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zio.schema.Deriver.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.schema
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import zio.Chunk
import zio.schema.Deriver.{ WrappedF, wrap }
/** Deriver builds type class instances based on a Schema.
* The minimum set of methods to implement are:
* - `deriveRecord`
* - `deriveEnum`
* - `derivePrimitive`
* - `deriveOption`
* - `deriveSequence`
* - `deriveMap`
* - `deriveTransformedRecord` (for records with more than 22 fields)
* In addition to this more methods can be overridden to handle all the supported Schema types of zio-schema:
* - `deriveEither` (calls `deriveEnum` by default)
* - `deriveSet` (calls `deriveSequence` by default)
* - `deriveTupleN` (calls `deriveRecord` by default)
* The `cached` method converts this deriver to one that uses a cache of instances shared between macro invocations.
* Each derive methods get an optional summoned implicit value of the derived type class. It is the deriver's
* decision whether to use the available instance (as a user defined customization for a given type) or not.
* If the decision is to always accept a summoned value if there is any, use the `Deriver.AutoAcceptSummoned` trait
* which implements this automatically and only calls the trait's methods in case there is no available implicit for
* the actual type.
trait Deriver[F[_]] extends VersionSpecificDeriver[F] { self =>
lazy val cached: Deriver[F] = {
val cache = CachedDeriver.createCache[F]
CachedDeriver.apply(this, cache)
def tryDeriveRecord[A: ClassTag](
schema: Schema[A],
fields: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]],
summoned: => Option[F[A]]
): F[A] =
schema match {
case record: Schema.Record[A] => deriveRecord(record, fields, summoned)
case _ => deriveUnknown(summoned)
def tryDeriveEnum[A: ClassTag](
schema: Schema[A],
cases: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]],
summoned: => Option[F[A]]
): F[A] =
schema match {
case e: Schema.Enum[A] => deriveEnum(e, cases, summoned)
case _ => deriveUnknown(summoned)
def deriveRecord[A](record: Schema.Record[A], fields: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]], summoned: => Option[F[A]]): F[A]
def deriveEnum[A](`enum`: Schema.Enum[A], cases: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]], summoned: => Option[F[A]]): F[A]
def derivePrimitive[A](st: StandardType[A], summoned: => Option[F[A]]): F[A]
@nowarn def derivePrimitiveAlias[A: ClassTag, U](st: StandardType[U], summoned: => Option[F[A]]): F[A] =
def deriveOption[A](option: Schema.Optional[A], inner: => F[A], summoned: => Option[F[Option[A]]]): F[Option[A]]
def deriveSequence[C[_], A](
sequence: Schema.Sequence[C[A], A, _],
inner: => F[A],
summoned: => Option[F[C[A]]]
): F[C[A]]
def deriveMap[K, V](
map: Schema.Map[K, V],
key: => F[K],
value: => F[V],
summoned: => Option[F[Map[K, V]]]
): F[Map[K, V]]
def deriveEither[A, B](
either: Schema.Either[A, B],
left: => F[A],
right: => F[B],
summoned: => Option[F[Either[A, B]]]
): F[Either[A, B]] =
Chunk(wrap(left), wrap(right)),
def deriveSet[A](set: Schema.Set[A], inner: => F[A], summoned: => Option[F[Set[A]]]): F[Set[A]] =
deriveSequence[Set, A](
Schema.Sequence(set.elementSchema, _.toSet, Chunk.fromIterable, set.annotations, getClass.getName + "#deriveSet"),
def deriveTupleN[T](schemasAndInstances: => Chunk[(Schema[_], WrappedF[F, _])], summoned: => Option[F[T]]): F[T] = {
val recordSchema = TupleRecordSchema.tupleToRecordSchema[T](
def deriveTransformedRecord[A, B](
record: Schema.Record[A],
transform: Schema.Transform[A, B, _],
fields: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]],
summoned: => Option[F[B]]
): F[B]
def deriveUnknown[A: ClassTag](summoned: => Option[F[A]]): F[A] =
summoned match {
case Some(value) => value
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cannot derive instance for type ${implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass.getName}"
def autoAcceptSummoned: Deriver[F] =
new Deriver[F] {
final override def deriveRecord[A](
record: Schema.Record[A],
fields: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]],
summoned: => Option[F[A]]
): F[A] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveRecord(record, fields, summoned)
final override def deriveEnum[A](
`enum`: Schema.Enum[A],
cases: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]],
summoned: => Option[F[A]]
): F[A] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveEnum(`enum`, cases, summoned)
final override def derivePrimitive[A](st: StandardType[A], summoned: => Option[F[A]]): F[A] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.derivePrimitive(st, summoned)
final override def deriveOption[A](
option: Schema.Optional[A],
inner: => F[A],
summoned: => Option[F[Option[A]]]
): F[Option[A]] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveOption(option, inner, summoned)
final override def deriveSequence[C[_], A](
sequence: Schema.Sequence[C[A], A, _],
inner: => F[A],
summoned: => Option[F[C[A]]]
): F[C[A]] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveSequence(sequence, inner, summoned)
final override def deriveMap[K, V](
map: Schema.Map[K, V],
key: => F[K],
value: => F[V],
summoned: => Option[F[Map[K, V]]]
): F[Map[K, V]] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveMap(map, key, value, summoned)
final override def deriveEither[A, B](
either: Schema.Either[A, B],
left: => F[A],
right: => F[B],
summoned: => Option[F[Either[A, B]]]
): F[Either[A, B]] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveEither(either, left, right, summoned)
final override def deriveSet[A](set: Schema.Set[A], inner: => F[A], summoned: => Option[F[Set[A]]]): F[Set[A]] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveSet(set, inner, summoned)
final override def deriveTransformedRecord[A, B](
record: Schema.Record[A],
transform: Schema.Transform[A, B, _],
fields: => Chunk[WrappedF[F, _]],
summoned: => Option[F[B]]
): F[B] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveTransformedRecord(record, transform, fields, summoned)
final override def deriveTupleN[T](
schemasAndInstances: => Chunk[(Schema[_], WrappedF[F, _])],
summoned: => Option[F[T]]
): F[T] =
summoned.getOrElse {
self.deriveTupleN(schemasAndInstances, summoned)
object Deriver {
class WrappedF[F[_], A](f: () => F[A]) {
lazy val unwrap: F[A] = f()
def wrap[F[_], A](f: => F[A]): WrappedF[F, A] = new WrappedF(() => f)