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zio.schema.SchemaEquality.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package zio.schema
import scala.collection.mutable
import zio.prelude._
trait SchemaEquality {
private class SchemaEqual(ignoreTransformations: Boolean) extends Equal[Schema[_]] {
override protected def checkEqual(l: Schema[_], r: Schema[_]): Boolean = {
val visited = mutable.HashSet.empty[(Schema[_], Schema[_])]
recursiveEqual(l, r, visited)
private def recursiveEqual(
l: Schema[_],
r: Schema[_],
visitedPairs: mutable.Set[(Schema[_], Schema[_])]
): Boolean = {
implicit lazy val selfEqual: Equal[Schema[_]] = Equal.make(recursiveEqual(_, _, visitedPairs))
implicit lazy val fieldEqual: Equal[Schema.Field[_, _]] =
(l: Schema.Field[_, _], r: Schema.Field[_, _]) => { === &&
l.schema === r.schema &&
l.annotations == r.annotations
implicit lazy val caseEqual: Equal[Schema.Case[_, _]] =
(l: Schema.Case[_, _], r: Schema.Case[_, _]) => { == &&
l.schema === r.schema &&
l.annotations == r.annotations
val pair: (Schema[_], Schema[_]) = (l, r)
if (visitedPairs.contains(pair)) {
true // recursion point found in both schemas
} else {
visitedPairs += pair
val result = (l, r) match {
case (lEnum: Schema.Enum[_], rEnum: Schema.Enum[_]) =>
l.annotations == r.annotations && lEnum.cases === rEnum.cases
case (lRecord: Schema.Record[_], rRecord: Schema.Record[_]) =>
l.annotations == r.annotations && lRecord.fields === rRecord.fields
case (lMap: Schema.Map[_, _], rMap: Schema.Map[_, _]) =>
lMap.annotations == rMap.annotations && lMap.keySchema === rMap.keySchema && lMap.valueSchema === rMap.valueSchema
case (lSet: Schema.Set[_], rSet: Schema.Set[_]) =>
lSet.annotations == rSet.annotations && lSet.elementSchema === rSet.elementSchema
case (lSeq: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _], rSeq: Schema.Sequence[_, _, _]) =>
(ignoreTransformations || (lSeq.identity == rSeq.identity)) &&
lSeq.annotations == rSeq.annotations &&
lSeq.elementSchema === rSeq.elementSchema
case (lTransform: Schema.Transform[_, _, _], rTransform: Schema.Transform[_, _, _]) =>
(ignoreTransformations || (lTransform.identity == rTransform.identity)) &&
lTransform.annotations == rTransform.annotations &&
lTransform.schema === rTransform.schema
case (lPrimitive: Schema.Primitive[_], rPrimitive: Schema.Primitive[_]) =>
lPrimitive.annotations == rPrimitive.annotations &&
lPrimitive.standardType == rPrimitive.standardType
case (lOptional: Schema.Optional[_], rOptional: Schema.Optional[_]) =>
lOptional.annotations == rOptional.annotations &&
lOptional.schema === rOptional.schema
case (lFail: Schema.Fail[_], rFail: Schema.Fail[_]) =>
lFail.annotations == rFail.annotations && lFail.message == rFail.message
case (lTuple: Schema.Tuple2[_, _], rTuple: Schema.Tuple2[_, _]) =>
lTuple.annotations == rTuple.annotations &&
lTuple.left === rTuple.left &&
rTuple.right === rTuple.right
case (lEither: Schema.Either[_, _], rEither: Schema.Either[_, _]) =>
lEither.annotations == rEither.annotations &&
lEither.left === rEither.left &&
lEither.right === rEither.right
case (lEither: Schema.Fallback[_, _], rEither: Schema.Fallback[_, _]) =>
lEither.annotations == rEither.annotations &&
lEither.left === rEither.left &&
lEither.right === rEither.right
case (lLazy: Schema.Lazy[_], rLazy: Schema.Lazy[_]) =>
if (lLazy.schema eq rLazy.schema)
recursiveEqual(lLazy.schema, rLazy.schema, visitedPairs)
case (lLazy: Schema.Lazy[_], r: Schema[_]) =>
recursiveEqual(lLazy.schema, r, visitedPairs)
case (l: Schema[_], rLazy: Schema.Lazy[_]) =>
recursiveEqual(l, rLazy.schema, visitedPairs)
case (lTransform: Schema.Transform[_, _, _], r: Schema[_]) if ignoreTransformations =>
recursiveEqual(lTransform.schema, r, visitedPairs)
case (l: Schema[_], rTransform: Schema.Transform[_, _, _]) if ignoreTransformations =>
recursiveEqual(l, rTransform.schema, visitedPairs)
case (_, _) => false
val strictEquality: Equal[Schema[_]] = new SchemaEqual(ignoreTransformations = false)
val structureEquality: Equal[Schema[_]] = new SchemaEqual(ignoreTransformations = true)