceptions :+ me
case Then(left, right) => extract(right, extract(left, exceptions))
case Fail(me: MockException, trace) => exceptions :+ me
case Stackless(cause, stackless) => extract(cause, exceptions)
case Both(left, right) => extract(right, extract(left, exceptions))
case _ => exceptions
extract(rt.cause, Chunk.empty)
private def handleMockException[E](
e: MockException*
): ZIO[Any, TestFailure[E], TestSuccess] = {
def makeMessages(e: MockException) =
e match {
case MockException.UnexpectedCallException(capability, args) =>
val mock = capability.mock
s"${reset("that there should have been no calls to the mock")} ${renderMock(mock)}. However ${renderCapability(capability, Some(Right(args)))} was called unexpectedly."
case MockException.UnsatisfiedExpectationsException(expectation) =>
case MockException.InvalidCallException(failedMatches) =>
private def makeTestFailure(messages: Seq[String]) = {
val ass = Assertion.assertion[Any](
messages.mkString(" " + prefix(ExpectationState.Unsatisfied))
)(_ => false)
TestFailure.Assertion(assert("Your test case")(ass))
private def prefix(state: ExpectationState) =
state match {
case Unsatisfied => bold(red(" ✖ "))
case PartiallySatisfied => bold(yellow(" ⚠ "))
case Satisfied | Saturated => bold(green(" ✔ "))
private def renderAnd(and: And[_]): String = {
val sorted = and.children.sortBy(_.state.value)
def render(e: Expectation[_]) = {
val state = e.state
val invocationCount = e.invocations.fold(0)(_ + _)
val details = state match {
case PartiallySatisfied | Unsatisfied =>
if (invocationCount == 0)
s"Which was ${bold(red("never"))} called and is considered ${renderState(state)}."
else if (invocationCount == 1)
s"Which was only called ${bold(yellow("once"))} and is considered ${renderState(state)}."
s"Which was only called ${bold(yellow(invocationCount))} times and is considered ${renderState(state)}."
case Satisfied | Saturated =>
s"Which was called ${bold(green(invocationCount))} times as expected and is considered ${renderState(state)}."
renderExpectation(e, Some(details))
val expectations = sorted.map(e => prefix(e.state) + render(e)).mkString(s"\n")
s"""|${bold(blue("some or all"))} of the following expectations:
private def renderAssertion(ass: Assertion[_]): String = bold(magenta(ass.render))
private def renderMock(in: Mock[_]): String = {
val fragments = in.getClass.getName.replaceAll("\\$", ".").split("\\.")
bold(green(fragments.toList.splitAt(fragments.size - 3) match {
case (namespace, module :: service :: method :: Nil) =>
case _ => fragments.mkString(".")
private def renderCall(call: Expectation.Call[_, _, _, _], additionalDetails: Option[String] = None): String = {
val capability = call.capability
val assertion = call.assertion
val mock = call.mock
val state = call.state
val invocations = call.invocations
val details = additionalDetails.getOrElse(
s"However, it was ${bold(red("never"))} called and is considered ${renderState(state)}."
s"Expected the call ${renderCapability(capability, Some(Left(assertion)))} on ${renderMock(mock)} which satisfies the assertion ${renderAssertion(
)}. $details"
private def renderCapability(
capability: Capability[_, _, _, _],
ass: Option[Either[Assertion[_], Any]],
overrideDisplay: String => String = identity
): String =
ass match {
case Some((Left(ass))) =>
case Some(Right(value)) =>
case None =>
private def renderChain(chain: Expectation.Chain[_]): String = {
val children = chain.children.map(e => prefix(e.state) + renderExpectation(e)).mkString("\n")
s"""|the following mocked expectations:
private def renderExactly(exactly: Exactly[_]): String = {
def renderCompleted = exactly.completed match {
case 0 => s"was ${bold(red("never"))} called"
case 1 => s"was only called ${bold(yellow("once"))}"
case count => s"was only called ${bold(yellow(count))} times"
val details =
s"It should have been called exactly ${bold(green(exactly.times))} times but $renderCompleted. As such, it is considered ${renderState(
renderExpectation(exactly.child, Some(details))
private def renderExpectation(expectation: Expectation[_], additionalDetails: Option[String] = None): String =
expectation match {
case and: And[_] => renderAnd(and)
case call: Call[_, _, _, _] => renderCall(call, additionalDetails)
case chain: Chain[_] => renderChain(chain)
case NoCalls(mock) =>
s"'NoCalls' on ${renderMock(mock)} should always be handled by the logic that handle the 'UnexpectedCallException'."
case other: Or[_] => s"Rendering of Expectation ${other} not supported yet."
case repeated: Repeated[_] => renderRepeated(repeated)
case exactly: Exactly[_] => renderExactly(exactly)
private def renderInvalidCall(ic: InvalidCall): String =
ic match {
case InvalidArguments(capability, args, assertion) =>
s"${renderCapability(capability, Some(Right(args)))} was invoked with the following invalid arguments, '${bold(
)}', which violated the assertion ${renderAssertion(assertion)}"
case ic @ InvalidCapability(invoked, expected, assertion) =>
s"Expected a call to ${renderCapability(expected, Some(Left(assertion)))}, but ${renderCapability(invoked, None, simpleNameRedWithEmphasis)} was invoked instead. (HINT: Remember order is important when considering mock invocations.)"
case ipt @ InvalidPolyType(invoked, args, expected, assertion) => ipt.toString()
private def renderInvalidCalls(invalidCalls: List[InvalidCall]): String = {
val calls = invalidCalls.map(e => prefix(Unsatisfied) + renderInvalidCall(e)).mkString("\n")
s"""|expected mock expectations in that it performed the following invalid calls:
| ${calls}
private def renderRepeated(repeated: Repeated[_]): String = {
def renderCompleted = repeated.completed match {
case 0 => s"was ${bold(red("never"))} called"
case 1 => s"was only called ${bold(yellow("once"))}"
case count => s"was only called ${bold(yellow(count))} times"
val range = s"${repeated.range.start} to ${repeated.range.end}"
val details =
s"It should have been called anywhere from ${bold(green(range))} time but $renderCompleted. As such, it is considered ${renderState(
renderExpectation(repeated.child, Some(details))
private def renderState(state: ExpectationState) = bold(state match {
case PartiallySatisfied => yellow("partially satisfied")
case Satisfied => green("satisfied")
case Saturated => green("saturated")
case Unsatisfied => red("unsatisfied")
private def simpleNameRedWithEmphasis(name: String): String =
name.split('.').reverse.toList match {
case head :: tail => s"${bold(cyan(tail.reverse.mkString(".") + "."))}${underlined(bold(red(head)))}"
case Nil => s"${underlined(bold(red(name)))}"