zio.stream.platform.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2018-2024 John A. De Goes and the ZIO Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package zio.stream
import zio._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.scalajs.js
private[stream] trait ZStreamPlatformSpecificConstructors {
self: ZStream.type =>
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple
* times. The optionality of the error type `E` can be used to signal the end
* of the stream, by setting it to `None`.
def async[R, E, A](
register: ZStream.Emit[R, E, A, Future[Boolean]] => Unit,
outputBuffer: => Int = 16
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[R, E, A] =
callback => {
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple
* times. The registration of the callback returns either a canceler or
* synchronously returns a stream. The optionality of the error type `E` can
* be used to signal the end of the stream, by setting it to `None`.
def asyncInterrupt[R, E, A](
register: ZStream.Emit[R, E, A, Future[Boolean]] => Either[URIO[R, Any], ZStream[R, E, A]],
outputBuffer: => Int = 16
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[R, E, A] =
ZStream.unwrapScoped[R](for {
output <- ZIO.acquireRelease(Queue.bounded[stream.Take[E, A]](outputBuffer))(_.shutdown)
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[R]
eitherStream <-
ZIO.succeed {
register { k =>
try {
runtime.unsafe.runToFuture(stream.Take.fromPull(k).flatMap(output.offer))(trace, Unsafe.unsafe)
} catch {
case FiberFailure(c) if c.isInterrupted =>
} yield {
eitherStream match {
case Right(value) => ZStream.unwrap(output.shutdown as value)
case Left(canceler) =>
lazy val loop: ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, E, Chunk[A], Unit] =
maybeError =>
ZChannel.fromZIO(output.shutdown) *>
.fold[ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, E, Chunk[A], Unit]](ZChannel.unit)(ZChannel.fail(_)),
a => ZChannel.write(a) *> loop
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple
* times. The registration of the callback itself returns an a scoped
* resource. The optionality of the error type `E` can be used to signal the
* end of the stream, by setting it to `None`.
def asyncScoped[R, E, A](
register: (ZIO[R, Option[E], Chunk[A]] => Future[Boolean]) => ZIO[R with Scope, E, Any],
outputBuffer: => Int = 16
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[R, E, A] =
scoped[R] {
for {
output <- ZIO.acquireRelease(Queue.bounded[stream.Take[E, A]](outputBuffer))(_.shutdown)
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[R]
_ <- register { k =>
try {
runtime.unsafe.runToFuture(stream.Take.fromPull(k).flatMap(output.offer))(trace, Unsafe.unsafe)
} catch {
case FiberFailure(c) if c.isInterrupted =>
done <- Ref.make(false)
pull = done.get.flatMap {
if (_)
output.take.flatMap(_.done).onError(_ => done.set(true) *> output.shutdown)
} yield pull
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple
* times The registration of the callback itself returns an effect. The
* optionality of the error type `E` can be used to signal the end of the
* stream, by setting it to `None`.
def asyncZIO[R, E, A](
register: ZStream.Emit[R, E, A, Future[Boolean]] => ZIO[R, E, Any],
outputBuffer: => Int = 16
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[R, E, A] =
ZStream.fromChannel(ZChannel.unwrapScoped[R](for {
output <- ZIO.acquireRelease(Queue.bounded[stream.Take[E, A]](outputBuffer))(_.shutdown)
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[R]
_ <- register { k =>
try {
runtime.unsafe.runToFuture(stream.Take.fromPull(k).flatMap(output.offer))(trace, Unsafe.unsafe)
} catch {
case FiberFailure(c) if c.isInterrupted =>
} yield {
lazy val loop: ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, E, Chunk[A], Unit] = ZChannel.unwrap(
maybeError =>
ZChannel.fromZIO(output.shutdown) *>
maybeError.fold[ZChannel[Any, Any, Any, Any, E, Chunk[A], Unit]](ZChannel.unit)(ZChannel.fail(_)),
a => ZChannel.write(a) *> loop
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple
* times. The registration of the callback can possibly return the stream
* synchronously. The optionality of the error type `E` can be used to signal
* the end of the stream, by setting it to `None`.
def asyncMaybe[R, E, A](
register: ZStream.Emit[R, E, A, Future[Boolean]] => Option[ZStream[R, E, A]],
outputBuffer: => Int = 16
)(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[R, E, A] =
asyncInterrupt(k => register(k).toRight(ZIO.unit), outputBuffer)
trait ZStreamConstructorPlatformSpecific extends ZStreamConstructorLowPriority1
def fromFile(file: => String, chunkSize: => Int = ZStream.DefaultChunkSize)(implicit
trace: Trace
): ZStream[Any, Throwable, Byte] = {
import scalajs.js.Dynamic.{global => g}
val fs = g.require("fs")
val reader = fs.createReadStream(
new js.Object {
val highWaterMark = chunkSize
ZStream.async[Any, Throwable, Byte] { cb =>
(data: js.typedarray.ArrayBuffer) =>
Chunk.fromArray(new Int8Array(data).toArray)
.on("end", () => cb(ZIO.fail(None)))
.on("error", (err: js.Dynamic) => cb(ZIO.fail(Some(new Throwable(err.toString)))))
private[stream] trait ZSinkPlatformSpecificConstructors
private[stream] trait ZPipelinePlatformSpecificConstructors