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zio.schema.codec.ProtobufCodec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package zio.schema.codec

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.{ ByteBuffer, ByteOrder }
import java.time._
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.UUID

import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import zio.schema.MutableSchemaBasedValueBuilder.{ CreateValueFromSchemaError, ReadingFieldResult }
import zio.schema._
import zio.schema.annotation.fieldDefaultValue
import zio.schema.codec.DecodeError.{ ExtraFields, MalformedField, MissingField }
import zio.schema.codec.ProtobufCodec.Protobuf.WireType.LengthDelimited
import zio.{ Cause, Chunk, ChunkBuilder, Unsafe, ZIO }

object ProtobufCodec {

  implicit def protobufCodec[A](implicit schema: Schema[A]): BinaryCodec[A] =
    new BinaryCodec[A] {
      override def decode(whole: Chunk[Byte]): Either[DecodeError, A] =
        new Decoder(whole).decode(schema)

      override def streamDecoder: ZPipeline[Any, DecodeError, Byte, A] =
        ZPipeline.mapChunksZIO(chunk => ZIO.fromEither(new Decoder(chunk).decode(schema).map(Chunk(_))))

      override def encode(value: A): Chunk[Byte] =
        Encoder.process(schema, value)

      override def streamEncoder: ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, A, Byte] =

  object Protobuf {

    sealed trait WireType

    object WireType {
      case object VarInt                     extends WireType
      case object Bit64                      extends WireType
      case class LengthDelimited(width: Int) extends WireType
      case object StartGroup                 extends WireType
      case object EndGroup                   extends WireType
      case object Bit32                      extends WireType

     * Used when encoding sequence of values to decide whether each value need its own key or values can be packed together without keys (for example numbers).
    private[codec] def canBePacked(schema: Schema[_]): Boolean = schema match {
      case Schema.Sequence(element, _, _, _, _) => canBePacked(element)
      case Schema.Transform(codec, _, _, _, _)  => canBePacked(codec)
      case Schema.Primitive(standardType, _)    => canBePacked(standardType)
      case _: Schema.Tuple2[_, _]               => false
      case _: Schema.Optional[_]                => false
      case _: Schema.Fail[_]                    => false
      case _: Schema.Either[_, _]               => false
      case _: Schema.Fallback[_, _]             => false
      case lzy @ Schema.Lazy(_)                 => canBePacked(lzy.schema)
      case _                                    => false

    private def canBePacked(standardType: StandardType[_]): Boolean = standardType match {
      case StandardType.UnitType           => false
      case StandardType.StringType         => false
      case StandardType.BoolType           => true
      case StandardType.ByteType           => true
      case StandardType.ShortType          => true
      case StandardType.IntType            => true
      case StandardType.LongType           => true
      case StandardType.FloatType          => true
      case StandardType.DoubleType         => true
      case StandardType.BinaryType         => false
      case StandardType.CharType           => true
      case StandardType.BigIntegerType     => false
      case StandardType.BigDecimalType     => false
      case StandardType.UUIDType           => false
      case StandardType.DayOfWeekType      => true
      case StandardType.MonthType          => true
      case StandardType.MonthDayType       => false
      case StandardType.PeriodType         => false
      case StandardType.YearType           => true
      case StandardType.YearMonthType      => false
      case StandardType.ZoneIdType         => false
      case StandardType.ZoneOffsetType     => true
      case StandardType.DurationType       => true
      case StandardType.InstantType        => false
      case StandardType.LocalDateType      => false
      case StandardType.LocalTimeType      => false
      case StandardType.LocalDateTimeType  => false
      case StandardType.OffsetTimeType     => false
      case StandardType.OffsetDateTimeType => false
      case StandardType.ZonedDateTimeType  => false
      case StandardType.CurrencyType       => false

  final private[codec] case class EncoderContext(fieldNumber: Option[Int], directByteEncoding: Boolean)

  object Encoder extends MutableSchemaBasedValueProcessor[Chunk[Byte], EncoderContext] {
    import Protobuf._

    override protected def processPrimitive(context: EncoderContext, value: Any, typ: StandardType[Any]): Chunk[Byte] =
      if (context.directByteEncoding && typ == StandardType.ByteType) Chunk(value.asInstanceOf[Byte])
      else encodePrimitive(context.fieldNumber, typ, value)

    override protected def processRecord(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Record[_],
      value: ListMap[String, Chunk[Byte]]
    ): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val encodedRecord = Chunk.fromIterable(value.values).flatten
      encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedRecord.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ encodedRecord

    override protected def processEnum(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Enum[_],
      tuple: (String, Chunk[Byte])
    ): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val encoded = tuple._2
      encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encoded.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ encoded

    override protected def processSequence(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _],
      value: Chunk[Chunk[Byte]]
    ): Chunk[Byte] =
      if (value.isEmpty) {
        val data = encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(0), Some(1))
        encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ encodeKey(
      } else {
        val chunk = value.flatten
        val data = encodeKey(
        ) ++ chunk

        encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ data

    override protected def processDictionary(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Map[_, _],
      value: Chunk[(Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte])]
    ): Chunk[Byte] =
      if (value.isEmpty) {
        val data = encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(0), Some(1))
        encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ encodeKey(
      } else {
        val chunk = {
          case (left, right) =>
            val leftDecoder  = new Decoder(left)
            val rightDecoder = new Decoder(right)

                DecoderContext(None, packed = false, dictionaryElementContext = None, directByteEncoding = false)
                DecoderContext(None, packed = false, dictionaryElementContext = None, directByteEncoding = false)
            ) match {
              case ((leftWireType, seqIndex), (rightWireType, _)) =>
                val data =
                  encodeKey(leftWireType, Some(1)) ++
                    leftDecoder.remainder ++
                    encodeKey(rightWireType, Some(2)) ++
                encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), Some(seqIndex)) ++ data
              case other =>
                throw new IllegalStateException(s"Invalid state in processDictionary: $other")
        val data = encodeKey(
        ) ++ chunk

        encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ data

    override protected def processSet(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Set[_],
      value: Set[Chunk[Byte]]
    ): Chunk[Byte] =
      if (value.isEmpty) {
        val data = encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(0), Some(1))
        encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ encodeKey(
      } else {
        val chunk = Chunk.fromIterable(value).flatten
        val data = encodeKey(
        ) ++ chunk

        encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ data

    override protected def processEither(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Either[_, _],
      value: Either[Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]]
    ): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val encodedEither = value.merge
      encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedEither.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ encodedEither

    override protected def processFallback(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Fallback[_, _],
      value: Fallback[Chunk[Byte], Chunk[Byte]]
    ): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val encodedEither = value match {
        case Fallback.Left(left)        => left
        case Fallback.Right(right)      => right
        case Fallback.Both(left, right) => left ++ right
      encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedEither.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ encodedEither

    override protected def processOption(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Optional[_],
      value: Option[Chunk[Byte]]
    ): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val data = value match {
        case Some(bytes) => bytes
        case None        => encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(0), Some(1))

      encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ data

    override protected def processTuple(
      context: EncoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Tuple2[_, _],
      left: Chunk[Byte],
      right: Chunk[Byte]
    ): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val data = left ++ right
      encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(data.size), context.fieldNumber) ++ data

    override protected def processDynamic(context: EncoderContext, value: DynamicValue): Option[Chunk[Byte]] =

    override protected def fail(context: EncoderContext, message: String): Chunk[Byte] =
      throw new RuntimeException(message)

    override protected val initialContext: EncoderContext =
      EncoderContext(fieldNumber = None, directByteEncoding = false)

    override protected def contextForRecordField(
      context: EncoderContext,
      index: Int,
      field: Schema.Field[_, _]
    ): EncoderContext = {
      val fieldNumber = FieldMapping.getFieldNumber(field).getOrElse(index + 1)
      context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(fieldNumber))

    override protected def contextForTuple(context: EncoderContext, index: Int): EncoderContext =
      context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(index))

    override protected def contextForEnumConstructor(
      context: EncoderContext,
      index: Int,
      c: Schema.Case[_, _]
    ): EncoderContext =
      context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(index + 1))

    override protected def contextForEither(context: EncoderContext, e: Either[Unit, Unit]): EncoderContext =
      e match {
        case Left(_)  => context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(1))
        case Right(_) => context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(2))

    override protected def contextForFallback(context: EncoderContext, f: Fallback[Unit, Unit]): EncoderContext =
      f match {
        case Fallback.Left(_)    => context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(1))
        case Fallback.Right(_)   => context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(2))
        case Fallback.Both(_, _) => context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(3))

    override protected def contextForOption(context: EncoderContext, o: Option[Unit]): EncoderContext =
      o match {
        case None    => context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(1))
        case Some(_) => context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(2))

    override protected def contextForSequence(
      context: EncoderContext,
      s: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _],
      index: Int
    ): EncoderContext =
      if (s.elementSchema == Schema[Byte]) context.copy(fieldNumber = None, directByteEncoding = true)
      else if (canBePacked(s.elementSchema)) context.copy(fieldNumber = None)
      else context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(index + 1))

    override protected def contextForMap(context: EncoderContext, s: Schema.Map[_, _], index: Int): EncoderContext =
      if (canBePacked(s.keySchema <*> s.valueSchema)) context.copy(fieldNumber = None)
      else context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(index + 1))

    override protected def contextForSet(context: EncoderContext, s: Schema.Set[_], index: Int): EncoderContext =
      if (canBePacked(s.elementSchema)) context.copy(fieldNumber = None)
      else context.copy(fieldNumber = Some(index + 1))

    private def encodePrimitive[A](
      fieldNumber: Option[Int],
      standardType: StandardType[A],
      value: A
    ): Chunk[Byte] =
      (standardType, value) match {
        case (StandardType.UnitType, _) =>
          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(0), fieldNumber)
        case (StandardType.StringType, str: String) =>
          val encoded = Chunk.fromArray(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encoded.size), fieldNumber) ++ encoded
        case (StandardType.BoolType, b: Boolean) =>
          encodeKey(WireType.VarInt, fieldNumber) ++ encodeVarInt(if (b) 1 else 0)
        case (StandardType.ShortType, v: Short) =>
          encodeKey(WireType.VarInt, fieldNumber) ++ encodeVarInt(v.toLong)
        case (StandardType.ByteType, v: Byte) =>
          encodeKey(WireType.VarInt, fieldNumber) ++ encodeVarInt(v.toLong)
        case (StandardType.IntType, v: Int) =>
          encodeKey(WireType.VarInt, fieldNumber) ++ encodeVarInt(v)
        case (StandardType.LongType, v: Long) =>
          encodeKey(WireType.VarInt, fieldNumber) ++ encodeVarInt(v)
        case (StandardType.BigDecimalType, v: java.math.BigDecimal) =>
          val unscaled  = v.unscaledValue()
          val precision = v.precision()
          val scale     = v.scale()

          val encodedRecord =
            encodePrimitive(Some(1), StandardType.BigIntegerType, unscaled) ++
              encodePrimitive(Some(2), StandardType.IntType, precision) ++
              encodePrimitive(Some(3), StandardType.IntType, scale)

          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedRecord.size), fieldNumber) ++ encodedRecord

        case (StandardType.BigIntegerType, v: java.math.BigInteger) =>
          val encoded = Chunk.fromArray(v.toByteArray)
          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encoded.size), fieldNumber) ++ encoded

        case (StandardType.FloatType, v: Float) =>
          val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4)
          encodeKey(WireType.Bit32, fieldNumber) ++ Chunk.fromArray(byteBuffer.array)
        case (StandardType.DoubleType, v: Double) =>
          val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8)
          encodeKey(WireType.Bit64, fieldNumber) ++ Chunk.fromArray(byteBuffer.array)
        case (StandardType.BinaryType, bytes: Chunk[Byte]) =>
          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(bytes.length), fieldNumber) ++ bytes
        case (StandardType.CharType, c: Char) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, c.toString)
        case (StandardType.UUIDType, u: UUID) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, u.toString)
        case (StandardType.DayOfWeekType, v: DayOfWeek) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.IntType, v.getValue)
        case (StandardType.MonthType, v: Month) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.IntType, v.getValue)
        case (StandardType.MonthDayType, v: MonthDay) =>
          val encodedRecord =
            encodePrimitive(Some(1), StandardType.IntType, v.getMonthValue) ++
              encodePrimitive(Some(2), StandardType.IntType, v.getDayOfMonth)

          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedRecord.size), fieldNumber) ++ encodedRecord
        case (StandardType.PeriodType, v: Period) =>
          val encodedRecord =
            encodePrimitive(Some(1), StandardType.IntType, v.getYears) ++
              encodePrimitive(Some(2), StandardType.IntType, v.getMonths) ++
              encodePrimitive(Some(3), StandardType.IntType, v.getDays)

          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedRecord.size), fieldNumber) ++ encodedRecord
        case (StandardType.YearType, v: Year) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.IntType, v.getValue)
        case (StandardType.YearMonthType, v: YearMonth) =>
          val encodedRecord =
            encodePrimitive(Some(1), StandardType.IntType, v.getYear) ++
              encodePrimitive(Some(2), StandardType.IntType, v.getMonthValue)

          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedRecord.size), fieldNumber) ++ encodedRecord
        case (StandardType.ZoneIdType, v: ZoneId) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.getId)
        case (StandardType.ZoneOffsetType, v: ZoneOffset) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.IntType, v.getTotalSeconds)
        case (StandardType.DurationType, v: Duration) =>
          val encodedRecord =
            encodePrimitive(Some(1), StandardType.LongType, v.getSeconds) ++
              encodePrimitive(Some(2), StandardType.IntType, v.getNano)

          encodeKey(WireType.LengthDelimited(encodedRecord.size), fieldNumber) ++ encodedRecord
        case (StandardType.InstantType, v: Instant) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.toString)
        case (StandardType.LocalDateType, v: LocalDate) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.toString)
        case (StandardType.LocalTimeType, v: LocalTime) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.toString)
        case (StandardType.LocalDateTimeType, v: LocalDateTime) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.toString)
        case (StandardType.OffsetTimeType, v: OffsetTime) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.toString)
        case (StandardType.OffsetDateTimeType, v: OffsetDateTime) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.toString)
        case (StandardType.ZonedDateTimeType, v: ZonedDateTime) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_ZONED_DATE_TIME))
        case (StandardType.CurrencyType, v: java.util.Currency) =>
          encodePrimitive(fieldNumber, StandardType.StringType, v.getCurrencyCode)
        case (_, _) =>
          throw new NotImplementedError(s"No encoder for $standardType")

    private def encodeVarInt(value: Int): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[Byte](5)
      encodeVarInt(value.toLong, builder)

    private def encodeVarInt(value: Long): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[Byte](10)
      encodeVarInt(value, builder)

    private def encodeVarInt(value: Long, builder: ChunkBuilder[Byte]): Unit = {
      var current    = value
      var higherBits = current >>> 7
      var done       = false

      while (!done) {
        if (higherBits != 0x00) {
          builder += (0x80 | (current & 0x7F)).byteValue()
          current = higherBits
          higherBits = higherBits >>> 7
        } else {
          builder += (current & 0x7F).byteValue()
          done = true

     * Encodes key. Key contains field number out of flatten schema structure and wire type.
     * 1 << 3 => 8, 2 << 3 => 16, 3 << 3 => 24
     * More info:
    private[codec] def encodeKey(wireType: WireType, fieldNumber: Option[Int]): Chunk[Byte] = { fieldNumber =>
        val encode = (baseWireType: Int) => encodeVarInt(fieldNumber << 3 | baseWireType)
        wireType match {
          case WireType.VarInt                  => encode(0)
          case WireType.Bit64                   => encode(1)
          case WireType.LengthDelimited(length) => encode(2) ++ encodeVarInt(length)
          case WireType.StartGroup              => encode(3)
          case WireType.EndGroup                => encode(4)
          case WireType.Bit32                   => encode(5)

  final class DecoderState(chunk: Chunk[Byte], private var position: Int) {
    def length(context: DecoderContext): Int = context.limit.getOrElse(chunk.length) - position

    def read(count: Int): Chunk[Byte] = {
      val oldPosition = position
      position += count
      chunk.slice(oldPosition, position)

    def all(context: DecoderContext): Chunk[Byte] = read(length(context))

    def peek(context: DecoderContext): Chunk[Byte] =
      chunk.slice(position, position + length(context))

    def peek: Byte = chunk.byte(position)

    def move(count: Int): Unit =
      position += count

    def currentPosition: Int = position

  final case class DecoderContext(
    limit: Option[Int],
    packed: Boolean,
    dictionaryElementContext: Option[DecoderContext],
    directByteEncoding: Boolean
  ) {

    def limitedTo(state: DecoderState, w: Int): DecoderContext =
      copy(limit = Some(state.currentPosition + w))

  class Decoder(chunk: Chunk[Byte]) extends MutableSchemaBasedValueBuilder[Any, DecoderContext] {

    import Protobuf._

    private val state: DecoderState = new DecoderState(chunk, 0)
    private val fieldMappingCache   = new FieldMappingCache()

    def decode[A](schema: Schema[A]): scala.util.Either[DecodeError, A] =
      try {
      } catch {
        case CreateValueFromSchemaError(_, cause) =>
          cause match {
            case error: DecodeError => Left(error)
            case _ =>
              Left(DecodeError.ReadError(, cause.getMessage))
        case NonFatal(err) =>
          Left(DecodeError.ReadError(, err.getMessage))

    private def createTypedPrimitive[A](context: DecoderContext, standardType: StandardType[A]): A =
      createPrimitive(context, standardType).asInstanceOf[A]

    override protected def createPrimitive(context: DecoderContext, typ: StandardType[_]): Any =
      typ match {
        case StandardType.UnitType                                => ()
        case StandardType.StringType                              => stringDecoder(context)
        case StandardType.BoolType                                => varIntDecoder(context) != 0
        case StandardType.ShortType                               => varIntDecoder(context).shortValue
        case StandardType.ByteType if !context.directByteEncoding => varIntDecoder(context).byteValue
        case StandardType.ByteType if context.directByteEncoding =>
          val result = state.peek
        case StandardType.IntType    => varIntDecoder(context).intValue
        case StandardType.LongType   => varIntDecoder(context)
        case StandardType.FloatType  => floatDecoder(context)
        case StandardType.DoubleType => doubleDecoder(context)
        case StandardType.BigIntegerType =>
          val bytes = binaryDecoder(context)
          new java.math.BigInteger(bytes.toArray)
        case StandardType.BigDecimalType =>
          val unscaled  = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 1), StandardType.BigIntegerType)
          val precision = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 2), StandardType.IntType)
          val scale     = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 3), StandardType.IntType)
          val ctx       = new java.math.MathContext(precision)
          new java.math.BigDecimal(unscaled, scale, ctx)

        case StandardType.BinaryType => binaryDecoder(context)
        case StandardType.CharType   => stringDecoder(context).charAt(0)
        case StandardType.UUIDType =>
          val uuid = stringDecoder(context)
          try UUID.fromString(uuid)
          catch {
            case NonFatal(_) =>
              throw MalformedField(Schema.primitive[UUID], s"Invalid UUID string $uuid")
        case StandardType.DayOfWeekType =>
        case StandardType.MonthType =>
        case StandardType.MonthDayType =>
          val month = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 1), StandardType.IntType)
          val day   = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 2), StandardType.IntType)
          MonthDay.of(month, day)

        case StandardType.PeriodType =>
          val years  = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 1), StandardType.IntType)
          val months = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 2), StandardType.IntType)
          val days   = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 3), StandardType.IntType)
          Period.of(years, months, days)
        case StandardType.YearType =>
        case StandardType.YearMonthType =>
          val year  = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 1), StandardType.IntType)
          val month = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 2), StandardType.IntType)
          YearMonth.of(year, month)
        case StandardType.ZoneIdType => ZoneId.of(stringDecoder(context))
        case StandardType.ZoneOffsetType =>
        case StandardType.DurationType =>
          val seconds = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 1), StandardType.LongType)
          val nanos   = createTypedPrimitive(rawFieldDecoder(context, 2), StandardType.IntType)
          Duration.ofSeconds(seconds, nanos.toLong)
        case StandardType.InstantType =>
        case StandardType.LocalDateType =>
        case StandardType.LocalTimeType =>
        case StandardType.LocalDateTimeType =>
        case StandardType.OffsetTimeType =>
        case StandardType.OffsetDateTimeType =>
        case StandardType.ZonedDateTimeType =>
        case StandardType.CurrencyType => java.util.Currency.getInstance(stringDecoder(context))
        case st                        => fail(context, s"Unsupported primitive type $st")

    override protected def startCreatingRecord(context: DecoderContext, record: Schema.Record[_]): DecoderContext =

    override protected def startReadingField(
      context: DecoderContext,
      record: Schema.Record[_],
      index: Int
    ): ReadingFieldResult[DecoderContext] =
      if (state.length(context) <= 0) {
      } else {
        keyDecoder(context) match {
          case (wt, fieldNumber) =>
            val fieldMapping = fieldMappingCache.get(record)
            fieldMapping.fieldNumberToIndex.get(fieldNumber) match {
              case Some(index) => {
                if (record.fields.isDefinedAt(index)) {
                  ReadingFieldResult.ReadField(wt match {
                    case LengthDelimited(width) =>
                      context.limitedTo(state, width)
                    case _ =>
                  }, index)
                } else {
                  throw ExtraFields(
                    s"Failed to decode record. Schema does not contain field number $fieldNumber."
              case None =>
                wt match {
                  case WireType.VarInt => {
                  case WireType.Bit64 => {
                  case LengthDelimited(width) => {
                  case WireType.Bit32 => {
                  case _ =>
                    throw ExtraFields(
                      s"Failed to decode record. Schema does not contain field number $fieldNumber and it's length is unknown"

    override protected def createRecord(
      context: DecoderContext,
      record: Schema.Record[_],
      values: Chunk[(Int, Any)]
    ): Any =
      Unsafe.unsafe { implicit u =>
        val array = new Array[Any](record.fields.length)
        val mask  = Array.fill(record.fields.length)(false)

        for ((field, index) <- record.fields.zipWithIndex) {
          val defaultValue = field.annotations.collectFirst {
            case fieldDefaultValue(defaultValue) => defaultValue

          defaultValue match {
            case Some(defaultValue) =>
              array(index) = defaultValue
              mask(index) = true
            case None =>

        for ((index, value) <- values) {
          if (index < array.length) {
            array(index) = value
            mask(index) = true;

        if (mask.forall(set => set)) {
          record.construct(Chunk.fromArray(array)) match {
            case Right(result) => result
            case Left(message) => throw DecodeError.ReadError(Cause.empty, message)
        } else {
          throw DecodeError.ReadError(
            s"Failed to decode record. Missing fields: ${!_._1).map(_._2).mkString(", ")}"

    override protected def startCreatingEnum(
      context: DecoderContext,
      cases: Chunk[Schema.Case[_, _]]
    ): (DecoderContext, Int) =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (wt, fieldNumber) if fieldNumber <= cases.length =>
          wt match {
            case LengthDelimited(width) =>
              (context.limitedTo(state, width), fieldNumber - 1)
            case _ =>
              (context, fieldNumber - 1)
        case (_, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MissingField(
            cases(fieldNumber - 1).schema,
            s"Failed to decode enumeration. Schema does not contain field number $fieldNumber."

    override protected def createEnum(
      context: DecoderContext,
      cases: Chunk[Schema.Case[_, _]],
      index: Int,
      value: Any
    ): Any =

    override protected def startCreatingSequence(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _]
    ): Option[DecoderContext] =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (LengthDelimited(0), 1) =>
        case (LengthDelimited(width), 2) =>
          Some(context.limitedTo(state, width).copy(packed = canBePacked(schema.elementSchema)))
        case (wt, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MalformedField(schema, s"Invalid wire type ($wt) or field number ($fieldNumber) for packed sequence")

    override protected def startCreatingOneSequenceElement(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _]
    ): DecoderContext =
      if (context.packed)
        if (schema.elementSchema == Schema[Byte])
          context.copy(directByteEncoding = true)
      else {
        keyDecoder(context) match {
          case (wt, _) =>
            wt match {
              case LengthDelimited(elemWidth) =>
                context.limitedTo(state, elemWidth)
              case _ =>
                throw MalformedField(schema, s"Unexpected wire type $wt for non-packed sequence")

    override protected def finishedCreatingOneSequenceElement(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _],
      index: Int
    ): Boolean =
      state.length(context) > 0

    override protected def createSequence(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _],
      values: Chunk[Any]
    ): Any =
      schema.fromChunk.asInstanceOf[Chunk[Any] => Any](values)

    override protected def startCreatingDictionary(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Map[_, _]
    ): Option[DecoderContext] =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (LengthDelimited(0), 1) =>
        case (LengthDelimited(width), 2) =>
          Some(context.limitedTo(state, width).copy(packed = canBePacked(
        case (wt, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MalformedField(schema, s"Invalid wire type ($wt) or field number ($fieldNumber) for packed sequence")

    override protected def startCreatingOneDictionaryElement(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Map[_, _]
    ): DecoderContext = {
      val elemContext =
        if (context.packed) {
        } else {
          keyDecoder(context) match {
            case (wt, _) =>
              wt match {
                case LengthDelimited(elemWidth) =>
                  context.limitedTo(state, elemWidth)
                case _ =>
                  throw MalformedField(schema, s"Unexpected wire type $wt for non-packed sequence")
      enterFirstTupleElement(elemContext, schema).copy(dictionaryElementContext = Some(elemContext))

    override protected def startCreatingOneDictionaryValue(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Map[_, _]
    ): DecoderContext =
      enterSecondTupleElement(context.dictionaryElementContext.getOrElse(context), schema)

    override protected def finishedCreatingOneDictionaryElement(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Map[_, _],
      index: Int
    ): Boolean =
      state.length(context) > 0

    override protected def createDictionary(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Map[_, _],
      values: Chunk[(Any, Any)]
    ): Any =

    override protected def startCreatingSet(context: DecoderContext, schema: Schema.Set[_]): Option[DecoderContext] =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (LengthDelimited(0), 1) =>
        case (LengthDelimited(width), 2) =>
          Some(context.limitedTo(state, width).copy(packed = canBePacked(schema.elementSchema)))
        case (wt, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MalformedField(schema, s"Invalid wire type ($wt) or field number ($fieldNumber) for packed sequence")

    override protected def startCreatingOneSetElement(context: DecoderContext, schema: Schema.Set[_]): DecoderContext =
      if (context.packed) {
      } else {
        keyDecoder(context) match {
          case (wt, _) =>
            wt match {
              case LengthDelimited(elemWidth) =>
                context.limitedTo(state, elemWidth)
              case _ =>
                throw MalformedField(schema, s"Unexpected wire type $wt for non-packed sequence")

    override protected def finishedCreatingOneSetElement(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Set[_],
      index: Int
    ): Boolean =
      state.length(context) > 0

    override protected def createSet(context: DecoderContext, schema: Schema.Set[_], values: Chunk[Any]): Any =

    override protected def startCreatingOptional(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Optional[_]
    ): Option[DecoderContext] =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (LengthDelimited(0), 1)     => None
        case (LengthDelimited(width), 2) => Some(context.limitedTo(state, width))
        case (_, 2)                      => Some(context)
        case (_, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MalformedField(schema, s"Invalid field number $fieldNumber for option")

    override protected def createOptional(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Optional[_],
      value: Option[Any]
    ): Any =

    override protected def startCreatingEither(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Either[_, _]
    ): Either[DecoderContext, DecoderContext] =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (_, fieldNumber) if fieldNumber == 1 => Left(context)
        case (_, fieldNumber) if fieldNumber == 2 => Right(context)
        case (_, fieldNumber) =>
          throw ExtraFields(fieldNumber.toString, s"Invalid field number ($fieldNumber) for either")

    override protected def createEither(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Either[_, _],
      value: Either[Any, Any]
    ): Any =

    override protected def startCreatingFallback(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Fallback[_, _]
    ): Fallback[DecoderContext, DecoderContext] =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (_, fieldNumber) if fieldNumber == 1 => Fallback.Left(context)
        case (_, fieldNumber) if fieldNumber == 2 => Fallback.Right(context)
        case (_, fieldNumber) if fieldNumber == 3 => Fallback.Both(context, context)
        case _ =>
          throw ExtraFields(fieldNumber.toString, s"Invalid field number ($fieldNumber) for fallback")

    override protected def startReadingRightFallback(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Fallback[_, _]
    ): DecoderContext =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (wt, 2) =>
          wt match {
            case LengthDelimited(width) => context.limitedTo(state, width)
            case _                      => context
        case (_, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MalformedField(schema, s"Invalid field number $fieldNumber for fallback's right field")

    override protected def createFallback(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Fallback[_, _],
      value: Fallback[Any, Any]
    ): Any =
      if (schema.fullDecode) value else value.simplify

    override protected def startCreatingTuple(context: DecoderContext, schema: Schema.Tuple2[_, _]): DecoderContext =
      enterFirstTupleElement(context, schema)

    private def enterFirstTupleElement(context: DecoderContext, schema: Schema[_]): DecoderContext =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (wt, 1) =>
          wt match {
            case LengthDelimited(width) => context.limitedTo(state, width)
            case _                      => context
        case (_, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MalformedField(schema, s"Invalid field number $fieldNumber for tuple's first field")

    override protected def startReadingSecondTupleElement(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Tuple2[_, _]
    ): DecoderContext =
      enterSecondTupleElement(context, schema)

    private def enterSecondTupleElement(context: DecoderContext, schema: Schema[_]): DecoderContext =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (wt, 2) =>
          wt match {
            case LengthDelimited(width) => context.limitedTo(state, width)
            case _                      => context
        case (_, fieldNumber) =>
          throw MalformedField(schema, s"Invalid field number $fieldNumber for tuple's second field")

    override protected def createTuple(
      context: DecoderContext,
      schema: Schema.Tuple2[_, _],
      left: Any,
      right: Any
    ): Any =
      (left, right)

    override protected def createDynamic(context: DecoderContext): Option[Any] =

    override protected def transform(
      context: DecoderContext,
      value: Any,
      f: Any => Either[String, Any],
      schema: Schema[_]
    ): Any =
      f(value) match {
        case Left(value)  => throw MalformedField(schema, value)
        case Right(value) => value

    override protected def fail(context: DecoderContext, message: String): Any =
      throw DecodeError.ReadError(Cause.empty, message)

    override protected val initialContext: DecoderContext =
      DecoderContext(limit = None, packed = false, dictionaryElementContext = None, directByteEncoding = false)

     * Decodes key which consist out of field type (wire type) and a field number.
     * 8 >>> 3 => 1, 16 >>> 3 => 2, 24 >>> 3 => 3, 32 >>> 3 => 4
     * 0 & 0x07 => 0, 1 & 0x07 => 1, 2 & 0x07 => 2, 9 & 0x07 => 1, 15 & 0x07 => 7
    private[codec] def keyDecoder(context: DecoderContext): (WireType, Int) = {
      val key         = varIntDecoder(context)
      val fieldNumber = (key >>> 3).toInt
      if (fieldNumber < 1) {
        throw ExtraFields(fieldNumber.toString, s"Failed decoding key. Invalid field number $fieldNumber")
      } else {
        key & 0x07 match {
          case 0 => (WireType.VarInt, fieldNumber)
          case 1 => (WireType.Bit64, fieldNumber)
          case 2 =>
            val length = varIntDecoder(context)
            (WireType.LengthDelimited(length.toInt), fieldNumber)
          case 3 => (WireType.StartGroup, fieldNumber)
          case 4 => (WireType.EndGroup, fieldNumber)
          case 5 => (WireType.Bit32, fieldNumber)
          case n =>
            throw ExtraFields(fieldNumber.toString, s"Failed decoding key. Unknown wire type $n")

    private def rawFieldDecoder(context: DecoderContext, expectedFieldNumber: Int): DecoderContext =
      keyDecoder(context) match {
        case (wt, fieldNumber) if fieldNumber == expectedFieldNumber =>
          wt match {
            case LengthDelimited(width) =>
              context.limitedTo(state, width)
            case _ =>
        case _ =>
          throw ExtraFields(
            s"Failed to decode record. Schema does not contain field number $expectedFieldNumber."

    private def floatDecoder(context: DecoderContext): Float =
      if (state.length(context) < 4)
        throw MalformedField(
          s"Invalid number of bytes for Float. Expected 4, got ${state.length(context)}"
      else {
        val bytes =

    private def doubleDecoder(context: DecoderContext): Double =
      if (state.length(context) < 8)
        throw MalformedField(
          s"Invalid number of bytes for Double. Expected 8, got ${state.length(context)}"
      else {
        val bytes =

    private def stringDecoder(context: DecoderContext): String = {
      val bytes = state.all(context)
      new String(bytes.toArray, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

     * Decodes bytes to following types: int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enumN.
     * Takes index of first byte which is inside 0 - 127 range.
     * (0 -> 127) & 0x80 => 0, (128 -> 255) & 0x80 => 128
     * (0 << 7 => 0, 1 << 7 => 128, 2 << 7 => 256, 3 << 7 => 384
     * 1 & 0X7F => 1, 127 & 0x7F => 127, 128 & 0x7F => 0, 129 & 0x7F => 1
    private def varIntDecoder(context: DecoderContext): Long = {
      val maxLength = state.length(context)
      if (maxLength == 0) {
        throw MalformedField(Schema.primitive[Long], "Failed to decode VarInt. Unexpected end of chunk")
      } else {
        var count  = 0
        var done   = false
        var result = 0L
        while (count < maxLength && !done) {
          val byte = state.peek
          result = result | (byte & 0x7f).toLong << (count * 7)

          if ((byte & 0x80) == 0) {
            done = true
          } else {
            count += 1

        if (!done) {
          throw MalformedField(
            "Failed to decode VarInt. No byte within the range 0 - 127 are present"


    private def binaryDecoder(context: DecoderContext): Chunk[Byte] =

    private[codec] def remainder: Chunk[Byte] =
      state.peek(DecoderContext(None, packed = false, dictionaryElementContext = None, directByteEncoding = false))


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