zio.morphir.sexpr.uuid.UUIDParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.morphir.sexpr.uuid
import scala.annotation.nowarn
// A port of https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/ebadfaeb2e1cc7b5ce5f101cd8a539bc5478cf5b with optimizations applied
private[sexpr] object UUIDParser {
// Converts characters to their numeric representation (for example 'E' or 'e' becomes 0XE)
private[this] val CharToNumeric: Array[Byte] = {
// by filling in -1's we prevent from trying to parse invalid characters
val ns = Array.fill[Byte](256)(-1)
ns('0') = 0
ns('1') = 1
ns('2') = 2
ns('3') = 3
ns('4') = 4
ns('5') = 5
ns('6') = 6
ns('7') = 7
ns('8') = 8
ns('9') = 9
ns('A') = 10
ns('B') = 11
ns('C') = 12
ns('D') = 13
ns('E') = 14
ns('F') = 15
ns('a') = 10
ns('b') = 11
ns('c') = 12
ns('d') = 13
ns('e') = 14
ns('f') = 15
def unsafeParse(input: String): java.util.UUID =
if (
input.length != 36 || {
val ch1 = input.charAt(8)
val ch2 = input.charAt(13)
val ch3 = input.charAt(18)
val ch4 = input.charAt(23)
ch1 != '-' || ch2 != '-' || ch3 != '-' || ch4 != '-'
else {
val ch2n = CharToNumeric
val msb1 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 0)
val msb2 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 4)
val msb3 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 9)
val msb4 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 14)
val lsb1 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 19)
val lsb2 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 24)
val lsb3 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 28)
val lsb4 = parseNibbles(ch2n, input, 32)
if ((msb1 | msb2 | msb3 | msb4 | lsb1 | lsb2 | lsb3 | lsb4) < 0)
new java.util.UUID(
msb1 << 48 | msb2 << 32 | msb3 << 16 | msb4,
lsb1 << 48 | lsb2 << 32 | lsb3 << 16 | lsb4
// A nibble is 4 bits
@nowarn("msg=implicit numeric widening")
private[this] def parseNibbles(ch2n: Array[Byte], input: String, position: Int): Long = {
val ch1 = input.charAt(position)
val ch2 = input.charAt(position + 1)
val ch3 = input.charAt(position + 2)
val ch4 = input.charAt(position + 3)
if ((ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4) > 0xff) -1L
else ch2n(ch1) << 12 | ch2n(ch2) << 8 | ch2n(ch3) << 4 | ch2n(ch4)
private[this] def unsafeParseExtended(input: String): java.util.UUID = {
val len = input.length
if (len > 36) throw new IllegalArgumentException("UUID string too large")
val dash1 = input.indexOf('-', 0)
val dash2 = input.indexOf('-', dash1 + 1)
val dash3 = input.indexOf('-', dash2 + 1)
val dash4 = input.indexOf('-', dash3 + 1)
val dash5 = input.indexOf('-', dash4 + 1)
// For any valid input, dash1 through dash4 will be positive and dash5 will be negative,
// but it's enough to check dash4 and dash5:
// - if dash1 is -1, dash4 will be -1
// - if dash1 is positive but dash2 is -1, dash4 will be -1
// - if dash1 and dash2 is positive, dash3 will be -1, dash4 will be positive, but so will dash5
if (dash4 < 0 || dash5 >= 0) invalidUUIDError(input)
val ch2n = CharToNumeric
val section1 = parseSection(ch2n, input, 0, dash1, 0xfffffff00000000L)
val section2 = parseSection(ch2n, input, dash1 + 1, dash2, 0xfffffffffff0000L)
val section3 = parseSection(ch2n, input, dash2 + 1, dash3, 0xfffffffffff0000L)
val section4 = parseSection(ch2n, input, dash3 + 1, dash4, 0xfffffffffff0000L)
val section5 = parseSection(ch2n, input, dash4 + 1, len, 0xfff000000000000L)
new java.util.UUID((section1 << 32) | (section2 << 16) | section3, (section4 << 48) | section5)
@nowarn("msg=implicit numeric widening")
private[this] def parseSection(
ch2n: Array[Byte],
input: String,
beginIndex: Int,
endIndex: Int,
zeroMask: Long
): Long = {
if (beginIndex >= endIndex || beginIndex + 16 < endIndex) invalidUUIDError(input)
var result = 0L
var i = beginIndex
while (i < endIndex) {
result = (result << 4) | ch2n(input.charAt(i))
i += 1
if ((result & zeroMask) != 0) invalidUUIDError(input)
private[this] def invalidUUIDError(input: String): IllegalArgumentException =
throw new IllegalArgumentException(input)
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